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The Deep State’s Catch-22

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

What happens if the Deep State pursues the usual pathological path of increasing repression? The system it feeds on decays and collapses.

Catch-22 (from the 1961 novel set in World War II Catch-22) has several shades of meaning (bureaucratic absurdity, for example), but at heart it is a self-referential paradox: you must be insane to be excused from flying your mission, but requesting to be excused by reason of insanity proves you’re sane.

The Deep State in virtually every major nation-state is facing a form of Catch-22: the Deep State needs the nation-state to feed on and support its power, and the nation-state requires stability above all else to survive the vagaries of history.

The only possible output of extreme wealth inequality is social and economic instability.

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The Lithium Revolution – Martyn Element. August 15, 2016

from Talk Digital Network

Top 10 Countries With The Largest Gold Reserves

by Frank Holmes

Beginning in 2010, central banks around the world turned from being net sellers of gold to net buyers of gold. Last year they collectively added 483 tonnes—the second largest annual total since the end of the gold standard—with Russia and China accounting for most of the activity. The second half of 2015 saw the most robust purchasing on record, according to the World Gold Council (WGC).

[…] Not every top bank is a net buyer. The Bank of Canada has liquidated close to all of its gold, mainly in coin sales, while Venezuela is in the process of doing the same to pay off its debts, but most of the world’s central banks right now are accumulating, holding and/or repatriating the precious metal. As of this month, they reportedly owned 32,754 tonnes, or about 17.8 percent of the total amount of gold ever mined, according to the WGC.

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Shadow of Truth #103 – Where’s The IMF Gold?

from Shadow of Truth

Harry S. Dent Jr. & Chris Waltzek on GoldSeek Radio – Aug. 15, 2016

by Chris Waltzek
GoldSeek Radio

Economist and best-selling author Harry S. Dent Jr., returns with positive comments on the PMs sector; the gold market follows the commodities cycle, which continues to advance. Every investor should allocate 5-10% gold / silver to to their portfolio to improve investment diversification. In addition, PMs bargain hunting is in vogue, amid news of huge losses related to security issues in the Bitcoin encryption methodology. The positive trend in US equities is directly correlated to negative rates – investors have few options other than chasing risk to boost expected returns. Nevertheless, our guest suggests that weakening economic conditions will persist, which could lead to a new round of QE4 and subsequent inflation.

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Jeff Brown: China Will Never Report Their Real Holdings of Gold

from WallStForMainSt

Central Banking with ‘Other People’s Gold’: A $368bn Treasure Trove in Lower Manhattan

by Michel Chossudovsky
Russia Today

Germany is repatriating its gold reserves from the New York Federal Reserve. This decision has created a frenzy in the gold market. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.

According to the NY Fed, there are (2012) approximately 530,000 gold bars, with a combined weight of circa 6,700 metric tonnes stashed away in the Fed’s Lower Manhattan vaults.

These are official figures which are impossible to verify.

The gold is stored in the fifth sub-floor of the New York Fed building on Liberty Street. The vaults on the bedrock of Manhattan Island are located 80 feet below street level.

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Still Report #1122 – Clinton has Parkinson’s – Big Announcement Soon

from Bill Still

Gold is Approaching All-Time Highs vs. Foreign Currencies

by ETF Daily News
Jay Taylor Media

From Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold’s recent strength versus foreign currencies is a signal that the precious metal will continue to gain steam as we progress through the second half of the year.

It is the dog days of summer. The metals are trading below their recent highs while the miners continue to be on the cusp of their next leg higher. In any event we remain bullish as we expect the next big move to be higher not lower. One reason, among many is Gold remains strong against foreign currencies and that often is a leading indicator for the sector at large. This is something we track often and we wanted to provide an update during the slowest period of the year.

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Libertarian Musician Leah McHenry Builds an Audience from Zero

from TomWoodsTV

This Chart Shows Why Earnings May Have Finally Reached Their Bottom

Goldman Sachs projects EPS growth in the third quarter may be positive for the first time in nearly two years.

by Ellie Ismailidou
Market Watch

With the bulk of the earnings season now over, the second quarter of 2016 marks the seventh consecutive quarter of falling earnings — but investors are now turning their focus to the future.

“Recent client conversations revealed that some investors believe the current string of quarterly [earnings-per-share] declines is now behind us,” said Goldman Sachs’ global investment research team in a report released late Friday.

What’s more, the team of analysts projected that EPS growth in the third quarter may be positive for the first time in nearly two years.

On Monday, aggregate second-quarter earnings represented a decline of 2.1% year-over-year, with 91% of companies on the S&P 500 having reported, according to S&P Global Intelligence.

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Five Reasons Why Austrian Economics is Better Than the Mainstream

by Jonathan Newman

Noah Smith has acknowledged the failings of mainstream macroeconomics, but he says that none of the “outside ideas” offer a better replacement. He failed to mention the Austrian school, but we can still show how the Austrian tradition parries his criticisms with ease.

1. Quantitative Models Totally Miss the Nature of Human Action

Smith dismisses all outside approaches that do not produce quantitative forecasts, even though the best, newest, and high-powered quantitative macroeconomic models have failed recently.

The quantitative approach, however, totally misses the nature of human action, the fundamental starting point for economics. All economics boils down to individuals making choices, the outcome of which is dependent on individuals’ preferences.

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Into Thin Air

by Rick Ackerman

Data for housing starts and industrial production are due out Tuesday, but even if both pointed toward recession, it’s doubtful they’ll have much impact on investors who have already shrugged off four straight quarters of falling corporate earnings.

Stocks were in wafting mode as the new week began, and although the E-Mini S&Ps stalled precisely at a rally target we’d been using since last week, it was a minor one that seemed unlikely to impede the inexorable flow of cash into stocks for long.

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Election 2016: Liberty Loses No Matter Who Wins

by Dr. Ron Paul
Ron Paul Institute

For all the hand-wringing about the threat to liberty and constitutional government posed by the major party presidential candidates, there is little discussion of how this threat is due to the political class’s long history of supporting expanded presidential power. There is also little talk of how the imperial presidency is just as much a creation of Congress as it is of power-hungry presidents.

Since war is the health of the state, it is not surprising that presidential power expanded in tandem with the expansion of the warfare state. Perhaps the best, and most terrifying, example of how “national security” has been used to justify giving the president dictatorial powers is the Defense Production Act.

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Expect to See a Panic Into Gold

from King World News

With gold and silver still consolidating recent gains, one of the legends in the business warned a panic to own physical gold is coming.

Deflationary Forces Overpowering Central Banks

From the late, great, Richard Russell: “The great deflationary forces that are overpowering central banks everywhere have settled in. In an effort to combat the world deflationary forces, every nation wants a cheaper currency to benefit their exports. The result is a world choking on ever expanding fiat money.

This is pushing assets higher. The result will be a limited-time explosion with assets priced in terms of soaring fiat currencies.

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“To Ensure Her Election”: Wasserman-Schultz Admits She Really Worked For Hillary While at DNC

by Mac Slavo

Still don’t believe that elections are rigged, and that the whole thing is a sham?

After all that time claiming to be “neutral” as the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz let down her guard this week and admitted she had actually been working ‘to prepare for Hillary Clinton to be [their] nominee’ and to ensure her election.

It was everything that she has always denied, but we knew all along.

And the Wikileaks dump confirmed it, brought it out into the open, forced Debbie to step down as head of the DNC… but low and behold, just went to work as the chairman of Hillary’s campaign anyway. Open, brazen corruption.

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Obamacare Sticker Shock: Average 2017 Premium Surges 24%

from Zero Hedge

Two weeks ago, we asked readers to spot the “odd inflation out” when looking at the map below.

[…] The reference, of course, was to the state by state surge in proposed 2017 Obamacare premiums, contrasted with what the government contends is a modest 1.0% inflation rate.

Now, courtesy of a new study by independent analyst Charles Gaba – who has crunched the numbers for insurers participating in the ACA exchanges in all 50 states – we can also calculate what the average Obamacare premium increase across the entire US will be: using proposed and approved rate increase requests, the average Obamacare premium is expected to surge by a whopping 24% this year.

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This Has Been The Worst 12 Months For Floods In U.S. History

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

Since last October, the United States has been hit by “historic flood” after “historic flood”, and this latest flooding down in Louisiana that is making headlines all over the world has been caused by a “500 year storm“. Even before some areas of the state received more than 30 inches of rain, this was already the worst 12 months for floods in U.S. history, but without a doubt this has put an exclamation mark on this exceedingly unusual stretch of flooding. There are some rivers down in Louisiana that have crested three to four feet higher than their previous all-time records, and Governor Edwards is using the words “unprecedented” and “historic” to describe these floods. So far, 20,000 people have been rescued by authorities, and Governor Edwards even had to evacuate the Governor’s Mansion due to chest-high water in the basement.

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Why Will People Colonize Space?

by John Aziz

Noah Smith over at Noahpinion does a rundown on why Firefly doesn’t really resonate with him. I agree with his take:

But in Firefly, why do we – meaning the crew of Serenity – go to space? It’s not for a higher purpose. There’s no science being done, no galaxy being saved. The show’s theme song may be about freedom, but unlike many of the people around them, Mal and his crew aren’t colonists. They aren’t going to found a new, more liberal republic on the virgin soil of a distant world. They aren’t going to build a city on a hill. They have no quest, they seek no knowledge, they fight for no cause, they meet no aliens. Their existence is simply a big fat middle finger to the government in the distance.

And for the same reason, it doesn’t resonate with me much, either.

But neither Noah and I are space colonists. I can’t speak for Noah, but I am above all else a science fiction fan, wedded to romantic notions of human expansion into the wider universe as a higher calling.

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Trump’s Concession Speech, If Necessary

by Gary North

Why would anyone worth several billion dollars want to be elected President at age 74?

On the assumption that he wants this job, here is how he can get it.

The media will expect a humility-based concession speech. He should give them this.

A majority of voters has spoken. They have elected a crooked woman to lead them. They will live to regret it. This will not take long.Within a few months, the Clinton recession will begin. It will dwarf what the economy did in 2009.

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