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Jake Tapper: Trump Will Be ‘Physically Escorted’ from the Whitehouse ‘If He Refuses to Acknowledge Reality’

by Trent Baker

Friday, during CNN’s ongoing Election Day coverage, network anchor Jake Tapper sounded off on the prospect of President Donald Trump “refusing to acknowledge reality” of losing the 2020 election. As some states are still counting ballots, Trump has been sounding the alarm on potential voter fraud in the election.

Tapper declared that former Vice President Joe Biden “will become the next president.” He added if it comes down to it, Trump will be “physically escorted from the building.”

“Let’s be honest because a concession is not necessary under the U.S. Constitution. It’s not necessary,” Tapper advised. “Whether or not Donald Trump acts like an adult if Joe Biden becomes the next president, Joe Biden will become the next president and Donald Trump will be, if it comes down to it, physically escorted from the building if it comes down to it; if he just refuses to acknowledge reality.”

Tapper then called on GOP leaders “to start preparing President Trump for the bad news, because it looks like that is where we are headed.”

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Mob Attacks Portland City Commissioner’s Home After Proposal to Defund Force Voted Down

Antifa terrorizing election officials

by Sputnik
Info Wars

Police in the US city of Portland said Friday it dispersed a violent crowd and made arrests after a mob attacked the home of the city’s police commissioner and the City Hall building.

The incident came the night after the Police Commissioner Dan Ryan was the deciding vote in the Portland City Council to turn down a proposal to cut the budget of the police force by $18 million, local broadcaster OPB reported.

A statement from the county sheriff’s office explained that police had accompanied a group of protesters, with orders to disperse, until they reached Ryan’s house late on Thursday. This was the fourth time this week the protesters visited Ryan’s home in an attempt to pressure him to approve the police budget cut.

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In Six Months You Won’t Remember This Election with Darryl Schoon

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

We’re going to be wishing we had listened to Andrew Yang. Money is nothing more than a trading coupon that people have belief, or confidence in. The current monetary system can’t be received. Waves of inflation are coming. Humanity has rare periods of stability and they are inevitably interrupted by great waves of inflation. We’ve printed so many coupons in the last 6 months, there will be consequences. Everyone owes money. It’s a daisy chain of debt. Covid has broken the chain. Darryl Schoon believes the Time of the Volture is upon us. It will feed upon the blindness. The greatest inflationary wave in history is about to subside. Cataclysms always bring about these global collapses and deep change. The cure is the disease. Remember you can never have too much gold and ammo. Keep the faith and don’t lose your head, don’t get sucked into the up and down and you’ll be able to clearly see the paths of success. Buy gold, buy silver and have faith! The great wave’s purpose is renewal.

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Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators in Swing States?

from Zero Hedge

In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close.

Twitter user “US Rebel” (@USRebellion1776), however, found that the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

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Here’s Our Historical Analogy Menu: Rome, the USSR or Revolutionary France

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

The core dynamic is ultimately the loss of social cohesion within the ruling elites and in the social order at large.

There’s a definite end of days feeling to the euphoria that the world didn’t end on November 3. And what better way to celebrate the victory of what passes for normalcy with a manic stock market rally?

It’s as if everyone knows there is no returning to the good old days of a well-oiled Imperial machine chewing through any and all obstacles, and this realization is so frightening that the need to pretend everything is fine, just fine, overwhelms the last remaining ties to reality.

And since there’s a brief intermission between gladiator battles while the Coliseum attendants remove the fallen heroes from the last entertainment, let’s play the historical analogy game: which collapse will America track most closely? Rome circa 475 AD, the USSR circa 1989, or Revolutionary France circa 1789?

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Twitter is Now Censoring Nearly Every Election-Related Tweet by the President

by Damjan Tutarkov
LaCorte News

Twitter continues to actively censor President Trump’s content and has already cracked down on a number of post-Election Day posts by the president.

On Wednesday, President Trump wrote, “We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!”

Twitter attached a warning label saying the message might contain misleading information about the election.

The president followed up with another post later in the day that Twitter also labeled as misleading.

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The Consequences of Budget Deficits for International Trade

by Alasdair MacLeod
Gold Money

In all the economic mayhem ahead, no one is yet thinking of the consequences for trade imbalances. The twin deficit hypothesis informs us that skyrocketing US budget deficits will lead to increasing trade deficits, a situation with serious political consequences. Furthermore, with foreign interests already saturated with dollars and financial assets denominated in them, far from investing their growing surpluses in yet more dollars and dollar-denominated investments, they will become increasingly aggressive sellers.

This article walks the reader through the main issues of international trade in a developing slump and finds worrying parallels with the Wall Street crash and subsequent events. While the parallels are worrying, the major differences between then and now suggest that this time outcomes could be even more economically challenging.

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Gridlock is Good – Except in the Jaws of Massive Public Debts

by David Stockman

James Madison is surely smiling from his grave.

Pursuant to his constitutional design, last night a badly divided electorate got an utterly gridlocked government — with the Supreme Court and Senate in the hands of one party and the House of Representatives and White House marginally in the hands of the other. That’s as good an RX against tyranny as it gets.

Vlad Putin is probably smiling, too. His economy is being battered by Washington’s bully-boy sanctions because he has been falsely accused of throwing the election to Trump in 2016. This time, even by the lights of the Dem and Deep State Russophobes, however, Putin appears to have been AWOL.

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Gun Control and Racism: The Laws and Taxes Meant to Limit Minority Gun Ownership in America

by Sam Jacobs
The Daily Bell

“There’s a direct correlation between gun control and black people control.” – Stacy Swimp, President of the Frederick Douglass Society

Every schoolchild knows that the Declaration of Independence declares that the basic equality of man is “self-evident.” The United States Constitution enumerates what the inalienable rights only alluded to by the Declaration. An inalienable right is one that exists regardless of whether or not it is recognized by the state. For example, you have a right to free speech regardless of whether or not the Constitution recognizes it. Thus any restrictions on free speech are curbs of this pre-existing right, not an actual elimination of that right. One of them is the right to keep and bear arms. Another is the right to a speedy and public trial.

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Trump Says Mail-In Votes Are Suspicious Because They Overwhelmingly Favor Joe Biden. He’s Wrong.

This isn’t fraud. This isn’t a scheme to steal the election. It is the very predictable outcome of the president’s own words and actions.

by Eric Boehm

Even as dozens of states were expanding mail-in voting eligibility due to the COVID-19 pandemic, President Donald Trump spent months on the campaign trail telling his supporters not to cast their ballots that way.

“It shouldn’t be mail-in voting. It should be you go to a booth and you proudly display yourself,” Trump said in April, one of the first times that he spoke publicly on the issue. “You don’t send it in the mail where people pick up—all sorts of bad things can happen by the time they sign that, if they sign that, by the time it gets in and is tabulated. No. It shouldn’t be mailed in.”

He beat that same drum for the next six months. Mail-in voting was risky and dangerous, he said. It would allow postal workers or other nefarious forces to alter or lose ballots. “Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed,” he tweeted in May.

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Press Prostitutes Make Fools of Themselves Trying to Cover Up Vote Fraud for Democrats

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

It is amusing to watch the press prostitutes try to coverup vote fraud for the Democrats. Here is an example from the bought-and-paid-for BBC whose “Reality Check Team” has undertaken to “fact check” the “rumor” of a 138,000 sudden ballot dump for Biden in Michigan during the early hours of morning when no one was watching: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54811410

The BBC claims this was a “data entry error” that was corrected. The “data entry error” was not corrected, if it was, until it became an issue. How does the BBC know that the sudden jump in votes for Biden wasn’t fraud that when exposed was explained away by crooked officials as a “data entry error.”

Note also that the exact same thing occured in neighboring Wisconsin at about the same time. So we had two simultaneous “data entry errors” in two critical contested states that wiped out Trump’s lead? How likely is that?

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Stealing Pennsylvania

by Lynne Lechter
American Thinker

Regardless of the outcome, Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Tom Wolf, the Pennsylvania state courts and the Democrat State Party have pulled every dirty trick in the books.

They have changed the rules mid-game, using COVID scare as a cover, but their chicanery is so overt, the curtain has been pulled back on their thug tactics.

First, months out, they claimed they would need three extra days to count the votes. Then, against all extant state laws, they said they would accept illegible or ballots with no security envelope postmark. Then, incredibly they said a voter’s signature on the mail-in ballot didn’t have to match the voter’s signature in the voter registration books. Banana Republic, anyone?

But that’s just the everchanging rules of the game. On the ground, it got worse and worse.

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How the Left Uses “Science” to Extend Its Bias in Media and Academia

by Gary Galles

The 2020 election has revealed jaw-dropping levels of “liberal” or progressive bias in the media, from the increasing ascendance of woke language, enforced by the thought police, to deliberately ignored issues and information considered uncongenial to those dominating the agenda. To many, it seems as if the power being exercised against freedom of uncoerced and uncensored expression had metastasized full-blown out of almost nowhere. However, that ignores the fact that the bias extends beyond the media, to think tanks and “research” devoted to creating ammunition for the left/progressive conclusions the media loves to reach, and this bias has been around for a substantial period of time.

An excellent example of the production of the groundwork for the bias infusing media today is “research” published in 2003, in the American Psychological Association’s Psychological Bulletin. Supported by $1.2 million in federal money, “Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition” supposedly provided an “elegant and unifying explanation” for political conservatism. If you have been paying attention this year, some of its themes will seem familiar.

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Condo Prices Drop 9% in San Francisco, All-Time Record Inventory Glut Piles Up

by Wolf Richter
Wolf Street

The glut is in neighborhoods with condo towers, particularly where the construction boom has been. Neighborhoods with low-rise buildings are less impacted.

The situation in the San Francisco housing market is getting increasingly curious. Even as there is a veritable land rush in many parts around the US, including in parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco is now facing historic record high inventory of condos for sale, and sharp drops in condo prices. Inventory of single-family houses is also up and prices are mixed.

There were 2,532 homes listed for sale in San Francisco at the end of October, up 77% from the same week a year ago, according to data from Redfin. About two-thirds were condos. According to data from Compass, inventory of condos for sale was up 85% year-over-year. Inventory of single-family houses was up 25%:

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