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Future Money Trends will help you increase your wealth and grow rich together by focusing on future trends. Currently we believe the U.S. is in a depression, the dollar is our biggest risk, and that we need to not only survive this economy, we want to thrive and prosper in it.


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Jason Hartman – Real Estate Investment Properties | Income Properties

Jason Hartman has been involved in several thousand real estate transactions and has owned income properties in 11 states and 17 cities. His company, Platinum Properties Investor Network, Inc. helps people achieve The American Dream of financial freedom by purchasing income property in prudent markets nationwide. Jason’s Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ is a comprehensive system providing real estate investors with education, research, resources and technology to deal with all areas of their income property investment needs.

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Real Estate Investing With Mike Gazzola

Mike Gazzola has been investing in real estate for over a decade. He’s made millions and shows you how to do it too. It’s easy when you have a proven system and step by step support.

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Gordon T. Long – Greece And Puerto Rico: Public Pensions Come Undone

from Financial Survival Network

According to Gordon T. Long, Greece and Puerto Rico’s collapses have one very important factor in common: Bloated, overly generous public pensions.

No one wants to give them up or seem them reformed and the price could be widespread civil unrest. Greece has defaulted, and Puerto Rico is talking seriously about it.

What is the next stage in the global debt crisis? Gordon has some important ideas about it.

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Patrick Crow – Don’t Use Debit Cards, and Watch Out For Gas Station Skimmers (Episode 14)

from The Identity Theft Warriors

Patrick Crow is COO of KeepMyID.org, and a leading expert on identity theft, the fastest growing crime in America.

It’s no secret that identity theft is out of control. Allison Spadafore, 30, was charged Monday with 45 counts of identity fraud, 15 counts of criminal tools, two counts of money laundering, two counts of misuse of credit card, one count of attempted misuse of credit card and one count of obstructing official business.

Next, the IRS has started a cyber-crimes unit to fight income tax refund fraud… It’s probably too little too late.

Finally, Patrick talks about the devastating effects of the recent federal data breach of the Office of Personnel Management. Is it the equivalent of a digital Pearl Harbor? It could be, the information is so extensive and invasive and could compromise thousands of agents and government employees with security clearances.

You can follow Patrick, here.

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John Rubino – End of the Greek Tragedy is Here, Just as the Chinese Tragedy Starts

from Financial Survival Network

John Rubino recounts how the Greek Tragedy has finally come to an end…

Would you believe that John’s website DollarCollapse.com is 10 years old? When he started it, he figured that the monetary unraveling would take just one year at most. When FSN started in 2011, we figured it would be at most 6 months. Here we are – four years later – and there could still be years to go.

China, Puerto Rico and how many other countries must fail?

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Keith Neumeyer – Supply Crunch Coming In The Mining Sector

from Financial Survival Network

Keith Neumeyer has created two billion dollar mining companies, First Quantum and First Majestic. Now in the depths of the mining depression he’s looking to start another, First Mining Finance. Keith believes that the sector has to recover at some point because of the growth picture in other parts of the world. Presently there’s no shortage of opportunities and the key is sticking to the discipline and making sound investments in good jurisdictions with good ore quality. Then it’s just a matter of sitting back and waiting and letting the market prove Keith right yet again.

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Christopher Markowski – Yet Another Greek Bailout Coming?

from Financial Survival Network

Christopher Markowski has carried the titles of author, investment banker, equity analyst, muckraker, all around trouble-maker, and most importantly consumer advocate. He is the founder of the financial planning firm Markowski Investments, an institution that provides the highest level of financial planning to all people regardless of their net-worth. Christopher is the antithesis of what Wall Street has become; he believes that financial planning is a profession, not a vehicle for selling as many ridiculous financial products as possible. His clear-cut, honest approach is in complete contrast with the fabrication and deception that individual investors are exposed to every day.

Athens is coming closer to running out of cash by the day, and a default is looming on the horizon. Other EU countries appear to be trying to help Greece, but no one really wants to get their hands dirty.

Greece’s spiraling downfall should be a wake-up call for other countries facing a debt crisis, starting with the United States. We watched our government bailout big banks and major corporations such as General Motors during and after the 2008 crisis. Is Greece the next one up for help? Is there a plan in place?

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John Rubino – When is a Housing Recovery Not a Housing Recovery?

from Financial Survival Network

John Rubino returns… Mortgage rates are going up. Could this be spurring sales? Buyers could be buying now to avoid higher rates, it’s happened before. But the rest of the economy doesn’t look so great does it? Hiring and wages are trending higher, but can you believe the numbers? Perhaps it’s time to go back to bartender school, but they’re automating bartenders and truck drivers out of business. So what’s no-skilled/low-skilled worker to do? And what’s with that Chinese goldminer buying shares around the globe?

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Mark Everson – Former IRS/INS Commissioner Running For President

from Financial Survival Network

Mark Everson is running for President of the United States. He believes that Americans deserve constructive solutions to the challenges facing our country.

When did you last believe the country was on the right track? Politicians continue to lie and get away with untruthful explanations. Each party offers painless solutions which protect special interests and reward millionaire lobbyists.

What if we undertake bold tax reform and free the vast majority of Americans from the burden of filing a tax return with the IRS? Wouldn’t that be better than the mess we have now and also grow our economy in the process?

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Andrew Hoffman – Collapsing Collapses and Greece!

from Financial Survival Network

What can they do to save this mess Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman… Listen to Andy talk about:

  • Greece!
  • Today’s article, “can Greece be contained?”
  • Collapsing mining industry
  • Collapsing commodities
  • Collapsing collapses
  • The EMOTION that has crept into my writing as efforts to manipulate markets/media have become epic!

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Steve St. Angelo (SRSrocco) – Energy Changes Everything

from Financial Survival Network

Independent researcher Steve St. Angelo (SRSrocco) started to invest in precious metals in 2002. Later on in 2008, he began researching areas of the gold and silver market that, curiously, the majority of the precious metal analyst community have left unexplored.

According to him, gold and silver mining is all about the return on energy invested. And he’s got the charts to back it up. That’s why in the long run the US and the world economies are headed for low growth and the precious metals can’t help but go up. Ore grades and the difficulties involved with extraction as well as energy prices are headed up and so is demand, which means higher prices. Most producers are currently selling at a loss, so what other outcome can there be?

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Kip Marlow – Planning For Burnout Is The Best Way To Avoid It

from Financial Survival Network

Kip Marlow is an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur…

Throughout his lengthy career he’s suffered a number of bouts of entrepreneur burnout. The best way to avoid is to plan for it in advance. Understand that it’s inevitable and then if you plan for it, you can avoid it. Plan those trips and family getaways and you’ll never suffer the effects for too long.

Most important keep finding new challenges and you’ll never get too burned out.

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Mark O’Byrne – Complacency Rules… For Now.

from Financial Survival Network

Mark O’Byrne executive director sees the warning by Ian Spreadbury ( A Fidelity Bond Fundd manager who oversees £4 billion of clients’ money ) as a tuning point.

Spreadbury told Telegraph Money “Systemic risk is in the system and as an investor you have to be aware of that.”

He believes that the record debt that has been ballooning since the crisis of ’08 due to interest rates being forced down to near zero by central banks. This debt, particularly where mortgages are concerned, would likely become unsustainable if, and when, rates rise to realistic levels.

“We have rock-bottom rates and QE is still going on – this is all experimental policy and means we are in uncharted territory.”

For now though around the globe complacency rules!

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Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr. – Regulatory Explosion

from Financial Survival Network

Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr. says that the Regulatory Explosion has gone into hyper-drive. If the US Regulatory System was a country it would be the 10th largest economy. Regulatory democracy has changed the relationship between the people and the government. Regulations have the effect of law but are not passed by legislative bodies and there’s no accountability. Obamacare is typical of the regulatory state where we only find out what’s in until after it’s been passed. What’s the solution? Perhaps it’s as Charles Murray suggests, we need the people to rise up get very wealthy underwrite civil disobedience.

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Instant Equity Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme (Episode 34)

from Mike Gazzola’s Real Estate Investing That Works

Mike talks about his system and how it works. It’s not about getting rich quick. You will not get rich quick here. It takes work and it’s not for everybody. Mike can give you the knowledge, but he can’t do it for you. You must first make a decision to commit to the system. Then you’ve got to put the hours into learning the system. And then you’ve got to go out and do it. Then you’re going to make some mistakes. And then if you’ve learned the lessons and applied them correctly you’ll make money. Perhaps slowly at first, but then things will start to come together for you and over time your success will amaze even you. So it’s hardly a get rich quick program, do kid yourself into thinking it is.

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Robert Siciliano – We Have All Been Breached (Episode 13)

from Identity Theft Warriors

No doubt you’ve heard about the recent breach of the Office of Personnel Management. Every Federal Employee’s full personnel record has been hacked! The problem is that we’ve all been hacked. The question is what to do about it. According to Robert Siciliano, the nation’s leading authority on identity theft, the best thing we can do is freeze our credit reports, lock down our computers, networks and digital devices and stay ever vigilant. Our data has been circulating for years and that’s the untold truth. But if we take the necessary precautions we can limit the fallout.

To keep your identity safe now go to www.KeepMyID.org and be sure to use the Code: FSN2.

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Marin Katusa – Making Money in Junior Minors is All About Management and Patience

from Financial Survival Network

Marin Katusa now has his own website KatusaResearch.com where he shares his thoughts and research about the resource sector. Marin has been extremely successful investor. We discussed where we are in the cycle and what an investor needs to do to pick the winners in this depressed sector. The last time Marin and I spoke, he called the coming downturn. He thinks it’s going to continue for a while but there’s hope. As long as able managers such as Keith Neumeyer stick around, there’s potential for large gains ahead. * Contains sponsored material.

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Joe Messina – White Woman Running NAACP: Things Have Really Gone Crazy

from Financial Survival Network

Donald Trump is really running for President, and Rachel Dolezal — a white woman — was running the Spokane chapter of the NAACP… You know that things are completely out of control. The insanity has set in and there’s no turning back now…

Joe Messina of TheRealSide.com joins us for a look at the absurdity. We’re all losing perspective as Western Civilization continues its disintegration.

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Michelle Seiler-Tucker – Is Donald Trump The Right Man For The Job?

from Financial Survival Network

Michelle Seiler-Tucker believes that Donald Trump possesses many of the qualities necessary to help bring the country back from the serious decline that it’s been experiencing for the past decade. His skills as a leader and master negotiator are sorely needed. But is he for real? We won’t know the answer to that question until the election season unwinds a bit further, but one thing for certain, it’s going to be much more interesting.

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Jason K. Roberts – The Florida Real Estate Market is Not Job Dependent

from Financial Survival Network

Jason K. Roberts is still bullish on the Florida Real Estate Market…

Among the major reasons is that the market is not reliant on the job market. Many of the FL home buyers are retirees and therefore not looking for employment. Therefore, the buying season doesn’t revolve around the school year like other states. Jason also talks about why many people fail in real estate investing…

The reasons may surprise you.

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Lowell Ponte – Donald Trump’s Candidacy Opens Up Great Humor Possibilities

from Financial Survival Network

Lowell Ponte returns to the program…

Dogs don’t sweat, they pant. Governor Romney put his dog on top of his car to cool it off. The economy must be improving if Trump is willing to make the financial disclosures required to run for president. Trump’s idea of buying 2200 miles of the Great Wall of China and bring to the Southern Border is a stunning idea. And Trump is helping the economy by buying American hair pieces.

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Andrew Hoffman – There’s Only Two Markets Left That They Control

from Financial Survival Network

Where’s It Going Wednesday with Andrew Hoffman:

1. Greece imminent default/grexit, and ramifications
2. Fed meeting irrelevance, as markets (commodities, currencies, bonds) starting to swamp their manipulations (even European stocks) – only “last to go” markets like Dow and gold/silver still left to lose.
3. Collapsing mining industry, per article yesterday
4. Unprecedented stock bubbles the world round, with worst economy of our lifetimes
5. CRB index on verge of breaking 2008 spike bottom lows!

Look out Below!

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Dr. Gerard Lameiro – Jeb, Trump, and 18 More – What’s Next?

from Financial Survival Network

Gerard Francis Lameiro Ph.D. is an author, philosopher, economist, and engineer. He is the author of these three books: Renewing America and Its Heritage of Freedom; America’s Economic War; and Choosing the Good Life. Dr. Lameiro was also the Founder and CEO of Lameiro Economics LLC, a company focused on bringing practical economic knowledge about Freedom, economic growth, and prosperity to America and to the world. Dr. Lameiro is a frequent and popular Talk Radio show guest.

In this episode: No one can say it’s a boring primary season for the 2016 presidential election. With Jeb entering the race this week, and Trump probably entering with a $9 Billion net worth, will we see one of the most exciting and unusual nominating processes in history? Will it be the most expensive too?

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Carol Margolis – The Right Way To Travel

from Financial Survival Network

Carol Margolis, a well-traveled consultant, businesswoman and international speaker who has collected countless pearls of travel wisdom over many years. She is sharing her pearls of wisdom learned over many millions of miles to create such a support system for fellow traveling public to help them discover the joy that travel can bring.

I credit Carol with cluing me into the Global Entry Program which has saved me dozens of hours waiting on the TSA line at the airport. Carol knows how to travel effortlessly and with the highest degree of comfort and she shows you how to do the same. She’s one savvy traveler.

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Heather Wagenhals – Security Clearances Latest Victim of Data Breaches (Episode 12)

from Identity Theft Warriors

Heather Wagenhals explains that the data theft at the Federal Office of Personnel Management also included the theft of Security Clearance records or those people holding security security clearances or those seeking them. These records are incredibly detailed and extensive. If you’ve ever attempted to get a security clearance, you know that the government goes back and interview neighbors, teachers, etc. If you’re one of those people, it’s truly frightening. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that you look down you credit reports.

To keep your identity safe now go to www.KeepMyID.org and be sure to use the Code: FSN2.

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Danielle Park – Unbridled Debt is as Dangerous as Crack

from Financial Survival Network

Danielle Park returns to the show… No matter what country you’re in, when a debt mania takes place, all reason heads for the exit. We’ve seen it in the US, Canada, China and countless other places. We’re now headed for the end game, witness Greece. Perhaps this means that a refocusing on true value is coming soon. Those investments and technologies that truly improve life will become the focal point of the next boom, rather than just frivolous consumerism. Let’s hope that we’ve learned something from the past booms and busts.

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