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How To Trade Tomorrow’s ECB Meeting

from Zero Hedge

The European Central Bank promised in January to “review and reconsider” its monetary stance this week. The question, as BloombergBriefs notes, is not if policy makers will ease but how. Haruhiko Kuroda’s humbling in FX markets shows what Mario Draghi is up against tomorrow: namely, that even the most forceful policy decisions can be overwhelmed by events, positioning, or sentiment. Draghi has a number of options (some more and some less priced in) but most crucially there two large gaps to be filled in European Stock indices – the question is which is filled first?

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Who Is a Threat To You? “Dangerous People to Avoid After the Collapse”

by Mac Slavo

Who can you trust, turn to or rely upon during a collapse?

Morals are effectively suspended in the midst of a great crisis. And, as the Canadian Prepper explains, you will want to consider and profile high risk people, dangerous personalities and groups to avoid during a disaster – well in advance.

Those with nothing else to turn to will act in desperate ways, and could act unstable during a collapse, during martial law or civil unrest. Many will turn to the system, and go willingly into FEMA camps – but others may drag, steal or lean on you. Worse, they may expose your hideout and compromise your carefully laid survival plans.

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Harvey Organ’s Daily Gold & Silver Report – 2016.03.09

The bums orchestrate a gold and silver raid/Circuit breakers called into effect in Japan after yield rose from negative .10 to -.015/ New Zealand enters the currency wars by cutting its interest rate causing the Kiwi to fall/USA Inventory to Sales ratio reaches a high of 1.35: this level reached ony one time and that was during Lehman

by Harvey Organ
Harvey Organ’s Blog

[…] The open interest at the gold comex is extremely high at almost 500,000 contracts. We are now at multi year highs despite the lower price of gold. For comparison purposes, the last time we had OI this high was in 2013 with gold at $1700.00. The crooks will try anything to cause the spec longs to liquidate their positions. Normally the bankers flood the comex with massive non backed paper tripping many longs with stop losses. The crooks who have our longs as clients know what these stop loss levels are and thus it is easy for them to drive the price down tripping these losses which in turn causes a greater downfall in price.Once the price is lower they cover their shorts and make a profit. Rinse and repeat. This has been going on for the past 10 years. What he need is for the physical market to overtake the paper gold market leaving the bankers with a commercial failure to deliver..

At the gold comex today, we had a poor delivery day, registering 0 notices for nil ounces and for silver we had 7 notices for 35,000 oz for the active March delivery month.

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Danielle Park – The Biggest Short

from Financial Survival Network

Danielle Park joined us again today… During the mortgage meltdown, a small number of outlier hedge fund managers and other dubious financial types made a killing shorting the housing market. Michael Lewis immortalized their tale in his book and subsequent movie The Big Short. However, while the housing bubble was in its final stages, The Real Big Short was actually under way. Around the world, individuals and companies believing the end of the US Dollar was imminent, bet accordingly. They borrowed huge sums denoted in dollars, figuring that they could pay them back in drastically depreciated currency units in the future. Effectively, the entire world went short the Dollar and now the folly of their actions has become clear. No one could have foreseen the Dollar would dramatically appreciate, thus causing a massive short squeeze and costing trillions as a result. Perhaps one day, Michael Lewis will write a book about it and document another small group of fund managers who saw it all coming and profited accordingly, if he can find them!

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Andrew Hoffman – Institutional Precious Metal Demand Is Back!

from Financial Survival Network

Wipeout Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

– Historic ECB decision tomorrow

– NIRP going crazy, as even Japanese 30-year yield nearing zero, and $7 trillion of sovereign bonds trading at negative yields, DESPITE the PPT-orchestrated stock and commodity rally!

– Fed next week – Boxed in a corner, as global economy at weakest point since Great Depression

– Indian silver demand exploded to a record last year, and Chinese imports exploding since last Fall’s lifting on ban of silver concentrates. Meanwhile, U.S. Mint on sale to blow away last year’s record silver Eagle sales. This is why I wrote an article about why the gold/silver ratio is historically overvalued this morning

– Nearly unprecedented institutional PM demand, as evidenced by last week’s sell-out of the IAU ETF’s shares, and the PSLV closed-end fund now trading at a premium to NAV – per yesterday’s “Admiral Sprott rides again!”

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Bill Tatro – Don’t Be Fooled by Happy Talk About Oil

from Financial Survival Network

Bill Tatro is watching the games that the Saudis and Russia are playing with prices. Any affect they might have upon prices is not going to be long term. Oil stocks are overflowing and US oil production continues at or near record rates. Bill believes there will be a major oil price collapse within the next month. The unfortunate part is that where declining oil prices used to be a stimulant for the economy, it’s now the opposite. Mass jobless in the oil patch and the elimination of high paying skilled jobs is bad news for producing states and their economies. And the consumer is hardly going on a spending orgy because they’re paying less at the pump.

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It’s All About the Central Banks

from Dollar Collapse

Over the next couple of weeks the Chinese, European, US and possibly Japanese central banks will say things that move the markets.

None of this will change the fact that the global economy is slipping into a deflationary depression, but in the short run, traders might once again be fooled.

Gold, meanwhile, has had a great run and might be ready for a correction.

But don’t worry…

Reality (terrible for mainstream investors, great for gold bugs) will win out in the end.

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This Bizarre Rule in the US is a Huge Risk to Your Investments

by Simon Black
Sovereign Man

Human beings have come up with some crazy ideas for money and finance over the years.

Conch shells. Beads. Animal skins. Salt. Rice. All of these were used as a form of money at one time or another.

But the strangest by far has got to be the Rai Stones of Yap Island.

Yap is a tiny speck in the western Pacific, a few hours by plane from the Philippines and Guam.

Long ago, islanders began using gigantic limestone discs called Rai Stones as a form of money.

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Truth Is Inconvenient

by Monty Pelerin
Monty Pelerin’s World

All profess to want the truth. In reality few really do and even fewer can recognize it. Truth is inconvenient. It conflicts with what most have been taught which is little more than propaganda and brainwashing to accept the predatory behavior of the State.

“There are none so blind as those who will not see”

The following video provides a perspective few have. Truth is inconvenient especially when it is presented to the brainwashed. Watch this video and see how much of it you disagree with. Is your disagreement rational or merely based on “acceptable norms”, “believing in good citizenship” or some other rationalization that if mostly indefensible with logic:

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David Morgan & Chris Waltzek on GoldSeek Radio – March 9, 2016

by Chris Waltzek
GoldSeek Radio

The Silver Investor David Morgan and the host discuss the best annual start in the PMs sector in 35 years, according to The Economist magazine. Our guest expects the short covering bonanza to continue for a month or two as retail investors regain confidence and push their chips back into the market, to the delight of gold / silver aficionados. His work indicates a new bull market is underway – however, additional gains could be tame as investors slowly accumulate new long positions. Plus, the massive debt implosion, virtually insures better times to come for PMs investors. When gold is priced in terms of global currencies such as Candadian dollars, the gold bull market never ended. Our guest reminds the audience of the classic words of JP Morgan, “Gold is money and everything else is credit.” By this logic, dollars, pounds, euros, yen and yuan are all unbacked paper promises; only gold and silver are true wealth. Just as the BOE gold sales of 1999-2002 marked the end of the bear market, the recent sale of the entire gold stockpile of the Bank of Canada is a positive contrarian indication.

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Investigating Bloomberg’s Claim “Wholesale Inventory Liquidation Has Been a Success”

by Mike ‘Mish’ Shedlock
Mish Talk

Wholesale inventories came in today at +0.3% compared to a Bloomberg Econoday Consensus Estimate of -0.1%.

The entire range was -0.4% to +0.3% so a small number of economists, most likely one, got the number correct.

That’s not what caught my eye, however. What did catch my eye was an absurd Bloomberg statement about inventories heading into the report.

From Econoday:

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What is a ‘Consistent Conservative’?

by Karl Denninger

One of the oft-leveled charges against Trump is that he’s not a “consistent conservative.”

Let me ask those of you who call yourselves Conservative — what does that mean?

Let me start a short list and see how many of you agree with me.

  • We cannot have government in an amount that exceeds what we’re willing to pay for in today’s dollars, with one exception: when fighting a war for our national survival. This means that if you are a “conservative” you cannot support, vote for, propose or pass any budget that runs a deficit except if our national survival is at stake in a declared war. By this standard exactly one individual who declared in this election cycle, zero in the last, zero in the cycle before that and in fact zero all the way back to before Reagan has been a conservative. In addition zero of the Republican Leadership is a conservative.

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Are We “Topping”?

by Avi Gilburt
Gold Seek

For those that have been following us for some time, you may remember that, even before we bottomed, I have been looking for a 5 wave rally off the lows in the metals complex to take us to the 21-23 region in the GDX, the 122-125 region in the GLD and the 19-21 region in silver. As of Friday, we have reached our minimum targets in the GDX and GLD, but silver has seriously lagged.

As an analyst, my preference is always for the market to provide clear indications within its wave structure. And, during an impulsive structure, we do get those indications more often than not. In fact, our Fibonacci Pinball framework for Elliott Wave analysis provides us with very accurate guidance and indications within an impulsive structure a significant majority of the time. However, there are times when the market does not provide complete clarity, and that is what we are seeing at the highs in GDX and GLD.

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Brain Dead Zombies and Lawless Psychopaths

by Michael Covel
Daily Reckoning

Jim Quinn has a nasty pen and he uses it like a switchblade. His words pop off the page.

At first blush, I end up saying, “Wow, he goes too far!”

Then I think more deeply about his ideas and concepts, and find myself concurring most of the time (even if I might word things differently).

In the article below, Jim explains why America has become a nation of zombies. And why only a few good Americans will survive at the end.

It’s easy for me to see his points made across my podcast with guests such as Jim Rogers and Bill Bonner.

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Is the Gold/Silver Ratio “Saying” Something?

by Andrew Hoffman
Miles Franklin

How egregious is the gold Cartel getting, in its final “death throe” stage? Well, here’s the chart I posted yesterday, of the essentially “sixth sigma” similarity between “trading” Sunday and Monday night, as well as Monday and Tuesday morning. Everyone could tell this paper market was rigged with identical algorithms.

Well, it was no different Tuesday afternoon and evening – with PMs again capped and/or attacked at the historical “key attack times” of 10:00 AM EST, 2:00 PM EST, and 2:00 PM; and for the third straight day, with the time and trued “8:00 PM EST algorithm.” In fact, when I looked at Zero Hedge to see if any actual news had emerged to explain the 8:00 PM raid, the top story was…drum roll please…“GLD ETF holdings rise for record 40th straight day!” I.e., the massive institutional demand surge I have been pounding the table about this past month. Which, I might add, drove the PSLV closed-end silver fund to close at a whopping 5% premium to net asset value yesterday. In fact, yesterday’s horrifically blatant suppression was as bad as I’ve ever seen it; as from the second I awoke, throughout the course of the day, the reasons to own PMs – from falling oil and stock prices; to China’s unfathomable plunge in February exports; Japanese 30-year bond yields closing in on negative territory; and the aforementioned surge in institutional buying, was as powerful as ever. And yet, PMs were mercilessly attacked from the second the New York “pre-market” opened, to the second the NYSE closed!

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“At This Point” It’s Over: Establishment’s Last Hope Fades As Trump Leads Rubio By 23 Points In Florida

from Zero Hedge

It just keeps getting worse for the GOP establishment.

The harder the Republican aristocracy tries to derail Trump, the more convincing his victories become, in a kind of self-fulfilling, status quo-destroying loop, and now that Michigan has proven just how divided the Democratic vote truly is, it seems even more likely that the brazen billionaire may indeed end up taking the oath of office.

The GOP’s preferred candidate was obviously Jeb Bush. The last name says it all. But that crashed and burned in dramatic fashion and so, the establishment shifted its support to Marco Rubio.

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Video of the Day – Carrier Employees React to Being Informed Their Jobs Are Going to Mexico

by Michael Krieger
Liberty Blitzkrieg

You may have already seen the following video, but if you haven’t, it’s an absolute must watch. It personalizes the pain and frustration being felt across these United States as executives throw people on the street in order to boost earnings per share by a couple of cents. It also explains why both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders continue to perform so well in the primaries, and why the populist revolt in America is just getting started.

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Share Buybacks May Trigger the Next Leg Down for U.S. Stocks

HSBC expects ‘substantial decline’ in stock buybacks

by Ciara Linnane and Tomi Kilgore
Market Watch

Will share buybacks be the trigger for the next major leg down for the U.S. stock market?

Two HSBC analysts believe they might, but not for the reasons you may think.

U.S. companies have been the main buyer of U.S. equities in the form of share buybacks, since new rules were introduced in 1982, according to HSBC analysts Anton Tonev and Davey Jose in a new report.

[…] “A squeeze on company profits and a rise in U.S. corporate funding rates could cause a substantial decline in buyback activity and thus marginalize a major buyer of U.S. equities,” the analysts wrote in the report.

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Largest Primary Silver Mine Productivity Falls To Lowest Ever

by Steve St. Angelo
SRSRocco Report

The largest primary silver mine in the world saw its average yield fall to the lowest level ever in 2015. Matter-a-fact, the primary silver mine’s yield fell nearly 16% compared to last year. This is a substantial decline in productivity from the world’s largest mine in Mexico that starting production in 1824.

Actually, the area where this mine is located–Zacatecas, Spaniards start producing silver all the way back in 1540. When initial production at the Great Fresnillo Mine started in 1824, Mexico was producing 55% of the world’s silver production. The ore grades were much higher in those days.

For example, average yields for silver production in the United States and Australia in the late 1800’s was 40-50 oz per ton (oz/tonne).

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Negative Rates Attempt to Inflate Away Government Debt

by Chris Ciovacco
Financial Sense

Negative Interest Rates Unpopular

With the European Central Bank (ECB) getting ready to take center stage Thursday, the concept of negative interest rates has many investors scratching their heads from an economic benefit perspective. From The Wall Street Journal:

Banks and insurers don’t like it, borrowers are seeing little or no benefit from it and savers and pensioners fear their money is being eaten away by it: The policy of negative interest rates is as unpopular as it is mysterious. The European Central Bank looks likely to cut rates further into negative territory this week and yet no-one really knows exactly how it is supposed to help.

In this article, we will explore the following question:

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Central Banks Are About to Leave Fiat Addicted Stock Markets in Agony

by Brandon Smith

Many investors today are not very familiar with market history and tend to live only in the day-to-day mainstream narrative while watching little red and green graphs move up and down. This is not so much an issue in a relatively stable economic environment. The problem is, today we live in the most unstable economic conditions possible.

These investors and analysts are simply not aware that some of the most exciting stock rallies occur during the most volatile crises, and so they interpret every rally of a few days to a few weeks as a signal for recovery. However, in this kind of fiscal environment, all the gains made in a few weeks can be lost in moments.

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Jeff Gundlach Says Stay Long Gold, as Top Citi Analyst Turns Bullish on Commodities

from King World News

Jeff Gundlach says stay long gold and he also discussed why stocks are headed much lower. There is a note included from top Citi analyst Tom Fitzpatrick.

Here is a portion from Art Cashin’s note today: Gundlach On The Markets – Jeff Gundlach of DoubleLine Capital caused some ripples with a webcast he did yesterday. Here are some highlights from a Bloomberg piece on the webcast:

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has about 2 percent upside and 20 percent downside, making for a lousy risk-reward trade-off, according to money manager Jeffrey Gundlach.

Betting on stocks is a “big losing proposition,” Gundlach said Tuesday during a webcast. The recent rebound is a “bear market rally,” he said.

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