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Dan Freed – How Do Big Banks Earn Their Profits?

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Dan Freed of TheStreet.com discusses how the big banks earn their profits.

There’s a number of areas besides bounced check fees and nickeling and diming you wherever they can. Business loans, M&A activity, stock buy loans, etc. Mortgage demand is down right now, but Uncle Sam is taking steps to remedy that situation now. But the big banks are always on the look out for new and creative ways to increase their bottom lines, and increase the potential for catastrophic losses.

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Craig Lack – Obamacare Update-Exceptions Are The Rule

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Craig Lack wrote the book on how to survive and thrive under Obamacare.

As we get closer to the election, for now small business has been spared the full effects of the law. The net result will be paying more for less coverage. This means that it is up to every individual to take responsibility for their own health. That means making diet and lifestyle changes to minimize the chances of illness.

If everyone in the country made these changes, there would be no health care crisis. Medical costs would drop by 80 percent!

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Rob Kirby – The End Is Coming To The Fiat Money System

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Rob Kirby joined us today for an intense look at the financial chaos taking place across the globe.

The situation is getting worse by the day as The Powers That Be continue to lose control over the markets. As Rob said there isn’t one market left that’s performing its basic price discovery functions without constant interference from the Central Bank Cabal.

The pressures are building and eventually it’s all going to blow apart. Until that day arrives we’re going to see increasing instability and ever more manipulation.

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Jake Shannon – Hypnotizing His Way To The Top

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Jake Shannon is a high-functioning polymath with successes across a broad domain of endeavors. He is currently a highly sought after comedy hypnotist, performing for corporate and private events. He is also interim Chief Financial Officer for Gatemaster Systems, a software company based in the Bay Area.

A veteran entrepreneur with experience in start-up and early stage venture formation, he has founded a number of businesses in domains including web publishing, media production and rights management ventures, and coaching. He hosted The Jake Shannon Radio Show on Utah’s AM630 K-Talk before walking away to focus on writing and performing. He is the author of seven books and frequently appears on both radio and television.

You’ll enjoy his approach to getting ahead in life and finding your purpose and achieving it. Comments are always welcomed at khl@kerrylutz.com.

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Aaron Clarey – Ending Black Poverty In America

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Aaron Clarey a/k/a Captain Capitalism just returned from his first trip to Europe. He was not overly impressed, for a number of reasons. He was happy to be back in the once free US of A. He’s currently writing a book on ending black poverty in America. Interestingly, the fastest growing demographic to his podcast and blog is Hispanic and African-American. They understand that the welfare state promises nothing but a permanent state of dependency and failed dreams. Aaron on the other hand, helps people breakout of dependency and realize their dreams. Expect the book to be controversial and fun, typical hallmarks of his books.

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Charles Hugh Smith – Central Bankers Have Reached a Fork in The Road… They Should Take It

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Today we caught up with one of our favorite guests, Charles Hugh Smith.

Never before have quasi-omnipotent financial gods had so few powers. A lot is being written about central bank policies now as the Federal Reserve ends its primary quantitative easing (QE) program and the limitations of central bank easing become increasingly apparent in Europe and Japan. Markets across the globe are in utter turmoil. Oil is down, the dollar is up and chaos is breaking out all over.

What’s next?

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Robert Ian – We Are Not Stopped Clocks

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Robert Ian has been preparing people for change for decades.

When we started warning people about what was going to happen after the 2008-09 collapse, we weren’t speaking as gold bugs. Rather we were looking back at history and the way that all fiat monetary systems eventually imploded.

For the past 3 years, the powers that be kept close control over all world markets, especially precious metals. It tended to make those of us advocating purchase of precious metals look silly or like stopped clockers. Now that might be ending, but even it’s not, the final result can never be in doubt.

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Denis J. Burke – 88 Keys to a Better Life

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Denis J. Burke came to America from Ireland in 1986 seeking to become extremely wealthy. He succeeded and he knows that you can too, if you follow what he’s written in the book. It’s a collection of quotes, ideas, song lyrics, poems, stories, tips, suggestions, and knowledge from personal experience, which he has accumulated over the past 50 years. The goal of 88 Keys to a Better Life is to humor, inform, educate, motivate and inspire you to Live a Better Life by identifying the areas of your life where you need to improve, and take the necessary action to Design your Dream Life.

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Emeka Iwenofu – The Final Book In His Trilogy Is Complete

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Emeka Iwenofu has had a rocky road in life and he wouldn’t have it any other way. His challenges have set the path for his successes.

His Miracle Trilogy has received accolades from all over the world. And while it’s not always easy to get your words down on paper, Emeka always triumphs. His books are classics and will sell for many years.

Be one of the first 10 people to sign up for our newsletter and send a screenshot to khl@kerrylutz.com and we’ll send you a free hard copy of his latest book Mandi’s Miracle.

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Mark Skousen – Greatest Debate Ever: Krugman v. Moore… Coming Soon

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Mark Skousen says that 2015’s Freedomfest promises to be the greatest of them all. Economics Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman will be debating Wall Street Journal Columnist Stephen Moore. Mark should be selling tickets to this one, but it’s included in the price of admission. Krugman is the one who says that the Fed hasn’t printed enough money and we shouldn’t be bothering with things like tax cuts and reducing government waste and employment. I promise to be there and to report back. Heck, maybe I’ll even sit down with Krugman and find out if he thinks that savings is evil and gold is a barbaric relic.

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John LeBoutillier – What’s Next For The Upcoming Election?

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Former Congressman John LeBoutillier discusses the prospects for the November elections.

Looks like the Republicans have a good shot at taking over the Senate, in spite of themselves.

A couple of surprises though, they stand to lose seats in Kansas and South Dakota, but you never know. But what will they do if they take control of both houses of congress?

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Jason Hartman – Major Real Estate Event and Investing Trends

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Jason Hartman and I cover the latest economic and real estate trends.

There’s a lot going on and no one knows exactly where things are headed. Will interest rates go higher? Will gold and silver start rising again? And is real estate a good bet under these circumstances?

There’s also a contest for three tickets to attend Jason’s Meet the Masters of Income Property Investing a $1497 value!

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Steven John – Listener Who Found A Home In Mexico

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Steven John was living in the US and decided he wanted a change.

He picked up and moved to Mexico and has been living there happily for the last couple of years.

He’s been trading during that time, partly as a hobby and to make extra income. He tells us what happens when the markets get slammed like they have in the past week. There’s virtually no way to avoid substantial losses, unless you work for a Too Big To Fail Bank. But at least his health insurance is cheap, taxes are low and the weather is great.

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John Rubino – Suddenly We Have Lots of Problems

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John Rubino writes: A rising stock market, like a rising tide, can cover a multitude of interesting and/or scary things. The thinking seems to be that if the finance guys who really know what’s going on are buying, then the disturbing stories that lead each evening’s news must be manageable. So, in general, we’re okay.

But let the market fall a bit and those headlines suddenly begin to seem both oppressive and really, really numerous. And maybe we’re not okay after all. To take just a few of the issues that, in the wake of the recent equity correction, now loom large:

Islamic State, the tiny band of religious crazies that the US armed to do its bidding in the Syrian civil war is now threatening to take Baghdad, capital of Iraq and home to a US embassy that will live forever in the annals of hubristic excess. Actually a small, self-contained city, the embassy contains all kinds of sensitive equipment, documents and personnel, and will be defended with (thousands of) boots on the ground if an Islamic State victory appears imminent — which it now seems to be. In other words, we’re getting ready to dump another trillion or so dollars into the hole where we previously dumped two trillion with nothing to show for it but chaos.

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Andrew Hoffman – TPTB Losing Control of Paper Markets; Physical Next

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Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman. Listen to Andy discuss:

  • Most damning proof yet of QE failure
  • Head of Shanghai Futures Exchange admitted this weekend that Chinese gold demand was above 2,000 tonnes in 2013
  • Early October U.S. Mint Silver Eagle sales at fastest pace of year
  • France outlook downgraded by S&P
  • PIIGS (or PIFIGS, with France) on verge of 2011-12 collapse
  • Commodities collapsing
  • Geopolitical risks exploding
  • Plunging oil prices will only cause significantly expanded tensions with Russians and Arabs

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Bob Hoye – A Rising Stock Market Is Bad For Gold…

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Bob Hoye, master market historian, was with us today to discuss what’s going on with the share markets and with the commodity markets, as well as gold and silver. Of course no such discussion could be complete without talking about the US Dollar. While reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated, Bob was looking for it to hit 85 and it did a little bit better. Now it’s pulling back a bit and we’ll have to see if this is temporary or long term. But it’s doing nothing out of the ordinary as this has happened in prior credit busts many times before, where the reserve currency always does well for a time anyway.

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Triple Lutz Report #367 – Martin Armstrong’s Mad Max Prediction

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Martin Armstrong’s commentary about the coming divergence point was on ZeroHedge today. He says that society can go either way, Mad Max or not. I guess it’s all in the cycles, but what can you say about the master forecaster? One thing for certain, he has called the current markets better than anyone else around. Just look at the dollar. And he says that if interest rates go up in the US, then there’s going to be serious capital flight out of Asia. But getting back to the Mad Max scenario, what happens when government stops sending out the checks? What happens when the EBT cards no longer work at Walmart or your local supermarket? And not just here in the US, but in the rest of the civilized western “democracies?” Will it be Annie get your gun? Or will something greater and unimaginable occur, an expansion of human consciousness? Only Martin knows for sure.

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Rick E. Norris – Personal Finance 101

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Rick E. Norris is a CPA and a JD.

He’s worked with people who couldn’t make ends meet who were making $20,000 and $20 million per year. Their situation was the same, it wasn’t an income problem, it was a spending problem. Creating a budget is the first step to fiscal sanity. The second is learning to live with it. After that things get remarkably easier and better.

Rick’s a numbers guy with a personality. He understands that people want to indulge, but helps keep them on the path.

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Lowell Ponte – Don’t Bank On It: The Unsafe World of 21st Century Banking

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Lowell Ponte and Craig Smith have released a new book in their epic series, Don’t Bank On It: The Unsafe World of 21st Century Banking. They show you why it has become illogical, and hazardous to your wealth, to trust your money to today’s increasingly vulnerable and unsafe banks.

Banks (as we know them) and the U.S. Dollar are dying as we are pulled into the rising “cashless society” where everything, from your digital “money” to your household appliances, will be Internet-controllable and hackable, as well as trackable and taxable by bloated governments desperate for ever-more revenue.

Smith and Ponte propose a surprising alternative future you can bank on, based in part on what a Harvard economics professor did with his own near-million-dollar bank account. This book shows ways to save your savings.

Call now to get your free copy 1-800-630-1494.

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Jerry Robinson – Can You Still Trust Your Bank After The JP Morgan Breach?

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We talked with Jerry Robinson of FTMDaily.com fame. He’s getting very concerned about the safety of the banking system after the JP Morgan data breach, where information was stolen on over 83 million people. The bank spends $250 million per year on computer security and yet they were powerless to stop it. Perhaps it’s time to put your money in several banks. Jerry also believes that we’re close to a buy signal in precious metals. Of course we’ve all heard this many times over the past three years, but this time really could be different, what with wars breaking out across the globe, pandemics and a lousy economy to boot.

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Steve A. Klein – Unlocking Your Potential Is More Important Now Than Ever Before

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We talked with Steve A. Klein who says he awakens Sleeping Giants. Steve has developed a wide range of training and consultation programs as well as a strong background in personal development training. As President of the Professional Development Center, Steve’s mission is simple: he works with Individuals who want to double their sales in less time and Leaders who want to motivate and develop their people. He believes success is “the movement of one’s potential toward their objective!”

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Triple Lutz Report #366 – Has Gold Bottomed Along With New York City?

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Comrade DeBlasio has New York City on a race to the bottom and he’s not going to let anyone or anything stop him. Hopefully gold and silver have beaten him there and are on their way up. We also cover basic Austrian Economics how regulations actually do cost jobs, $2 trillion worth every year! Also, we’re looking a small winery in California that was put out of business by abusive regulation because of a horrible business practice called volunteers, the scourge of humanity. Oh the horror! And finally the long awaited Stockton CalPERS decision that sounds the death knell for public pensions and marks the golden age of municipal bankruptcy.

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Andrew Hoffman – Monday, Wednesday It Doesn’t Matter, It’s All Manipulated

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Manipulation Monday becomes Manipulation Wednesday, but we could never replace our good friend, Andrew Hoffman of Miles Franklin. Listen in while Andy talks about…

  • Europe in full-free fall
  • Japan collapse
  • “Deflation”
  • Europeans claim rising prices their biggest concern
  • The recent “strong dollar” is causing MASSIVE global inflation
  • PM attacks
  • Record pace of Oct. silver Eagle sales
  • Nearly no silver inventory left in exchanges
  • Backwardation in China
  • Surging COMEX open interest
  • Mining industry on verge of collapse
  • Shortage coming

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Arch Crawford – Blood Moon Means Trouble For World Markets

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Arch Crawford joined us today for a look at the stars and their impact upon world events and markets. This morning was the latest Blood Moon, which bodes ill for mankind and world markets. There’s still several more left before the last next fall. What are the stars and planets trying to tell us? According to Arch, be ready for more turmoil and civil unrest. It’s all ready taking place and it’s bound to get worse. Arch isn’t to optimistic about gold and silver in the short term, until they start making higher highs. However, everyone should own an “insurance policy” against economic chaos. There’s a lot more coming up in the months ahead, so be prepared.

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Tom Cloud – Time To Buy Gold, Silver, Platinum or Diamonds

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Tom Cloud has been selling precious metals for almost as long as he’s been selling diamonds, 38 years! He’s seen markets go up and down, several times. He’s convinced that we’ll soon see gold and silver put in their final lows and it will be all up from there. In the mean time, colored diamonds have been doing nothing but going up for the past decade, and that’s with little interference from the cartel. So take your pick, but get ready, because fiat currencies are suspect and for good reason.

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Danielle Park – Rule Of Law Returning To The USA?

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Danielle Park joined us today. Besides the rising dollar and the affects being felt around the globe, from declining profits of America’s multi-nationals to investment flows finding their way to the States, there’s going to be a new Sheriff in town soon. Mr. Too Big To Jail Eric Holder has resigned as attorney general. Will this clear the way for the return of the rule of law in America? Danielle thinks it might and we certainly are hopeful.

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Ivan Eland – No Limits On Presidential War Powers

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Ivan Eland believes that neither the Congress nor the Courts will ever limit the President’s war powers, regardless what it may say in the Constitution. They’re unwilling to risk the fallout of having troops in the battlefield being forced to return home because there’s no funding available to keep them stationed there. So the President effectively can make war at will, just like the kings of yesteryear.

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Dr. Bob Neuman – College Is Still Worth The Investment If Done Right

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Former Dean, Dr. Bob Neuman believes that college is still worth the time and expense if it’s done properly. Properly means graduating is in 4 years or less if possible. That way you’ll keep your debt to an absolute minimum. It also means getting the most in grants and scholarships and of course planning your major before you step foot on campus. Using this common sense approach will insure that your college education pays for itself, rather than you paying for it the rest of your life.

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Mickey Fulp – Monthly Major Market Review for September, 2014

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Time to play catch-up with our favorite Mercenary Geologist, Mickey Fulp.

What can you say about September that hasn’t already been said? It was a horrible month for precious metals. Gold, silver, platinum and palladium were all down significantly. Same with energy except NatGas. Uranium was the stellar performer, up 26 percent for the quarter. All the stock markets started turning down with the TSX.V and the Emerging Markets really getting clobbered. The Dollar Index was a bigger winner for the month. Bitcoin got down 24%. Volatility was definitely the word for the month.

Listen on for more details.

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Dick Morris – Is Obama Planning One Party Rule In America?

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Dick Morris, well known political consultant and media personality has written a new book Power Grab: Obama’s Dangerous Plan For A One Party Nation. In it, Dick outlines what he believes is Obama’s shadowy plan to make the Republican Party irrelevant. Using the levers of government through immigration, the EPA, the IRS and other agencies, it will soon be impossible for the Republicans to win the presidency. Scary, but it still can be stopped. Listen to Dick give the details of what’s taking place before our very eyes.

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