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The Biggest Political Blunder in American History

by Steve McCann
American Thinker

If courts and state legislatures award Joe Biden the presidency, the anti-Trump cabal, driven by a four-year single-minded obsession to defeat President Trump, will have committed the greatest political blunder in American history — the unabashed and overt theft of the 2020 presidential election.

This myopic and oblivious group so misunderstood the depth and breadth of support for Donald Trump that their blatant manipulation of the election would fall monumentally short of the planned for and anticipated landslide defeat of the incumbent. A landslide they needed in order to dominate the political arena for the foreseeable future and avoid any backlash from the electorate for their duplicity.

Thus, this cabal, which consists of the Democrat party establishment, Tech and Wall Street billionaires, the mainstream media and left-wing elitists, will find itself in a quagmire of being unable to govern. The Democrat party’s dominant and radicalized left-wing base will revolt over failed promises and expectations while the extent of the fraud will inevitably be fully exposed, resulting in nearly half of the citizenry viewing the government as illegitimate.

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I Can’t Believe It: I Agree with AOC

by Simon Black
Sovereign Man

Since the beginning of March, the US federal government has spent more than $5 trillion battling the Coronavirus and the effects of COVID-19. And governments around the world, from Europe to China, have spent trillions more.

And that amount doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the long-term economic toll, including then incalculable cost of shutting down the economy.

Government-imposed lockdowns have wiped out trillions of dollars, pushing businesses to failure and costing millions of jobs.

And this economic toll also affects tax revenue; with the economy notably weaker, government tax revenue is almost nonexistent this year. So they’re spending record sums of money while generating minimal revenue.

Unsurprisingly, debt levels have spiraled out of control.

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Google and Facebook Had “Secret Pact” to Divide and Conquer the Ad Market

from Zero Hedge

Texas and nine other states have accused Google and Facebook of colluding to divide and conquer the advertising market – and now it’s being reported that the two tech giants are working together to fend off accusations from the government.

The two companies had a secret agreement where “Google agree[d] to give Facebook perks if the latter backs off from direct competition”, according to RT. The two companies, in true Silicon Valley-nerd fashion codenamed their secret pact after a Star Wars character, reportedly called it “Jedi Blue”.

The pact reportedly said that “the two firms were aware that their agreement could trigger antitrust investigations” and that the two companies agreed to “cooperate and assist each other in responding to any Antitrust Action,” and “promptly and fully inform the Other Party of any Governmental Communication Related to the Agreement.”

The word “antitrust” was used no fewer than 20 times in the agreement, RT noted.

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Trump Outlaws Ugly Federal Buildings

Plus: House OKs bloated $1.4 trillion spending package, new Amash bills aim to protect asylum seekers and immigrant detainees, and more…

by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

Brutalist buildings begone! The White House just gave us a latecomer entry for the most perfect illustration of President Donald Trump’s commitment to central planning and petty shows of executive power. Yesterday, the president issued an executive order micromanaging the aesthetics of federal buildings.

All public federal buildings “should uplift and beautify public spaces, inspire the human spirit, ennoble the United States, and command respect from the general public,” as well as “respect regional architectural heritage,” says Trump’s latest executive order, issued Monday.

“In the District of Columbia, classical architecture shall be the preferred and default architecture for Federal public buildings absent exceptional factors necessitating another kind of architecture,” it continues.

The order reportedly represents a compromise for Trump, who wanted to ban modernist design in federal building plans.

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Biden Staffer’s Caustic Comment Reveals Media Double Standard

by Katie Walsh Shields
Real Clear Politics

If you were waiting to see an obvious double standard in the way media outlets cover Democrats vs. Republicans, you didn’t have to wait long. Cue Jen O’Malley Dillon – Joe Biden’s campaign manager and newly named deputy White House chief of staff. In an interview with Glamour magazine, O’Malley Dillon uses a seven-letter version of a four-letter word to describe Senate Republicans.

The news isn’t that she holds these senators she theoretically is going to work with in such low regard, nor that Democrats in Washington have such enmity towards Republicans in general. (Anyone remember the look of horror on the faces of the Obama White House staff when the last transition began?)

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YouTube Deletes Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement From Committee Hearing

by Penka Arsova
LaCorte News

YouTube has removed a video of Trump campaign lawyer Jesse Binnall’s opening statement at a committee hearing in which he alleged election fraud.

How we got here: Binnall appeared before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on December 17 for a hearing titled: “Examining Irregularities in the 2020 Election,” where he made allegations of election fraud and other irregularities.

[…] “We can’t pretend that this problem didn’t happen, it did,” he said. “This is the United States of America we don’t run from that we fix it. We have to use every arrow in our quiver to fix it.”

He specifically discussed election fraud in Nevada, where he filed lawsuits on behalf of President Trump. “Thousands upon thousands of Nevada voters had their voices canceled out by election fraud and invalid ballots,” Binnall said.

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Rich Millennials Plot the End of Civilization

by Doug French

The New York Times managed to find some young people whose silver spoons provide a sour taste in their mouths. To hear them talk, their good fortune is making them sick.

“I want to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars, is impossible,” Sam Jacobs, 25, told the Times. Jacobs went off to college a normal young man and came back a socialist. Suddenly his family’s “extreme, plutocratic wealth” became too much of a burden for him.

“He wants to put his inheritance toward ending capitalism,” Zoë Beery wrote for the NYT, “and by that he means using his money to undo systems that accumulate money for those at the top, and that have played a large role in widening economic and racial inequality.”

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‘It’s Unconscionable’: Outrage Over the ‘Three-Martini Lunch’ Tax Deduction in the New Coronavirus Aid Deal

The emerging COVID-19 relief package reportedly includes a tax break for business meal-expenses that Trump has pushed for months

[Ed. Note: So, we’ve reached a point where not paying federal taxes on legitimate expenses is ‘unconscionable’? Okay then.]

by Nicole Lyn Pesce
Market Watch

This piece of the long-awaited fourth emergency coronavirus-relief bill has plenty of people shaken and stirred — and it’s not the second round of stimulus checks being half as much as the first.

No, it is what’s being called the “three-martini lunch” tax deduction, which President Trump has pushed for since the spring as a means to boost a restaurant industry that has been hit especially hard by the pandemic. Businesses have only been able to take 50% of their meal expenses off of their federal taxes since the 1980s, but a proposal backed by the White House and Sen. Tim Scott, a South Carolina Republican, would let them write off 100%. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has included this tax break as a White House priority in the stimulus-bill negotiations, sources told the Washington Post, and Democrats purportedly agreed to it in exchange for an expansion of tax credits for low-income families and the working poor.

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Christmas Good Cheer for Investors in the Chinese Stock Markets…

by Clive Maund

Whilst US markets have been forging ahead since the Summer despite the economy imploding, powered by profligate money creation by the Fed, Chinese markets has been “treading water”.

The New World Order (NWO) is on a mission to destroy US exceptionalism. Since the end of the 2nd World War, and especially since the end of the Cold War, the US has been the undisputed economic powerhouse and leader of the world, that is until the rise of China. The reason for this was the combination of a dynamic entrepreneurial business ethos and the US being in possession of the world reserve currency, which enabled it to print unlimited quantities of money to exchange for goods and services with trading partners. However, US exceptionalism, as expressed by the likes of Trump, stands in the way of the NWO’s plans which call for all nations to be subservient to its will and direction.

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Trans Remix: Reinventing the Feminist Wheel

from The Daily Bell

“So long as each one of us is more willing to trust another than to judge for himself, we never show any judgement in the matter of living, but always a blind trust, and a mistake that has been passed on from hand to hand finally involves us and works our destruction.” – Seneca

The day of reckoning has come for the Left to bathe in the postmodern filth that it itself created.

Now, boys are girls when they decide they are and vice versa. It’s pure magic but also hard, empirically-driven science. Heteronormative denialism only serves as proof of one’s moral failings.

Subverting even the bare semblance of the original ideological commitments of feminism, so-called “trans activists” and their postmodern “allies” are rewriting the rules.

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Government, Not Coronavirus, is Killing Small Businesses

by Dr. Ron Paul
Ron Paul Institute

A video of a confrontation between Ventura County, California health officials and restaurant owner Anton Van Happen has gone viral. The health officials were ordering Mr. Van Happen to close his business because he allegedly violated California’s ban on outdoor dining. Mr. Van Happen asked the health officials if the government will pay his employees and his rent while his business is indefinitely closed.

Mr. Van Happen is hardly the only small business owner worried about how to pay bills during the lockdowns. Many small businesses operate on a narrow profit margin, so being forced to “temporarily” shut down or limit the number of customers they can serve is a virtual death sentence.

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Cornell Student Government Fails to Disarm Police, So They Expel Opposition Members and Vote Again

by Ashe Schow
Daily Wire

Members of Cornell University’s student government tried to pass a resolution last month that would disarm the school’s police, but the resolution failed.

Following that failure, anti-police activists within the student government worked to expel other members who had opposed the resolution and then held a second vote to disarm campus police, which narrowly passed on December 10, The College Fix reported.

Students said racism was employed by the student government members who wanted to disarm the police, who told numerous white students who spoke ahead of the initial vote that their opinions didn’t matter.

“As a white man, you cannot be the arbiter of what is and isn’t racist and who is a good or bad person. … You will never be the arbiter because you are a white man,” Student Assembly director of elections Moriah Adeghe told a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who spoke at the meeting.

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Trump Hits McConnell, Claims Credit for His Reelection in Email to Fellow Republicans

by Anders Hagstrom

President Donald Trump claimed credit for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection and criticized him in an email sent to Republican members of Congress on Monday evening, according to multiple reports.

Trump argued that McConnell was “the first one off the ship” after the Senate leader officially congratulated President-elect Joe Biden on his election win earlier in December, according to Axios. NBC News and Business Insider confirmed the statement. White House staff reportedly sent a graphic to Capitol Hill highlighting polling data in McConnell’s race and claiming Trump’s actions made McConnell rise in the polls.

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Vatican Okays Use of Coronavirus Vaccines Tied to Past Abortions

by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.

ROME — The Vatican’s doctrinal office (CDF) declared Monday that in present circumstances “it is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.”

In its “Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines,” the Vatican hastened to observe that it is not morally licit to perform abortions in order to create vaccines or for any other reason.

Nonetheless, the use of vaccines against the coronavirus, which, in the course of research and production, “employed cell lines drawn from tissue obtained from two abortions that occurred in the last century” can be a moral option because the cooperation in the past evil is “remote.”

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The Year Populism Was Right and the Experts Weren’t

by Joakim Book
The American Institute for Economic Research

Two thousand and twenty has been an odd year. A year on which more books, unqualified articles, and uninformed opinions will be voiced than possibly any other year in the history of our species. Then again, we all have megaphones of various sizes these days ? and access to blogs and Twitter and newsletters and informational overloads such that this year’s informational misuse is not exactly an achievement.

In one sense, the year has been a turning point. For decades, the chattering classes ? politicians, journalists, authors, academics ? have bemoaned “populism” as a political force. While a contentious term and not quite clear to whom it really applies, it is mostly used as a slur for politicians calling for things with which the speaker strongly disagrees. A more concrete description includes a) a claim to represent the “real people” instead of the fake elites that the establishment protects (this is a sentiment that all democratically elected officials share and so they’re all more or less populist) and b) wanting to act very quickly to solve what the populists and the “real people” see as some immediate danger.

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Our Country Has Been Stolen and Republicans Did Not Prevent the Theft

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Other than President Trump, no one cares enough about America to protect it. So why are we spending $1,000 billion annually to defend ourselves from alleged foreign threats when there is no defense against our country’s theft by the ruling Establishment and woke Democrat identity politics ideologues? Why vote Republican when the party does not defend us?

The journalist Katerina Blinova writing in Sputnik International captured the meaning of the stolen presidential election. Democrats are turning America into a “one-party system” — https://sputniknews.com/us/202011221081242712-politburo-are-dems-striving-to-win-it-all–turn-us-political-landscape-into-one-party-system/ .

If the Democrats succeed in stealing the Georgia senatorial seats as well, which is likely given the absence of protection against electoral fraud, they will rapidly move to consolidate one-party dictatorship.

Here is the agenda:

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