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No Peace or Prosperity While the Swamp Rules with Martin Armstrong

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

In this insightful discussion, Kerry Lutz and Martin Armstrong tackle pressing issues surrounding government and public trust. They express concern over the polarized state of the United States and the global erosion of trust in governments. The upcoming election and its potential candidates, along with the impact of debates and convention locations, are thoroughly examined. The conversation highlights the frustration with excessive laws and their often absurd punishments, the difficulties in reaching politicians, and the pervasive influence of the “swamp.” Armstrong passionately discusses the prevailing focus on war over peace and critiques political figures for perpetuating conflict. They explore the potential impact of government defaults on asset investments, drawing historical parallels and projecting a recession in 2028. The interconnected nature of political relationships and the implications for the stock market and elections are also discussed. Armstrong shares a strategy that suggests initiating a war before Trump takes office to manipulate him and warns of a possible false flag event in August to September. They delve into the economic repercussions of sanctions and the division of the world economy due to the use of the dollar as a weapon, emphasizing the destructive impact on global trends by the head of SWIFT. Overall, the discussion provides a comprehensive analysis of government, politics, and economics, with a focus on historical parallels and potential future implications.

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Market Predictions and a Potential Banking Crisis with Avi Gilburt

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Avi Gilbert shared his market predictions, anticipating one more rally before a long-term correction. He expressed concerns about the banking industry, comparing the current state of bank balance sheets to the 2007 crisis and discussing the potential for a banking crisis. Additionally, an analyst presented a forecast for a long-term bear market and emphasized the need to prepare for multiple market crashes and rallies. The speakers engaged in a detailed discussion about the potential impact of AI on the market, with Avi expressing skepticism and caution. The conversation also touched on the importance of being debt-free and having marketable skills in preparation for potential market shifts.

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Mining for Opportunity: The Gold Sector’s Bright Future with David Erfle

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and David Erfle discussed various topics related to the mining industry. They analyzed the gold and silver markets, highlighting the ongoing bull market for metals and the undervaluation of silver compared to gold. They also discussed the jurisdictional risks and permitting challenges in the mining industry, emphasizing the multifaceted considerations that mining companies must navigate when evaluating potential jurisdictions for their operations. Additionally, they discussed the current state of the gold mining sector, emphasizing the potential for a sector rotation into gold mining stocks. Finally, they discussed the junior mining sector, emphasizing the importance of seeking growth opportunities and new discoveries due to declining reserves and the need for thorough due diligence and transparency in investment recommendations.

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How Those Using “Useful Idiots” Become “Useful Idiots”

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

And that’s how totalitarian movements come to power: the citizens give up on the Establishment factions, as they’ve failed to solve the problems being exploited by extremist groups.

Useful Idiots describes those who support or encourage movements of mayhem in the misguided belief that these movements are positive or necessary. The classic example (and no, V. Lenin did not coin the phrase) are Western fellow-travelers who supported the totalitarian Soviet regime out of naivete, idealism or sentimentality.

But there is another class of Useful Idiots: when powerful factions are jockeying for supremacy in societies riven by chronic crisis (economic stagnation, social discord, etc.), some of these groups may cynically see extremist movements as Useful Idiots who can be directed to further the interests of the cynical group.

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Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions

The Investigation by the FBI and Secret Service is a complete clown show. Our on investigation is firming up and has resolved the high likelihood of two shooters, an d raises very troubling questions about who was in the building overlooking both the event itself and Crooks’ position.

by Dr. Chris Martenson
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

More extensive audio analysis reveals a clear difference between the weapon firing shots #1 through #3. This needs to be addressed by “official” investigators. I put that in quotes because so far this has been nothing short of infuriatingly conducted.

From washing down the roof, to “releasing” helmet cam ‘evidence’ that has been misleadingly edited, to failing to provide even the most basic accounting of the shots taken and the bullet paths, the investigation would be an embarrassment to the Keystone Cops of old.

But now many of the mysteries of the audio files have been resolved. Nick and I have debated and reworked and challenged ourselves as thoroughly as anyone could. And then, finally, the clouds have (mostly) parted.

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Now Comes the Great Cackle That Saved America

by David Stockman

Hurrah, they finally took away Grandpa Joe’s keys. Fortunately, the political upheaval that is sure to follow is no joke. Actually, it begs to turn out more like the Great Cackle that saved America.

What we mean is that the collective Dem Hive on the banks of the Potomac not only defenestrated “Joe Biden” from a second floor White House window, and did so unceremoniously and without regard for his frail infirmities, but it also effectively knee-capped the credibility of the whole Democrat Party by coronating Kamala Harris in one instantaneous fell swoop. And that’s the real hurrah!

After all, the Dems held a “primary” in which 15 million of the party faithful voted for “Joe Biden” because the party insiders had instituted up to 60 rules changes and process maneuvers that closed the door to all competition—most especially Robert Kennedy Jr.

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The “Picks and Shovels” AI Investment is Absurdly Cheap. It Won’t Last.

by James Hickman
Schiff Sovereign

In 1848, a 29-year-old Sacramento shop owner named Samuel Brannan was tending the cash register at his store when a pair of shoppers asked if they could pay him in gold.

Brannan was stunned when the shoppers pulled out solid gold nuggets. The gold, they said, had been found at Sutter’s Mill, about 35 miles northeast of Sacramento.

In addition to owning the only shop between San Francisco and the gold site at Sutter’s Mill, Brannan also happened to own a newspaper. And so he immediately used his paper to start spreading the word about the gold discovery.

According to legend, Brannan supposedly kept a small vial of gold to show prospective miners, and he once allegedly ran through the streets of San Francisco shouting, “Gold! Gold from the American River!”

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At Last the Truth?

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

FBI Director Wray has made it clear, and now we know why the snipers could not soot the assassin before he shot Trump. It is so obvious; why did we not understand this? The sniper was aiming at an area that is outside the Security Zone, but he was not allowed to fire until the shooter fired. Obviously, Tom Crooks might have just been duck hunting on the roof.

What if they had killed an innocent duck hunter? He may have paid the $25 for the permit. A possible innocent duck hunter. OMG. It all makes sense now, just like the cartoon about police protection in New York City. How stupid are we all? Obviously, he could have just been using the scope to look at Trump from a distance.

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Magnificent Seven Got On Elevator to the Moon, but Someone Pushed a Wrong Button: -$1.77 Trillion in Ten Days. Tesla Blows Fuse.

by Wolf Richter
Wolf Street

Nvidia is our double-WTF chart of the year, giving up $512 billion in 10 days.

The Nasdaq dropped by 3.65% today, the S&P 500 by 2.3%, the “worst day since 2022,” as everyone said, but when you really look at it, after the massive melt-up, it was barely a dip. The big bad Nasdaq isn’t even in a “correction” yet, down 7.0% from the July 10 high; and the S&P 500 is down only 4.2% from the July 16 high.

But the massive run-up of the biggest stocks has created incomprehensibly huge numbers in dollar terms, and those trillions were flying by so fast on the way up they were hard to see, and now they’re flying by even faster on the way down.

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Empire of Lies

by Brian Maher
Daily Reckoning

Why does government lie so repeatedly — and so atrociously?

Why does it fear truth as the vampire fears garlic?

The answer, we hazard, reduces to its desperate quest for prestige.

Government equals authority. And an authority is an authority.

Its word must be the final word. Its word must be the ultimate word.

A supreme authority cannot withstand rivals — else its authority falls into question.

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Warren: Biden’s Saying SCOTUS, Which Upheld Gun Control, Rejected Abortion Pill Challenge, is ‘Threat’

by Ian Hanchett

During MSNBC’s coverage of President Joe Biden’s speech on Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren stated that President Joe Biden is saying that the Supreme Court — which, in its last term, rejected a challenge to the abortion pill mifepristone and upheld the federal ban on gun ownership for subjects of domestic violence restraining orders — is “a threat to the very democracy that this nation relies on” and because “it wants to empower a dictator,” the court needs to be remade in the way Biden wants.

Warren said, “[W]hat is he doing, what’s he saying in this speech? The big contrast is between a king, a dictator, and what it means to be a president, we understand that. But he’s also saying if we’re going to have a future, it’s not only that we can’t elect a king or a dictator, we’re going to have to deal with the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is no longer within the curves, it’s gone way to the right, but it’s still following the law, it’s still kind of working on the basic principles, no.

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Netflix’s ‘Don’t Look Up’ Got $46 Million From Massachusetts Taxpayers

According to recently updated figures, more than half of the state’s film production credits for 2021 went to just one film, whose two stars collectively earned over $50 million.

by Joe Lancaster

Newly released state revenue data shows that Massachusetts taxpayers played a major role in funding a mid-budget Hollywood movie about climate change.

The dark comedy Don’t Look Up premiered on Netflix in December 2021. In the film, a team of scientists discovers that an asteroid will soon hit the Earth and destroy all human life, but they find that nobody wants to heed their warnings. A blunt allegorical tale, the movie tries to do for climate change what Dr. Strangelove did for nuclear war.

The film grossed less than $800,000 worldwide against a budget estimated between $75 million and $110 million. (Since the film debuted on a streaming service, box office receipts matter less than viewership numbers: Viewers streamed the film for 111 million hours in its first two days and then for another 152 million hours over the following week.)

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Democracy is Under Attack, but Not by Trump

by Matt Kane
American Thinker

Joe Biden has officially withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race. Despite his persistent claims that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and that he would be the one to defeat him, Biden’s withdrawal serves as proof that it is Biden and his party who are attacking democracy, not President Trump.

Despite President Trump taking many actions in his first term that made America safer and more prosperous, Democrats have relentlessly attempted to paint him as a tyrannical threat to democracy since he announced his 2024 bid for the White House. They cite issues such as “election denialism,” the January 6th “insurrection,” alleged “attacks on reproductive rights,” and his sarcastic comment about being a dictator for just one day as evidence that he is a dictator-in-waiting and a threat to democracy. However, keeping the definition of democracy in mind, these claims are categorically untrue.

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Understanding the Gold-Silver Ratio: Silver’s Potential and Price Manipulation

by Sprott Money
Sprott Money

Silver is an undervalued commodity with lots of potential for price growth due to its supply and demand fundamentals. Silver is used in electrical wires, electronics, batteries, LED chips, semiconductors, water purification, military, aerospace, jewelry, currency, etc. Yet, the gold-silver ratio is 70:1 (one can purchase 70 ounces of silver for an ounce of gold). Siver has a massive industrial demand, reflected in the growing global silver deficit, expected to rise by 17%, bringing us to 215.3 million ounces. The demand for silver is growing, and the supply is decreasing, which, according to textbook economics, should drive up the price of silver. So the question is, why is silver still priced so low?

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Photo of Trump’s Ear Without Bandage Sends Leftists Into Conspiracy Frenzy

Eargate truthers claim it wasn’t a bullet that hit Trump

by Steve Watson
Modernity News

An image of Donald Trump’s right ear without a bandage has prompted leftists to resume with suggestions that he wasn’t really hit by a bullet.

The image, taken from an interview Tuesday, shows Trump has some light bruising around the top of the ear.

I don’t know if he’s going to show up today in NC with the huge bandage, but this was him yesterday. pic.twitter.com/aO6oIxkeDZ

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) July 24, 2024

Aside from this, the ear is intact.

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There Will Be No Real Investigation of the Assassination Attempt On Trump

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Since my last update, Mike Adams has changed his position again. He now believes based on the latest evidence that there were two shooters.

Since Mike Adams backed off of his more than one shooter hypothesis where at about 7:35 he says he can’t sustain the multi-shooter hypothesis: https://www.brighteon.com/6e9868ba-010f-491d-9e59-4448a0df9583 , Adams has subsequently supported according to his latest analysis of acoustic evidence the two shooters hypothesis.

Martenson has stood by his two shooter hypothesis.

Obviously, what is needed is a credible, brave forensic acoustic credentialed expert to analyze the acoustic evidence. This should be arranged by committees of the US Congress, such as the committees headed by Jim Jordan and James Comer.

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Is Elevating Kamala Harris to the Presidency the Next Stage in Their Plan?

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

Ever since Joe Biden dropped out of the race, prominent Republicans have been relentlessly calling for him to resign. They argue that if Biden is unfit to run, he is also unfit to serve. It is hard to argue with that. But getting Biden to resign would essentially be the equivalent of throwing Brer Rabbit into the briar patch. Elevating Kamala Harris to the presidency is not going to help Republicans win in November. In fact, it would almost certainly help Harris and the Democrats.

Let me try to explain.

First of all, history has shown us that “incumbent presidents” always receive a noticeable boost compared to other candidates.

Right now, Kamala Harris is not an “incumbent president”, but if she is elevated to the presidency she will be.

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