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Texas AG Paxton: Border Crisis Costing Taxpayers ‘About $855 Million a Year’

by Trent Baker

Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton shared that the ongoing crisis at the United States’ border with Mexico costs residents of his state “of about $855 million a year.”

Paxton, saying his estimate is a “pretty conservative” one, pointed out that Texas is responsible for paying for the education and health care costs of those who come in illegally.

“[W]e’ve known for decades that illegal immigration costs the state of Texas … hundreds of millions of dollars,” Paxton advised. “And we put money in to help with that because we have to because we are required to educate people who come here, we are required to take care of their health care costs, we have to deal with law enforcement issues, and so we just put the information together. And it was a pretty conservative estimate of about $855 million a year, and that’s probably low. So … I don’t think it’s surprising for Americans and Texans to know that this costs a lot of money. That’s just the state of Texas. That does not include the entire nation.”

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The Lockdowners Have Their Own Conspiracy Theories

by Phillip W. Magness
The American Institute for Economic Research

A bizarre Covid-19 conspiracy theory appears to have taken root among the epidemiologists and public health officials who still support lockdowns. According to their claims, the UK government’s pandemic response was secretly captured at some point in the fall of 2020 by lockdown critics including Great Barrington Declaration co-author Sunetra Gupta, her Oxford colleague Carl Heneghan, and Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Seizing on an article in the Times of London, supporters of this theory allege that Gupta and her colleagues convinced UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak to abandon a so-called “circuit breaker” lockdown during an audience in late September. Had the UK gone back into lockdown around the beginning of October instead of a month later – proponents of this theory maintain – it would have avoided its disastrous second wave over the fall and winter months.

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Ether, the No. 2 Crypto, Hit a Record Above $2,000 as Bitcoin Trades Near $60,000 on Good Friday

Ether on Ethereum’s blockchain touches an all-time high at $2,082.58 earlier Friday

by Mark DeCambre
Market Watch

The world’s second-most prominent crypto on Friday touched a fresh record above $2,000.

Ether, running atop the ethereum blockchain, were recently up nearly 7% at around $2,069 after touching an all-time high at $2,082.58 earlier Friday, according to CoinDesk. That is handily above its Feb. 20 record at $2,036.55 put.

Gains for the crypto, which is known for its ability to allow smart contracts to be coded into the ethereum protocol, comes as Visa Inc. has become the first major payment platform to use USD Coin, a stablecoin backed by the U.S. dollar, to settle crypto transactions over the ethereum blockchain.

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President Jim Eagle

by Carl M. Cannon
Real Clear Politics

For four long years, Donald Trump led Republicans to all kinds of weird places they didn’t want to go — or shouldn’t have wanted to go. Hostility to free trade, a ban on travelers from Muslim countries, praising foreign dictators, deriding an Indiana-born federal judge as “a Mexican” — these are not traditional conservative actions or ideas. Yet, President Trump was, as the saying goes, “the titular head of the Republican Party,” and so the GOP was stuck with his baggage: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Joe Biden ran for president promising to end the ugliness, and to work at uniting the country. He vowed repeatedly that, as president, he’d work as hard for those who voted against him as for those who supported him. In his inaugural address, he spoke evocatively about Americans not demonizing one another. Think of those who disagree with you politically as neighbors, he said, not enemies. As for his policies, unlike Trump, Biden embraced the mainstream thinking in his political party. But that positioning is proving incompatible with his desire for national “unity.” Americans are witnessing the flip side of the Trump dynamic. Biden isn’t leading, he’s following. And the Democratic Party is taking Biden to places he shouldn’t want to go.

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CNN: Limit ‘Freedoms’ of Americans Without Covid-19 Vaccination

“The window to do that is really narrowing,” she says. “If you are vaccinated, you can do all these things. Here are all these freedoms that you have,” she added.

by Kit Daniels
Info Wars

A CNN analyst says Biden should curtail the freedoms of Americans who haven’t received a Covid-19 vaccination, stating that there’s a “narrow window” for him to act before more states start lifting lockdowns.

CNN analyst Leana Wen asked “Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?”

[…] “So that’s why I think the CDC and the Biden administration needs to come out a lot bolder and say, “If you are vaccinated, you can do all these things. Here are all these freedoms that you have,” she continued. “Because otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway.”

“The window to do that is really narrowing,” Wen added. “[All these states are] reopening at 100%. And we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status.”

Wen made the statement on March 10, but it gained notoriety on Thursday when it was spread on Twitter.

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No Bear Market Ahead for 5 to 10 Years with RC Peck

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

One year ago we had the most rapid decline in history and the fast rise in history. What does the market do after a crash/purge. RC Peck believes the market is heading higher for the next 5-10 years. Just because it has done it in the past, doesn’t mean that it won’t happen now. 700 million people have their money in the market. Collectively, they have a pretty good view of what’s coming. The idea that the end is near is at best exhausting and at worst makes you fearful. A little knowledge of history is a good thing. Go with probability and history first, but don’t throw caution to the wind. The market has been leading the world and the economy for more than a century. There’s a collective unconsciousness guiding us in the market.

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The UFO/Fed Connection

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

Perhaps the aliens’ keen interest in Earth’s central bank magic and its potential for destruction results from a wager.

You’ve probably noticed the recent uptick in UFO sightings and video recordings from aircraft of the extraordinary flight paths of these unidentified objects.

Perhaps it’s not coincidence that UFO sightings are soaring at the same time as central banks pursue unprecedented monetary policies. Imagine having the power to destroy an entire planet’s economy with a weapon that leaves the inhabitants and physical structures intact but vaporizes all the money. This weapon would be a monetary neutron bomb that crippled the planet with intangible force, leaving everything tangible untouched.

As author Arthur C. Clarke famously observed, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” and perhaps the aliens are intrigued by Earth’s central bank magic. Consider Federal Reserve money-printing from the aliens’ perspective:

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The CDC vs. the Constitution

The Founders could not have possibly imagined the Commerce Clause covering an eviction moratorium.

by Sam Spiegelman

Since last summer, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have used an obscure federal regulation to impose a nationwide moratorium on a huge chunk of residential evictions. This is constitutionally dubious, to say the least. But the CDC just extended it through June.

The moratorium’s proponents argue that federal authority over interstate commerce permits this move. But the Interstate Commerce Clause isn’t a plenary power over all areas of life simply because everything, at a certain point, can be linked to commercial activity. The Tenth Amendment makes clear that all powers not expressly delegated to the federal government are left to the states. Still, the Commerce Clause has been used to justify a myriad of regulations that involve no commerce “among the several states,” and in some cases no “commerce” at all. Notable examples include prohibiting cannabis grown in your backyard for personal medical use, or stopping the control of a rodent population that has no commercial value and lives only in southwest Utah.

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Tech Tyrants Slam a Few Extra Nails Into Donald Trump’s Coffin

by Andrea Widburg
American Thinker

I have never forgotten — I doubt I ever will forget — Scott Adams saying in a 2019 podcast that the tech tyrants would ensure that Trump would not win again and, indeed, that no one who was not of their choosing would ever win the White House again. They’d slipped up in 2016 and learned their lesson. He was prophetic, and boy! did they learn their lesson. Facebook and its subsidiary, Instagram, having already banned Trump himself from their platforms, are now banning any content with Trump’s voice in it from the platforms.

As was the case with all the other tech tyrants, Facebook and Instagram banned Trump after January 6. They’ve kept that ban in place even though it has become absolutely apparent that Trump did nothing wrong on that day.

Actually, to smart people, such as American Thinker readers, Trump’s innocence was instantly apparent; to leftist ideologues, the only apparent thing is that no number of facts will ever change their faith-based beliefs about all sorts of things, including the Russia Hoax, Hunter Biden’s innocence, climate change, or the bizarre belief that Hannah Gadsby is a comedian.

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Rehypothecated Leverage: How Archegos Built a $100 Billion Portfolio Out of Thin Air… and Then Blew Up

from Zero Hedge

One week after the biggest, and most spectacular hedge fund collapse since LTCM, we now have an (almost) clear picture of how Bill Hwang’s Archegos family office managed to single-handedly make a boring media stock the best performing company of 2021, but then when its luck suddenly ended it was margin called into extinction, leading to billions in losses for the banks that enabled what Bloomberg has dubbed its “leveraged blowout.”

Thanks to detailed reports by the Financial Times and Bloomberg, we now have the missing pieces to complete the picture of the biggest hedge fund implosion of the 21st century.

As a reminder, and as we previously discussed, we already knew how Archegos was building up stakes in its various holdings: unlike most other investors, the fund never actually owned the underlying stock or even calls on the stock, but rather transacted by purchasing equity swaps known as Total Return Swaps (TRS) or Certificates For Difference (CFD). Similar to Credit Default Swaps, TRS exposed Archegos to the daily variation margin on the underlying stock, and as such while the fund would benefit economically from increases in the underlying stock price (and, inversely, would be hit by price drops forcing it to put up more cash as margin any day the stock price dropped) it would never be the actual owner of record of the underlying stock.

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The Explosive Surge of Mortgages for “Second Homes”: Housing Bubble Math

by Wolf Richter
Wolf Street

No housing market can produce enough homes when homes are massively used as vacant investment speculations. This creates an artificial shortage.

That the housing market has gone nuts is now in the news on a daily basis with click-bait reports of silly bidding wars with ludicrous amounts paid over already high asking prices, powered by the new pandemic of FOMO – the fear of missing out. Bad deals are made in good times, as bankers say, and these are the best of times, powered by the Fed’s policies of moving heaven and earth to inflate every conceivable asset bubble.

One side effect of the combo of these surging home prices, still low mortgage rates, and FOMO is that people have bought new homes without putting their old and now vacant home on the market and with no intention of putting it on the market for now – and thereby they have bought a “second home” – which squeezes supply and heats up the frenzy further.

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It Got Serious in a Hurry

by Robert Gore
Straight Line Logic

He’s a joke, but nobody’s laughing.

Trump’s five years were fun. He said things that provoked outrage among all the right people, often because they were true. You could laugh at their hypocritical idiocies, hysterical posturing, and sputtering anger. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, anyone who can watch Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow without laughing has a heart of stone. Frothing anger fueled effort after effort to depose Trump until success was realized with overblown pandemic panic, riots, and a clearly rigged election. If nothing else, Trump exposed the mendacity, arrogance, incompetence, venality, and criminality of the Corruptocracy.

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Lockdowns and Easy Money Bring a Weak Recovery for Europe

by Daniel Lacalle

If we looked at most investment bank outlook reports for 2021, one of the main consensus themes was a strong conviction on a rapid and robust eurozone recovery. They were wrong.

This week, Capital Economics joined other analysts and downgraded the eurozone growth, highlighting “We now think that the eurozone economy will recover more slowly than we previously anticipated, growing by about 3% this year and 4.5% in 2022. Meanwhile, euro-zone government bond yields seem unlikely to fall much further, and with Treasury yields set to increase significantly, we expect the widening yield gap to cause the euro to weaken against the US dollar.”

This wave of downgrades, which includes the OECD and European Central Bank estimates, comes with the same old and tired upgrade of next year’s expectations, which will likely be downgraded again further down the line.

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Break Into Wall Street’s Secret to Massive Profits

by David Forest
Casey Research

If you follow along in the mainstream financial media, you’ll hear plenty of stories about the Wall Street elite cleaning out the markets…

And leaving the rest of us with table scraps.

This news can get discouraging.

For example, Warren Buffett made a reported $12 billion in Bank of America after the 2008 financial crash – a 240% return. He also made billions in similar investments with Goldman Sachs and General Electric, for nearly $4 billion and $1.5 billion, respectively.

And it’s not just Warren Buffett. Billionaire investors like David Einhorn and John Paulson also use the same strategy as Buffett to pad their pocketbooks.

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India’s Experiments with COVID-19

by Jayant Bhandari
Acting Man

Shooting from the Hip

[ed. note: the tweets linked below mainly show videos from various lockdown phases]

Reminiscent of his demonetization effort in 2016, on 24th March 2020, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, appeared on TV and declared an immediate nationwide curfew. No one was to be allowed to leave wherever he or she happened to be. All flights, trains (after 167 years of continual operation) and road transportation came to a complete, shrieking halt.

[…] Tens of millions of people — myself included — got stuck wherever they were.

People were not allowed to leave their homes, not even for grocery shopping, the latter of which was amended after a few days when the government realized that people needed to eat. In a country of 1.38 billion people, the initial policy was a shot from the hip, without any consultation or planning, as if prepared by primary school kids.

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