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Rick Ackerman – Is Gold In a Sustained Bull Pattern?

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When it comes to technical trading Rick Ackerman is up there with the best of them. His Rick’s Picks Newsletter has a great track record. He likes the way the weekly gold price chart has been moving since the beginning of the year. It’s been breaking all sorts of resistance points and that means more upward action ahead. It will probably take silver with it too. Interesting times ahead.

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Bill Murphy – What Would You Do With $10 Million In Rare Gold Coins?

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GATA.org’s Bill Murphy returns. The manipulation schemes are getting harder and harder to pull off and yet they continue on as if nothing can go wrong. I guess the banksters must act as if everything is fine to keep the Ponzi scheme alive for another day. We also talked about the lucky, or unlucky, California couple that may have found stolen loot from the San Francisco Mint. Sometimes it pays to keep your mouth shut.

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Nicolas Pell – Rebuild Your Credit Score And Watch Out For The Fine Print

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Nicholas Pell of MainStreet.com gives some good advice on raising your credit score from the sub-600 level. He’s also well versed on keeping you out of trouble by reading the fine print that comes with those shiny new credit card offers. Good common sense tips for people who need good credit.

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Dr. Richard Ruhling – Stop Taking Pills And Get Healthy

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Dr. Richard Ruhling is 72 years old, takes no medications and is in near perfect health. How does he do it? Through healthy diet, regular exercise and proper attitude. It’s unusual to hear a medical doctor, even a retired one, tell you that you can be healthy without taking pharmaceuticals, but that’s exactly what Dr. Ruhling believes.

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Carl Schramm – The Rich Fight Back Against Comrade DeBlasio… They’re Leaving

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Carl Schramm is a professor at Syracuse University and is as pro-capitalist as they come. He sees much of the wealth destruction going on in New York City and State and can’t believe it’s come down to this. Comrade DeBlasio has declared war on the rich and now New York City is going to pay the price. Already over $1 billion in Florida real estate has been purchased by those seeking refuge from his policies. The problems will only mount as just 5,000 people pay nearly 30 percent of the City’s personal income tax. FSN’s prediction is that the City will be bankrupt in 3 years of less.

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Ned Schmidt – Gold And Food Are Going Up… Thank You Putin

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When it comes to precious metals and agricultural commodities there are few more knowledgeable experts than Ned Schmidt. In his opinion there’s nowhere for them to go but up, but thanks to Putin, they’re going to do it much faster. No doubt the United States will try to construct some alternate reality to explain the Ukraine situation away, but the damage has already been done. So watch for what comes next.

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Ross Kenneth Urken – Bitcoin Exchange Blows Up But Bitcoin Prices Rise

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Ross Kenneth Urken of MainStreet and TheStreet.com is skeptical of Bitcoin’s long term viability and it’s resistance to fraud and hacking. He believes that there’s nobody and nothing out there protecting its holders from being looted. And yet people are still buying it. Maybe they’re Ukrainians or others who don’t trust their country’s money. We also talked about big tax breaks you might be leaving on the table and the case of the $10 million gold coin treasure trove in California.

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Todd O’Boyle – Comcast To Rule The World?

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Common Cause’s Todd O’Boyle joined us today to discuss the proposed merger between cable giants Comcast and Time Warner. The resulting behemoth would have untold power over cable prices and internet content. Is this what the country really wants? Will the government ever allow it? The answers to these questions are important and rather disturbing. Under existing law, there’s nothing to stop internet providers from filter out sites that they find objectionable for any reason. Giving them more power just seems wrong.

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Mickey Fulp – February 2014 Monthly Major Market Review

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We caught up with Mickey Fulp in Toronto for the February 2014 Major Market Review.

Here’s the highlights:

  • Dow +4%, S&P +4% NASDAQ +5%,
  • Gold +6%, Silver +10% Plat +5%, Palad +5.5%,
  • WTI +5%, NG -5.7%, U -1%,
  • DXY -1.9%, Euro +2.2%, 10Yr -.4%

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Rich Scheben – A New Yorker’s Guide To Living Off The Grid

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Rich Scheben grew up in the New York metropolitan area. With degrees in Forestry, Business Administration, and Marketing he lived the part of the New York businessman and night-life denizen. Rich had a second life which he spent in the world of the outdoors; reveling in the sport of fishing and hunting, seeking to be as far away from mainstream city life as possible.

At age 26 he realized his dream of moving to the wilds of Montana to hunt, fish, and live off of the land. He’s been living there for 27 years and has been off-grid for over 6 years. Rich and Karen now live without traditional running water, flushing toilets, interior pipes, water heater, pressure tank, freezer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave, T.V. and most modern conveniences. They heat their cabin with an Amish wood cook stove; their only source of heat. They hunt, fish, and grow produce for food. They raise their own animals and harvest edible and medicinal plants.

He’s not recommending it for everyone, but merely advocates that you become more self-sufficient.

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Andy Hoffman – Trouble In The Ukraine Equals Higher Gold Prices

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Todays Monday get together with Andrew Hoffman:

  • Nobody messes with Putin
  • Black swans circling the Ukraine
  • Food prices are going to go crazy
  • Is this the end?
  • Where do we go from here?

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Emeka Iwenofu – Success Is Available To All

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Emeka Iwenofu is an aspiring young writer who lived mostly in Cleveland where he attended Cuyahoga Community College before transferring to Cleveland State University where he earned his degree in Accounting. Afterwards, he later became engrossed with free enterprise and engaged in a number of solo business ventures before finding his true calling, which was writing.

He eventually read several books on success development, mental attitude, and the law of attraction which inspired him to write the three book series, called: The Miracle Trilogy. He feels that this series is one of the first books of its kind to touch on the law of attraction in such a comprehensive and scientific format among characters as a basis of why and how this phenomenon works.

We’re big fans at FSN.

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Triple Lutz Report #338 – Trading Rare Gold Coins For $10 Million

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Latest Triple Lutz Report:

  • Trading rare gold coins in for soon to be worthless fiat currency;
  • Ali-Liston the fix really was in but Ali didn’t know it;
  • Watch out for exploding Bitcoins and exchanges;
  • Jim Willie – if they’re printing new currency where is it?

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G. Edward Griffin – Find $10 Million In Gold, & Trade For Worthless Paper

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G. Edward Griffin was on today discussing the wonderful story of the two Californians who found $10 million worth of gold numismatic coins in their back yard and are in the process of trading them for worthless fiat dollars. Obviously they’ve never listened to the Financial Survival Network. Perhaps they’ve spent a little too much time in Colorado lately. And then there’s that problem of a potential solar storm that could knock out much of the world’s electrical grid. We cover it all.

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YuKong Zhao – More Confucian Secrets To Surviving The Collapse

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Yukong Zhao believes that today, Americans are faced with unprecedented challenges, including global competition, decline in education quality, skyrocketing government debt, the looming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare, and high oil prices. To survive the collapse and to prevail in this tough environment, many Americans are seeking solutions to better manage their lives and raise their children. Wisdom from other successful cultures may be just what families need to broaden their worldview and provide fresh ideas to meet these challenges.

The Chinese Secrets for Success: Five Inspiring Confucian Values offers fresh ideas and practical guidance based on five Confucianism values as they relate to career aspiration, education, money management, family, and friendship. These are the untold secrets behind the rise of China and the success of Asian Americans—“the highest-income, best-educated, and fastest-growing racial group in the US,” according to the Pew Research Center.

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John Rubino – What’s Next For The Collapse?

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John Rubino has been ahead of the curve when it comes to predicting the collapse. His latest book The Money Bubble continues his record. Instability in Turkey, Thailand, Argentina, The Ukraine and Venezuela is just another manifestation of the monetary instability that has been unleashed upon the world. Where it ends is anybody’s guess, but obviously it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

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Jim Willie – An Exclusive Extended Interview (Part 1)

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Jim Willie, editor of the Hat Trick Letter was on for an extensive interview. He says that Syria and the Ukraine are really all about the pipeline wars. Gazprom is pushing aside OPEC’s monopoly and the West’s effort to stop it. He believes that Venezuela is what the US will look like in the future, criminality, inefficiency and corruption.

On the financial front, the seismic waves of destruction for the US Dollar are coming more fast and furiously. From Cyprus, to German repatriation, to LIBORgate, etc. How much longer can’t be accurately forecast, but things are certainly heating up.

China’s financial system is on edge, but their gold reserves (15,000 tons) will enable them to crater their paper system, along with the dollar, thereby putting them in charge of the resulting gold-based economic system.

If it sounds scary, that’s because it is. Jim sees shortages and civil unrest in the US, when it all comes to pass. Buckle your seat belt and get prepared now!

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Jim Willie – An Exclusive Extended Interview (Part 2)

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Jim Willie, editor of the Hat Trick Letter was on for an extensive interview. He says that Syria and the Ukraine are really all about the pipeline wars. Gazprom is pushing aside OPEC’s monopoly and the West’s effort to stop it. He believes that Venezuela is what the US will look like in the future, criminality, inefficiency and corruption.

On the financial front, the seismic waves of destruction for the US Dollar are coming more fast and furiously. From Cyprus, to German repatriation, to LIBORgate, etc. How much longer can’t be accurately forecast, but things are certainly heating up.

China’s financial system is on edge, but their gold reserves (15,000 tons) will enable them to crater their paper system, along with the dollar, thereby putting them in charge of the resulting gold-based economic system.

If it sounds scary, that’s because it is. Jim sees shortages and civil unrest in the US, when it all comes to pass. Buckle your seat belt and get prepared now!

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Dr. Elaina George – Is Western Medicine A Disease Driven System?

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Dr. Elaina George was with us today and urges you not to be a victim. There are so many ways to that you can be within the system, yet not have to be victimized by it. You can play the game yet not wind up a loser. She gives at least three workable alternatives that will assure you better health with better healthcare providers. This woman knows her stuff!

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Joel Joseph – Black Mondays: Worst Decisions of the Supreme Court

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Joel Joseph is a Georgetown Law graduate who has represented more than 60 members of Congress in court. He talks about how the Supreme Court keeps putting out awful decisions that do much damage to America. While we may not agree about alot, we do agree that Court has lot its way and America is much the worse for it.

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Danielle Park – We Need A Hellhound Like Pecora

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The corruption is out of control and no one seems to want to do anything about it. The Congress has been bought and sold and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Street. Danielle Park believes that perhaps after the next phase the public will be outraged enough to demand that the financial interests be dismembered, but that’s for another day.

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Phillip van Dorn – Is Now The Best Time To Buy To A House?

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Phillip van Dorn of TheStreet.com discusses the benefits of buying a home in the red hot real estate market now. Interest rates are low and prices are going up. But it all depends upon the circumstances of the buyer. And of course caveat emptor applies. We also discussed the status of Fannie and Freddie and should they go or should they stay? Do they have a future in America.

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Wayne Allyn Root – Will The US Become The Ukraine?

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Wayne Allyn Root is worried that America is become the land of dependence. As more and more of Obamacare kicks in, there’s less and less incentive to go it on your own. Now, after the President’s latest diktat, businesses between 50 and 99 workers are exempt from the law if they certify to the IRS that they haven’t fired any workers due to Obamacare. What’s next?

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Andrew Hoffman – Soma Plus Newspeak Equals America Today

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Monday’s Discussion with Andy:

  • Chinese stock market nearing 2008 lows;
  • Chinese housing bubble starting to implode;
  • 3 coups on three continents;
  • FT article on gold manipulation;
  • Russian Ruble at all time low;
  • Collapsing currencies equal collapsing governments.

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Dayna Steele – Acknowledge Your Mistake And Move On

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Dayna Steele, CEO of Your Daily Success Tip, is a leading authority on business and success trends including social media, networking and customer service as well as a rock radio Hall-of-Famer, and author of the 101 Ways to Rock Your World book series. She writes for FastCompany.com, consults Fortune 500 companies and is a popular keynote speaker for companies and universities. Her business card sums it up: Dayna Steele, Creates Rock Stars. Find out more on her page. She gives a stellar talk on what you need to do to succeed.

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Has Tom Dyson Gone Mad?

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Tom Dyson has just signed a post-nuptial agreement, which provides in the unlikely event of a divorce that his wife will receive 100 percent of all property and 50 percent of all income. The only thing she must do is agree to continue to home-school the children, a small price to pay. However, Tom is very confident that it will never come to pass. We wish him well. He’s still bullish on whole life insurance policies, the right kind-the 7-70 type, which have been the province of presidents and the wealthy for generations. He’s out of bitcoin now, but still likes the concept. There’s more wisdom here from the publisher of The Palm Beach Letter. You’re sure to enjoy this one.

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Triple Lutz Report #337 – America’s Worst Principal Gets The Boot

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The worst principal at perhaps the worst school in America just got fired. And to that we say it’s about time! Since the New York Post broke the story we’ve been all over it. All we can say to New York City is what took you so long? Her offenses were so outrageous that she should have been terminated on the spot.

Next we discussed a listener email that talked about an impending electrical shortage in New York City. Somehow the mainstream media has missed this story. Wonder why? Due to a number of cental planning mishaps combined with the awful weather, the region finds itself struggling to keep up with electrical demand. The solution is simple–Frack New York!

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Joe Deaux – Bitcoin Marches On

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Joe Deaux, Staff Reporter of TheStreet.com, is seeing continued acceptance of Bitcoin and thinks that merchants appreciate the ability to avoid transaction costs involved with accepting credit and debit cards. He’s not sure that it will ever replace these forms of payment, but the possibility certainly exists. And the result will be that Bitcoin will become more mainstream.

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Debra Borchardt – Time To Start Doing Your Taxes

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Debra Borchardt, Markets Analyst for TheStreet.com, has had a lot of time on her hands recently, with the awful weather in the Northeast. She decided to get an early start on her taxes. Like always, there’s some good news and some bad news. The home office deduction has finally been recognized by the IRS as valid. The standard deduction has been increased. But on the negative side, various taxes were increased for high earners. Better to face reality early than to get hit with ugly surprises later.

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David Morgan – Gold And Silver Correction Appears To Be Over

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Precious metals expert David Morgan believes that the two year correction in gold and silver is finished. He thinks that gold could reach $1550 by year’s end and silver could hit $26. He’ll be speaking more about that during the Liberty Mastermind Symposium, along with many other speakers in Las Vegas this week. You don’t want to miss it.

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