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Gary Stokes – An Educated Citizen Is The Power Elites Worst Enemy

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Gary Stokes returned to the show earlier today. Becoming an impeccable warrior should be your primary goal. Become aware of your weaknesses and seek to overcome them. There are no shortcuts. You need to engage in a lifelong effort and never give up. Eventually, you’ll prevail, but it does take a lot work. Cynicism is not the path to success. Cynicism is the act of doubting other people’s motives and actions. It’s impossible to be a happy a cynic, so you need to find another way. While the world is crazy and getting crazier all the time, the situation isn’t completely hopeless.

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Carl Schramm – Finding Your Inner Entrepreneur

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Carl Schramm is one of the world’s leading thinkers on entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. The Economist has referred to him as the “evangelist of entrepreneurship.” For the last ten years he served as President of the Kauffman Foundation. In 2012 he was appointed University Professor at Syracuse, the 16th person in the university’s history to hold such a position. In addition, he is a visiting scientist at MIT and a fellow at the Institute for Business Innovation at the University of California at Berkeley. He ably explains what starting a business is all about.

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Karen Simpson-Hankins – Secrets of a Mortgage Insider

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Karen Simpson-Hankins has been called “a go-to mortgage and real estate expert” in the media and a “breath of fresh air” by her clients. A 37-year veteran of the mortgage industry, author, coach and speaker, Hankins is undeniably a consumer’s trusted advocate in home finance. Over her career, Hankins has focused on acquiring the best possible loan she can deliver at the best possible price for every client that crosses her path. She left the mortgage industry in late 2011, because the mortgage industry no longer supported her values with the way consumers were being treated. But she has since realized that she can help more individuals by inspiring change within the industry than being outside the industry! Now, she works one-on-one with consumers as a home loan consultant, coach and consumer advocate to help them garner a better deal on every home purchase or refinance.

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Martin Armstrong – Stop The World, We Want To Get Off… Gold And Silver To Hit Lows In June

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Martin Armstrong spoke with us today. The situation is Europe is getting more hopeless by the day. The markets are as always in control, but the brain-dead politicians don’t get it and they will eventually be swept away. France has outlawed gold purchases for cash. Every ounce must be reported to the authorities. The government wants to seize all private property, which is not going to end well. Major civil unrest is coming to Europe. Youth unemployment is approaching 60 percent. Their future is gone. People have zero confidence in the government’s ability to solve any problem. In some countries, two-thirds of the youth want to migrate to the US. Go figure. And it looks like the low for gold and silver should be made in June.

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Barry Stuppler – Yesterday’s Gold Price Intra-Day Upside Reversal Was Important

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We caught up with Barry Stuppler today. Gold and silver were getting slammed yesterday and then presto, they finished up substantially. Helping this along was the threat by Moody’s to downgrade the US’s credit rating and the environment is being sewn for increased gold and silver. We are past the point of no return, austerity won’t work and neither will unfettered money printing. The war on gold entered a new phase recently with France banning gold purchases for cash and increasing government monitoring of all sales and purchases. Expect prices to start heading up shortly.

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Kevin Alexander Gray – The Decline Of Black Politics: From Malcolm X To Barrack Obama

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Kevin Alexander Gray wants to know who are black politicians more loyal to: the Democratic Party or their black constituents? Have African Americans gained anything from years of participation in the US political system? Formerly one of Jesse Jackson’s key organizers, and still an engaged activist and writer, Kevin Alexander Gray provides a unique, insider’s account of two generations of struggle: from King, X and the civil rights era through to the Rainbow Coalition. The Decline of Black Politics then builds on this authoritative historical account to map a way through our current, impoverished political landscape. Kevin is well worth listening to.

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Arch Crawford – May 20 Was A Big Deal, and More Volatility Ahead

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During Arch Crawford‘s interview last month, he stated that May 20th would be a significant day. Yesterday’s precious metals markets were quite frenetic-starting with a beat down of gold and silver and ending with a substantial upside reversal. And of course the Oklahoma tragedy occurred. It seems to be a pretty prescient call. Looks like there’s more volatility and financial uncertainty ahead. Judging from today’s action in the gold pits, that’s pretty well assured.

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John Rubino – Is The Crackup Boom Coming?

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John Rubino and I discussed that based recent history and mainstream economic theory, the past few years should not have been possible. When you cut interest rates to near-zero, run deficits of 10% of GDP and buy up every government bond in sight with newly created currency, you get a boom, end of story. That’s just the way capitalism works. But this time was different. After four years of QE and ZIRP and all the other easy-money acronyms, we entered the month of May with Europe in a deepening recession and the US recovery petering out. We discuss what’s coming next and what you can do about it.

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Andy Hoffman – Another Gold Take Down With A Twist

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Andy spent a sleepless Sunday night. He was watching another precious metals smackdown in the making. But then something funny happened. Gold and silver prices reversed their losses and started going up. The silver supply is still tight. Premiums on gold have stabilized but silver premiums are still high. In addition, there’s talk of another credit downgrade by Moody’s. The value of the US’s debt is quite dubious in any event, so what the ultimate affect of a downgrade will be is in doubt.

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Triple Lutz Report #265 – Gold Prices Are Headed Where?

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If you’ve been listening to and reading the Financial Survival Network for any length of time you know two things: 1) I’m not a financial advisor so I can’t offer you any personal advice and; 2) If you listen to my advice you are certain to lose money in the short term. Anyone who’s an experienced investor has seen the markets frequently make a fool out of you. How many times have you bought a stock only to see it rapidly slammed down leaving you with a substantial loss? While stock price trends are tough to determine, gold and silver price trends are far trickier to get a handle on. Which is why I leave it to others, such as Charles Nenner, Martin Armstrong and Nick Santiago.

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Cody Horton – Hypnotherapy Can Be Your Key To Growth And Success

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Cody Horton has been helping people solve their problems through hypnotherapy for over 30 years. Her success stories are nothing short of amazing. The same things that keep you smoking and overeating are also keeping you from the success you desire. Getting to the bottom of that false belief is the key. However, that belief resides in your unconscious mind. Believing that you aren’t good enough is a leading cause of failure. People like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates didn’t have this problem. There are many other false beliefs that could also be holding you back. The time to change is now.

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Turd Ferguson – Events Are Shaping Up As Expected… Buckle Your Seat Belt

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We interviewed one of our favorites today on our live show, which is broadcast every Friday at 11am (eastern) on 1590 WPSL. As usual Turd was chock full of useful insights. The movement of gold from west to east is escalating. The Shanghai Gold Exchange so far hasn’t shipped any metal in May. Large quantities of gold are becoming less and less obtainable. Premiums on these types of purchases have gone way up. So that precious metals insurance policy you’ve been paying premiums on all these years is soon going to pay off big. Ignore the paper markets, they’re becoming less relevant by the day.

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Catching Up With Diana Zoppa – More Scandals And Savings Ahead

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We caught up with Diana Zoppa again after a brief hiatus. The scandalous administration is getting more scandalous by the moment. More and bigger scandals are no doubt on the way. Next, we talked about new and different ways to save you money. There’s an infinite number of ways for you to save; you just need to use your imagination and the internet. Where there’s a potential purchase, there’s a definite discount to be had.

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Ned W. Schmidt – Should You Buy Google Or Gold

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Ned Schmidt is a regular guest on FSN. US Jewelry demand has increased for the first time in 7 years. A share of Google is going for over $900, whereas an ounce of gold is trading under $1400 the ounce. Which one should you buy? Well to coin a phrase from the title of my book, Go for the Gold! (and Silver too). Ned’s analysis has been spot on. He loves buying valuable assets at a substantial discount, like gold and silver right now. He’s sees major inflation up ahead and gives the current example of record high beef prices. And this is only the beginning.

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Rob Hanus – Prepping Is A Way Of Life

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Rob Hanus is a former marine and life long prepper. He doesn’t live in a bunker in some remote area of the country. Rather, he’s developed some commonsense methods of insuring his family’s survival during an unexpected emergency. Just because something is unexpected doesn’t mean that you can’t plan for it. The key is planning before disaster strikes. It isn’t expensive or difficult, but you need to do it now. Of course it doesn’t hurt that Rob’s wife works at our sponsor, PrepareWise. It’s a great place to start preparing.

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Rico Racosky – There’s Just 2 Choices

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Rico Racosky’s high school guidance counselor thought that a 4 year college was too challenging for him. He suggested that Rico attend a junior college and see what happened. Rico was surprised. He didn’t accept the advice but he didn’t get angry or ashamed either. Instead, he made a choice, and that choice made all the difference. It all comes down to two choices, yes or no. Your choice either brings you closer to your goals or puts them further away. You decide! And this is extremely empowering and helps get you where you want and need to be.

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Ambassador Fred J. Eckert – Barrack’s Ever Growing Crock

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Ambassador Fred Eckert returned to discussing the latest lies and distortions of the White House’s current occupant. From Benghazi to the IRS scandal to the AP subpoena, the volume and intensity of lies has been increasing. Will the media fall back into line? Ambassador Eckert believes they’ll be back with their fawning coverage shortly. Can you really put the toothpaste back in the tube?

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Gordon T. Long – Other People’s Money Is Fleeing The US

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Gordon T. Long took time to speak with us today. Private Equity funds own over 40 percent of the businesses in the United States today. But they’re heading to greener pastures, in the Cayman Islands and around the world. There’s a fire sale taking place in Southern Europe, Asia and Africa and the private equity funds are picking up bargains by the bushel full. This trend is accelerating and the stock market will head higher. But beware, hyper-inflation is coming and mal-investment is escalating. Interest rates are eventually going up and dramatically so. Rates can’t be kept near zero for ever.

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Doug Johnson – Scandals Breaking Out All Over DC

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Doug Johnson has a clear view of the political world from an outsider’s perspective. His commentary is become popular with average Americans. They appreciate his straight talking style and honest analysis. And this all came about because Doug realized that the economic downturn in our country was having such a huge impact on the business community and families nationwide. He felt it was time for someone to offer comment about what was happening to America. Doug’s uncanny accuracy has caused radio talk show hosts to refer to him as the Nostradamus of political commentary. We talked in depth about the numerous Obama scandals. He believes the administration will survive because in the end, the media will bail them out. This remains to be seen.

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Triple Lutz Report #264 – Twinkies Are Back – Life Imitating FSN (and SouthPark)

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Sorry we haven’t been able to do a Triple Lutz Report recently. Alot has been happening. I discuss the return of the dreaded Twinkie. Much to the chagrin of healthy eating advocates around the country, it’s coming back. But it is a more competitive leaner and healthier Twinkie, now that its bucked its union shackles. Next, I discussed the use of disabled children to help the wealthy avoid the lines at Disney World. If this sounds like something out of SouthPark, that’s because it is. Cartman faked being disabled so he could join the Special Olympics and win all the all the metals. Then it was on to the Robin Hoods of Keene New Hampshire and their never-ending quest to save you from getting another parking ticket. So far they’ve helped motorists avoid over 4,000 tickets. The city is now suing them because the meter maids feel threatened. Finally, we discussed The Great Gatsby movie remake and why Prohibition made it all possible.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – The Tapering Of QE3

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Ranting Andy Hoffman and I connected for our usual Monday discussion. The Fed has adopted a new term for their eventual withdrawal from Quantitative Easing–Tapering. It means absolutely nothing. There’s no specifics for when and if they’re going to reduce bond purchases and so far they haven’t done it yet. Harvey Organ rightly brings up the question, with evey central bank in the world buying back its own debt, who besides the Fed is going to buy US debt? The only one left to buy US debt is the Fed, so they can speak of tapering all they like, but when push comes to shove, they can’t possibly do it. And we talked about the real inflation rate, which is best illustrated by the accompanying chart.

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Dr. Douglas Johnston – Religion, Terror, and Error: U.S. Foreign Policy

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Dr. Douglas Johnston has vast experience in defense, diplomacy and how religion fits into the puzzle. Without a historical perspective, it’s impossible to understand what is going on now in the world. Rather than a cohesive religious and political force, Islam is a fragmented force that the United States has frequently misunderstood, much to its detriment. Dr. Johnston believes that we also have a major US educational failing in that few people understand the historic underpinnings of Islam the current issues that confront America.

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William Hazelgrove – The New American Dream Is Taking Hold

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William Hazelgrove says that with millions of Americans underwater and losing their homes, jobs becoming scarce and consumption on the decline, a new American Dream is evolving. People are downsizing, they want smaller homes, a simpler life and to effectively construct their own bailout. The hangover from the boom years is ending and now people need to find new goals. They are pursuing a simpler life that will perhaps be more fulfilling. It’s all about quality of life, which money often cannot buy.

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Jon C. Frank – Buy Only Nutritionally Dense Produce

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Today we spoke to Jon C. Frank of MineralizedGardens.com. If you’ve noticed that food just doesn’t taste as good as it used to, you’re not alone. Much of the food grown today doesn’t contain the required nutrients that it used to. In addition, lack of trace minerals is a potential health hazard waiting to happen. Therefore, we need to apply pressure to the supermarkets to increase their purchases of nutritionally dense produce. They will respond to consumer demand and provide us with healthy foods. It’s not a question of organic or locally grown. Therefore, we need to look at the actual minerals in the plant that finds it way on to your table.

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Amy Hanus – The Basics Of Emergency Preparedness Food

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Amy Hanus works at our sponsor, Preparewise. I wanted to have her on to explain the ABC’s of emergency food acquisition and use. Just like gold and silver, you need to think of this as a form of insurance. Today, supermarkets have just a 3 day supply of food on hand. Have you ever seen the empty shelves of your local store when bad weather is about to strike? They’re wiped clean, you can’t even find a bag of peanuts. When Hurricane Sandy struck, people in New York City were eating of out dumpsters. It just makes total sense to be prepared so you don’t get caught short-handed.

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Wenonah Hauter – Reject The Foodopoly And Eat Healthy

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Wenonah Hauter grew up on a farm. She experienced the economics of food and says that our current system has been corrupted by big AgriBiz. Her solution is rest on education and ending corporate control of the government. This means ending their ability to make campaign contributions. While she doesn’t agree with Mayor Michael Nanny Bloomberg’s efforts to regulate portion sizes, she feels that the government has to do something to help people eat healthier. Ending farm subsidies to corporations will go a long way.

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Nick Santiago – You Can’t Print Your Way To Prosperity

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Nick Santiago of InTheMoneyStocks.com joined us a for a precious metals market review. Looks like the metals are heading lower once again, but Nick sees another buying opportunity ahead. The economy is no better off than it has been over the past 5 years. Government economic policy has become even more injurious and the debt problem isn’t being addressed at any level. This means that in the long run, gold and silver will be increasing. Just look at the latest Chinese imports and ask yourself what they know that you don’t?

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Darryl Schoon – A Spiritual Awakening Is About To Happen

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In 2007 Darryl Schoon wrote a book Time of the Vulture: How to Survive the Crisis and Prosper in the Process where he detailed the coming crash and what actions were necessary for you to come through unscathed. Now we know he was uncannily correct. Darryl believes, and I concur, that we are currently going through a planet-wide spiritual transformation. While it’s normal to fear the unknown, these changes that will affect human conscious are breathtaking in scope and will leave no man, woman or child untouched. Anything that furthers human consciousness is for the better, but the transition can be extremely volatile and will end the status quo.

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Roundtable with Ed D’Agostino & Joe Yasinski – Paper Markets Disconnect From The Physical

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Ed D’Agostino and Joe Yasinski run a precious metals trading platform that provides buyers with multiple competitive precious metals dealers who bid for their business. They are heavily involved the markets and like so many others have witnessed a worldwide run on physical gold and silver. The disconnect between paper precious metals and physical continues to widen. They’re quite adamant that supplies on many products have tightened and that premiums have soared during the recent slam down. In addition, the flow of gold to China is staggering and worthy of note. Over 1,000 tons have found their way to China in 2013 to date! Their opinions are quite illuminating.

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Wayne Allyn Root – People Are Fleeing High Tax States And Countries

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We caught up with Wayne Allyn Root today. His book launched 4 weeks ago and promptly hit number 1 in two categories–business and economics. It’s not surprising, he’s has been a successful entrepreneur, a sports handicapper, a magazine writer, an author of several books, a television commentator, and a spokesman and board member of Wealth Masters International. The book shows you how to survive what he calls Obamageddon and the Zombie Economy. If you want to survive and thrive, this book is must reading.

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