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All of the Bad News in 2020 is Causing a Shockingly High Number of Americans to “Seriously Consider” Suicide

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

This is a very difficult article for me to write, but I definitely need to write it. All over the country, people are considering suicide because of all the bad things that have happened this year, and things are only going to get even more challenging in 2021 and beyond. This greatly grieves me, because suicide is never the answer to anything, and I wish that I could sit down individually with every person that is considering suicide and get them to understand this. Our lives are meant to be lived with purpose, passion and great joy, and that doesn’t change when times get very difficult. In fact, when challenging times come that is when bright lights are needed the most.

Personally, even though I am constantly writing about all of the hard things that are going on in the world, I am not down, I am not depressed, and I am not on any pills. Instead, I am incredibly thankful for the gift of each new day, and there is no other time in all of human history that I would rather be living than right now.

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These Funny Poles Will Power the 5G Network

by David Forest
Casey Research

[…] Abraham Lincoln was a visionary. He’s still the only American president with a patent.

And in 1861, he used a newfound technology to change the world.

About 150 years before cellphones went mainstream, Lincoln recognized the power of near-instant communication.

Why? Because when the Civil War broke out, the Confederates seized the telegraph lines surrounding Washington, D.C. Lincoln and Secretary of War Simon Cameron knew that was a problem. They saw how important communication would be to winning the war.

And although Samuel Morse pioneered the telegraph system in the U.S. in 1844, it wasn’t until Lincoln used it to help win the Civil War that it caught on…

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Netflix Defends ‘Cuties’ Movie Accused of Sexualizing Children, Calling it ‘a Powerful Story’

by Ryan Saavedra
Daily Wire

Netflix defended their “Cuties” movie, which has been widely accused of sexualizing children, saying that the movie is “a powerful story.”

“Cuties is a social commentary against the sexualization of young children,” Netflix said in a statement. “It’s an award winning film and a powerful story about the pressure young girls face on social media and from society more generally growing up – and we’d encourage anyone who cares about these important issues to watch the movie.”

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) responded to Netflix’s statement by suggesting that it was perhaps time for the video streaming service to testify in front of the U.S. Senate.

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Trump Says Michigan’s Whitmer ‘Doesn’t Have a Clue’ After She Calls Him ‘Biggest Threat’ to U.S.

“Open up your state, Madam Governor, open up your state!” the president told a rally crowd

by Brie Stimson
FOX News

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “doesn’t have a clue” when it comes to the coronavirus and the economy, President Trump told a rally crowd in the Great Lake State on Thursday — just hours after the Democrat blasted the president during a news briefing.

“Michigan has already gained and regained more than half of the jobs that it lost — and if your state was ever allowed to safely reopen by your governor, who doesn’t have a clue, just like Joe [Biden], you would have gained far more than that,” Trump said in Freeland, Saginaw County, according to FOX 2 in Detroit.

“Open up your state, Madam Governor, open up your state!”

Michigan would be better off if it “had a governor who knew what the hell she was doing,” Trump added.

Trump described Whitmer as a “liberal hypocrite who lives by a different set of rules.”

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James Mattis Warned Intelligence Chief: ‘Collective Action’ May Be Required Against Trump

by Haris Alic

Former Defense Secretary James Mattis reportedly once warned a top United States intelligence official that “collective action” might be required to stem President Donald Trump’s “dangerous” behavior in the White House, according to a new book by the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward.

In his new book on the Trump administration—titled, Rage—Woodward reveals the inner machinations and grumblings of former White House officials, like James Mattis and ex-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. According to the book, which was widely excerpted by the Post on Wednesday, Mattis was particularly concerned about Trump’s leadership in 2017 during a standoff with North Korea over its missile tests:

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Deutsche Bank Elitists Warn: “The Age of Disorder” is Coming

by Mac Slavo

The ruling elites from Deutsche Bank are warning that the “age of disorder” is coming. If you know anything about those wealthy bankers who pull the strings of the political puppets, you know they desire to control and own the world, and regularly use the phrase “ordo ab chao.” Order out of chaos.

Deutsche Bank analysts have said in a new research note, that this “age of disorder” will likely reshape politics and economics. And you can bet none of that “reshaping” will be done in the best interests of the general population. They will “reorder” society as they see fit to keep us in a two-tier society as their slaves.

While we saw “the best-combined asset price growth of any era in history, with equity and bond returns very strong across the board” since 1980, “the Age of Disorder” is likely to break this trend, said Deutsche Bank elitists, according to a report by RT.

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The United States & Its Constitution Have Two Months Left

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Bob Woodward writes that Trump’s Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis, and Trump’s Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, spoke together about taking “collective action” to remove President Trump from office. General Mattis said Trump is “dangerous. He’s unfit.”


This is the same thing that the Generals and the CIA said about President John F. Kennedy.

When Generals and the CIA say that a president is unfit and dangerous, they mean he is dangerous to their budget. By “unfit” they mean he is not a reliable cold warrior who will keep hyping America’s enemies so that money keeps pouring into the military/security budget. By serving defense contractors instead of their country, generals end up very wealthy.

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Stocks and Precious Metals Charts – The Wild Ones

from Jesse’s Café Américain

[…] Stocks tried to sustain a bounce back higher again today, but alas it was not to be.

The dip-buying bulls were whip-sawed, in the finest Wall Street tradition.

Gold and silver were hit rather hard, but managed to finished unchanged for gold, and just a bit lower for silver.

The dollar also finished largely unchanged.

The Recovery seems to be headed in the wrong direction.

Tomorrow we will again remember the sad events of 9/11/2001.

We are expecting heavy rains this evening.

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Alasdair MacLeod – As Policies Around the World Fail, Gold & Silver Will Be Unstoppable

from King World News

Today Alasdair Macleod warned as policies around the world fail, gold and silver will be unstoppable.

Failing Policies

September 10 (King World News) – Alasdair Macleod: There can be little doubt that macroeconomic policies are failing around the world. The fallacies being exposed are so entrenched that there are bound to be twists and turns yet to come.

This article explains the fallacies behind inflation, deflation, economic performance and interest rates. They arise from the modern states’ overriding determination to access the wealth of its electorate instead of being driven by a genuine and considered concern for its welfare.

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Gold and Silver… Up, Down, Sideways, Up

by Daryl Robert Schoon
Gold Eagle

In mid-March, just as the coronavirus was gaining momentum, the price of gold began to rise. After trading sideways from 2015 to 2019, gold rose from a low of $1,471 in mid-March to $2,069 on August 6th, a spectacular 40% rise in five months.

[…] During that same period, silver rose from $11.94 to $29.14 on August 6th, an even more spectacular 114% increase.

[…] Three days later, on August 9th, as gold and silver continued to trade close to their respective highs, I wrote, …In August 2020, gold and silver are both rising even as central bankers still hope to slow their ascent. Whether gold and silver will continue to ascend or be forced lower as they were in 2011 when central bankers flooded markets with gold bullion offered at negative interest rates remains to be seen.

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This is How it Ends: All That is Solid Melts Into Air

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

While the Federal Reserve and the Billionaire Class push the stock market to new highs to promote a false facade of prosperity, everyday life will fall apart.

How will the status quo collapse? An open conflict–a civil war, an insurrection, a coup–appeals to our affection for drama, but the more likely reality is a decidedly undramatic dissolution in which all the elements of our way of life we reckoned were solid and permanent simply melt into air, to borrow Marx’s trenchant phrase.

In other words, Rome won’t be sacked by Barbarians, or ignite in an insurrectionary conflagration–everything will simply stop working as those burdened with the impossible task of keeping a failed system glued together simply walk away.

If we examine the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Western Roman Empire, we can trace the eventual collapse to the sudden psychological shift from an assumption of permanence that found expression in denial (Rome can’t fall, it’s eternal…) or in the universal belief that life was unchanging and so everything was forever.

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The New Normal is Wrecking New York

by Taleed Brown
The American Institute for Economic Research

America’s been under quarantine how long now, since March? And we’re still being asked to wear a face shield and snorkel to pay a T-mobile bill. But worse than that inconvenience is probably the 32.9% collapse in GDP for Q2, the millions of people who are out of work, or partially employed, the kids who have to suffer through this cancerous attempt at social distance learning.

This collective fight against the coronavirus, which was supposed to be two weeks to flatten the curve, has to be one of the most socially destructive impositions our country has ever faced.

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approves First Domestic Small Commercial Reactor

New nuclear reactors are important for clean power, but are hindered by intense regulatory schemes.

by Sam Rutzick

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission last week approved a design application for the first domestic small commercial nuclear reactor. These types of reactors are smaller, simpler, cheaper, and feature more advanced safety systems than traditional reactor designs. It has the potential to generate enough electricity to power more than 50,000 homes.

The reactor design was submitted by NuScale Power, an Oregon company that plans to build at least a dozen small reactors by 2030 at a site in eastern Idaho. NuScale has received $288 million from the Department of Energy for the development of modular nuclear reactors, but a complex regulatory system for nuclear power means there’s a long way to go before construction can begin.

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Have Gates & Crew Crossed the Line

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

COMMENT: Here in Palm Beach County Florida, I am beginning to see the sheeple waking up. Friends and neighbors who were in denial or ignorant are expressing their realizations about what they thought was evil is good and visa versa. An old friend and neighbor in total denial even said, “I am waking up!” Now everything is starting to make sense to these people; even though what they see is evil and not pleasant to see but it is good to begin to see & know the truth. Thank God! BB

ANSWER: There are a lot of emails starting to come in expressing the same trend that the sheep are starting to wake up. Gates and crew have really created the decline of Western Culture. They have crossed the line I honestly believe they will go down in history as one of the worst usurpers in history.

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L.A. County Health Director Says She Expects Schools to Reopen ‘After the Election’

by Penka Arsova
LaCorte News

Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said that K-12 schools in the county will likely reopen after the presidential election in November, according to recently leaked audio.

The story: KFI NEWS reporter Steve Gregory obtained a portion of an audio recording of a conference call that included Ferrer, school administration officials, and medical professionals. In the audio, Ferrer is heard saying that the schools in the Los Angeles Couty will not reopen until after the Nov. 3 election.

“We don’t realistically anticipate that we would be moving to either tier 2 or to reopening K-12 schools at least until after the election, in early November. When we look at the timing of everything, it seems to us a more realistic approach to this would be to think that we’re going to be where we are now until we are done with the election,” she said.

Her remarks raised concerns about whether the reopening of schools in the county is timed in an effort to influence the presidential election.

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Inflation, Deflation and Other Fallacies

by Alasdair MacLeod
Gold Money

There can be little doubt that macroeconomic policies are failing around the world. The fallacies being exposed are so entrenched that there are bound to be twists and turns yet to come.

This article explains the fallacies behind inflation, deflation, economic performance and interest rates. They arise from the modern states’ overriding determination to access the wealth of its electorate instead of being driven by a genuine and considered concern for its welfare. Monetary inflation, which has become runaway, transfers wealth to the state from producers and consumers, and is about to accelerate. Everything about macroeconomics is now with that single economically destructive objective in mind.

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