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Triple Lutz Report #344 – California Anti-Gunner Senator Arrested For Gun Running

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California Senator Leland Yee A major anti-gunner is arrested for gun running. What is the world coming to? Just shows how insincere the anti-gun crowd really is. When you read the affidavit of his statements and his total callousness for what purpose the guns he was helping to smuggle were going to be to, it’s just shocking.

Also electronic currencies are going mainstream. Now the Treausury is looking to get in on the act of regulating digital currencies and this can only be a bad sign of things to come. Also Auroracoin is giving digital currency away to Icelanders. Is it too good to be true? We will soon find out, won’t we.

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Delia Horwitz – The Sharing Economy Has Gone Main Stream

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Delia Horwitz author of Collaboration Soup sees a huge societal shift taking place before our very eyes. People can no longer go it alone, nor do they wish to. That’s why a company like AirBNB is now working with the “Enemy.” Rather than fighting governments around the country, they’re embracing them and working with them to insure that members can rent rooms legally and in compliance with local laws. A minor example yes, but important nonetheless. Local agriculture and farm to table is taking off around the country as well, a trend that was unthinkable just a few years ago. Expect the trend to accelerate and dominate in the coming years.

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Alasdair MacLeod – The US Blew It In The Ukraine

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We connected with our old friend Alasdair MacLeod of GoldMoney. As he sees it, the US has blown it big time in the Ukraine. Putin is nothing, if not a smart intelligence operative. He knows a CIA operation when he sees one. Now the chickens are coming home to roost for the dollar and they’re not going to be pretty. On to China, a big crash is coming there, and the results are going to be felt around the world. Eventually, it’s all going to be good for gold and precious metals.

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Ned Schmidt – Food And Precious Metals Prices To Spike

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When it comes to food and precious metals there are few people out there with more experience following them than Ned Schmidt. He believes that Fed tightening is the death knell for the Nasdaq or Techno-Junk as he calls it. He sees the up cycle for food and precious metals as full steam ahead. The California Drought and increased population as well as other factors have seen food prices take off in 2014. According to ZeroHedge, they’re up 19% this year already. There’s probably some inflation due to money printing in there as well. Ned suggests a number of stocks that will benefit from the trend. He’s been right for the past couple of years and there’s no reason to believe he won’t be right now.

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Joe Messina – The World Has Truly Gone Crazy

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We caught up with our friend Joe Messina today and covered a number of topics. From Comrade DeBlasio’s collapsing agenda in New York City, to teachers getting caught having sex in school and then having a court say they can keep their jobs, to the UN taking over the Internet, to Obama missing out on Fortune’s Top 50 Leader list; you have wonder can the world get any crazier than it is now?

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Seth Peretzman – Be Careful Who You Buy Precious Metals From

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A major precious metals dealer goes belly up and virtually nobody is talking about it. Well that’s not how FSN deals with major news. Fortunately that’s not how our sponsor Owings Metals deals with it either. This is important information that you need to know about. In addition to talking about the gold market, we discuss ways for you to protect yourself from insolvent bullion dealers and ways to split up your purchases to avoid a similar fate. You need to hear what Seth Peretzman and I have to say about this.

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Peter Schiff – Can You Trust Janet Yellen?

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Peter Schiff was back and he’s not buying any of Janet Yellen’s happy talk. While she might talk a big game about ending Quantitative Easing, the reality is that she will never be able to and she will have to come back with even more money printing. Her strategy is predicated on a higher rate of US Economic growth that will prove impossible to achieve. When reality dawns, she’ll have no choice but to return to the Quantitative Easing Trough for even more Easy Money.

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Bill Holter – Real Estate Collapse, China Style

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We’re catching up for lost time with Bill Holter. Seems there’s a bit of a real estate panic going on in China in case you hadn’t heard. Just like what happened in the US in 2006-07, only worse. This is leading to a collapse in the luxury Hong Kong real estate market and it’s going to be felt in real estate markets around the globe. More importantly, it’s going to speed up the global currency realignment, so buckle your seat belt and get ready.

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Gordon T. Long – What Country Will Blow Up Next?

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Gordon T. Long appeared on the show today. We took a trip around the world surveying the vast landscape of malinvestment and insane government policies. So many countries are on the edge that it’s impossible to know which one will implode. In Japan their money printing and demographics are a sure recipe for disaster. The US’s student loan bubble and auto loan craziness can’t end well. The EU is sinking money into US treasuries. Russia is determined to sink the dollar. China is seeing defaults and is now starting to see its first bank runs. So flip a coin, your guess is as good as ours.

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Michael Krieger – Crony Capitalism And The Kleptocracy

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Michael Krieger, frequent ZeroHedge contributor and well known writer, joined us to talk about the epidemic of corporate welfare and the wave of kleptocracy sweeping the US economy. Michael believes the decentralization is the way that people can take it back. He cites the example of marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington States as a perfect example. If you wait for the government to figure it out, you’ll be waiting a long time.

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Doug Casey – Stupid Governments Do Stupid Things

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Doug Casey is no lover of government. He believes that they are run by power-crazed sociopaths who like to mess with their citizens’ heads. As they get more entrenched, the problem gets worse, until you have the situation that the United States now finds itself in. The potential for a major war can be seen in numerous places around the world. As a collapse gets closer, government always seeks to find someone else to blame and that makes a major war more likely. Doug is not feeling optimistic these days.

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David Morgan – Palladium Is Leading The Precious Metals

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We were very fortunate to catch up with our old friend David Morgan of the Morgan Report. As always, he’s on top of and ahead of the market. David says, “The white metals lead the yellow metal.” In this case it’s palladium leading the rest of the PM’s. And guess where virtually all of the world’s palladium is produced? Answer-Russia. This metal is used in catalytic converters to eliminate smog as well as oil refineries to crack oil. One of those little known resources that man would have a hard time replacing. A great interview that you don’t want to miss.

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Danielle Park – Something Has Gotta Give

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Danielle Park believes Fed Chair Janet Yellen when she claims that QE is coming to an end and interest rates will be raised. Does this mean that the Fed will no longer finance the US budget deficit? Danielle says yes. If true, this would be a sea change. The Congress would have to change its evil ways and actually balance the budget. Few can see that day coming, but Danielle believes it will soon be here.

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Jeff Clark – Gold Will Make Its Move

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Gold is never far from Jeff Clark’s heart or mind. He helps helps work his family’s placer claims in California, Nevada, and Arizona. Armed with this knowledge he’s quite confident that gold and silver’s big moves are yet to come, for a number of reasons. Chief among them, reckless monetary policy by the world’s central banks and the endless appetite for precious metals by China and other Asian countries.

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John Rubino – Is A Chinese Currency War Underway?

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John Rubino of Dollar Collapse joined us for our Monday discussion. He says, “It’s amazing how quickly China went from being the world’s savior to its biggest danger.” To recap:

When the developed world stepped off a cliff in 2008, China responded by borrowing about $15 trillion and spending most of it on infrastructure. Roads, bridges, skyscrapers, power plants, whole cities went up around the country. The resulting demand for everything from iron ore to wind turbines helped offset contractions in the US and Europe, turning an incipient global Depression into nothing more than a severe recession. But government-directed growth on this scale produces a mountain of misallocated capital which eventually comes back to haunt its owner. And that’s where we are now.

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Andrew Hoffman – Let The Good Times Roll

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Another Monday with Andrew Hoffman. Listen as we discuss:

  • Goldman says gold’s going to 1050;
  • Golden cross on the verge;
  • Vhina manufacturing PMI 48.1;
  • Shadowing banking 0 in February;
  • Ukraine currency collapse;
  • US calling for Russia to be kicked out of G8;
  • Venice wants to secede from Italy and
  • Massive rally in Madrid against Spanish austerity.

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Dan Caramanico – Your Personal Solution To Today’s Economy

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Let’s face it the economy stinks and probably won’t get much better. That’s the bad news, however, the good news is that no matter how bad the economy might be, there’s always a shortage of great sales people. If you can become one, the world is yours for the taking. That’s where Dan Caramanico‘s new Optimal Sales Person course comes in. It’s inexpensive, but Dan gives you a step by step guide to becoming just that person.

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John Zmirak – The “Go To” Guide For College Bound Students

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John Zimrak put together a special guide for college bound students. He helps parents guide their children’s choices based on economics, social issues and political considerations as well as academic concerns. Armed with this guide, students can find colleges that will be a better fit for their personality types as well as their political leanings. This will help keep your child safe from crazy political indoctrination centers and help them get the real life skills they need to succeed.

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Nick Barisheff – $10,000 Gold Is Right Around The Corner

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Nick Barisheff has been a bullion dealer for many years. He’s never seen a better environment for owning gold in his entire career. The world’s economy is getting more unstable by the day. From the economy in the United States, to China economic ills. to Russian expansionist desires. The black swans are circling and who no desire to go back into hibernation. It’s just a matter of time until one day we wake up and the news is out. By then if you don’t own gold it will be too late.

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Chris Vermeulen – From A 16 Year Old Wannabe To Master Trader

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When Chris Vermeulen was 16 years old he got a brochure in the mail extolling the virtues of stock market investing. From that moment on he was hooked. He helped pay for college with his profits from trading and online poker. Now he helps you profit from technical trading and he has automated products that will help you take the emotion out of making money in numerous markets. His story is quite amazing. Listen as he tells how it’s done.

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Triple Lutz Report #343 – Operation Dirty Money Updated

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Where are all the crisp new Federal Reserve Notes? Bet it’s been a while since you’ve seen any. It sure has since we have. A little lesson in the grey economy, Startbucks Barista tips, money creation and more. Update on the worst school in the nation and Marcells Sims. Lots more.

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Jordan Roy-Byrne – Gold’s Is Having A Temporary Correction; Stay Tuned

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Jordan Roy-Byrne of The Daily Gold sees this weeks action in gold and silver as a temporary correction after gold’s breakout that took place since the first of the year. The GDXJ and numerous junior miner stocks have performed extremely well and he’s quite optimistic and for good reason. The turmoil that’s starting in China could be extremely bullish. 2014 is definitely going to be a watershed year in many respects.

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Dr. Yaron Brook – Obamacare, And Why The Left Hates So Much

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Obamacare was never intended to fix the problem of the uninsured. According to Dr. Yaron Brook, it was intended to pave the way for a single payer system. The left is a nihilistic movement who’s goal is to enslave humanity. Right now it appears to be winning and no one wants to stop it. Will good men rise up and take a stand? Dr. Brook is pessimistic.

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Joe Deaux’s Perspective of Yellen’s Latest Moves And Her Presser

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Joe Deaux of theStreet.com gives his perspective of Fed Chairwoman’s latest moves and her presser yesterday. Politicians are usually okay until they start telling the truth. That’s when they really run into trouble. Fortunately she has a different language called Fedspeak. And since unemployment no longer matters, everything is going to be just fine, because Janet says so, that’s why.

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Ivan Eland – Why Is US Foreign Policy So Hypocritical?

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The US invades countries without a thought and yet when Russia takes over the Crimea, an area vital to its interests, Obama and Kerry are all up in arms. Sound like a double standard, doesn’t it? Ivan Eland explores this double standard and shows how destructive it’s been to the country and its standing in the world. Perhaps isolationism isn’t such a bad thing.

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It’s Peter Grandich Time – Yellen’s First FOMC Meeting

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Peter Grandich gives us a play-by-play of Janet Yellen’s first FOMC Meet-up. He believes she’s sincere. She was very blunt and the markets didn’t like it one bit. She’ll have to watch her tongue in the future. When it comes to the economy, Wall Street and the future of the Western World, honesty is certainly not the best policy. And you can only taper so far, until you run into the brick wall of the deficit.

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Darryl Schoon – It’s Almost Over

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In 2007 Darryl R. Schoon wrote a paper that described in almost exact detail the 2008 Crash. It’s now 6 years later and Darryl hasn’t changed his tune. He sees increasing instability and increasing failure in the political and financial systems. Most people would be frightened about his vision, but Darryl sees brighter days ahead.

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Ross Kenneth Urken – Will The IRS Cut You A Break?

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Ross Kenneth Urken of MainStreet.com and TheStreet.com has news for you. While the IRS is not exactly known as Mr. Nice Guy, there are times when they will cut you a break. You just have to know how to ask. And you better do it nicely and on bended knee. Not really, just fill out a couple of forms, cross your heart and hope to die and you’ll get time to pay your back taxes.

And then there’s a revolution in medical marijuana taking place up north in Canada. They don’t have half the problems the US does when it comes to figuring out that the dreaded herb really does have some therapeutic applications. Listen and find out.

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Kyle Olson – Common Core Means Dumber Kids

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Kyle Olson is all about telling the truth about education. And it ain’t pretty. As Washington gets more involved in local education, the quality goes down. Common Core is just another example. Thanks to Bill Gates, Common Core is the law of the land. And just like Obamacare, it will have the same affect upon education.

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David Gurwitz – We Are All Slaves Of The Cycles

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David Gurwitz says that when it comes to investing in stocks, gold, silver or anything else, the most important thing is to catch the cycle right. Right now he’s concerned about the hundred year war cycle. The second decade of every new century has always seen a major world war, going back hundreds of years. He expects this one to be no different. Perhaps he’s right, in which case you need to be prepared.

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