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Danielle Park – The World According To Danielle Park

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Danielle Park believes it’s time for all the parties to come together and build a consensus and start agreeing on solutions to our common problems. Compromise is the key to finding common solutions, but first there must be an agreement that the current problem is dire and cannot be solved otherwise. The US and the World are facing a bankruptcy of unprecedented proportions. If the governments do not have an immediate reality check, the result is going to be catastrophic and every individual will suffer.

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David Selig – Government Confiscation Of Precious Metals Is A Certainty

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David Selig is a former marine and an active accountant, regularly doing battle with the IRS and State Tax Authorities. He believes that events are developing that will the government to confiscate metals, in order to keep the system functioning. He’s seeing early signs now and believes that the Supreme Court will be the ultimate aider and abettor. While he’s hopeful that the populace will revolt against such outrageous restrictions on their freedom, he has doubts. Which is why the key to surviving and thriving is to have a plan and keep it to yourself.

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Trace Mayer – Our Government’s Surveillance Fetish: Three Steps To Protect Your Internet Privacy

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Trace Mayer of How To Vanish gives three easy steps to maximize your internet privacy. You need to do this because government is scanning data streams from all over the world and use that data to determine whether you are a Person of Interest. 1) First is www.torproject.org which will hide your internet trail. Sites you visit won’t know you were there. 2) Use www.truecrypt.org which will make your email and communications virtually impossible to review and scan. 3) Finally, Trace believes that Bitcoin is completely private and gives you the ability to keep virtually all of your financial transactions private.

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Mickey Fulp – The Government Is Killing The Price Of Uranium

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In an effort to win the election, the Administration is manipulating the uranium market price to curry favor with the labor interests in Ohio. Investors are not anxious to finance uranium miners when prices are so depressed. This will lead to depressed production and lower prices. And with the government’s huge Uranium stockpiles overhanging the market, one wonders if they can go any lower. Prices often do go lower later in the year, so there might be more declines to come. After the election, the administration will have less incentive to intervene and prices could again go higher.

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Dana Meador – A Beautiful Deleveraging Is Not Going To Happen

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According to Ray Dalio’s theory, government can somehow engender growth and allow austerity to reduce debt. This Panglossian view just can’t happen in modern America. Everyone wants to know if this is going to be an ugly deflationary deleveraging or an inflationary deleveraging. Is Romney the man to come forward with the plan to cure what ails the country, probably not. GDP is actually contracting and therefore, without growth there will be no desire to reform the monetary and political systems. Have no fear, the market will take of these ills.

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Peter Grandich – When Will The Rodney Dangerfield Of Investments Get Some Respect?

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Precious Metals raids are common place. But has anything occurred to make a reasonable investor think that the long term prospects of gold and silver has turned negative? Rather, the opposite have happened. Central banks are engaged in unlimited money printing, central banks are buying and precious metals ETF ownership is increasing. Until the general fundamental picture changes, this bull market remains very much alive, regardless what any of the so-called experts proclaim. Rumors of the death of this bull market are greatly exxagerated.

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Jeb Handwerger – A Fundamental Shift Is Taking Place In The World Economy

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With QE to Infinity now a world-wide economic policy, investors need to look at many different metals such as Platinum, Uranium, Steel, Copper and others. Investors are beginning to believe that China’s incoming new leaders will be putting into place a massive stimulus program that will result in higher commodity prices across the board, but especially for base and precious metals. Jeb will be having a workshop at the HardAssets San Francisco conference. Make sure you say hello to FSN and Jeb if you’re attending.

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Bill Holter – Helicopter Ben Says QE3 Is Great For The World Economy

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Bill Holter is writing exclusively for our friends at Miles Franklin. He put out two great think pieces today. First, he examines the Bernank’s strange comment that QE3 isn’t bad for the world’s economies. Next he’ll want you to believe that Castor Oil tastes good going down and that the government is really here to help us! Where do these people come up with these claims. Next, Bill wrote a piece about buying precious metals, primarily for the newbie, but we can all learn something from it. He’s recommending 1 bag of 90% (junk) silver per family member. This will facilitate bartering for food should that be necessary. Exactly the widsom we’ve come to expect from Bill.

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Charlie McGrath – What Happens When The ATM Stops Working? Prepare Now

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Charlie McGrath is a well known radio personality and host. You might call him a prepper, but certainly not an ultra-prepper. He believes, as we do at FSN, that its important to have a plan. Most of us wouldn’t have a clue what to do if the ATM/Credit Card Network shut down. There would be mass chaos and pandemonium. Do we believe such an occurrence is imminent or even likely, no. However, it is a possibility, which is why you should stock up on some food, have some precious metals nearby and perhaps a means of defending you and your family. The costs of such preparation are quite minimal. 60 days worth of food is just a few hundred dollars. And preparing a plan is free. The choice is yours.

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Gary Wagner – Sideways Precious Metals Prices Are Your Friend

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Gary Wagner of The Gold Forecast joined us for a technical discussion of the precious metals markets. He’s surprised by the dollar’s resilience in the face of an imploding Euro and economic meltdowns around the world. Short of 25 percent interest rates, inflationary expectations being permanently dashed and discovery of huge gold and silver deposits that greatly expand supply, ultimately the dollar will fall and the metals will rise. As Gary said, “They’ll run out of gold long before they run out of ink and paper.”

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Raj I. Chowdhry of Tintina Resources – Mining Copper in Montana

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Raj I. Chowdhry, CA is President and CEO of Tintina Resources which is in the process of bringing on a major copper mine in Montana. They’re just finishing up a Preliminary Assessment. They’re looking at over 1 billion pounds of copper. Montana is hungry for economic development and especially responsible mining. The mine is great news for the state’s tax coffers and the relatively high unemployment rate in this area of the state. Add to that strong demand for copper from China and Asia. In addition, the developed world will need to rebuild infrastructure, for which copper will be essential.

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Triple Lutz Report #212 – Biden is a Buffoon: As If You Needed Another Reason To Prepare

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We were completely unimpressed by the recent VP debate. Biden is a buffoon. He lies with reckless abandon and his inappropriate laughter and rude interruptions did him and his masters no help. While Ryan could have stepped up his game a bit, there were no glaring errors and this debate had the additional result of further painting the Obama-Biden team as incompetent and inconsquential intellects, who somehow made it to the big time only to fail beyond anyone’s expectation. Unfortunately neither team is really addressing the important issues, the bankruptcy of America, as this would make them unelectable.

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Nick Barisheff – Gold & Silver Getting Ready For The Next Breakout

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Our friend Nick Barisheff, CEO of Bullion Management Group, squeezed in an interview between a couple of meetings. We trust Nick’s impressions because he has so many years of experience in finance but especially in precious metals investing. It’s unusual today to find people who lived through the last PM bull and bear markets. The experience gained from watching gold go from $850 to $1,780 is extremely valuable. These market gyrations teach us more than all the Ivy League MBA programs combined. Especially because there’s virtually no courses on economic history other than at Mises.org. And education in the final analysis is the only way to understand exactly what is going on in the world economy today.

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Jason Burack – New York and Washington DC: The Twin Towers of The Corrupt Power System

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Government employment numbers are completely false. By finding ways to exempt people from the workforce, the Elites are once again trying to pull the wool over the public’s eyes. But people are waking up to this distorted picture of reality. QE3/4 is alive and well and flourishing to infinity. Therefore, there’s a floor below gold, silver and oil. Which means buying on dips is the key to accumulating and increasing wealth. To protect your existing wealth that’s invested in the financial sector, be extremely careful where you store your paper wealth and always keep physical metals close by.

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Rick Ackerman – As Goes Apple, So Goes The World

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Apple appears to have hit a high, which is very worrysome for the future direction of the stock market. If bad karma can bring a stock down, then they have a lot to worry about. Their recent technical patent lawsuit victory over Samsung seems to be a hollow one. What benefit will they ultimately derive from litigation driven policies? Gold and silver, while not going gangbusters yet, are holding their own. Rick believes that no one should be looking to sell an ounce at this point. There’s no telling how or when the next currency crisis will begin, but it seems to be inevitable. And then, the metals won’t just be in demand, there will be a panic to acquire them.

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Catching Up with Diana Zoppa – Utah Bans Happy Hour Drink Specials (and Fun)

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Diana Zoppa and I made up for the last two weeks. We talked about the elections, the debates and why Obama is toast and how the election will be decided after the coming Biden-Ryan debate which will be another disaster for the current White House occupant. More importantly, Diana and I were discussing silly laws past during 2011. Utah definitely took the prize in their efforts to ban Happy Hours and Drink Specials and just fun in general. Finally, Diana’s event TheSeed.org is this weekend. What a great place to spend this weekend.

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Jordan Roy-Byrne – Deregulated Interest Rates Would End The Worldwide Depression

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Jordan Roy-Byrne joined us again. His statement about having free floating interest rates that would help lift the world out of its current economic slog is too true. As the Austrians proved many decades ago, artificially low interest rates lead to malinvestment, misallocation of resources and eventually a credit bust. Allowing interest rates to find their market level has worked extremely well in Iceland and has enabled their economy to recover smartly. However, the banksters are opposed to this poilicy and will not allow it to happen anywhere else in the world. They know that most of the debt they’re carrying on their books would be written off, thus ending their control of economic markets around the world. But Jordan’s writing has helped his subscribers earn large returns this year, even in the face of flat and declining metals markets.

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Ned Naylor-Leyland – Investing Is A Pie Chart, With A Big Slice Of Metals (Part 1)

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Precious metals investing is essential to an investment portfolio, large or small. Long term, gold and silver will be going higher, especially silver. There are many obvious reasons why silver will go up dramatically. People will demand a free market for money. Let the market decide what it will accept as money. Fiat money will lose its primacy and relevance, which can only be beneficial to humanity. If the Dollar or Pound Sterling are worth 1 percent of their original value/purchasing power, will they go higher, or will they become worthless? Which is why gold and silver are the ultimate preserve of wealth.

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Turd Ferguson – Time To Make An Economic Emergency Evacuation Plan

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Turd says that according to a book he once read, those most likely to survive any disaster-natural or otherwise-were those who had a plan in place. Whether you’re in an airplane, facing a hurricane or an earthquake, there is no substitute for being prepared. Don’ waste any time, the emergency can occur at the moment you least expect it. An ounce of prevention is certainly worth a pound of cure. Also, as an aside, are you surprised that according to Zerohedge, the energy market is also rigged? We aren’t?

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Danielle Park – Market Valuations Are Out Of Whack: The Algos Have Taken Control

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The computerized algorithims have taken over the markets. Individuals no longer go head to head in the pits, computers constantly look for angles to pick up a few basis points and beat the competition. It’s time to end the endless flow of money from the Fed’s spigot, which enables the Too Big To Fails to gamble with fake money and blow huge bubbles. Danielle believes that monetary policy has run its course and that QE to infinity has proven itself completely ineffective. Trillions have been printed and things are getting worse. Get ready for the next phase of the credit bust.

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Tyler Gallagher – Baby Boomers Will Need Lots Of Retirement Help

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Tyler Gallagher, CEO of Regal Assets, became a bullion dealer because he knew that us Baby Boomers were going to have a lot of trouble and difficulties dealing with the financial aspects of our retirement. Even though inflation appeared to be under control, it was still chipping away at our purchasing power and would therefore make it very difficult to plan for retirement. Therefore, Tyler perfected a method for investing IRA and 401(k) funds into physical gold and silver. He’s got it down to just a single form. Sign it and your retirement is as good as gold! How easy is that? That’s why we accepted Regal as our only precious metals sponsor.

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Ned Naylor-Leyland – Investing Is A Pie Chart, With A Big Slice Of Metals (Part 2)

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Precious metals investing is essential to an investment portfolio, large or small. Long term, gold and silver will be going higher, especially silver. There are many obvious reasons why silver will go up dramatically. People will demand a free market for money. Let the market decide what it will accept as money. Fiat money will lose its primacy and relevance, which can only be beneficial to humanity. If the Dollar or Pound Sterling are worth 1 percent of their original value/purchasing power, will they go higher, or will they become worthless? Which is why gold and silver are the ultimate preserve of wealth.

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Darryl Schoon – The Antidote To Government Scams: Save Don’t Spend

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Darryl Schoon is a scholar of the economic collapse. These are dicey times, so even thought there’s not much “good” news on his blog, your key to future happiness is to understand exactly what’s going on and what you need to do to keep you and your family safe from the encroaching economic collapse. We’ve never been in a place where the entire planet has been on fiat money. August 1971 and the closing of the “Gold Window” led to universal fiat currency. This was the first time in the world when gold was completely disconnected from the monetary. While its taken 42 years for the full effects to be understood an appreciated, we are now in an environment where the system is going to end. The timing may be in doubt, but not the event.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Idiot Versus Idiot

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Ranting Andy Hoffman believes that the commercial short position is so out of hand that a short squeeze could occur. One must wonder about the wisdom of trying to cap silver at $35 and gold at $1800 all in the name of trying to re-elect a president that appears beyond redemption. Sunday night’s sentiment attack occurred exactly the same as the raid two weeks, to the minute! So much for free markets. But we’re at a point where it just doesn’t matter. It’s Idiot versus Idiot, so pick the one you dislike least, or better yet, vote for Gary Johnson.

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Elijah Johnson Interviews Kerry Lutz on UnconventionalFinance

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Financial Survival Network host Kerry Lutz interviewed by Elijah Johnson of Unconventional Finance. They discuss fraudulent financial markets, rigged rates, as well as gold & silver prices. Kerry answers questions about waking up to the financial corruption inherent in the economic system, and speculates about a potential drop in the markets.

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Triple Lutz Report #211 – FSN Moves To Florida; Obama Is Unmasked; More on Gold & Silver

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Hello again! We’re broadcasting from Sunny South Florida. We made the move and couldn’t be happier. A two mile walk in the morning is great for your host’s semi-arthritic knees. And the weather, while we’ve had some rainy skies, has been wonderful. We talked about the Romney-Obama debate. While we seldom ever stray into the world of politics, this is a notable exception. It’s kind of like you discover this beautiful person one evening, they appear to have everything, but you’e in a dark restaurant and can’t see the whole picture. Next time you meet in broad daylight and you can’t believe it’s the same person. Well that’s what just happened to America.

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Bob Ewing’s Institute for Justice – Suing The Government To Get Your Rights Back

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The Institute for Justice is turning the tables on liberal front groups such as the ACLU. When the government steals people’s property thus depriving them of their rights, there’s little that the average person can do. That’s why it’s so refreshing to see a group that is going to court to try to get the government off of your back. This little known group is helping make a difference. Hopefully more groups will join the fight and help take back our rights for an ever expanding encroaching government.

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Gus Demos – Co-Creator of the Silver Shield Silver Bullet Coin Speaks

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Gus Demos of Mulligan Mint has helped Chris Duane create and release the SSSB coin. So far they’ve sold 10’s of thousands of these coins and you can order them through Financial Survival Network. Mulligan deals in sound money, gold, silver and copper. The name is taken from a character in the Ayn Rand novel Atlas Shrugged. Gus believes that keeping gold and silver artificially depressed should make you very happy. You get to it at a discount from the free market price. While prices have gone up substantially in the last month, this rally appears to have a lot more to run.

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Mickey Fulp – Mickey’s Major Monthly Market Review

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The Mercenary Geologist, Mickey Fulp, joined us for our monthly market review and analysis. QE3 worked wonders for the US and Canadian stock markets. It’s amazing what a little money printing can do to make people feel more wealthy. We also saw a brisk increase in the metals markets with gold up and silver up quite nicely. Platinum was the all star performer, due largely to labor unrest and violence in South Africa. Uranium took a major hit, as more buyers switched to long term contracts. This was surprising in light of what appeared to be improving market dynamics. Finally, crude oil was down a bit, but nothing major. Natural gas is held its own, but long term supply in the States is still a negative price factor. Stay tuned, we’re about to start a quarterly market review.

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‘Ranting’ Andy Hoffman – We No Longer Have Markets, Just Propaganda Indexes

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Ranting Andy Hoffman speaks about the strike down of Comex position limits by a DC Federal Court. No surprises there. There’s no one left in the marketsm, except poorly veiled government traders-who are working non-stop to keep the entire thing afloat. The physical market for precious metals appears to ready to another rise. $1800 for gold and $35 for silver are important numbers. Once they’re exceeded, no one can anticipate where they’ll wind up at. Certainly things in Europe and the US as well as the rest of the world are not providing any one with encouraging news or prospects for economic growth. And of course, we’re in October, always a fun and volatile month for the markets.

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