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Christina Tobin – Young Political Idealist Out To Change The Existing Order

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Christina Tobin heads up Free & Equal a 501(c)(3) non-partisan non-profit organization, whose mission is to ensure free, open, and fair elections by empowering leaders from Occupy to the Tea Party, from all parties to Independents, from musicians and celebrities to student leaders, journalists and activists, from all races, creeds, backgrounds and social standings to reform our electoral process by empowering more young Americans to vote and run for elected office. Her mission is to create open and transparent elections that give power back to the individual voter. “More Voices, More Choices.” She is passionate about her work and is not willing to give up the country to the corrupt forces currently driving it into the ground.

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Martin Armstrong – The Stock Market Will Double By 2015

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Martin Armstrong came on with this shocker – Dow 32,000 by 2015! The reasons are quite simple. The rest of the world is crumbling, even China. As a result, the money is flowing to the US. Where’s it going? Treasuries and the Stock Market. Sound counter-intuitive? Maybe so, but Martin makes a very persuasive case. Gold will be a beneficiary too, but in 2015. Listen carefully to this interview. And watch out for your government, they’ve got the knives out for you and your wealth. Private pensions won’t be private for long.

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Ned W. Schmidt – Gold And Silver Have Bottomed And So Have The Stocks

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Ned W. Schmidt joined us for a review of gold and silver. He’s convinced that the precious metals markets have bottomed. In addition, he believes that the gold miners have bottomed as well and that their performance will be helped by the extremely generous write-off’s they have recently taken. This will help to turbo-charge their earnings once metal prices being their ascent. Ned’s not expecting parabolic price metal price rises but thinks that gold could be in the $1400-1500 range by year end. Which would be perfectly acceptable.

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Triple Lutz Report #302 – Phony Food Stamp Reforms On The Way

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Looks like Jason Greenslate hit a nerve. Remember him, the surfer dude from La Jolla who was using his EBT card to buy lobster and sushi. Now the republicans in the house are so upset that they’re threatening to cut almost five percent off the food stamp budget. With bold moves like that, we may see a balanced budget by the turn of the next milennia. Who are they are trying to kid. The republicans stand for absolutely nothing. Limited government. Anarchy is looking better all the time.

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Bob Hoye – Credit Bust Going According To Plan

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Bob Hoye, master financial historian, joined us again for a close look at the re-emerging financial crisis. It’s clear from what’s going on now that we’re entering another phase of the financial crisis. Expect more volatility and more collapses, seemingly happening out of nowhere. Of course they’ll be accompanied by governmental assurances that the situation is under control and that you shouldn’t be worried. But you alreday know what that’s worth.

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Triple Lutz Report #301 – The $6600 Masters Degree Arrives

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We discussed the arrival of the $6600 masters degree from Georgia Tech. This is truly the online learning breakthrough we’ve all been waiting for. This is the beginning of the end of the super costly college education. It’s going to be hard to justify the $250k degree for the ivy league college when so many high quality degrees will be available online. Just wait. We also covered the S&P lawsuit where they claim they are being singled out by DOJ for downgrading the US’s Triple A Bond Rating. Seems like hell has no fury like a politician scorned.

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Nick Barisheff – Gold @ $10,000… Getting Closer

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Nick Barisheff of Bullion Management Group is a student of history and sees the end of the worldwide fiat currency experiment coming to a rapid end. The signs are all around us. He doesn’t see $10,000 gold as the end, but merely as a mid point. It’s really impossible to know what the peak price will be and not really necessary either. The government has lied about the inflation rate for several decades. All you need to know is that all fiat currencies eventually end the same way. No one can name one that hasn’t.

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Dr. Jeffrey Lewis – AntiFragile, and The Economy and Your Life

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Dr. Jeffrey Lewis came back on the show and we discussed Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s latest book AntiFragile and what it means to society, the economy and your life. Turns out it’s very relevant to what’s happening now. There’s not just bad black swans, there’s good black swans and it’s up to all of us to learn the difference. We also talked about the soon to be realized demise of hyper-hypothecation. Seems there’s just not enough high quality collateral left in the world. The cycle of debt and death could be coming to an end soon. But Chris Duane would give you an argument on that point.

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Rabbi Aryeh Spero – Pushing Back Against The Left

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Rabbi Aryeh Spero is mad as hell and isn’t going to take it anymore. He’s tired of the power hungry leftists who want to enslave us all and force their agenda upon hard working Americans. He’s also tired of the wimpy republicans in congress who are too afraid to fight to protect our rights against this onslaught. He’s against the incursion into Syria and he believes that it’s time for a major change in American leadership. And of course he believes it’s all worth fighting for.

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Ivan Eland – Military Action Against Syria: A Major Mistake In The Making?

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Ivan Eland believes that The United States, which has dominated East Asia since World War II, is now “pivoting” towards that region to stem the rise of a new regional power – China. The instinct of most status quo powers is to foil the ascent of a rival for domination. This approach rarely works, because the emerging power is usually rising because of internal factors that the status quo power can do little about. Thus, U.S. attempts to contain a rising China that is experiencing rapid economic growth – because of its huge population and partial economic privatization over the last few decades – is unlikely to succeed.

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Jason Burack – Oil Prices Set To Go Way Higher

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Jason Burack wrote his Petro Profit Report a little more than a year ago. He was a little early to the game. Now oil is trading over $100 a barrel and his report’s findings have been uncannily correct. He’s expecting more of the same and the current situation in Syria has very little to do with it. While there may be plenty of oil left to find, it’s the cost of extraction that’s got him concerned. Fracking wells is expensive and these wells just don’t last all that long. The world is going to have to switch over to natural gas, but it just doesn’t seem up to the task. The future does indeed seem bleak when it comes to energy production.

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Danielle Park – Summers Will Be The Next Fed Chairman And Tapering Is All But Certain

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Danielle Park is back from vacation and we talked about Larry Summers being all but certain as the next Fed Chairman. No one is too happy with the choice as he was the prime enabler of the derivatives mess the world now finds itself in. He appears to be an advocate of Fed tapering of securities purchases, but we’ll see about that one later. If he actually follows through then Dow 5,000 could be a reality. Danielle believes that it won’t really affect the real economy which has been in the pits since 2008 anyway.

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Andy Hoffman – The Most Important Article He’s Ever Written

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War with Syria is imminent. It’s all about saving the bankrupt fiat money system. Andy knew it was coming. He never doubted it for a moment. Every currency in the world is plunging against the dollar. Inflation is being successfully exported. There’s all sorts of bad news on the horizon. Interest rates are headed higher and higher. But gold and silver are also climbing. Listen carefully to the interview. It’s an important one. Major events around the world are about to kick into high gear.

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Heidi Boghosian – Spying On Democracy: Our Greatest Fear

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Heidi Boghosian explains that with ex-CIA staffer Edward Snowden’s leaks about National Security Agency surveillance in the headlines, her book Spying on Democracy: Government Surveillance, Corporate Power, and Public Resistance is especially timely. She reveals how the government acquires information from telecommunications companies and other organizations to create databases about ‘persons of interest. However, anyone could be a person of interest in this day and age, which is why we all need to be concerned and involved.

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Jerry Robinson – Syrian Chemical Attack Was A False Flag

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Jerry Robinson came on the show to discuss the Middle East war cries. He believes that it’s just part of the containment effort against Iran. There’s an effort to build a gas pipeline through Iraq and Syria to enable Iran to ship its natural gas, against US wishes. As a result, Syria needs to be eliminated as a barrier to US policy. This could involve a cyber attack, to take them off the grid. Witness last week’s outages of NASDAQ and Google, which is gearing up for a cyber war. Sounds far-fetched but who can say for sure?

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Mickey Fulp – Monthly Major Market Review

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Mickey Fulp joined us for a review the major markets. Gold and silver had major advances over the past two months. Gold broke $1400 and silver broke $24. Stock markets pulled back and energy went up as well. Currencies were flat. Rates, which we just started following are going up as well. This state of affairs was called by our expert Lindsay Hall who urged our audience at the Liberty Mastermind Symposium to make a simple trade and short Treasuries. Much more to be heard here.

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Triple Lutz Report – Episode #300 – Obamacare Keeps Crashing – Taxing Marijuana In Denver

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Our 300th Triple Lutz Report and it’s hard to believe that we haven’t run out of things to say yet. If we haven’t by this point I guess we never will. If that upsets some people, they’ll just have to get over it. Obamacare just can’t seem to catch a break. This ill-conceived poorly implemented piece of Washington garbage is quickly becoming a laughing stock. How bad can it possibly get? Just wait, you ain’t seen nothing yet! And just like we promised you, Colorado and the City of Denver are about to discover how much of a cash cow Marijuana really is. They both have tax initiatives on the ballot.

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John Rubino – Real Estate Bubble Begins To Deflate

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John Rubino of DollarCollapse.com joined us today. He sees that the real estate bubble, which looked like it was successfully reinflated, has begun to deflate. Higher interest rates, a slowing economy, and other factors appear to be taking their toll. Currently, over half of real purchases taking place are for cash. This means that investors are the primary market and that the public is largely absent from the home market arena. Other disturbing trends are in place. War clouds are on the horizon and the developing economies are seeing hot money draining out of their economies. Where’s the next black swan going to appear? Good question and no doubt the answer will present itself shortly.

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Martha Guidry – Amusing Stories Of Big Marketing Blunders

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Martha Guidry is the Concept Queen. She helps businesses, large and small, come up with compelling concepts to drive business and sales. We discussed a number of blunders committed by companies that should have known better. Top of the list was New Coke, which lasted exactly 79 days. Then there was the Ford Edsel, the Ford Pinto and a whole lot more. The point is that even the pros make mistakes, big ones sometimes, but they live to fight another day.

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Bob Harper – Beating The Market For Decades

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Bob Harper has been beating the market for decades. 18 percent average return isn’t too shabby. He’s got some simple rules that go a long way. In 2008 his only losing year, he lost just a few percent. This year he’s up around 20 percent. His golf buddies still can’t believe his performance. He doesn’t pick individual stocks. He invests in index funds with low transaction costs and no commissions. Pretty remarkable performance for a low risk strategy.

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Les Landes – How To Engage Your Employees In Your Business

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Les Landes has spent a life time trying to figure out what it takes to get a company’s employees to go the extra mile. Some companies, like Apple, just have a knack for it, while other companies can’t seem to get their employees to show up for work. He’s discovered that there are definite methods that work and that any company that’s motivated can use them to turn their employees into rockets. We discussed the Lockheed Skunkworks and the amazing aircraft they produced, as an example of Les’s principals in action.

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Martin Lee – Cannabis Is A Medicine

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Martin Lee of Project CBD is concerned that people suffering from many diseases are being deprived of effective cannabis treatments. Millions of people could see their symptoms relieved and their suffering diminished. The war on drugs has become a government make work program and has served little other purpose. It’s time now to look at the science on cannabis that has been collected in so many other countries and end this pointless moratorium.

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Abby Kohut – The Way You Get A Job Has Changed

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Abby Kohut was a recruiter before she became Absolutely Abby. Now she’s on a mission to help millions of people understand that the way to find a job has drastically changed. That’s why your job search strategy needs to change as well. Something as simple as your job title could be keeping you from finding a new position. Companies now use computers to search through thousands of resumes at a time. If your resume lacks the right search terms, you could be left out in the cold. Abby’s got dozens of common sense ways for you to get noticed and become a job search magnet.

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Monica Davis – The Best Education Is Following Your Passion

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Monica Davis runs several successful websites and is all about helping to people to realize their dreams and achieve their success. Her mission is to enhance the quality of life of all people by promoting goodwill, unity and better living through positive media. She designed her magazine to inspire you to reach new heights. And she’s very good at it.

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Carl Jarvis – Does The President Need Congressional Approval To Attack Syria?

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Constitutional scholar Carl Jarvis was back discussing the need for congress to approve of any military action against Syria. It seems like just yesterday when Congressional Democrats were demanding that George W. Bush seek their approval before invading Iraq. Now they are silent about Obama needing their approval for action against Syria. Seems like a double standard, doesn’t it. The fact is that the congress has abdicated its role in declaring war and allowed the president near unfettered authority to decide when to attack. The Founders clearly didn’t want such a state of affairs and for good reason.

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Jon C. Frank – Is Your Food Nutritious?

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Jon C. Frank believes that your food may not be providing you with adequate nutrition. The solution is quite simple. Look for foods that are nutritionally dense. Jon gives common sense tips that show you how to find foods that have the nutritional value that you need to keep you healthy. The good thing is that these foods actually taste better. Once you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite simple to identify them. Just because something says organic, doesn’t mean that it’s nutritious. You need to go the extra mile to establish it’s nutritional value.

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Woody O’Brien – Concerned Listener – Doesn’t Buy Syria – Down On The Farm

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Woody O’Brien is very skeptical of the so-called chemical attack that took place in Syria and is concerned that it’s a false flag attack and a justification for American involvement there. He’s also concerned about the potential market and economic collapse here in the US as he sees revenues at Walmart and many other companies weakening, even after major price increases have been pushed through. He’s looking for increased farm automation and other technological breakthroughs on the farm to help keep the world fed. In short he’s a visionary.

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Triple Lutz Report #299 – New York’s Attorney General Comes After Trump

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New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is going after The Donald Trump for alleged fraud involving Trump University. Trump claims it’s all because he didn’t give Schneiderman enough campaign contributions. Trump’s willing to go to the mat with politicians who rub him the wrong way, so be prepared for a lot of fun and countless amusing sound bites.

Would you believe that there are private workers collecting government pensions? That’s right, lobbyists that represent schools districts, county, town and city associations get big bucks and on top of all that get to retire on the public’s dime. Seems corrupt to the core but in 20 states it’s actually legal. Gives new meaning to the word parasite.

Finally, LA’s mayor has declared a state of emergency because movies and tv shows are fleeing the city for better subsidies and cheaper costs. Surprise, surprise.

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Chris Simmons – Is Fighting Terrorism Bankrupting America?

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Chris Simmons says that since 9-11 America has spent trillions for the purported purpose of making the homeland more secure. Much of that money has been wasted and hasn’t accomplished very little, if anything. The number of Americans killed by Al Qaeda each year is very few and yet we’re spending hundreds of billions defending against this remote threat. Things in Syria are heating up and the Kurds are fleeing by the thousands. Chris is extremely concerned about this development. The Kurds are an extremely hardy people, who are used to living in a hostile environment, so for them to be running is an ominous sign.

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Dennis Miller – The Government Is Going To Break Its Promises… And That’s a Promise They Will Actually Keep

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Dennis Miller is in the process of putting together a webinar called America’s Broken Promise: Strategies for a retirement worth living. The panel includes John Stossel of FOX business news and author of No They Can’t: Why government fails but individuals succeed; as well as David Walker, former US Comptroller. They both are warning about how the government has over-promised and the real threat of decreased social security and medicare benefits for retirees going forward. Dennis will be talking about how traditional retirement strategies no longer work and how people need to act now to put their retirement plan into place. You can check it out at AmericasBrokenPromise.org.

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