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Mickey Fulp – Mickey’s Monthly Major Market Review

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Mickey Fulp joined us for a review of last month’s metals market carnage. It wasn’t pretty to say the least. There was blood in the streets. Interestingly, most markets were decidedly down, with the exception of crude oil. Natural gas, the champion of the last two quarters was decidedly down on seasonal factors. Uranium seems to have bottomed. The dollar did nothing as did the Euro. The stock markets which had been ablaze took a breather and we’re adding interest rates for next month’s report.

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Triple Lutz Report #276 – Obamacare Employer Mandate Delayed: Life Imitates FSN Again

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We told you so! Obamacare is slowly imploding. This train wreck is coming off the rails and nobody can fix it. As things progress expect to see more and more of these efforts to delay, hinder and defraud the public. If the definition of government is the absence of truth, then this administration has set a new record. Stay tuned for the next development. And while we’re on the subject of deceit, the IRS lady Lois Lerner is back and she’ll still be attempting to plead the Fifth. Better luck this time Lois. Perhaps it’s time to take a much more serious look at getting rid of this corrupt agency at long last.

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Mike Burns – Buy Munis, But Be Careful

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Mike Burns returned and he’s buying high quality munis on a very selective basis. Be sure to spread out your purchases over time. Interest rates will probably be heading upward for a period of years. Therefore, be sure to buy over a period of time and catch the wave up. That way you won’t face devastating principal losses. Mike likes Texas, North Dakota and many university and revenue bond situations. He also likes the triple tax free features that these bonds have. But be careful and don’t be lured in by bond insurance. It can be icing on the cake, but never allow it to be your reason for buying a particular issue.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Math Is Overrated

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We caught up with Ranting Andy Hoffman. What are the odds of gold going down at 2:15 am every morning for the past 35 days? Just 1 over 2 to the 37th power or a number that they never taught you in high school, college or grad school. This is just one small example of how every market is being manipulated to communicate the party’s message of hope and change. Markets no longer function in the manner they were designed, which was to inform participants of the latest price discovery data. Of course anyone who’s been listening to FSN for any length of time is fully aware of this fact.

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Ross Hansen – Why Are Precious Metals Prices Going Crazy?

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Ross Hansen owns North America’s largest privately held mint. Therefore he’s acutely aware of precious metals prices. When markets go through volatile periods like the past few months, he’s seldom caught off guard. According to Ross. the markets have been acting normally. Any market that goes up for 12 years straight is going to eventually have a down year. Ross says there’s rooms full of 20 plus year old kids in New York that he sells metal to, who don’t have a clue what going on. Also, there’s no silver shortage and never has been. Eventually, investment demand is going to push the shiny metal’s prices to the moon.

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Michael Busch – Start a Social Media Business Today

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Michael Busch is a serial entrepreneur. Age has not dampened his enthusiasm for starting new business ventures. He sees social media as the next great area for explosive growth. It’s simple and inexpensive to start such a business and the rewards can be enormous. You just need to acquire the right skills, learn how to use the tools and there’s no stopping you. Michael has done exactly that and is helping local pharmacies regain the high ground and compete successfully against the national chains.

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Triple Lutz Report #276 – Liberty Mastermind Symposium: A Resounding Success

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It finally happened! In Dallas Texas over the weekend on June 29 something incredible took place. 14 speakers spoke passionately about liberty. The sum was truly greater than the parts. Nearly 100 people attended, and the conclusion was almost unanimous: the show exceeded everyone’s expectations. To reclaim liberty, we must start by looking within our own hearts and we must each become an individual champion. Only then will we be in a position to extol its virtues to others. And I am starting right now with my own personal pledge to do everything in my power to stay free and live the most liberated existence possible.

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Mark Skousen – Freedom Fest 2013: A View Of Rome

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Mark Skousen is the founder of Freedom Fest. This marks its seventh year. While it was supposed to be held at Caesars Palace, it’s going to be held directly across the street at Planet Hollywood, with a birdseye view. There’s so many parallels between the US and Rome. Both empires debased their currencies and their morality. Their values sunk to appallingly low levels. In fact the United States morals are still sinking. Is a revival possible. We can only hope. Perhaps you’ll find some answers at this year’s Freedom Fest.

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Heidie Boghosian – 4th Amendment Casualty Casualty Of The War On Terror

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Heidi Boghosian is the executive director of the famed National Lawyer’s Guild. She believes that time is running out on holding the government accountable for protecting your constitutional rights, particularly when it comes to your privacy. The recent NSA disclosures, AP reporter subpoenas and Espionage Act reporter allegations should have every media outlet and American up in arms. Instead, Americans seem complacent and resigned to an ever growing government that knows no limits.

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Debbie Hardy – The Queen Of Resilience

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In spite of many difficulties in her life, Debbie Hardy, The Queen of Resilience, maintains a positive outlook and a joyful personality. She has overcome a childhood of poverty and abuse, a failed marriage, widowhood, and many other disappointments to become CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer) of Stepping Through Life, LLC.Debbie is the author of Stepping Through Cancer: A Guide for the Journey for caregivers. She has appeared on local, national and international radio and TV shows and speaks to various groups and associations, including women’s retreats, professional caregivers, and the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.

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Judie Brown – Obama Conned The Catholic Church

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Judie Brown of the American Life League believes that the Obama Administration conned the American Catholic Church into supporting Obamacare despite its intense pro-abortion anti-life aspects. In addition, she believes that Obamacare is a disaster in the making and she hopes that the American people will wake up in time to put a stop to it.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Catches Home Run Ball

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Ranting Andy Hoffman caught a home run ball this weekend in San Diego. Unfortunately the world’s central bankers have long ceased hitting any monetary home runs and the world’s much poorer for it. China’s ill fated decision to tie the Yuan to the Dollar will prove the equivalent of hitching one’s lifeboat to the Titanic, with similar results. The bond market continues to swoon and we can only wonder how high interest rates will go. This is truly not your father’s Great Depression.

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Darryl Schoon – The Punch Bowl’s Still There But It Doesn’t Matter

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Darryl Schoon joined us today for an in depth discussion of the rapidly deteriorating world economic situation. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer capitalism or communism or socialism, they’re all failing. But that’s actually the good news. The result we be the liberation of humanity. The system as it stands today, has enslaved us all. Much of what passes for policy is really geared towards furthering the control of the elites. But that control has reached its limits and now we’re heading towards a new system that will allow humanity to reach its true potential. However, the transition is going to be extremely challenging and there will be much sacrifice along the way.

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J. Max Taylor – Inside The World Of Mirrors

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J. Max Taylor wrote this book is about the unseen Shadow War that occurred between 1968 and 1976. He wrote it to honor those who served and didn’t come back. They may have been ignored or denied by the “Powers That Be”, but they will live in his heart and nightmares. The profits from the sale of this book will go to help homeless veterans. From Viet Nam to Cambodia to Laos and North Viet Nam the action will show you why so many veterans from the Viet Nam War have PTSD. This was only one of the 83 missions ran by a Special Intelligence Operative code named the Iceman.

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Charles High Smith – Acquire New Skills Or Become a Furniture Mover

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Charles Hugh Smith and I discussed the increasing knowledge gap in America. If you aren’t in a position to make connections and network with people who can help you get ahead, then you must increase you skill set. In previous eras you could only acquire those skills in college. Now, however, you can find them on the internet in numerous places. In fact, a college degree could be completely worthless, whereas an online course could be your ticket to great success.

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Anna Manayan – A Healthy Immune System Is The Key To Good Health

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Anna Manayan J.D., Dipl.Ac., L.Ac., NBIMA (ImmuneMatrix.com) as an integrative/alternative medical practitioner, has traveled extensively around the world to seek answers and learn and develop innovative techniques to get to the root of immune and metabolic issues. She has a chain of clinics and patients come to see her from all over the globe. Her specialty is the treatment of the most challenging cases of chronic fatigue, immune pathologies, Lyme disease, chronic viral and very metabolically challenged patients whose brain chemistry and digestive states are so poor that their doctors cannot give them anything without them reacting.

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Triple Lutz Report #275 – FSN’s Catastrophic Moving Experience

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The best laid plans of mice and FSN often lead astray. We survived major moving blunders and computer failures but the show must go on. The first Israeli-Russian Mafia moving company didn’t show. We opted for uHaul and a couple of illegal aliens who got lost and showed up 1.5 hours late. But they got the job done. Then our long trusted Mac computer died and we found ourselves waiting on line at the South Beach Apple Store at 9pm Sunday. Our backup failed to restore. But we still talked about the wefare state and more.

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John Rubino – 2008 Is Back Again… Can You Spell Lehman Brothers

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John Rubino bought the DollarCollapse url back in 2004. He’s been waiting for it to happen ever since. The odds are he won’t have to wait much longer. The pace of the collapse is clearly accelerating. Gold and silver prices collapsed today along with stocks and bonds. Where is it going to end? Will every fiat currency across the globe collapse? John’s guess is yes.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Precious Metals Crash Report

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We talked to Andy Hoffman today. It looks like it’s 2008 all over again. The only question is what institution or country is going to blow up? There’s so many possibilities that it’s impossible to predict. But the situation is quite grave. Greece is getting worse by the moment. Japan is rapidly sinking. Overnight rates in China purportedly hit 35 percent. And of course in the US the 10 year hit 2.43%. It’s getting more interesting by the moment, so buckle your seat belt.

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Diana Zoppa – Developing World Drivers Are More Deadly… Save Money On Your Auto Insurance

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After a brief hiatus, we caught up today with Diana Zoppa. We proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that drivers in the developing world have more fatalities per mile driven than those in the developed world. It’s not an ethnic issue. It’s one of experience, developed world drivers have been at it longer, that’s all. But while we’re on the topic of driving, take a defensive driving course and save some money on your insurance costs today.

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Triple Lutz Report #274 – Precious Metals Panic Report

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Gold’s down $60 and silver is under $20! What’s going on in the world? Charles Nenner had this nailed several months ago. In fact, he was advising people to get out of gold when it hit $1900 an ounce. Not many of us were smart enough to listen. However, the bull market remains in force and according to Charles will resume its upward trajectory in July.

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Alka Dalal – Creative Entrepreneurship Your Way Out Of The Economic Downturn

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Alka Dalal worked for large corporations throughout her career. Then she realized that there was so much more to having a fulfilling life. That led to her starting her Live Creatively program which helps people help find their inner genius. Everyone has it and you just need to look deep within to find it. It’s really that simple. Get started. Are you going to sit around complaining about things or will you take determined action to establish goals and then pursue them? The choice is yours.

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Jason Burack – Diversify Investments And Hedge

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Jason Burack joined us again for a discussion of successful investment strategies. He’s still bullish on MLP’s (master limited partnerships), commodities and energy. He believes that the precious metals sector will sort itself out in the next 12 months, because the cost of production is higher than current metal prices. In addition, he’s a big proponent of using options to hedge risk because it can be done so inexpensively. The main thing is to keep an open mind to other investment sector opportunities. You never know where your next great profit will come from.

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Bill Holter – The Debt To Gold Ratio Is Frightening

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We caught up with Bill Holter of Miles Franklin today.

“The United States debt, foreign and domestic, was the price of liberty. The faith of America has been repeatedly pledged for it… Among ourselves, the most enlightened friends of good government are those whose expectations of prompt payment are the highest. To justify and preserve their confidence; to promote the increasing respectability of the American name; to answer the calls of justice; to restore landed property to its due value; to furnish new resources, both to agriculture and commerce; to cement more closely the Union of the States; to add to their security against foreign attack; to establish public order on the basis of an upright and liberal policy; these are the great and invaluable ends to be secured by a proper and adequate provision, at the present period, for the support of public credit.” — Alexander Hamilton, 1790, First Report on the Public Credit

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Michelle Riklan – Finding A Job In The New Economy

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Michelle Riklan helps people write their resumes and find jobs. Today’s job market is like no other in history. People no longer find positions through newspaper classified ads or employment agencies. Job seekers and potential employers go to LinkedIn first. Armed with new strategies your odds of finding a position go way up.

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Michael Croix – More Tips To Eliminating Credit Card Debt

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Michael Croix mastered the art of debt reduction before it became fashionable during the last financial crisis. As the saying goes, “If you owe the bank $10,000, you have a problem. If you owe them $1,000,000, they have a problem.” The key is understanding what the creditor is looking to accomplish. Their goal in life is not to ruin your credit score. Rather. they are looking for cash flow. They want to recover the maximum amount possible. Your goal is to pay the least amount you can or perhaps the most you can afford. Michael’s strategies will help you do both.

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Triple Lutz Report #273 – Nanny Bloomberg Says Be A Plumber, and Avoid College Debt

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Ken Liguanas graduated with over $30,000 in debt from the University of Buffalo and zero job prospects. So he fled to the Alaskan frontier and worked for two and a half years till he paid it off. Determined not to make the same mistake twice, he entered Duke’s grad school and lived out of his van to avoid taking on debt. This became the basis of a book Walden On Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom. Sound advice from someone who knows.

Next, we talked about Michael Nanny Bloomberg’s sound advice to skip college and become a plumber. Anytime a self-obsessed multi-billionaire gives career advice, you should listen. There’s a certain logic to his advice that many should find compelling.

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Don Harrold – Long Silver In Spite Of The Hype

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Don Harrold has been buying silver for many years. He sold off a portion of his holdings when silver hit its 2011 high. Now he’s buying it back at greatly discounted prices. He doesn’t believe any of the hype about manipulation and price suppression. He does however believe that this is a good time to be buying the metal. Long term currency debasement and erosion of the dollar are baked into the cake. Therefore, once rates start heading higher, you will see the velocity of money speed-up and inflation will increase dramatically. We do agree with his long term silver outlook.

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Aaron Clarey – Cut Your Expenses And Enjoy Your Life Even More

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Aaron Clarey is a master of minimalist living. He walks the walk. He believes that you usually can’t do much about your total income, but you can certainly control how much of your disposable income you choose to part with. Aaron is traveling around the country riding his motorcycle having a great time. There are many ways to live happily in today’s world, but unfortunately most people are locked into the paradigm of what use to work, such as getting a college degree, buying a home and living the American Dream. Unfortunately, things have changed and that’s why Aaron’s philosophy is so relevant today.

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Triple Lutz Report #272 – Nanny Bloomberg Gets Slammed In The Appellate Court, & The South Is Rising

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New York City Mayor Michael Nanny Bloomberg’s attorneys were arguing to overturn the Big Gulp court decision that stopped him from regulating sugary soft drink sizes. When one of the most liberal courts in the country has the knives out for the uber-Nanny, you know that something is up. He does have one more futile bite of the apple. He must convince the state’s highest court to reverse the lower court decisons, good luck on that one. Like we said before, Justice Milton Tingling’s decision which stopped the ban dead in its tracks was pretty much bullet-proof. And it appears the Appellate Division will agree.

Next we talked about the rising South. Most of the nation’s growing cities and states are located down south. There’s no accident here. While the Northeastern elites deride the culture and intellect of the country’s southern inhabitants, in the area of economic performance and growth there’s no contest; the South has been winning hands down for over a generation.

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