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Ellen Shaffer – Forget The Debt, & Don’t Cut Social Security Either

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We connected with Ellen Shaffer of the Center for Policy Analysis. She’s quite knowledgeable about budgetary matters and believes that we cannot afford to balance the budget on the backs of our seniors. The effort to implement the chained CPI adjustment for veterans and seniors will cost them dearly by understating the true rate of inflation. She believes that it’s far better to tax the rich and large corporations at higher rate than under current law. In addition, she believes that Social Security is solvent and everyone will receive their benefits.

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Catching Up With Diana Zoppa – Save Money: Buy Gold & Silver Now, and Get An ObamaPhone Too

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Diana Zoppa and I caught up today. The best money savings tip for the week is buy gold and silver at prices below fair market. After last week’s slam-down, gold and silver have been on sale and people have lined up around the block to purchase the physical stuff. Diana also is reading an incredible book, The Golden Mean, by Nelson Hultberg. It explains exactly what’s going in society today and why the progressives are winning. We also talked about discount phone plans. If you can’t qualify for an Obamaphone, think about Metro PCS.

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Triple Lutz Report #259 – Email Bag And Congress Seeks Obamacare Exemption For Itself

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I responded to an email by Brian Bloom of BeyondNeanderthal.com and a frequent critic of your host. He seems to think that just because gold has historically held its value and that people have perceived it as having value, that it really has little intrinsic value. He suggests that I drink several glasses of scotch to help come to my senses. You be the judge. Next we talk about the latest congressional conspiracy to exempt itself from major portions of Obamacare. Will this outrage be allowed by we the people?

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Jason Hartman – Clarifications On Gold And Real Estate

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We talked with Jason Hartman today. We wanted some clarification on his thoughts about precious metals versus the real estate market. Jason likes precious metals better than holding cash or paper assets and is a precious metals owner himself. A few of you wrote bemoaning evil tenants and rapacious management companies. Jason affirmed that these are valid considerations, however he felt that the potential benefits far outweigh the risks. It’s probably just like any other investment, if you do your homework and get a little lucky, it can be quite profitable.

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Michael Gray – It’s Getting Harder But Not Impossible To Keep Your Money From The IRS

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We talked with CPA Michael Gray about strategies for keeping more of your money and paying less in taxes to the IRS. Certainly things have gotten harder with the new tax law, but there are still strategies available for minimizing your tax burden Charitable contributions, retirement planning and other things still work, although obviously not as well as before. The important thing is to start planning now and not wait to get blindsided in December.

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David Gurwitz – New Bottoms Forming For Apple And Gold

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Charles Nenner called it again. After the first gold slam down earlier in April, he said that there would be a better low later in the month, this week to be exact. His call was on the money. Longer term he’s a raging precious metals bull, but in the next couple of months he’s unsure whether we’ll see a “U” or “W” bottom. However for the longer term gold will resume it’s 12 year bull market and hit new highs in the process. His take on Apple is similar. He’s not sure about Apple’s bottom, but doesn’t see it going higher until it breaks $440. I follow Nenner’s market calls very closely and you should too.

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Dave Lavinsky – Crowd Source Funding Your Way To Success

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Dave Lavinsky has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to get funding for their startups. Many of them became successful businesses. The new thing is crowd source funding and Dave has developed a powerful system for doing it right. First, you need to establish your credibility and to provide value to your funding group. This will get the donations flowing. In addition, crowd source funding is the ultimate inexpensive way to find out whether your new business will have a market. It’s a way to test market your ideas before you spend big money on them. This will help you to avoid the expensive mistakes that so many new entrepreneurs make.

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Ted J. Leverette – Buy A Business And Then Retire

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Ted J. Leverette returned to Financial Survival Network. Buying a business with the goal of retirement sounds like a contradiction in terms. However, if you’ve got the ability to run a company, have the ability to make a down payment and the desire to make up your retirement income shortfall. Then find a profitable company that has a history of making a profit, even during 2008-09 recession. Finding these companies can be difficult, but Ted is an expert at finding Cherries, privately owned companies that aren’t currently on the market. This is the best way to fund a comfortable retirement.

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T. Scott Gross – Baby Boomers Versus Millennials: The New Generation Gap

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T. Scott Gross writes extensively about the Millennial Generaton. They have different values than Baby Boomers and different goals. Team work seems to come more naturally to them. They were born into the digital age. They don’t know from analog devices. They’re quick to adopt new technology. They want a direct flow of information back and forth to management. They have diminshed expectations and you can’t demand loyalty from them, you’ve got to earn it. These are just some of their issues.

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Dale Penn – Identity Theft And Tax Refund Fraud Are Running Rampant

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Dale Penn and his wife were identity theft victims. It was all new to them and they had no idea what to do. This led Dale on a journey and now he’s written a book about it, Identity Theft Secrets, which shows you how not to be a victim. There are things that you can do right now to prevent thieves from getting ahold of your idenity. First, lock down all of your computers. Encrypt your hard drives and protect your mobile devices. Next, make sure any important documents are shredded before they hit the garbage can and finally monitor your credit report. Even if you take all these steps, you still may be victimized, but you’ll be prepared and will act quickly to minimize the damage.

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Jeff Wilson – What Your Parents Never Taught You About College

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Jeff’s book Life’s Cheat Sheets was written to inspire young adults (really all adults) to learn crucial, real-life street-smart skills, showing them how to control their mind, think big, and take daily action to achieve results beyond their dreams. It lays out crucial life skills that schools barely brush upon. It teaches young adults how to grab the bull by the horns and steer their life in the direction they want it to go. It gives techniques on mind control, then outlines key techniques to accelerate their success, and concludes with essential life planning. We also discussed the proper way to get a college education and saves 10’s of thousands, even 100’s in debt.

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Triple Lutz Report #257 – Precious Metals Crash Update

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Gold is down $200 in just a few days. You would expect that physical holders would be unloading the stuff creating a veritable selling panic. Not the case. In fact, the reality is quite the contrary. At the Perth Mint in Australian buyers were lined up around the block. While it’s harder to find a brick and mortar establishment selling precious metals in the US, most major retailers have been drained of 90 percent pre-1965 silver coins, one ounce rounds and silver eagles. Shortages are starting to crop up for 1 ounce gold coins as well. What’s going on here? Why is the market acting so irrationally? It appears that the paper market is rapidly decoupling from the physical market, a healthy trend that we believe will increase drastically in the future.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – The Straw That Broke The Paper Metals Market

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Ranting Andy Hoffman was back for another Monday filled with insights and much information. The physical silver and gold markets are charging foward even while the paper markets seem lifeless and a bit dull. Premiums are escalating and the bullion dealers are having difficulties keeping any silver in inventory. The same effect is starting to be seen in the physical gold market as well. Things seem to be more and more out of control as the days go by. Andy believes that there’s very little time left to acquire the necessities of life, including precious metals. So now is probably an excellent time to stock up.

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Triple Lutz Report #256 – Gold Is Dead, Long Live Gold

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You made it through another week, even after the mother of all precious metals raids. Gold finished up around $1408 and silver’s a little over $23. What is going on in the world? Every bit of the real news that you’ve been getting — from Cyprus to China to Europe to the US — should be bullish for gold and silver. Record money printing, loss of faith in banks, declining economic performance the world over; how can this be? Listen on and find out more.

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Tom Dyson – The Bitcoin Experiment – Gold Is Cheap

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Tom Dyson of The Palm Beach Letter joined us for an analysis of Bitcoin and the emerging electronic currencies. It’s time to cut the middle man banksters out of our transactions. It will result in greater privacy and less costly goods and services. The Internet is emerging into a payment mechanism. Tom thinks that Gold could be sending out a message about potential deflation in the world’s financial system. No doubt we’ll find out soon. Finally, Tom has started an program called The Wealth Builders Club. This is a very practical strategy to help you build your wealth through additional revenue streams rather than investing. It makes a lot of sense.

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Bix Weir – End Game Is Here: Death Of The Dollar Is Around The Corner

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According to Bix Weir we’re coming down to crunch time. The end is nigh and the Too Big To Fails will be failing right and left. Bix believes you need to divorce yourself from it as soon as possible or suffer the consequences. There’s no alternative because the United States owes too much money to ever dream of paying it back. Things will never be the same and the normal that exists today will soon be a thing of the past. While you might not have to become a farmer or hunter-gatherer, the way you obtain your food, as well as pay for it, is going to be completely different. So get ready, it’s coming soon.

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Jason Hartman – Real Estate, Gold Or Both?

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Jason Hartman, a Financial Survival Network sponsor, joined us again for another discussion about real estate investing and whether it’s as good as gold or better. Jason sees many aspects of real estate that are superior to gold. The ability to leverage and compound profits at the rate of inflation or better is a major positive in Jason’s book. Also, Jason sees that real estate investing is a time proven way of building wealth in America. He’s not encouraging you to sell your gold, but to simply diversify your holdings. The future is uncertain and no one is sure how things are going to work out. Be prepared.

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Andrew Horowitz Interviews Kerry Lutz – A Responsible Politician Is An OxyMoron

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Andrew Horowitz of the TheDisciplinedInvestor.com caught up with me today. We talked about the precious metals slam down, Apple Computer, the real inflation rate and the real economy. I emphatically made the point that precious metals is the ultimate insurance policy against reckless politicians and infinite money printing. While the government is painting rosy economic numbers, food-stamp use is burgeoning and the long term unemployment rate is increasing. So don’t be fooled by the propaganda.

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Mike Gearhardt – Will Our Elected Officials Avert Financial Disaster?

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Plain and simple, no! Mike Gearhardt has lost all hope of the government getting its act together. Individuals have cut their spending and implemented budget discipline, while the government has made no such efforts. The United States needs to totally revamp the way it does business and redefine the role of government and the benefits that it can provide. Can the public be educated to understand the severity of the situation and the necessity to change? So far the answer has been no and our politicians have helped perpetrate these lies. The solution is for the people to hold their politicians accountable and force them to act.

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Dr. Rosalene Glickman – The Best Companies To Work At Are Optimal Thinkers

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Today we spoke to Dr. Rosalene Glickman. The Fortune list of the 100 best places to work has just been released. Google again is number 1. While some may believe that these companies are overly generous and paternalistic, the results of these companies speak for themselves. Bringing out the best in their employees is part of their mission statement. When employees are happy and fulfilled they produce their best. While there are many theories about why companies succeed and fail, the reality is that the companies that motivate their employees and work as team, produce their best results.

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John Rubino – Time To Take Financial Responsibility

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John Rubino says that if you haven’t taken financial responsibility yet, you better do it soon! Even though gold and silver were thoroughly slammed down, buying of the physical products has reached record rates. Normally when there’s a panic investors seeks to dump their investment on the market and take their losses. Not so this time and one has to wonder why. Look for the committment of traders (COT) to tell the story on Friday.

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Diana Zoppa – Physical Gold Buying Frenzy Taking Place

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Diana Zoppa is back, and there’s a physical precious metals buying frenzy taking place. Certain products such as 90 percent junk silver are in tight supply. And it is a great time to buy especially if you’ve been waiting 12 years for a major pullback. As Diana reiterated, precious metals are insurance on your money. And you’ve never needed that insruance policy more than now. We also discussed the Liberty MasterMind Symposium and the right way to have a garage sale, get lots of your neighbors to join in. Most importantly we discussed avoiding Political Correctness and why it’s so important to speak your mind.

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Adlai Stevenson III – No Debates Means No Political Civility

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Adlai Stevenson III is quite disturbed about the level and quality of civil discourse in America today. He believes the recent gun control debate is just the latest example of how the political system has broken down. Allowing lobbyists to write important laws, allowing money to corrupt the process-both by corporations and unions, has led to a coarsening of American Politics. The public has been badly served by its leaders, especially in recent years. Only by taking money out of politics and forcing all candidates to debate their views and agendas in an unfettered venue, will the system be restored and the country saved.

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Carl Jarvis – Why Gun Control Failed In Congress Again

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Carl Jarvis constitutional scholar came on to discuss the latest gun control failure and why it matters. Seems with all the monumental existential issues facing the country, Congress should be more concerned with these issues than having you check a few more boxes on your gun check form. Not so. The latest effort ended in humiliating failure. So for now, your 2nd Amendment rights are safe from the Feds, although they might not be safe from your state legislators, ie, NY, CT, CA and CO. In addition, Carl is very concerned about your diminishing 4th Amendent rights, that protect you from unreasonable search and seizure. The IRS is the latest agency to believe that the 4th Amendment shouldn’t apply to them. He’s not sure where it will all end, but you need to join the fight.

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Adam Rabie – Sell Your Gold And Buy Millions In BitCoins?

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Is it time to sell your gold and buy BitCoins? Adam Rabie believes you should own both. He sees electronic virtual currencies as one of the keys to protecting your wealth. They’re still very new and have a number of issues that need to be worked out before they can take their rightful place next to the Dollar and the Euro. However, they are evolving quickly, and with a few tweaks they’ll be ready for mass acceptance. People are extremely concerned about the long term viability of the fiat currencies currently in use. The fact that the supply of BitCoins is fixed at 21 million units means that by definition it cannot be inflated out of existence. As long as people regard it as a medium of exchange and the governments don’t figure out a way to neutralize it, it will survive and prosper.

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Barry Stuppler – Bullion Sales Are Booming

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Barry Stuppler took a few moments away from his staggering sales load to update us on the latest precious metals smack down. Barry explains that all of this has been done before. A failing fiat currency always requires the central bank to create the illusion that paper has value and metal is undesirable. Based on Barry’s increased level of bullion sales, the public ain’t buying it. I guess you can only be deceived so much before you wise up and do the only logical thing, which is buy gold and silver with two hands!

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Peter Grandich – Scary Times For Precious Metals Investors

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We caught up with our friend Peter Grandich today. He’s as concerned about the recent precious metals smack-down as you are. He questions the volume and price action that caused these extreme price drops and believes that nothing has really changed. He urges you to keep the faith and understand that this event probably portends another worldwide economic crisis. The monetary system is less stable than ever before and the ability of governments and central banks to control events diminishing by the day. That’s why you need precious metals, to insure your wealth during periods of widespread economic uncertainty.

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Ross Hansen – The Man Behind The Mint

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Ross Hansen owns the largest private mint in North America, Northwest Territorial Mint. He’s been involved in the precious metals trade for decades. Unlike many, he doesn’t see any conspiracies or nefarious plots slamming down the precious metals prices. Rather, he believes the latest decline was caused by the wholesale exit of hedge funds from the gold/silver markets. This is actually a healthy development for the industry. In addition, he sees no widespread shortages of product. Rather, there are select shortages in certain products, such as 90 percent junk and 1 ounce rounds. Ross owns several silver mines, so he understands the underlying markets.

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Jeffrey Christian – Why Gold And Silver Crashed

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CPM Group’s Jeffrey Christian joined us today. He gave his opinion on why the gold and silver markets experienced such a violent crash, losing so much of their value in just two days. Jeff believes that it’s simple supply and demand factors kicked in and that the decline was long overdue. He believes that the metals could shortly bounce back to around $1400, stay in this range for quite a while and eventually reach new nominal highs again by 2020, although he’s not issuing any buy recommendations at this time. While he doesn’t think that the metals were in bubble territory, the smash down has taken out the remaining weak holders and it paves the way for a recovery at some point in the future.

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Byron King – Now Is Not The Time To Panic

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That sucking sound you heard yesterday is the sound of gold going from weak hands to strong hands. Byron King believes that your golden insurance policy is still sound. Which means if you’re a small investor, hold on to your metal, don’t get rattled and do not give in to fear. He also thinks that the current decline will help feed a takeover boom, where the major miners take over high quality juniors . This could spell the end of the TSX-V junior miner’s depression as well. Gold is reacting well today, the day after the major crash.

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