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Triple Lutz Report #281 – Nanny Bloomberg Says Take The Stairs, Not The Elevator

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Just when you thought it was safe to drink a big gulp soda, America’s number one buzz kill mayor, Nanny Bloomberg is on your butt once again. He’s fed up with your large posterior and he wants you to do something about it. That means that you should be going up and down the stairs instead of taking that handy new invention called the elevator. You know that device perfected by Elisha Otis that made the modern city possible. Bloomberg would like to roll back history to get you down to your fighting weight. But you just won’t listen.

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Dennis Miller – Be Your Own Retirement Fund Manager

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Dennis Miller is an expert in all things retirement. He’s examined the growing costs of mutual fund investing and is quite shocked by his findings. Over the course of decades, mutual fund management fees can eat up a large portion of your returns. This can result in a diminished standard of living during your golden years. He’s found other alternatives with lower risk and better potential long term returns.

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David Diamond – The Zimmerman Trial Farce

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New guest, attorney David Diamond and I review the Zimmerman murder trial for answers. How bad are Florida’s prosecutors? Should the case have ever been brought? When does stupidity become an act of criminality? And should politicians be allowed to seek political cover in the criminal justice system? So many issues were raised by this awful trial that you need to be aware of. The end result should have come as a shock to no one.

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Oswald Viva – It’s Lonely At The Top

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Oswald Viva is a noted business coach and consultant. He’s started many businesses and knows the truth, that it can be lonely at the top. That’s why you’ve got to be brutally self-honest. You must identify your strengths and more importantly, your weaknesses. Those weaknesses that you can’t overcome, you’ve got to find other people to handle. Once you’ve gone through this process, you’ll be ready to succeed.

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John Jamieson – Choose Your Agent Wisely

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John Jamieson like many others other is helping you generate wealth with life insurance. This is a concept that I’m still getting used to. I was raised to believe that stocks and mutual were the only path to wealth and retirement. Worked out great didn’t it? Used properly, whole life insurance is a proven method for generating wealth and passing it down to your children.

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Ghada Talhami – Cause For Guarded Optimism In Egypt

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Professor Ghada Talhami is cautiously optimistic over recent events in Egypt. The will of the people has swept a potential dictator from office,despite of the Obama Administrations protestations to the contrary. What will follow next is the big question. Hopefully we will see a democratically elected government that protects individual rights from the potential overreach of the majority, kind of the like the United States used to have. But in the Middle East, nothing is ever certain.

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Danielle Park – Is It Time To Stop The Presses?

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Danielle Park and I finally connected after a long summer hiatus. She thinks that the game is over and we’re heading into a very steep and painful recession. The Bernank’s BS has run its natural course and we’re seeing real GDP contraction. From the look of things, she’s probably correct, but the pain has been felt all along by the 99 percent. How much worse it’s going to get, before it gets better is the real question. Deflation is taking place at the same time inflation kicks in. Have you been to the supermarket or the gas station lately?

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Marjorie Cohn – Government Persecution Of Snowden Continues

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Today we spoke with Marjorie Cohn, a member of the National Lawyers Guild and a professor of law at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law. The US Government apparently will stop at nothing to capture Edward Snowden. Snowden’s revelations have uncovered a pattern of arbitrary and unlimited snooping upon every citizen of the world. It shows a government that has run amok. No one’s personal information is safe from the prying eyes of the intelligence agencies. The corporate media couldn’t care less. Any notions of personal privacy are a complete joke.

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Tom Dyson – Florida Real Estate Boom Destined To Bust

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The Palm Beach Letter‘s Tom Dyson returned for a close look at the Florida real estate boom. There’s a lot more here than meets the eye. Hedge funds are gobbling up foreclosed single family homes. As a result prices appear much stronger than they really are. This has caused a pile on effect and markets appear to be appreciating. But is a future bust being set up? We may soon find out.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Bernanke’s Lies Never Stop

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We caught up with Ranting Andy Hoffman. It’s time for Bernanke’s bi-annual lie-fest, known as his Humphrey-Hawkins testimony. You remember, where he tells Congress that everything is really fine, that the economy is improving and that elephants can fly, that there will be world peace in our time and that we all should learn to love one another. Ah, so many lies and so little time.

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Live from Freedom Fest: Bobby Casey – International Asset Protection

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Bobby Casey is an expert in international asset protection. We cover a number of countries that have strict bank secrecy laws and a number of techniques that will help you protect your wealth. Also we discuss the upcoming FACTA debacle and what it can mean to you and your wealth.

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Live From Freedom Fest: Robert Ian and Kevin Drost – Mr. T Is A Libertarian

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Robert Ian, Kevin Drost (our Liberty Mastermind sponsor) and I met up at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. We covered a variety of topics, but Kevin’s Mr. T System to internationalize your gold holdings was the most intriguing. Listen and find out more. Kevin has given this a lot of thought. Mr. T is obviously a Libertarian.

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Jared Fuller – Job Hive The New Way To Hire And Be Hired

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Jared Fuller has a vision. He wants to use technology to speed up the hiring process so that only verified qualified applicants get matched up with real solid job opportunities. Imagine how much time and resources could be saved. Think how many more people would have satisfying jobs and how many more companies would have more filled job positions. Soon his vision will be a reality as Job Hive goes on line.

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James Neathery – Making Whole Life Insurance Look Good Again

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James Neathery has been selling life insurance for most of his life. Then one day he realized he wasn’t doing it right. Now, he sells customized policies that retain high cash value and lose very little of their first two year’s premiums to commission expense. That makes him a hero in our book. Other agents could be doing the same, but they choose not to. Listen to this interview and find out why a portion of your portfolio should be in life insurance.

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John Payne – Legal Cannabis Is Coming

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John Payne of the National Cannabis Coalition is helping to lead the way for more states to do away with their ridiculous marijuana prohibitions. The pain and suffering caused by these unjust laws is shocking. Oregon and perhaps Missouri are next on the referendum trail. Colorado and Washinton State were the first to legalize the reviled herb. Once the tax dollars start to flow, more states will start lining up.

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Live From Freedom Fest: Larry Pratt – Gun Owners Of America

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We spoke with Larry Pratt, head of Gun Owners of America, as to why the Second Amendment is so important. For one thing it was number on the list. Next, it was intended to protect Americans from their government and of course, the right to keep and bear arms was never about hunting, unless they meant hunting politicians.

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Live From Freedom Fest: JAG TV’s Stephen Gordon – A Network Just For Libertarians

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JAG TV believes there’s a huge untapped niche of libertarians who want constant content about freedom. They think that Fox and the mainstream have totally missed the boat and they planning a heavy roll out in the near future. We think they’re on to something and the people running the show are incredibly smart and talented. We wish Stephen and his crew all the best.

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Triple Lutz Report #280 – QE To Infinity Continues, and Gold Comes Out Of Its Duldrums… Thanks Uncle Ben

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Well gold seems to be coming back from its deep sleep. After three back to back double digit gains we get word from the Fed that Uncle Ben is throwing in the towel. He thinks the Fed will need to keep buying bonds into the foreseeable future, so much for the much anticipated tapering. Which brings to mind that old adage, how can you tell when a Fed Chairman is lying, his lips are moving. A little Walmart story thrown in for good measure and some more Obamacare tripe.

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Lindsay Hall – Always Have Insurance On Your Insurance

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Lindsay Hall, sponsor of the Liberty Mastermind Symposium and Chief Market Strategist of RMB Group had some wise advice on how to insure the value of your precious metals holdings. At FSN you know that we’re huge proponents of gold and silver. We believe that in a world where currency debasement to infinity is the stated objective of the world’s central banks, you need to protect your wealth. However, there are times like the past two years, where having an insurance policy on your insurance policy would have worked wonders. Just something to think about.

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Barbara Miller – Helping You Get Through Life’s Trials And Traumas

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Barbara Miller is an author and motivational speaker. She started Barbara and Company International, Inc. After going through a horrifying divorce and hitting bottom, she moved to Florida and started a new life. She got through her challenges and decided to help others do the same. She’s written two books and embraces laughter as one of life’s key ingredients to help us through our greatest challenges and struggles. She teaches that we all deserve healthy loving relationships and to live our life in happiness and joy. This, she says, is attainable and can be accomplished by creating balance in our lives mentally, physically, social-emotionally and spiritually.

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Les Gold – For What It’s Worth

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Les Gold, FSN’s favorite Hardcore Pawn broker is back. He’s written a book, For What It’s Worth, and we highly recommend it. Les talks about being raised by an unloving father and rising above it. He shows how he hasn’t made the same mistake himself, quite the contrary. He’s also got an inherent toughness that few possess. he once faced down an armed robber with a shotgun, after a police officer had been killed, while his father was hovering in the basement. Les has found his calling and this book is a must if you’re seeking yours.

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James A. Paul – There’s A Lot More To Syria Than They’re Telling You

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Jim Paul is an expert on Syrian affairs. He’s worked with the UN and has written a book, Syria Unmasked. He believes that there’s a faction there who want things settled by nonviolent means, but they are not being taken seriously by any of the interested parties, especially the United States. This is leading to needless bloodshed and brutality. As usual the American public is only getting part of the story. In addition, there’s a lot more to what happened in Libya and Egypt that is being hidden as well. But there’s nothing to see here, so just move along.

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Triple Lutz Report #278 – The Frozen Twinkie Returns

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We finally started on our new radio station in West Palm Beach Florida, 1230 WBZT. Things are really looking up. And the new Leaner Competitive Twinkie is making its debut on July 15. Unfortunately it’s going to be frozen when it leaves the factory/bakery. Contrary to popular belief, while diamonds are forever-Twinkies are not. They have a limited shelf life so freezing them is a necessity. Hopefully, that famous Twinkie flavor which made them an American icon will not be affected.

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Kevin Drost – Time To Internationalize Your Assets

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Kevin Drost discusses his strategies for internationalizing your assets. He believes that under current IRS regulations you’re not required to disclose precious metals that are being held in a foreign non-bank repository. His company, which helped sponsor the Liberty Mastermind Symposium has a number of bullion services available to the public. He’s an incredible speaker and we are pleased to have him aboard.

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Laurence Kotlikoff – Make Sure Your Money Outlives You

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Professor Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff is an expert is in retirement planning. Government policies and taxation are always changing. Rates of return and stock market indexes are often unpredictable. Against this backdrop, you have to figure out when to take your social security, whether to start dipping into your IRA and whether you can afford to stop working. That’s why Dr. Kotlikoff helped create Esplanner.com. It answers all those questions and many more. It helps you figure out the important decisions and takes the guess work out of your retirement.

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Bob Hoye – Gold And Silver Hit Their Capitulation Lows

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Bob Hoye has studied every post credit bubble bust since the 1600’s. So far this one has followed a very predictable cycle. Initially gold and silver rose on over done inflationary fears. Then they fell on economic recovery hopes. Now they’re poised to recover since the economy is heading back into recessionary territory. History doesn’t repeat, but it certainly rhymes as it is doing now.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Welcome To Ranting Andy Speak

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We caught up with Ranting Andy Hoffman of Miles Franklin today. War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Inflation is Deflation. Unemployment is Employment. Contraction is Growth. Andy breaks it all down for you on another Monday installment.

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Jason Hartman – Get His $300 Course For Free Now

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Jason Hartman is a real estate master. He doesn’t just sell services to investors, he actually invests his own funds into the same types of properties that he encourages you to buy. He spent thousands of hours developing a course that he sold to countless potential investors for $297. As a personal favor to yours truly, he’s giving it away to a limited number of FSN listeners. I’m taking the course now and I think you should too. For two reasons, it pays to have a balanced portfolio and one day you’ll want to convert part of your precious metals hoard into real assets and real estate will be a great place to start.

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Nancy Collamer – Baby Boomers Looking Forward To Semi-Retirement

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The traditional concept of retirement is gone, as Nancy Collamer explains it. The best that most boomers can hope for is semi-retirement and that’s not a bad thing. It helps your mind stay active and gives your life structure and keeps you going. In addition, it can imporove your quality of life and your living standard. There’s a lot of plusses and there’s also a possible link to improved health. So before you go calling it quits you to need to talk a coach like Nancy and consider your options.

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Niki Pfeiffer – On Building A $5 Million Business In 18 Months… And She’s At It Again

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Niki Pfeiffer built a $5 million business in just 18 months and now she’s at it again. And she didn’t get bogged down in a complex lengthy business plan either. She hit the ground running which is exactly what she’s doing with her new Wine Gabby. Seems like she’s got another winner on her hands. Makes you believe that some people are just destined to win, doesn’t it?

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