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FSN Goes On The Road – The “I Told You So” Tour

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We got interview by several radio shows about our predictions for the meltdown of Healthcare.gov. Seems like the country could finally be waking up to the reality of this monstrosity. If it works by November 30, 2013, we’ll sure be surprised.

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Dr. Philip Caper – Medicare For All: The Only Way To Healthcare For Everyone

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Dr. Philip Caper is a physician who believes that we need Medicare for all. Despite the epic fail of the ACA/Obamacare, he is still an ardent believer that only the government can give you the healthcare you need and deserve. He believes that the private health insurers are the ones messing up the system and making it impossible for so many to obtain coverage. He doesn’t believe in the potential of the free market to exert its well known discipline and ability to provide the lowest cost services to the greatest possible number of people, as it has done in so many other areas. The choice is simple, let the government do it or trust that the free market can work here as it has elsewhere.

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Absolutely Abby’s Bus Ride Continues

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Abby Kohut is on a mission to help 1 million people across the nation get jobs. She believes that with the right combination of training, computer skills and focus, virtually anyone can land a job, even if this lousy economy. It’s just a matter of following the new rules of the game. And Abby is an expert. As a recruiter, she was quick to recognize that the rules of the job market were changing. Now she’s bringing that expertise to countless people across the country as she continues her bus tour in what she states, “… is the best year of my life.”

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Ernst G. Frankel – The US Is Spending More On Sales Than Manufacturing

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Prof. Ernst G. Frankel is worried about the country’s economic and social future. As a nation we now spend more on sales and marketing than we do on manufacturing. Apple would like to move factories back to the United States, but it can’t do it because the engineers required for staffing can’t be found here. Unless there’s a major change in the way we educate our youth, things will only get worse. Unfortunately, no one in Washington is listening. This is a real problem for the future.

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Barbara Mohrman – Can The US Come Back?

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Whatever happened to America’s famous can-do attitude? How can we recapture our determination to face the major challenges confronting our country? Ask Barbara Eymann Mohrman. As a girl, she discovered her father’s World War II uniform, vintage photos and diaries from Iwo Jima and Okinawa in a box in the basement. That discovery inspired her to begin tracing her family’s history. In the process, she uncovered painful family secrets and stories of heroism and survival.

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Margie Baldock – Writes The Mother Lode Manifesto

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Margie Baldock wrote The Mother Lode Manifesto as a revolutionary call to action for women everywhere to create personal, financial independence through social entrepreneurship, whilst transforming the world at the same time. Margie’s groundbreaking, step-by-step master plan is designed to assist women buy back our time, while transforming the current destructive path our world is heading down. She’s appalled by the state of the world, the collapse of the monetary system and the fact that 6 corporations control virtually all the world’s resources. Now she wants to do something about it.

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Dr. Louise Achey – Prescription Drugs Could Be Hazardous To Your Health

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Dr. Louise Achey has 32 years of experience as a pharmacist and a medication specialist. She explains that medication safety, health and fitness are extremely important to maintaining the quality of life. Adverse drug interactions is the number four cause of death in America today. Learning how to be an involved active patient is the key to staying safe. There’s so many different drugs available, both over the counter and prescription, that you should always keep a list of the drugs you currently take and provide it to any doctor you see. It could save your life.

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Greg Hunter – Are The Saudis Dumping The Dollar?

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Greg Hunter has been in the media since the 1970’s and he’s shocked by what’s going on today. The incompetence of the government has led to an undermining of the confidence in Washington by our closest Arab ally in the Middle East-Saudi Arabia. Now they appear to be ready to give up the petro-dollar. This could be the black swan that leads to the new world financial order. If it’s not that then it will be something else.

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Andy Hoffman – Is Housing Headed For Another Bust?

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Housing sales are falling off the cliff. New rules are coming down from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that are going to make it even worse, if you can believe it? If housing goes down than how far can the rest of the economy be? Andy Hoffman thinks not too far. Other trends which we’ve been covering for years are certainly not too favorable, but don’t worry, you can always count upon the Fed to print more money. And that has always worked in the past so it’s sure to work now, won’t it?

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Jeff Kass – Can Private Gun Ownership Stop Mass Shootings?

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Jeff Kass joined us again for another discussion of the increasing incidence of mass shootings in the United States. Jeff believes that private gun ownership and possession isn’t a deterrent to such events. According to a Mother Jones study, this would appear to be true. And yet, there have been a number of instances where mass shootings have either been interrupted or stopped by gun wielding citizens. One thing is certain, we must all become more aware of people who are on the edge and could become capable of such acts. An ounce of prevention could be what’s necessary to prevent such disasters from happening.

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Delia Horwitz and Paula Vigneault – Collaboration Is The Key To The New Economy

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When Delia Horwitz and Paula Vigneault wrote Collaboration Soup they had no idea how successful it was going to be. The days of the go it alone maverick seem to be gone. In today’s complex society, the better we corroborate, the more we succeed. Steve Jobs is perhaps the best example of this. While his people skills were often looked down upon, he was able to get the best out of those who accepted his brash style and he succeeded beyond all expectations. Delia and Paula are masters at getting people to work together and bring out their best, especially yours truly.

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Chris Duane – The Day Of The Dollar’s Demise Is Quickly Approaching

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We hadn’t talked to Chris Duane, the SilverShield, in a long time. So much has happened since our last conversation. The ability of government to work its magic and have its way seems to be diminishing by the day, witness the great Obamacare fiasco. Violent crime in America was up by 15 percent in 2012. These are but symptoms of what’s going to happen next. It won’t be pretty, but you can be prepared. But you already know all this. If you’ve been listening to Chris during the past two years and 10 million YouTube views or FSN and close to 8 million downloads later, you know all this already.

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Laura Berger and Glen Tibaldeo – Is It Time For Your Radical Sabbatical?

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Laura Berger and Glen Tibaldeo were burned out and ready for a break. That’s when they realized that they needed a radical sabbatical. They took off for the jungles of Costa Rica. While you may not need to escape quite so dramatically, the results you receive may be just as substantial. After a year, they returned back to America, almost as new people. They were ready for new careers and challenges. They were happier and more content and started recommending that everyone take a radical sabbatical.

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Triple Lutz Report #315 – Detroit Loves Obamacare and Healthcare.gov

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The bankruptcy court is will hold a trial to determine whether Detroit’s filing is legally permitted. According to FSN’s legal handicappers, there’s no contest here, Kevyn Orr will win this case hands down. Meanwhile, back at the ranch or the law office that now passes for the Dirty “D”‘s city hall, they’ve cut out retiree health insurance payments and are now giving out $125 per month stipends with a suggestion that the recipient visit Healthcare.gov and purchase a nice new health insurance policy. Good luck with that one! Also, a giant I told you so about FSN’s predictions about the Obamacare Meltdown!

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Karen Simpson-Hankins – Will You Ever Qualify For A Mortgage Again?

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Karen Simspon-Hankins is our resident mortgage expert. She recently hooked up with Academy Mortgage, the largest independent mortgage bank in the country. There are big changes coming to the mortgage market compliments of Dodd-Frank. It looks like the old 20 percent down payment will be coming back shortly. This means big changes and lower prices for the real estate market. Not many people are aware of the impending impact that will happen shortly after the first of the year, but you should be. It’s going to be major.

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John Rubino – Is This The End For The Republican Party?

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We finally reconnected with John Rubino of DollarCollapse.com. He is of the opinion that the civil war taking place inside of the Republican Party could be fatal. The libertarian faction hates the country club contingent, and vice versa. There can be no peace while both sides are still alive. With the Democrats running the show, this can only be a plus for gold and silver. Lastly we discuss how JP Morgan got hit for another $13 billion for yet something else that they did wrong… so what else is new?

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Dave Kranzler – Is The Housing Boomlet Over?

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Dave Kranzler believes that the recent boom in housing, compliments of the Federal Reserve, is all but over. It all seemed too good to be true and it was. The shadow inventory is rising and home sales are dropping. This in spite of the fact that mortgage rates have come back down. The hedge funds appear to be getting ready to start disposing of their home inventories. Home flippers also appear to be backing off. All of this bodes badly for the real estate market. Of course there can’t be a real estate recovery without an employment recovery.

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Gary Stokes – Don’t Let The Economy Bring You Down

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The bad economy and turmoil in Washington is enough to bring almost anyone down. But not if you’re a warrior. Warriors live life on their own terms and that means that whatever the politicians do can’t bring them down. Getting to that point is what Living With Poise is all about. And Gary Stokes has spent his life figuring that one out. Gary has great advice for those willing to listen. There’s a difference between being prepared and being fearful and paranoid. You need to know what it is.

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Danielle Park – If You Hate Wall Street, Quit Smoking

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We caught up with Danielle Park today to discuss the latest developments on Wall Street and Main Street. Seems that JP Morgan will be coughing up at least another $13 billion in fines for yet another case of wrong doing involving mortgage backed securities. But it’s okay, because the bank has a net worth of over $200 billion so they’ll be just fine. If you live in New York and wonder why your cigarettes cost $10 a pack, look no further than Wall Street and those wonderful tobacco lawsuit settlements. Seems more people are quitting that awful habit than orginally expected, leaving the dwindling pool of smokers to pay off the bonds that rely upon tobacco sales. So if you hate Wall Street, quite smoking.

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Joe Flower – Obamacare Is More Than a Website and It Will Succeed

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Joe Flower joined us again. He has over 30 years’ experience and believes that even though the website is a failure, Obamacare is on the right track. He thinks that more people will be able to get insurance and that less people will go bankrupt as the result of runaway medical bills. He also believes that most people will see decreases in their health insurance premiums as a result of the law, even though it appears that the contrary is true. What happens next may shock even Joe.

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Carrie Hart – Are You Being Eaten Alive On The Job?

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Are you being eaten alive on the job? Maybe your angry boss yells, your co-workers stab you in the back or difficult customers suck you dry. Whatever issues you’re having at work, Carrie Hart can help you regain power and control with her business insider secrets. You’ll learn what your boss really wants from you and how to advance by capitalizing on this secret, how to avoid giving away your power at work, and how to use your four intuitive senses to determine the best way to handle any situation in the office. Have your listeners call in with their workplace dilemmas and she’ll offer expert advice as well as explain how to identify and work with power animals. Carrie Hart is a management consultant, author and speaker. For the past 20 years she’s focused on guiding people to reach a high connection with themselves. She has a private healing practice and is the author of “A Call to Greatness: The Exciting, Joyous Journey Your Soul Wants You to Take.”

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Alfred Poor – College Isn’t For Everyone!

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Alfred Poor wants to help young people make the right choices when it comes to choosing college or work. He believes that it might make sense to take on student loan debt if you have your priorities are in order. College isn’t for everyone and shouldn’t be marketed as such. Colleges need to have skin in the game and also should be required to have a stake in their students’ success or failure. Alfred also works with colleges, companies, and families that want to support young adults in making the transition from student to employee so that they can successfully hit the ground running in that first job after graduation.

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Chad Hovind – According To Chad The Case For Free Markets Is In The Bible

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Glen Beck says, “Chad Hovind reveals how the Bible supports free enterprise and entrepreneurship. You’ll laugh and learn as he weaves together biblical history, philosophy, and a passion for business with references to Adam Smith, C.S. Lewis, and Milton Friedman, as well as Steve Martin, Bugs Bunny, and Monty Python.” While we’re not sure if God is really pro free market, we do enjoy our discussions with Chad and will take support from wherever we can find it.

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William Cane – Dress For Success: Especially When No One Else Does

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William Cane is a well known image consultant and founder of Manhattan Makeovers. He’s also a best-selling author and a former trial attorney. Members of his image consultant company have shaped the look of hundreds of celebrities, presidential candidates, A-list actors, doctors, lawyers, bankers, and other professionals. Their recommendations are based on the latest research into what will increase your effectiveness at work. There’s a number of simple and effective steps that you can take to change your look that will really make a major difference.

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Andy Hoffman – Hyperinflation Is Good For The Stock Market

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Andrew Hoffman stopped by for our regular Monday discussion. Looks like the debt ceiling debate is gone for good. They’ve given the president a blank check. Who would have thunk it? It was inevitable. If they can print money to infinity then what purpose does a debt ceiling serve anyway? The deficit went up a staggering $328 billion in just a few days. There’s nothing quite like the discipline that a fiat currency imposes on the political system. It worked so well in the Weimar Republic and in Zimbabwe too.

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Chris Simmons – Paranoia Has Overtaken Common Sense When It Comes To Fighting Terror

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Chris Simmons a/k/a The Puppet Master knows about fighting terror first hand. He says that the recent raids in Somalia and Libya were complete failures, regardless what the administration claims. The Department of Homeland Security is getting in the way of keeping us secure and is actually putting us all in danger. Spying on the population is a waste of time and is not making anyone safe and in fact is opening up the country to additional threats from hostile countries. The US is just not taking the threats against it seriously.

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Darryl Schoon – The Current Economic System Will Be Ending Shortly

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In 2007 Darryl Schoon wrote a paper predicting that an economic crash was coming soon. People thought he was crazy. But they were soon proven wrong events that followed. Now Darryl is seeing the crash completing itself in the near future. At that point the so-called “Paper Boys” will be out of business and sound money will be back in vogue. Darryl believes that better times will be coming after the chaos of the collapse finishes up. It’s just a matter of time.

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Derrick Crowe – Hidden Secrets Of Government Spending

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Derrick Crowe is the Communications Director of the Center for Public Policy Priorities. Sounds like an obscure think tank, but the work they do is very important. They shed light on how the government spends your money and what their priorities in spending it are. Many times, these priorities are shrouded in secrecy, but PPP gets to the truth. With the mess that just went on in DC, any information and insight into what’s really going on is welcome.

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Triple Lutz Report #314 – The Shutdown Ends And The Shutup Begins

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Obamacare will just fade away or perhaps the United States will. The Shutdown ended, ostensibly in failure and now the Shutup has started. But six months down the road, Obamacare will be no more. This bad science project will have to abandoned and then the fun will begin. 120 million people are about to be extremely enraged with the government. Democrats will be blaming the Republicans, the Republicans will be blaming the Democrats and the President will be blaming the Republicans, the Democrats and the web developers. But the people will be blaming everyone. And watch out! But there’s 10 fundamental problems with the US and the World Economies that we review. Pay close attention!

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David Gurwitz – Updated Market Projections: Gold $1200

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We caught up with our old friend David Gurwitz of Charles Nenner & Company Research today. The Shutdown has become the Shutup and now gold is having its predicted bounce. David says it won’t last and he’s expecting to see it drop to $1200 an ounce and retest it’s old lows. He thinks the stock market is peaking and it’s going to gradually fall off from here. Same with the bond market. More bad news ahead for the dollar as well. Listen up as he makes a lot of market calls.

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