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Texas Shows the Way on Covid Rationality

by Karol Markowicz

Last week, a US state decided to throw off the shackles of prolonged pandemic restrictions that have done very little good and much harm. That state will reopen libraries, museums, houses of worship and most businesses at full capacity.

No uproar ensued. The state in question was, of course, deep-blue Connecticut. A day earlier, however, when the governors of Texas and Mississippi announced their states were reopening, they got a very different reception. When Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also noted he will be lifting the statewide mask mandate, the liberal establishment reacted as if had vowed to personally inject the novel coronavirus into the bodies of Lone Star residents.

President Biden slammed the move as “Neanderthal thinking.” NBC’s Lester Holt declared the country at “an unsettling crossroad tonight.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention boss ­Rochelle Walensky warned against a “premature lifting of these prevention measures.” Federal coronavirus guru Anthony Fauci called the news “inexplicable” and said “now is not the time to pull back.”

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Why Europe’s Left Wants a European Financial Superstate

by Philipp Bagus

In an open letter to the EU Commission with the title Joint Letter: Reshaping the European Fiscal Framework, on February 17, 2021, a coalition of left-wing and green politicians, think tanks, and trade unions unsurprisingly led by George Soros made an appeal for a permanent common EU budget with the possibility of borrowing to support investments that advance the Green Deal and other pharaonic projects. In addition to the permanent EU budget, the letter calls for overriding and making more flexible EU fiscal rules and supporting fiscal policy with further monetary policy measures by the European Central Bank. What to say about these proposals? The permanent EU budget and the possibility of the EU to issuing debt have always been the pipe dream of socialist politicians who want a European superstate. This proposal would be an important step toward such a goal, as from then on the emerging European central state could assume more powers and further grow. The brakes would be off. Again and again socialists have tried to take advantage of crises to move closer to the goal of a European central state by creating new European institutions and increasing the power of the already existing ones. Now the covid-19 crisis is the perfect excuse to make another effort and create facts.

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The Collapse of Trust in Public Health

by Jeffrey A. Tucker
The American Institute for Economic Research

Maybe you have noticed the rise in public incredulity toward the coronavirus narrative that you hear all day from the mainstream media. More doubts. More opposition. More protests. And far less trust. You are hardly alone. What began as a spark in the Spring of 2020 is now a raging fire. Try as they might to put it out, it is burning hotter and higher than ever before.

The data are already in and the lockdown elites are getting worried. Rightly so.

The great epidemiologist Donald Henderson in 2006 made two firm predictions of the consequences of lockdowns. First, he said, doing so would have no benefit in terms of disease mitigation. Indeed, lockdowns did not work.

Second, he said that doing so would result in discrediting public health and cause a “loss of public trust in government.” The loss in public trust – not just officials but also in media – is palpably obvious.

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Biden Admin Allows Child Migrant Detention Centers to Open at 100% Capacity

by Penka Arsova
LaCorte News

The Biden administration is giving the green light to migrant detention centers for children to work at full capacity as the administration struggles to handle the border crisis.

The story: The administration told migrant detention centers for children that they can disregard capacity restrictions introduced because of the pandemic and start using every bed they have. They cited “extraordinary circumstances,” or in other words, a rise in the number of children that have crossed the U.S. border, CNN reported.

The move was approved by the Centers for Disease Control. In a memo, the agency expressed its support for allowing these centers to work at 100% capacity but warned that the risk of coronavirus cases is inevitable.

The CDC said “facilities should plan for and expect to have COVID-19 cases,” and highlights that “there is no 0% risk scenario.”

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Senate Banking Committee Sets GameStop Hearing for Tuesday; Koch Money Pops Up Again

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens
Wall Street on Parade

We’re starting to see a pattern. When the House Financial Services Committee held its February 18 hearing on the wild, manipulative trading patterns in shares of GameStop, a right-wing front group funded with Koch money sent a surprise witness to testify. The front group was the Cato Institute, which was secretly owned by Charles and David Koch and a handful of men through much of its history. Tomorrow, the Senate Banking Committee will hold its own hearing on the GameStop matter and one of the five witnesses called to testify hails from another bastion of Koch money, influence and dubious history.

The witness we’re referring to is Andrew (Andy) Vollmer, a Senior Affiliated Scholar with the Mercatus Center. It’s a safe bet this witness wasn’t invited by the Chair of the Committee, Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio, but was invited by one of the numerous radical right Republicans that have landed on this Committee.

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Everything is Broken

by John Mauldin
Mauldin Economics

[…] I was on a client call earlier this week with Steve Blumenthal. The gentleman is at that stage in life where he needs cash income and not risk. Steve commented, “The bond market is broken.”

And indeed, the traditional fixed income bond market is broken, thanks to the Fed. We were able to suggest some alternatives (they are out there) that could help solve his problem.

But it got me to thinking… What else is broken? And the more I thought, the more I realized that the data that we use every day, the very systems that we are forced to work with, are indeed in various stages of being broken.

There is a great scene in the fabulous movie The Princess Bride where the criminal “mastermind” Vizzini keeps uttering the word “inconceivable.” After the nth time, Inigo Montoya turns to him and says, “You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”

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Gold Market Update – At Critical Juncture Now…

by Clive Maund

We start this update with the latest version of Larry’s amazing gold chart. As Larry states…

“Gold touched $1683.00 on Friday.

Real close to touching the phantom outside possibility line.

To me this means the final moment of truth should be revealed in the next week.

Huge watershed movement – one way or the other – is about to happen.”

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Home Defense Methods and Strategies

Practical solutions for avoiding crime & violence

by Samantha Biggers
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

A frank reality is that home defense is something everyone needs to plan for.

Although crime may be very low in your area, that can change quickly. Plenty of high crime areas started as nice safe communities.

Many factors have contributed to areas becoming unsafe. The economic conditions due to COVID-19 have pushed many people into precarious financial straits. And when people are desperate, they’ll do things they would never have previously considered.

Similarly, the opioid crisis is directly linked to a rise in various crimes in communities and cities throughout America where use of these drugs is high.

Making the situation worse, a growing number of police officers are quitting due to lack of public support and/or open hostility towards them (e.g., “Defund the police!”). Fewer officers mean slower response times.

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Arizona Border Chief Says Illegal Immigration On Track to Top Past Three Years Combined: ‘Already Surpassed’ 2018

by Tim Pearce
Daily Wire

A U.S. Border Patrol official said that illegal immigration is on track this financial year to top the past three years combined.

John Modlin, the interim chief in charge of the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, revealed how large the ongoing flood of illegal immigration has grown over the past several months. Modlin said that if the current pace continues unabated, illegal immigration will top all of 2018, 2019, and 2020 combined.

“So right now we’re about a hundred percent over where we were this time, this last fiscal year. We’ve already surpassed in the first four months of this fiscal year. We’ve already surpassed all of 2018. If the flow continues at the rate it is here, by the end of this fiscal year, we will have surpassed ‘18, ‘19 and ‘20, all combined,” Modlin told Sharyl Attkinson, host of “Full Measure with Sharyl Attkinson.”

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GOP Rep. Hice On Covid Relief Bill: ‘There’s So Much That’s Just Outright Wrong’

by Trent Baker

Monday, Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) voiced his criticism of the $1.9 trillion COVID relief “monstrosity” which passed the Senate over the weekend.

Hice told FNC’s “Fox & Friends First” that “there’s so much in this bill that’s just outright wrong” because so little of it “actually goes to COVID relief.” According to the Georgia congressman, the bill should be aimed at helping the country get out of the pandemic.

“Where do you begin? There’s so much in this bill that’s just outright wrong, $1.9 trillion, less than nine percent of it actually goes to COVID relief,” Hice asserted. “It’s filled with bailout programs — $350 billion going to bail out states. We have money going for a rapid transit system in Pelosi’s district, a bridge in Schumer’s district, $128 billion for schools over the next seven years. Only 5% going to schools right now. The pandemic is going to be over by the end of the year, and yet we’re going to be paying schools for seven more years. There’s money for the endowment of the arts, Amtrak. It just goes on and on. … Americans are going to get $1,400, but this is going to cost them $5,700 apiece. So, the American people are losing $4,300 with this $1.9 trillion monstrosity.”

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Whitehouse is Preparing to Launch “Clandestine” Cyberattacks Against Russia: Biden Could Start a War

by Mac Slavo

Joe Biden appears, for all intents and purposes, to be making an all-out effort to start a war. The White House is now preparing to launch “clandestine” cyberattacks against Russia. The only question remaining, is why the mainstream media is telling us about it.

Citing officials familiar with the operation, the New York Times said that a “series of clandestine actions” aimed at Russia is expected to begin over the next three weeks and that the cyberattacks are intended to be “evident” to President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s intelligence services, but not to the “wider world.”

The definition of clandestine is: kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit. But this hardly seems secret when every mainstream media source is reporting on it. It is certainly illicit, however. So why are they telling the public intentionally making the use of the word “clandestine” a complete lie?

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Big Day for Brits as Government Allows Them to Sit on Park Benches

“All bitches born after March 8th know is sit on bench and have coffee”

by Steve Watson
Info Wars

People in Britain have expressed excitement and gratitude en mass to the government for allowing them to once again sit on park benches next to another person from today.

In terms of historical British victories for freedom, it’s surely up there with VE day and the signing of the Magna Carta.

Let the celebrations begin:

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Monday Rally Returns After the Ultimate Save with Nick Santiago (Ep #220)

from Daily Market Wisdom with Nick Santiago

For more than 20 years, Master Trader Nick Santiago has been beating the markets. He’s made some incredible calls along the way and now he’s looking to spread the word. There’s no reason that the average trader should be coming up short. So now we’ve started a daily show to bring you up to date on the latest market developments. Nick will be sharing trades and concepts and discussing current trends.

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Everything Bubble is Reaching a Limit – David Morgan

by Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

Precious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan says the entire world is printing huge amounts of money, and nobody ever plans on paying any of it back. It’s all going into the so-called “Everything Bubble” that gets stretched a little more each and every day. With another $1.9 trillion Corona stimulus package that just passed in the Senate, we are getting closer to finding out how much funny money a country can print out of thin air before it all blows up. Morgan says, “It’s all about the currency reset or currency crisis that I have been writing and talking about for so long. So, if you don’t trust the currency du jour, the U.S. dollar which is the reserve currency of the world, you are going to look for some place to go that you trust more than that. I think this is what the Bitcoin phenomenon is all about. Rich people don’t need another country home of a third yacht. So, they are going to put money in something they trust more than the U.S. Dollar. . . . I think it‘s an indicator that there is money, big money, that is scared to death about what’s going to happen with the dollar in the future, and they are seeking a place to park it. There is greed too, but the primary thing they are looking for is something that is outside the system at large.”

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Too Busy Front-Running Inflation, Nobody Sees the Deflationary Tsunami

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

Those looking up from their “free fish!” frolicking will see the tsunami too late to save themselves.

It’s an amazing sight to see the water recede from the bay, and watch the crowd frolic in the shallows, scooping up the flopping fish. In this case, the crowd doing the “so easy to catch, why not grab as much as we can?” scooping is frontrunning inflation, the universally expected result of the Great Reflation Trade.

You know the Great Reflation Trade: the world has saved up trillions, governments are spending trillions, it’s going to be the greatest boom since the stone masons partied at the Great Pyramid in Giza. It’s so obvious that everyone has jumped in the water to scoop up all the free fish (i.e. stock market gains). Only an idiot would hesitate to frontrun the Great Reflation’s guaranteed inflation.

Unless, of course, what we really have is a tale of reflation, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Everyone frolicking in the shallows scooping up the obvious, easy, guaranteed gains is so busy frontrunning inflation that nobody sees the tsunami rushing in to extinguish the short-sighted frolickers. ( When Does This Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham Finally Implode? 3/3/21)

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The Narrative Crumbles

by Karl Denninger

I pointed this out early in 2020, but “Wokeism” made it verboten and nobody would touch it.

The report found that every country where less than 40% of the population was overweight had a low Covid-19 death rate of no more than 10 people per 100,000.

In the US, where 152.49 deaths were recorded per 100,000 people, 67.9% of the adult population is overweight, according to the report.

15 times higher.

Now let’s think about that.

Divide the ~500,000 alleged Covid deaths by 15 and what do you get?

About 30,000 or somewhere between 1/2 and one flu season.

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