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Triple Lutz Report #316 – You Can Keep Your Insurance And Your Doctor, When Hell Freezes Over

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The President and his minions issued a number of assurances to the public during Obamacare debate. Chief among them was that if you liked your health insurance plan and your doctor, you would be able to keep them. Now, millions are finding out that these statements were complete and utter lies. The price of ignorance is often high. If people had only bothered to read, they would have understood years ago that these guarantees were untrue. Now the worst awaits us all. Listen and find out.

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Danger Geist – I Am Prisoner: His Story In Afghanistan

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Sgt. Danger Geist enlisted in the Army at 17, and when he was sent to a volatile region of Afghanistan, he documented his adventures in a series of e-mails to his friends and family, which he has since turned into his book, I am Danger; I am Prisoner. Pieces of Danger’s story has appeared on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, FoxNews, and radio stations throughout the U.S., and has been featured in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and in the New York Times. He’s still a believer and has never regretted his time served there.

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Mickey Fulp – Mickey’s Monthly Major Market Review

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Mickey Fulp joined us for his October review of the major markets. October was all up for the world’s major stock markets. Gold was flat, silver was up, same with platinum. Energy was down, especially WTI, so was the dollar and the 10 year bond. Uranium is still the red headed step child and you’ll have to listen for all the details.

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Headed for Total Complete Chaos in Health Care – ObamaCare Will Speed Up the Ultimate Collapse of America – Kerry Lutz with Greg Hunter

by Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

Financial writer and radio host Kerry Lutz predicted six months ago the ObamaCare website would be a train wreck. Lutz says, “Hospitals wouldn’t know, insurance companies wouldn’t know if you had insurance or not. This thing was going to be total chaos, and that’s what we’re headed for–total complete chaos in health care.” Beyond the health care computer system, there are deep flaws in the plan, such as allowing people to buy insurance after they get sick. Lutz contends, “You’ve given people incentives to not have insurance until you need it. That’s bad behavior and guaranteed failure.” This is going to be a disaster for millions of people who will be canceled and forced to buy new health care policies. Lutz says, “They’re getting replacement policies that are anywhere between 50% to 300% more in costs with huge deductibles, huge co-pays and co-insurance, which is a new term Americans are going to learn about.” Lutz goes on to say, “It’s a tragedy for America. It’s going to speed up the ultimate collapse that we’ve been warning about. . . . There is nothing to be happy about.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Kerry Lutz of the FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com.

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Mark Skousen – Goodbye GDP, Hello GDE

from Financial Survival Network

Mark Skousen has finally won his battle. The government will now start tracking Gross Domestic Expenditures which Mark believes is a more accurate measure of actual economic activity. Under this measure, consumer spending drops from 70 percent of economic activity to just 30 percent. This can potentially have a dramatic impact on economic policy. Government might start looking at increasing investment spending and industrial investment.

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Danielle Park – QE Mania Turning From Euphoria To Fear

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Danielle Park joined us for our bi-weekly discussion. Now that Janet Yellen has been anointed the next Fed chief, everyone realizes that it’s QE to infinity and suddenly all visions of the punch bowl being taken from the party have vanished. Now fear of high inflation and even hyperinflation has replaced euphoria. We knew it all along, but the rest of the market is starting to wake up. And just like the lie that, “You can keep your insurance if you’re happy with it,” isn’t working out too well, neither will this one.

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Mary Alice Bonwell – Personal Health Equals Financial Survival

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Mary Alice Bonwell talks about helping you to restore your health. Her insights will help you to avoid Alzheimer’s Disease along with a number of other age related syndromes. It’s all relatively easy. Doing things like avoiding sugar, refined carbohydrates, drinking coconut oil and increasing your intake of vitamin B-12 will all help you achieve this goal. There’s a number of other things you can do as well. Her book is very instructive and based upon science.

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Kyle Olson – Teacher Unions Support Felon School Employees

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Kyle Olson of the Education Action Group joins us to discuss something that even FSN can’t believe. It isn’t often that Democrats and Republicans reach across the aisle in Congress, but they have in supporting a bill that would ban certain types of convicted felons from employment by school districts across the nation. Namely sex offenders, convicted murderers and other unsavory types. Seems like a slam dunk that no sane organization could possibly oppose, right? Except of course the teachers unions. They think that each case should be judged upon its merits and are opposing the law as it makes its way through the Senate. It’s part of a larger education bill, so its fate remains uncertain.

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Andy Hoffman – Western Civilization Continues Its Meltdown

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Obamacare doesn’t work, the West keeps on giving its gold away, the economy is in the crapper and we keep doing our interviews, but Andy Hoffman never misses a beat. Pretty soon the Comex will be out of gold and there won’t be a paper price of gold. Come to think of it, there won’t be a paper price of anything. We’re not sure what that’s going to mean to you, perhaps you’ll be paid in digital gold and silver, but it’s going to be a different world, of that we’re sure.

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The “I Told You So” Tour (Part 2) – More Interviews of Your Host

from Financial Survival Network

I continue to get interviewed about my prescient call on the meltdown of Healthcare.gov…

Listen in as I make the rounds.

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Rabbi D.B. Ganz – The Bible Is Anti-Welfare State

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According to Rabbi D.B. Ganz the Bible favors a government that acts as a protector not a provider. Therefore, the Bible is anti-welfare state. Charity in the form of tithing, giving 10 percent of one’s income to charity is undermined by institutionalized altruism. When the government forces a population to engage in charity, the results are often not embraced by large segments of the populace, as is the case in America today.

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Lex Levinrad – Florida Flipping Is Going Great

from Financial Survival Network

House flipping in Florida is still going great. Florida has the nation’s best online foreclosure system by far. Every day hundreds of foreclose properties are sold around the state. This is had created a modern day gold rush, with thousands of people chasing these properties. Lex Levinrad says that there’s still many opportunities in spite of the competition. You just have to know what you’re looking for. In addition, you’ve got to become an expert in the costs of renovation and valuation. These are skills that he teaches at his distressed property boot camps.

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Peter Schiff – Get Ready for Quantitative Easing to Increase

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We hadn’t spoken with Peter Schiff in a long time and that’s no Halloween joke. Peter says that the Fed won’t be tapering under Janet Yellen, they’re getting ready to speed up the printing presses, if you can believe it. They have no choice, the economy is going down. Retail sales and real estate are in the tank. Oh and that wonderful free healthcare program Obamacare is only going to further increase the already staggering deficit. Healtcare.gov is the best looking part of that travesty of economics. Things are going to get very interesting very soon. So buckle your seat-belt.

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Dr. Larry Kawa – Boca Raton Orthodontist Sues To Keep Employer Mandate

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Dr. Larry Kawa is just a freedom loving orthodontist from Boca Raton Florida. He was outraged when President Obama deferred Obamacare’s employer mandate for a year. Nowhere in the law was this power given. Dr. Kawa believes that it was just another example of a lawless administration ignoring the law and the Constitution. He wanted to put a stop to it, so he teamed up with Judicial Watch to bring this lawsuit. And he’s a major Obamacare opponent.

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Dennis Miller – Avoiding The Bitter Pill of Obamacare

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Dennis Miller of MillersMoney.com is an expert in retirement planning and health insurance benefits. He’s extremely concerned about the unintended consequences of Obamacare and what it could mean to your health. Did you know that if Medicare refuses to pay for a procedure, your doctor may not be able to legally perform it, even if you can afford to pay for it out of your pocket? That means that the best option may be traveling overseas for your surgery. There are many great health facilities in Panama, Thailand, Singapore and other places. You need to start planning now.

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G. Edward Griffin – The Elitist Conspiracy Continues On

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Since writing his classic The Creature From Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin hasn’t rested on his laurels. While freedom has been under constant assault, he’s been busy building a movement. Through Freedom Force International, he hopes to take back power from the elites and allow freedom to again reign. He thinks it can be done relatively quickly and without much force. Is he fooling himself and his followers? Well let’s wait and see what happens during the next 10 years.

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FSN Goes On The Road – The “I Told You So” Tour

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We got interview by several radio shows about our predictions for the meltdown of Healthcare.gov. Seems like the country could finally be waking up to the reality of this monstrosity. If it works by November 30, 2013, we’ll sure be surprised.

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Dr. Philip Caper – Medicare For All: The Only Way To Healthcare For Everyone

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Dr. Philip Caper is a physician who believes that we need Medicare for all. Despite the epic fail of the ACA/Obamacare, he is still an ardent believer that only the government can give you the healthcare you need and deserve. He believes that the private health insurers are the ones messing up the system and making it impossible for so many to obtain coverage. He doesn’t believe in the potential of the free market to exert its well known discipline and ability to provide the lowest cost services to the greatest possible number of people, as it has done in so many other areas. The choice is simple, let the government do it or trust that the free market can work here as it has elsewhere.

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Absolutely Abby’s Bus Ride Continues

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Abby Kohut is on a mission to help 1 million people across the nation get jobs. She believes that with the right combination of training, computer skills and focus, virtually anyone can land a job, even if this lousy economy. It’s just a matter of following the new rules of the game. And Abby is an expert. As a recruiter, she was quick to recognize that the rules of the job market were changing. Now she’s bringing that expertise to countless people across the country as she continues her bus tour in what she states, “… is the best year of my life.”

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Ernst G. Frankel – The US Is Spending More On Sales Than Manufacturing

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Prof. Ernst G. Frankel is worried about the country’s economic and social future. As a nation we now spend more on sales and marketing than we do on manufacturing. Apple would like to move factories back to the United States, but it can’t do it because the engineers required for staffing can’t be found here. Unless there’s a major change in the way we educate our youth, things will only get worse. Unfortunately, no one in Washington is listening. This is a real problem for the future.

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Barbara Mohrman – Can The US Come Back?

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Whatever happened to America’s famous can-do attitude? How can we recapture our determination to face the major challenges confronting our country? Ask Barbara Eymann Mohrman. As a girl, she discovered her father’s World War II uniform, vintage photos and diaries from Iwo Jima and Okinawa in a box in the basement. That discovery inspired her to begin tracing her family’s history. In the process, she uncovered painful family secrets and stories of heroism and survival.

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Margie Baldock – Writes The Mother Lode Manifesto

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Margie Baldock wrote The Mother Lode Manifesto as a revolutionary call to action for women everywhere to create personal, financial independence through social entrepreneurship, whilst transforming the world at the same time. Margie’s groundbreaking, step-by-step master plan is designed to assist women buy back our time, while transforming the current destructive path our world is heading down. She’s appalled by the state of the world, the collapse of the monetary system and the fact that 6 corporations control virtually all the world’s resources. Now she wants to do something about it.

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Dr. Louise Achey – Prescription Drugs Could Be Hazardous To Your Health

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Dr. Louise Achey has 32 years of experience as a pharmacist and a medication specialist. She explains that medication safety, health and fitness are extremely important to maintaining the quality of life. Adverse drug interactions is the number four cause of death in America today. Learning how to be an involved active patient is the key to staying safe. There’s so many different drugs available, both over the counter and prescription, that you should always keep a list of the drugs you currently take and provide it to any doctor you see. It could save your life.

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Greg Hunter – Are The Saudis Dumping The Dollar?

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Greg Hunter has been in the media since the 1970’s and he’s shocked by what’s going on today. The incompetence of the government has led to an undermining of the confidence in Washington by our closest Arab ally in the Middle East-Saudi Arabia. Now they appear to be ready to give up the petro-dollar. This could be the black swan that leads to the new world financial order. If it’s not that then it will be something else.

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Andy Hoffman – Is Housing Headed For Another Bust?

from Financial Survival Network

Housing sales are falling off the cliff. New rules are coming down from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that are going to make it even worse, if you can believe it? If housing goes down than how far can the rest of the economy be? Andy Hoffman thinks not too far. Other trends which we’ve been covering for years are certainly not too favorable, but don’t worry, you can always count upon the Fed to print more money. And that has always worked in the past so it’s sure to work now, won’t it?

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Jeff Kass – Can Private Gun Ownership Stop Mass Shootings?

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Jeff Kass joined us again for another discussion of the increasing incidence of mass shootings in the United States. Jeff believes that private gun ownership and possession isn’t a deterrent to such events. According to a Mother Jones study, this would appear to be true. And yet, there have been a number of instances where mass shootings have either been interrupted or stopped by gun wielding citizens. One thing is certain, we must all become more aware of people who are on the edge and could become capable of such acts. An ounce of prevention could be what’s necessary to prevent such disasters from happening.

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Delia Horwitz and Paula Vigneault – Collaboration Is The Key To The New Economy

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When Delia Horwitz and Paula Vigneault wrote Collaboration Soup they had no idea how successful it was going to be. The days of the go it alone maverick seem to be gone. In today’s complex society, the better we corroborate, the more we succeed. Steve Jobs is perhaps the best example of this. While his people skills were often looked down upon, he was able to get the best out of those who accepted his brash style and he succeeded beyond all expectations. Delia and Paula are masters at getting people to work together and bring out their best, especially yours truly.

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Chris Duane – The Day Of The Dollar’s Demise Is Quickly Approaching

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We hadn’t talked to Chris Duane, the SilverShield, in a long time. So much has happened since our last conversation. The ability of government to work its magic and have its way seems to be diminishing by the day, witness the great Obamacare fiasco. Violent crime in America was up by 15 percent in 2012. These are but symptoms of what’s going to happen next. It won’t be pretty, but you can be prepared. But you already know all this. If you’ve been listening to Chris during the past two years and 10 million YouTube views or FSN and close to 8 million downloads later, you know all this already.

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Laura Berger and Glen Tibaldeo – Is It Time For Your Radical Sabbatical?

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Laura Berger and Glen Tibaldeo were burned out and ready for a break. That’s when they realized that they needed a radical sabbatical. They took off for the jungles of Costa Rica. While you may not need to escape quite so dramatically, the results you receive may be just as substantial. After a year, they returned back to America, almost as new people. They were ready for new careers and challenges. They were happier and more content and started recommending that everyone take a radical sabbatical.

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Triple Lutz Report #315 – Detroit Loves Obamacare and Healthcare.gov

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The bankruptcy court is will hold a trial to determine whether Detroit’s filing is legally permitted. According to FSN’s legal handicappers, there’s no contest here, Kevyn Orr will win this case hands down. Meanwhile, back at the ranch or the law office that now passes for the Dirty “D”‘s city hall, they’ve cut out retiree health insurance payments and are now giving out $125 per month stipends with a suggestion that the recipient visit Healthcare.gov and purchase a nice new health insurance policy. Good luck with that one! Also, a giant I told you so about FSN’s predictions about the Obamacare Meltdown!

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