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No Peace or Prosperity While the Swamp Rules with Martin Armstrong

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

In this insightful discussion, Kerry Lutz and Martin Armstrong tackle pressing issues surrounding government and public trust. They express concern over the polarized state of the United States and the global erosion of trust in governments. The upcoming election and its potential candidates, along with the impact of debates and convention locations, are thoroughly examined. The conversation highlights the frustration with excessive laws and their often absurd punishments, the difficulties in reaching politicians, and the pervasive influence of the “swamp.” Armstrong passionately discusses the prevailing focus on war over peace and critiques political figures for perpetuating conflict. They explore the potential impact of government defaults on asset investments, drawing historical parallels and projecting a recession in 2028. The interconnected nature of political relationships and the implications for the stock market and elections are also discussed. Armstrong shares a strategy that suggests initiating a war before Trump takes office to manipulate him and warns of a possible false flag event in August to September. They delve into the economic repercussions of sanctions and the division of the world economy due to the use of the dollar as a weapon, emphasizing the destructive impact on global trends by the head of SWIFT. Overall, the discussion provides a comprehensive analysis of government, politics, and economics, with a focus on historical parallels and potential future implications.

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Market Predictions and a Potential Banking Crisis with Avi Gilburt

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Avi Gilbert shared his market predictions, anticipating one more rally before a long-term correction. He expressed concerns about the banking industry, comparing the current state of bank balance sheets to the 2007 crisis and discussing the potential for a banking crisis. Additionally, an analyst presented a forecast for a long-term bear market and emphasized the need to prepare for multiple market crashes and rallies. The speakers engaged in a detailed discussion about the potential impact of AI on the market, with Avi expressing skepticism and caution. The conversation also touched on the importance of being debt-free and having marketable skills in preparation for potential market shifts.

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Mining for Opportunity: The Gold Sector’s Bright Future with David Erfle

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and David Erfle discussed various topics related to the mining industry. They analyzed the gold and silver markets, highlighting the ongoing bull market for metals and the undervaluation of silver compared to gold. They also discussed the jurisdictional risks and permitting challenges in the mining industry, emphasizing the multifaceted considerations that mining companies must navigate when evaluating potential jurisdictions for their operations. Additionally, they discussed the current state of the gold mining sector, emphasizing the potential for a sector rotation into gold mining stocks. Finally, they discussed the junior mining sector, emphasizing the importance of seeking growth opportunities and new discoveries due to declining reserves and the need for thorough due diligence and transparency in investment recommendations.

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AI Threats to Financial Stability: Can Gold & Silver Provide Shelter? with Darryl Schoon

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and Darryl Schoon discussed various topics related to the impact of AI, the fragility of complex systems, and the significance of gold and silver in the financial industry. Darryl expressed his doubts about AI’s ability to distinguish truth from information and highlighted the limitations of information in solving problems. He also discussed the consequences of central banks’ actions on the financial community and the economy, emphasizing the challenges faced by both in managing the liquidity of the economy. The conversation also explored the risks within the financial industry, the prioritization of profit over safety, and the societal impact of these issues. Finally, they discussed the essential role of gold and silver in navigating through economic challenges and preparing for the next cycle of growth.

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Bitcoin Boom and Metal Moves with Craig Hemke

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry Lutz and Craig Hemke discussed the recent movements in the metals market and the upward trend of Bitcoin. They expressed optimism about the potential for a strong seasonal period for gold and silver in August, citing historical trends. However, they also discussed the challenges of projecting future price movements in the gold market due to its unprecedented territory. Craig provided a comprehensive analysis of the silver market, illustrating its unique position as both an industrial and monetary metal, influenced by the movements of gold and copper. The conversation also touched upon the actions of market regulators and their impact on price movements, highlighting the complexities of the precious metals market. The discussion also focused on the seasonality of the market, highlighting the strength of late July through August and the first half of September. Craig provided insights into the economic fundamental picture, discussing the anticipation of rate cuts, the upcoming FOMC meeting, and the potential impact of the next jobs report. He also provided a detailed analysis of the Commitment of Traders report, highlighting the historical trends and their impact on gold and silver prices. Kerry acknowledged the significance of seasonality in market trends and discussed the potential impact of the upcoming jobs report on trading decisions. Overall, the conversation stressed the importance of physical metals as a long-term insurance policy against economic uncertainties, particularly in the face of escalating national debt and potential market volatility.

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Money Talks: The Federal Reserve’s Influence On Stocks & Economy with Andrew Horowitz

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and Andrew Horowitz discussed various topics related to the stock market and the economy. They talked about the impact of the Fed’s actions on interest rates and market dynamics, including the potential inflationary consequences of bank lending practices and the significance of the yield curve steepening for net interest margins for banks. They also explored the psychological and economic implications of deflation and inflation, highlighting the Fed’s desire for a controlled level of inflation and the potential for changes in the inflation rate target. The conversation also touched on the impact of global investment on the stock market, emphasizing the influence of countries with sovereign wealth funds like Switzerland, Japan, and Norway. They discussed the market’s response to stock buybacks, highlighting the valuation concerns surrounding high-tech companies and the potential impact of AI on productivity and earnings. The conversation also provided valuable insights into the complexities of the electric vehicle market and the factors influencing Tesla’s future prospects. Finally, they explored the role of batteries, Tesla’s Megapacks, and the growth of data centers, highlighting the potential challenges and opportunities for utilities in meeting the escalating energy demands.

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Tax-Saving Tips: Maximizing Wealth with Non-Operating Foundations with KC Chohan

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and KC Chohan discussed wealth generation and tax strategies, focusing on the use of private non-operating family foundations to pass on wealth generationally and minimize taxes. Chohan explained the different types of nonprofits and how high net worth individuals can retain control of their donated funds while still benefiting from tax deductions. He also highlighted the flexibility and advantages of using foundations to invest in assets and real estate, as well as the tax benefits they offer, including property tax exemptions and lower capital gains tax rates. The conversation provided valuable information for high net worth individuals seeking to optimize their financial strategies.

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$80 Silver Around the Corner with Chris Vermeulen

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and Chris Vermeulen delve into key financial topics including the stock market, gold and silver markets, crude oil market, U.S. dollar index, and inflation. Vermeulen shares his expertise on the late stages of the stock market, stressing the importance of staying invested and following trends until a clear reversal appears. He predicts a short-term downside for gold at a certain level but foresees a future cleansing event similar to the 2008 crash. Despite this, Vermeulen is optimistic about a multi-year uptrend in gold and silver, forecasting silver to rise to $34-37 in the next one to two months. The conversation also explores the transformative potential of a new digital currency in the coming years and the significant changes it could bring to the financial system and global economy. They discuss the economic implications of political decisions, such as tariffs on Chinese goods, on inflation rates. Vermeulen expresses concerns over the necessity of a market reset to curb inflation and its potential impact on businesses and consumers. Overall, this meeting provides a thorough analysis of market trends and emphasizes the need to closely monitor these developments in the months ahead.

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Economic Shifts: Inflation, Stagflation, Cryptos and Part Time Jobs with Eddy Gifford

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and Eddy Gifford discussed various topics related to investment portfolios and the economy. They expressed concerns about the impact of inflation on consumer expenses and economic growth, as well as the shift towards part-time employment and the potential for stagflation. The conversation also touched on the surge in cryptocurrencies and the importance of diversification beyond traditional stocks and bonds, including non-correlated assets such as precious metals and managed future strategies. Both emphasized the need for true diversification and risk management in investment portfolios, with Gifford likening diversification to an insurance policy. The meeting concluded with Gifford offering his contact information to help people meet their financial goals.

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The Future of the Luxury Retail Sector with Carl Gould

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and Carl Gould discussed the transformation of the retail industry, focusing on the challenges faced by traditional department stores such as Neiman Marcus. They explored the impact of branding and the potential for smaller, more interactive stores to thrive in the evolving retail landscape. The conversation also touched on the impact of inflation and consolidation on the sector, as well as the integration of AI technology. They discussed the potential for AI to revolutionize personal shopping and concierge services, and speculated on the use of iconic voices such as Marilyn Monroe and Burt Reynolds in AI interactions. The conversation highlighted the rapid changes occurring in the industry and the absence of centralized management, reflecting the essence of capitalism.

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Local Authorities Break Ranks On Trump Assassination Attempt!

The PA State Police are now at odds with the local Butler County authorities and that means there’s a chance this story could break open. So much hinges on exactly who failed to secure that two-story building and how the police could have fumbled Crooks being on the roof with a gun for so long. Hopefully one of them speaks up about the orders they received and who gave them.

by Dr. Chris Martenson
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

They say it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. When it comes to cover-ups and getting to the truth, you begin to catch wind of the fat lady when various factions of authority break ranks and begin to tell different tales.

Well, that just happened, as the local DA for Butler County and the PA State Police began telling wildly different stories about who exactly was in the second story of the second building. You know, the one I have been pointing at with growing interest for more than a week now.

The one with near-perfect oversight of, and easy access to, the roof that became Crooks’ final destination.

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“Coordinated Sabotage” Paralyzes France’s Rail Network as Olympics Begin

from Zero Hedge

A “coordinated sabotage” has paralyzed France’s high-speed train network, impacting a quarter million travelers. The number is set to rise to 800k by the end of the weekend, ahead of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

[…] In a post on X, French state railway company SNCF described the overnight fire and cutting of critical signal cables near the tracks in Courtalain, northern France, impacting services to Paris, as a “massive attack aimed at paralyzing the high-speed line network.”

SNCF said a “large number of trains were diverted or canceled” and requested that “all travelers who can postpone their trip and not go to the station.”

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Equity Crash Fuelling Liquidation

by Alasdair MacLeod
Gold Money

A global equity crisis is leading at the margin to liquidation of speculative long positions in gold and silver futures. It looks like a crisis just starting.

After declines in gold and silver prices in the second half of last week, this week started on a steady note, before heading south yesterday afternoon. In early morning trade in New York today (Thursday), gold was $2358, down $42 from last Friday, and silver at $27.80 was down $1.40.

The reason for this sudden development has little to do with gold and silver per se but is due to a developing panic in equities. But it has provided an excuse for the Swaps to mark prices down making a multitude of call options worthless. While the US tech bubble was running out of steam, the rot set in in Japan, with the Nikkei falling over 10% since 11 July. At the same time, the yen has rallied strongly, both moves shown in our next charts.

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Saving Our Democracy

by James Howard Kunstler

“Being insane is the new normal.” – Aimee Terese on “X”

However it happened this week, “Joe Biden” passed the blowtorch to a new generation and got himself gone from the political battlefield. Delegates to the coming Democratic National Convention (August 19) were duly notified of the selected replacement, Veep Kamala Harris, and ordered to line up behind her. Not a peep of disagreement was heard among them. Amazing that no one had a different idea. Thus, is democracy saved.

The curious details around this event remain shrouded in mystery. Reporters for The New York Times and the WashPo could not be bothered to inquire, and their readers are not inclined to ask how all this came to be. It just is. In a culture with no sense of consequence, things just happen or un-happen. It is your duty to recognize that the wind now blows from another direction and bend with it.

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A World of Illusions

by J. Robert Smith
American Thinker

Nothing is as it appears. Kim Cheatle resigned as director of the Secret Service under intense pressure. In a rare display of bipartisanship, Republicans and Democrats grilled Cheatle as she stonewalled in front of James Comer’s House Oversight Committee. Stonewalling is art among Biden administration appointees. Yet, don’t think that committee Democrats joined Republicans on principle.

As always in Washington, low politics downed Cheatle, a favorite of Doc Jill Biden. That favoritism showed the weekend Donald Trump was shot. Doc Jill’s Secret Service detail was boosted while she was at Pittsburgh, a mere hour south of Butler. Trump’s detail was left wanting.

Cheatle was cut loose because Democrats are covering their rears. Democrats want to fob off the shooting as another misfit white guy with grudges. But is that the real story?

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The 24 Hour Rule and Biden’s Speech

by Karl Denninger

Yes, it applies in this case — although its usually 48 hours.

First note: The White House lied straight up about the speech being delivered “live”; it was clearly not. How do we know this with absolute certainty? Biden had a watch on and it is visible in some of the shot — and was not at the time of the speech. You’d think the production crew would have enough marbles rolling around to catch this but… nope. It thus was quite-clearly taped and therefore the obvious question is “how many takes were done and was it continuous?” One lie means the rest is presumed a lie.

Others have commented on the obvious use of a teleprompter; I don’t care about that as there are few people who speak extemporaneously in such a setting (I might be one of them) so I don’t find that troublesome in any way — and incidentally the teleprompter is visible as a reflection in the “window” but again, I don’t care and frankly neither should you.

The real question isn’t so much about the optics (e.g. a “sound stage” for the speech as opposed to where it is supposed to actually be in the White House, etc.) as it is the substance.

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Kamala Harris Agrees to Debate Donald Trump: ‘I’m Ready’

by Wendell Husebo

Vice President Kamala Harris agreed on Thursday to debate former President Donald Trump. It appears the campaigns have not yet agreed upon a date and network.

“…[Trump] previously agreed upon [a] September 10 debate,” Harris claimed. “Now it appears he’s backpedaling, but I’m ready, and I think the voters deserve to see the split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage, and, so, I’m ready; let’s go.”

[…] It is unclear why Harris believes Trump is “backpedaling.” Trump offered to debate Harris multiple times, he told Fox News’s Bill Melugin on Tuesday.

Jason Miller, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, told Axios on Thursday he was unsure if the previously scheduled debate on September 10 would occur, but he noted there would be another debate and that there “should be multiple debates.”

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No, the Secret Service is Not Underfunded

As lawmakers investigate what went wrong at the Pennsylvania Trump rally, they should resist calls to give the agency more money.

by Joe Lancaster

In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate, much attention has been paid to the Secret Service. While there is likely much blame to go around, the idea that the agency is starved for resources doesn’t hold much water.

Less than two weeks ago, a gunman took aim at former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, wounding Trump and two others and killing former Buffalo fire chief Corey Comperatore. While the Secret Service neutralized the threat within seconds, it was an embarrassment for the agency.

On Monday, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle appeared before the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating the incident. She received heated criticism from both sides of the aisle, with ranking members from each party calling on her to resign. The following morning, she did just that, stepping down as the agency’s director.

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Housing Market Crash is On the Horizon

by Dave Kranzler
Investment Research Dynamics

Housing market update – Existing single-family home ( sales for June, released Tuesday, were nothing short of a disaster. Sales fell 5.4% MoM and 4.3% YoY to a 3.5mm SAAR (seasonally adjusted annualized rate). This is the fourth consecutive month of declining used home sales in what should be the strongest seasonal period of the year for home sales. The not seasonally adjusted, monthly number dropped 6.6% from May and plunged 12.6% YoY. This metric is a more reliable indicator of the YoY trend in sales because its cleansed of any errors imposed on the data by the NAR’s seasonal adjustment calculus.

The monthly SAAR has been in decline since January 2021:

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What Project 2025 Says About the Fed

by Jonathan Newman

Mandate for Leadership 2025 is an unofficial blueprint for a potential conservative administration, published by the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. Donald Trump has distanced himself from the project, even though many people associated with his first term as president contributed to the document.

It’s billed as “The comprehensive policy guide for a new conservative president, offering specific reforms and proposals for Cabinet departments and federal agencies, pulled from the expertise of the entire conservative movement.” Paul Dans, the Project 2025 Director, says that the project aims “to deconstruct the Administrative State.”

Chapter 24 of the 922-page document is on the Federal Reserve. It was authored by Paul Winfree, Distinguished Fellow in Economic Policy and Public Leadership at The Heritage Foundation.

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Obamas Endorse Kamala Harris in the Most Mega Cringe Staged Way Imaginable

Like watching the Kardashians

by Steve Watson
Modernity News

Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris. However, because we now live in a reality show, they did it in the most cringe Kardashian fashion possible.

The pair published posts on X, including a video of them ‘calling’ Harris to inform her they are gracing her with their endorsement.

Obama wrote, “Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend @KamalaHarris. We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States, and that she has our full support. At this critical moment for our country, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure she wins in November. We hope you’ll join us.”

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One Man Found the Infamous “Carpet Trails” in Florida That Lead to Enormous Homeless Encampments Way Back in the Woods

by Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse Blog

If you are still able to afford a decent home, you should consider yourself to be incredibly blessed, because vast numbers of Americans do not have a permanent place to live at this point. Homelessness in the United States is at the highest level ever recorded, and it has been growing at the fastest pace ever recorded. The homeless encampments that have been popping up all over our major cities have been making lots of headlines in recent years, but many of the homeless live and die in very isolated places far from public view. What I am about to share with you should deeply sadden all of us.

Way back in the woods in southwest Florida, trails that have been made out of discarded carpets lead to absolutely enormous homeless encampments where hordes of homeless people have made homes for themselves.

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USA as I Knew it Has Passed Into the Trash Bin of History

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich American liberals so determined to have Kamala as President of the United States?

One reason could be because she, unlike Trump, is easily controlled, so the explanation is the rich are electing their own self-interests.

But are they? The Democrats’ have two agendas: One is to normalize and legitimize sexual perversity. The other is open borders. To put it in different words, the Democrats are devoted to transforming traditional America into a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

Does this serve rich liberals’ interests beyond providing them with a servant class?

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Wild Week of Trading for Stocks, Gold & Silver

from King World News

It’s been a wild week of trading for stocks markets, gold and silver. Take a look…

Equity Crash Fueling Liquidation

July 26 (King World News) – Alasdair Macleod: A global equity crisis is leading at the margin to liquidation of speculative long positions in gold and silver futures. It looks like a crisis just starting.

After declines in gold and silver prices in the second half of last week, this week started on a steady note, before heading south yesterday afternoon. In early morning trade in New York today (Thursday), gold was $2358, down $42 from last Friday, and silver at $27.80 was down $1.40.

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Illegals Crash Into Barrier as Northern Border Surge Intensifies

15,000 illegals caught in 10 months in Swanton Sector – more than previous 13 years combined

[Ed. Note: It’s good to know that invading the norther border requires a dirt bike rather than a car.]

by Dan Lyman
Info Wars

Illegal border crossers were arrested after they slammed a vehicle into a barrier in Vermont, authorities say.

The incident unfolded over the weekend on the northern frontier in Alburgh, a town that lies near the borders of New York state and Quebec province in Canada.

U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Swanton Sector Chief Robert Garcia shared a photo showing a sedan crashed into bollards placed near a dirt road in the rural region.

[…] “An attempted illegal entry by car over the weekend in Alburgh, Vermont was denied by barriers installed to prevent this type of incursion,” Chief Garcia wrote on social media on Wednesday.

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