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Weekend Edition: Jim Rogers on “Buying Panic”

from Casey Research

Editor’s note: Successful crisis investing boils down to one skill. The ability to go against the crowd to buy beaten-down assets that have been left for dead.

Few people know as much about this subject as Jim Rogers. Jim is a legendary investor and a true “international man.” He has earned millions investing in crisis markets.

Today, in a classic interview first published in December 2013, Crisis Investing editor Nick Giambruno speaks with Jim about this idea. It’s a fascinating discussion we think you’ll enjoy…

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Are You Ready For The End Of This 35-Year-Old Bull Market?

by Tim Smith
Daily Pfennig

During the roaring 1920s, it seemed you couldn’t go wrong with stocks.

Years of rising stock prices created the mindset that there was never a reason to sell. Investors flocked to stocks, believing they could only go up. So, when the stock market started to crash in 1929, most investors thought it was just another great buying opportunity.

Frederick Allen described the investment environment in his book, “Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s”:

“As people in the summer of 1929 looked back for precedents, they were comforted by the recollection that every crash of the past few years had been followed by a recovery, and that every recovery had ultimately brought prices to a new high point.

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EU Referendum Opinion Polls Neck and Neck Despite Operation Fear, Support BrExit Campaign

by Nadeem Walayat
Market Oracle

The average of the latest EU referendum opinion polls put the LEAVE and ReMAIN camps virtually neck and neck on 44% with 12% undecided, which compares against a month ago of 42% LEAVE and 48% REMAIN, 10% undecided. So it is no wonder that the REMAIN camp has gone into panic mode with a relentless torrent of fear mongering emanating from the establishment REMAIN camp.

The narrowing of the polls is even more remarkable given that Brexiters are financially outgunned by at least 10 to 1 as the government has been calling on a litany of state funded favours from the likes of President Obama, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, IMF Chief Lagaard and even ex Prime Ministers such as Gordon Brown and John Major all of whom have been busy this week reading from the establishments fear script in an attempt to frighten the British people into PERMANENTLTY giving up ANY chance of attaining FREEDOM from the emerging anti-democratic European Superstate.

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“This Is A Scary Time” – CEO Explains The Single Biggest Reason Why People Are Buying Gold And Silver

by Mac Slavo

We can talk about technical charts, supply and demand fundamentals, and price manipulation, all of which point to significant increases in the value of gold and silver for the foreseeable future.

But according to Golden Arrow Resources CEO Joseph Grosso, who is credited with the discovery of the largest silver deposit in history, the single biggest reason that retail investors, institutional players and governments around the world are gobbling up physical precious metals, resource stocks and ETF’s at unprecedented levels is that they are scared to death of the state of the global economy and where it will go next.

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Gordon Chang: China in Big Trouble, Could Bring Global Economy Down with It

by Mike Gleason
Gold Seek

Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome in author, lawyer, television pundit, and Forbes columnist Gordon Chang. Gordon is a frequent guest on Fox News, CNBC, and CNN and is one of the foremost experts on the Chinese economy and its geopolitics and has written a book on the subject called The Coming Collapse of China.

Gordon, it’s a real honor to have you on with us today. Thank you very much for taking the time, and welcome.

Gordon Chang: Thank you, and it’s a real honor to be on your podcast.

Mike Gleason: Before we dig into some specifics here, Gordon, China’s economy is now the second largest in the world. They’ve been reporting GDP growth at 7% to 10% per year for decades, and we’ve all heard stories about their booming economy.

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Is Bill Clinton a Sexual Predator or Just a Sex Addict?

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

When dozens of women came forward to accuse Bill Cosby of rape, most Americans believed them, so why is Bill Clinton getting a free pass when a similar number of women are accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct? As you will see below, new allegations continue to come out, and it has become exceedingly clear that Clinton is still chasing women that he is not married to even though his wife is in the middle of a presidential campaign. Of course Hillary Clinton knows exactly what is going on, and she has been serving as his enabler by doing all that she can to cover up Bill’s escapades whenever one of these “bimbo eruptions” happens. Ultimately, Bill and Hillary Clinton have together victimized countless numbers of women, and yet public opinion polls continue to show that most women voters plan to vote for Hillary Clinton in November. It is hard even for me to believe that our country has sunk so low at this point.

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Regime Change in the U.S.: Proposal from a Concerned Citizen

by Global Research
Global Research

Global Research Editor’s Note

This article from our archives was first published in October 2002, six months prior to the March 2003 US led invasion and occupation of Iraq.

As we recall, the justification to wage war on Iraq were the nonexistent weapons of mass destruction (WMD). At the time, the US and its indefectible British ally were calling for regime change in Iraq.

The author of this article is calling for an entirely different course of action which consists in implementing regime change in the US and the establishment of a sanctions regime against the US.

This text written in 2002 predicts with foresight what is happening today: the contours of a global military agenda which seeks to enforce US hegemony Worldwide.

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Once a Billionaire, Miao Is Latest Humbled China Solar King

by Bloomberg News
The Washington Post with Bloomberg

(Bloomberg) — More than two decades ago in China, Miao Liansheng made a first tentative step toward harnessing the sun to produce power — eventually becoming a billionaire.

For a time, it worked, making his Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. the world’s biggest solar panel maker. Then in an all-too-familiar scene for clean energy producers, reality took hold for the 60-year-old former soldier in the People’s Liberation Army.

Miao’s push to dominate photovoltaics lies in pieces after Yingli missed repayment on 1.76 billion yuan ($270 million) of debt and said it’s talking with creditors about refinancing. It’s teetering is starting to look like the collapse of Shi Zhengrong’s Suntech Power Holdings Co. in 2013 — global aspirations, the amassing of billions of dollars in debt, plunging prices, overcapacity and then retreat.

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The Hillbama Administration’s Bureau of Bathroom Management

by Ed Rogers
David Stockman’s Contra Corner

There could be no more vivid illustration of why we have Donald Trump as one of the two people who will be our next president than the “Dear Colleague” letter signed by not one but two stereotypical liberal bureaucrats from the Obama administration. They are career lawyer-agitators, both veterans of the American Civil Liberties Union. It figures.

They have latched onto faux liberal outrage and concocted a Bureau of Bathroom Management. They are breaking new ground by telling every school in America how to organize their students’ bathroom breaks — as though our schools weren’t already under enough stress and strain.

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Homeland Security Creates Travel Havoc to Force People Into Precheck Programs

by Daily Bell Staff
The Daily Bell

Patience Urged as Airport Security Lines … Travelers across the country have endured lengthy security lines, some snaking up and down escalators, or through food courts, and into terminal lobbies. At some airports, lines during peak hours have topped 90 minutes … The biggest help to ease lines is to have more fliers enroll in the PreCheck program. – Chicago Tribune

Homeland Security wants to force more travelers to become “known” to the government via PreCheck programs.

Ultimately, it seems, Homeland Security hopes to be the arbitrator of who flies in the US and who does not. This is how fascism encroaches on public life, not all at once, but a little bit at a time.

How do we know? Our specialty is analyzing the “memes” of mainstream media, the propaganda regularly presented to create acceptance for globalist solutions.

Let’s analyze the steps taken in this case. The TSA has been embarked on a process to make airline check-ins more rigorous.

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Oh, Someone Noticed?

by Karl Denninger

Gee, who warned you about this roughly six months ago…. and who has warned you over the years too?

The company behind Runkeeper, the popular fitness tracking application, is under fire overseas due to some questionable business practices. According to a complaint by the Norwegian Consumer Council, Runkeeper has been transmitting user data to servers — a major US advertiser, no less — even after the app and device have been idle for 48 hours, something that’s a clear violation of European data protection laws.

Runkeeper is not the only app that does this sort of crap.

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Recession Watch: Freight Volume Drops, Worst Level Since 2010

by Wolf Richter
Wolf Street

Inventory glut, lousy consumer demand, the global economy…

Freight shipments by truck and rail in the US fell 4.9% in April from the beaten-down levels of April 2015, according to the Cass Transportation Index, released on Friday. It was the worst April since 2010, which followed the worst March since 2010. In fact, shipment volume over the four months this year was the worst since 2010.

This is no longer statistical “noise” that can easily be brushed off.

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The Poverty of GDP

by Carmen Elena Dorobăț

The Economist recently ran a piece criticizing the suitability of GDP as a measure of economic development and material progress. In the past, the publication has touched on various other weaknesses of this aggregate measure—including the fact that it is not a timely and reliable indicator that can guide economic policy—as well as suggesting new measures for prosperity.

As expected, none of these articles discuss one main drawback of the GDP aggregate—the inclusion of government spending. In America’s Great Depression, Rothbard removed the G component to suggest the Gross Private Product (or the netted version, the Private Product Remaining) as a better gauge of the material progress of a nation. Professor Herberner has also pointed out various important economic aspects that GDP, as a rough aggregate measure, leaves out. Moreover, professor Salerno has also shown that a reduction in the GDP—as it is calculated today—via a reduction in government budgets and taxation would in fact be underlined by an increase in the capital stock, a rise in the economic welfare of producers, and a higher real standard of living for the entire population.

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Libertarian Open Borders: Oxymoron in Theory and Practice

by Bionic Mosquito

Angela Merkel’s open borders policy continues to pay dividends in the destruction of open borders as a libertarian concept. But before I come to “practice,” I will revisit “theory.”


There is no “state” in libertarian theory. The only “borders” are the borders that divide private property, one privately-owned parcel from another.

Libertarian theory does not recognize open borders when it comes to property. The property is private and exclusionary. Is your property open to anyone who wants to come on it? Now, this doesn’t mean “closed” is the only other possibility. Is your property closed to everyone?

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This is Terrifying: Will All of Your Money Be Wiped Out in the Blink of an Eye?

from King World News

With all of the chaos, enormous leverage, and ongoing cyber wars in today’s interconnected global financial system, a terrifying question has arisen: Will all of your money be wiped out in the blink of an eye?

Stephen Leeb: “You might think that in today’s information age, gold – the so-called “barbarous relic,” as Warren Buffett has derisively called it – would be relegated strictly to the realm of jewelry and other decorative purposes, with no role to play in our monetary system…

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Dan Ameduri – How to Profit from the Coming Silver Supply Squeeze

from Financial Survival Network

Dan Ameduri joined us to speak about the state of the precious metals markets and the coming silver supply issues. You can only draw down existing inventories for so long and then you’ve to start producing. Dan discusses what miners have to do to survive and how a large potential M&A boom is almost upon us. And there’s a discussion about a company that’s poised to really cash in on the trend.

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