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Mary Pitman – Do You Have Unclaimed Funds? Find Out Now

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As an attorney, I did substantial work with clients on Unclaimed Funds. New York State alone has gotten its hooks into over $12 billion dollars worth of so-called abandonded property, but you can find it and get it back. It’s actually very simple. Just do a database search, file a form and it’s yours. You may think that you can account for all your money, but as Mary Pittman has proven time and again, you probably can’t. She’s found money for Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh and other notables. I myself have reclaimed over $5,000 worth of checks that never reached my doorstep. You might be able to reclaim even more. Go on the internet now and find out. And let us know.

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Christopher Whitestone – The Silver Bomb: Beyond The Return Of Metal As Money

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Christopher Whitestone and Mike MacDonald have made a major contribution. The focus of this book is not to persuade people about the conspiracies that led to the current crisis. What is revealed is that it is occurring in conjunction with other events of human history to create a never seen before event—the inevitable explosion of The Silver Bomb. And most importantly, practical actions and solutions are offered which will help the reader prepare for what is already upon the horizon, the end of paper money backed by nothing, and the return to metal as money.

In these fiscally turbulent days, many investment direction seekers are looking precisely for the information contained in this book to help them in their understanding of what happened to the dollar, what is currently happening to silver and to gold, and how to hedge the smart way.

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Alka Dalal – The Queen Of Creativity Shows You How To Monetize Your Brand

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Alka Dalal worked for large corporations all the while raising a family. Then she realized that her passion was in helping other people realize their passions. Then she became the Queen of Creativity and her passion became helping others realize their passions and to monetize them. Now with the internet and the wealth of free marketing tools available online just for the taking, she’s begun a new chapter and her success stories are increasing. Some of her clients have gone on to build international brands that are helping people around the world.

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Ranting Andy – ‘Gold as Money’, and What to Do Now to Protect Yourself, Before It’s Too Late

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After Turkey Day, it was time for a Monday Rant with Ranting Andy Hoffman. Looks like all hell is getting ready to breakout soon. Greece, going from hopeless to impossible. Same with the rest of Europe. Being prepared is your only defense. And while you certainly can’t find any security in a world gone mad, you can find internal security and know that this like all financial cycles in life is temporary. Of that much we can assure you. So protect yourself, succeed and thrive whenever and wherever you can and get ready for the coming prosperity. It may be a while, but when it arrives you’ll know it was well worth the wait.

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Raia King – Helping Creative Types Thrive In The New Economy

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Raia King was always involved in the creative pursuits. Her family consisted of artists and performers. Unfortunately, creatives are programmed from a young age that business people are greedy and don’t produce anything of value. This attitude leaves many artists working at jobs outside their craft and longing to make it. Raia works with these people to help them build their personal brand and to maximize the value that they provide to their markets, so that they can monetize their skills. This frees them to pursue their passion and their dreams. What could be more satisfying than that?

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Triple Lutz Report #221 – A New Way To Store Precious Metals

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Buying precious metals is only part of the battle. Where do you store them? What’s safe and what isn’t? We attempt to answer these questions and more. Most importantly, we discuss another unknown and untried option, where you’ll have 24/7 access to your cache. In many places it’s free as well. Your metals will be under lock and key and defended by constant video and human security. Of course there are downsides, but there are with any storage option, so ultimately you should choose several of them to maximize the protection of diversification.

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Delia Horwitz – Collaboration Is The Only Way To Get Things Done

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Delia Horwitz wrote Collaboration Soup to help people become more effective when working together in groups. To some extent, we all use these techniques unconsciously, however, if we set out to use them consciously, we become more effective at accomplishing our goals as well as the groups’ goals. Working in groups can be challenging, but to accomplish difficult tasks and to become more effective as individuals, it is an absolute necessity. Delia believes very much in the power of the individual to be a force for change and improvement, but often this needs to be done in a corroborative manner, and this is where Corroboration Soup comes in.

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Nancy Baumann – Time To Write Your Book And Tell Your Story

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Nancy Baumann, the Book Professor, has written numerous books and has helped so many others to tell their story. Writing your book is both easier than you think and harder. It requires planning committment and dedication; once you get started, if you did the proper prep work it will be easier than you thought possible. We’ve gone through the process as well and we’ll soon be releasing Forget Wall Street – Go For the Gold (and Silver Too), in just a matter of a few weeks. We encourage everyone to get their book done. In addition to the great feeling of accomplish that you’ll derive from it, it is also the ultimate branding tool and an essential part of authoritative marketing. So what are you waiting for?

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Rosalene Glickman – Optimal Thinking is your Key to Surviving

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Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D. is the creator and best-selling author of Optimal Thinking, hailed by academia and the media as “the successor to positive thinking” and “the essential ingredient for best practices in personal, interpersonal, and organizational optimization.” We spoke at length and while I know that I’ve engaged in quite a bit of Optimal Thinking in my life, it hasn’t been nearly enough. Rosalene is a real inspiration to me and hopefully to you too.

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Wayne Allyn Root – Disappointed By The Election & American’s Lack Of Clear Thinking

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We were very fortunate to hook up with Wayne Allyn Root today to discuss the election, his thoughts on America’s future and more. We both agree that something wasn’t right about the final totals. While Romney was an extremely flawed candidate, there were just too many anomalies to account for in the final vote tally. More importantly, going forward Wayne believes that the country is in for some extraordinarily hard times ahead. As a nation, we seem to have forgotten what it takes to succeed and that every government handout comes with a price tag. Government largess makes us all poorer and destroys wealth. Until people learn this fact, probably the hard way, nothing good can happen.

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Mickey Fulp – The Energy Revolution is Picking Up Steam

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Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist, is a keen follower of the energy extraction revolution and has been keeping attention focused on the hydro-fracking revolution. New technologies are developing at a break-neck pace and he expects many of the environmental concerns to fade by the wayside. Modern man needs energy and cannot carry on his life without. As nations that were minor consumers develop (China, India, etc.) the demand escalates and it forces many governments to overlook environmental concerns. Energy projects that are in development now have gone up greatly in price. However, the game goes and investments get made in the hopes of expanding production.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – America The Twinkie State

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Ranting Andy Hoffman put in an appearance for his Monday rant today. We agree that so goes Hostess Brands and the Twinkie, so goes America. Unionization has long since stopped being a positive for workers and has now become just another means of wealth destruction. 18,500 people are now unemployed due to union intransigence. But the Twinkie will be reborn when the Hostess brands are purchased out of bankruptcy. The market lockdown in anticipation of the elections now seems to be over. Silver and gold are up. When will the next raid and the next intervention occur? That’s anybody’s guess, but obviously when it best suits the Elites.

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Dan Collins – Things In China Are Better Than The West: The Wealth Transfer Goes On

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Dan Collins is our man on the street in Shanghai China. While there’s much controversey over the Chinese economy, Dan sees things as improving and more Chinese are being lifted out of poverty. Yacht sales in China have increase 700% in the past year, probably from 1 to 7, but luxury goods purchases in China now account for 25% of global demand. And this doesn’t include Chinese tourists going overseas, picking up that Louis Vuitton bag for a song. The wealth shift from West to East continues unabated.

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Triple Lutz Report #220 – The Twinkie Is Dead… Long Live The Twinkie

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We examine the demise of Hostess Brands, makers of the Twinkie, and what it means to your ability to easily obtain and consume chemical laden junk food. This triumph of American unionism means that 18,500 people are out of work, just to prove a point. But have no fear, the process of creative destruction is well at work. Twinkie and Wonder Bread will be picked from the bankrupt corporate carcass and sold off to a non-union, well capitalized company. The result will be a non-union Twinkie that is ready to compete in the International Junk Food Arena.

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Nick Santiago – Nails Apple 200 Point Drop

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Our old friend Nick Santiago of InTheMoneyStocks.com is first and foremost a contrarian. If you’re buying, he’s selling and if you’re selling, he’s buying. He called Apple a sell at $700 (it peaked at $710) and now he believes it’s a buy at $525. Contrarian investing requires a healthy dose of skepticism and tight control over emotions. It’s hard to make the right decision when everyone else is telling you you’re wrong. Nick is also long gold and silver and believes that the greatest bull market in history is about to resume it’s amazing upward trajectory.

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John Rubino – Nullification Is Your Friend – State’s Rights Update

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John Rubino of Dollar Collapse is a leading thinker in the blogosphere. From the time he wrote his book with James Turk, The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It, he has been ahead of the curve. Now he sees a trend of the states rejecting federal intervention and meddling in their affairs. In the recent election Colorado and Washington both legalized marijuana. Kansas and Missouri both banned Obamacare mandated health insurance exchanges. Look for these defiant acts to continue and to increase. Perhaps unlimited government at the federal level is meeting its match at the state capitals.

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Ron Hera – Financial Repression Is Guaranteed To Fail

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Ron Hera of Hera Research believes that the financial repression of zero percent interest rates, rising inflation and anti-freedom actions being taken by the government, will only make the debt problem far worse than it is currently. Socialism is guaranteed to fail over the long haul and often over the short term as well. Unfortunately the average member of the middle class does not have the knowledge or the training to understand what’s happening to them. Therefore, the noose keeps tightening and the middle class is driven more and more into extinction. Eventually, the country winds up as a workers paradise, where none of the workers have jobs.

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Belinda Mays – Becoming Self-Sufficient In The Greater Depression

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Belinda Mays had a problem. The Great Recession hit and her career in commercial real estate was suddenly over. She needed to find something else to do and fast. Her position was not unlike many of you out there. After a short time period, she got over her grief and anger; she did a personal inventory and discovered a number of personal skills and assets that formed the basis of her business. Thus was born The Success Project, and she’s never looked back. We can all learn a great deal from Belinda about following our dreams and our passions.

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Chris Duane – Be A Blessing To Your Fellow Man, Not A Burden

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Chris Duane joined us today. We discussed the pseudo-seccesionist movement. Chris thinks it will wind up being co-opted just like the Tea Party was by the same statists who run things now. Just like we are presented with the illusion of choice every four years, we’re also given various movements that appear to be supporting real change but in reality are supporting the status quo. Therefore, real successionism starts with the individual. The same thing with preparation, it starts with a prepared mind. Which is why opting out of the system, as much as you are able, is essential to your mental well-being.

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Bill Cobb – Turning Your Ideas Into Gold

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Bill Cobb spent much of his career working in large corporations. Now he’s helping individuals turn their ideas into gold. Unlike many, Bill has actually studied entrepreneurism and what makes new businesses most likely to succeed. Did you know that a business started by 5 people is 5 times more likely to succeed than a solo venture? Bill has much more sage wisdom packed in his new book Business Alchemy: Turning Ideas Into Gold. If you can’t find a job, then creating a job may make sense for you. Especially if you can combine it with an interest or personal passion.

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Eileen Workman – Sacred Economics Means More For Everyone

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Eileen Workman is a forward thinker. She foretold the economic collapse of 2008-09 many years before it occurred. Now she believes that we are heading into a new Wisdom Economy where people pursue their passions and work for everyone’s benefit. While we’re not convinced that that man is yet ready for this new paradigm, we do believe that rapid and fundamental change must happen around the world and quickly too. Modern life has created too many conflicts, both among people and governments. All too often these disputes get settle with violence making us all the poorer. So perhaps Eileen is really on to something.

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Kris Miller – Pretirement It’s The Way To Go

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Kris Miller has been helping people retire early for years. While FSN is concerned about the potential economic collapse looming on the horizon, no one knows if and when it’s actually going to happen. So it’s important to be prepared for the system to muddle onward for a number of years as well as preparing for it’s possible sudden implosion. And if it continues, Kris’s strategy has a lot going for it. You receive income for life without little or no risk. The type of annuities she’s espousing have been carried on in one form or another since the Middle Ages!

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G. Edward Griffin – Inconsequential Elections Are The Rule

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G. Edward Griffin of Freedom Force International is a legend in the freedom movement. Since writing The Creature From Jekyll Island no one has ever looked at the Federal Reserve the same again. He says we’re now in a situation where the sociopaths who are running things are free to steal from us as never before. The financial collapse has unleashed this group and there’s limit to their pillaging. And while we need a revolution of sorts, it’s not a violent one, but rather one of education and ideas. Novel concepts such as the free market creates greater prosperty than any other system. Or that government is never the solution, but rather has created the problem in the first place. Once people start understanding what is really happening, then freedom will again take hold like never before.

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Conrad S. Toner – A Fearless Retirement Requires Planning

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Before founding Fearless Retirement, Conrad Toner’s father passed away when he was about to go to college, just 18 years old. At first he was understandably upset, and fearful. He didn’t know if there would be enough money to pay for his education. But he sound found out that his father had been a meticulous planner and had put away enough assets and insurance for Conrad and his family to live quite comfortably and to pay for college and grad school. After going through this ordeal, Conrad decided to dedicate his life to helping others who wind up in similar situations.

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Arch Crawford – Is A Crash Coming Your Way?

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Arch Crawford of Crawford Perspectives, renowned financial astrologist, sees very troubled times ahead. He believes that a financial crash is imminent. His predictions have often been spot on. Now he believes we’re entering a new period of changing weather patterns, market meltdowns and political tyranny. While you can’t necessarily set your watch to Arch’s predictions, they can be extremely instructive and profitable. Arch believes that being short the market at this time is a good bet. The major indexes have just broken through their 200 day moving averages and that’s always an important event. Combined with the current astrological formations, and he may be on to something.

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Greg Hunter – All The News That’s Fit To Ignore

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Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog has been involved in the news business his entire career. That’s why he’s so shocked at what now passes for news. Our ambassador to Libya is assassinated ,along with three others, and the media just can’t get enough of CIA Director Petraeus’s extra-marital affair. They couldn’t care less about why American citizens were brutally murdered. They don’t care if those people could have been rescued or not. They deal in drama not in facts. But fortunately for you, the new media only deals in facts, even if they don’t always get it right.

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Danielle Park – To Tax Or Not To Tax, That Is The Question

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Danielle Park (Juggling Dynamite), our reliable Canadian Contributor, joined us for an intriguing look in to the election’s aftermath and the way forward. She believes that the situation is serious, but not hopeless. And she feels that raising taxes to the historic mean will help the nation get past its current bout of insolvency. FSN believes that raising taxes will just result in more governmental waste and will result in furterh economic deterioration. The idea that the government can magically fix the entitlement crisis by increasing revenues has always failed. But we agree with Danielle that something must done and soon. The country took a swan dive off the fiscal cliff many years ago and has yet to recover.

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Barry Stuppler – Obama 2.0 Means $4000 Gold

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Barry Stuppler of Mint State Gold is a rare individual. He remembers vividly the last precious metals bull market. He believes that this one will far exceed the 1970’s bull market. He’s expecting $4000 gold, especially if the government keeps running up the deficits and papering them over with newly minted dollars. Looking back, since Obama took power, the price of gold has almost doubled. Barry is sure we’re looking at more of the same.

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Bill Holter – Cash For Gold: For Some It’s Their Only Means Of Survival

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Bill Holter joined us today after writing his MilesFranklin column. In it he explores the Cash-For-Gold craze that has been sweeping the ever poorer Western World. In Greece, Spain and other countries, people are lining up to sell the family jewels. In the US, the justification has been that gold is at record highs and has nowhere to go but down. This is a type of fear/greed argument that one often finds on Wall Street. If you don’t buy this worthless stock now, you’ll miss out on huge profits and if you don’t sell that worthless piece of paper, it’s going to crash tomorrow. Invariably the mark, oops we mean client, will make the worst decision possible. And so it goes with those looking to sell their gold for cash, you too can sell your gold for $800 per ounce and they’ll gladly take every grain you have.

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Ann Barnhardt – Better A Life In Prison Than A Life of Slavery

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Ann Barnhardt is on a mission. She refuses to accept the legitimacy of the Federal Government. She’s opted out of the tax system and is now facing the wrath of the IRS. She’s unwilling to go quietly into the night. She believes that we are facing a neo-Stalinist totalitarian wave that will make us all unsafe. She believes that we are facing a new Civil War and that few will be left standing. Unless you make your stand now, you won’t be able to do it later. For those with families, this is an incredibly hard thing to do. But what are the alternatives. Our country was not founded upon cowardice and fearing the consequences of doing the right thing.

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