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David A. Bego – Standing Up To Union Threats And Intimidation

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David A. Bego owns a large building maintenance company in Indiana. He was confronted with an aggressive campaign by the Service Employee Union (SEIU) to unionize his workforce. He stood up to the union and won. His story is instructive and shows what you need to do to win against powerful aggressors who have the force of government on their side. While others simply give in and accept their fate, Dave continues to fight on. He’s written a book and wants everyone to know what we’re up against.

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Janet Poole – Could You Get Away With Only Doing What You Love?

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Since we last talked with Janet Poole, big things have been happening in her life. Her book has become an Amazon bestseller. She says you can have a job you love simply by saying, “yes!” She’ll explains why you need to start small to get big results, which means taking one step at a time instead of making huge changes at once and turning your life upside down. Janet is actually living the life that she helps to others to attain.

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Jason Burack – What’s Up With The Stock Market?

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Jason Burack of Wall Street for Main Street was back for an update. Since the beginning of the year, the stock market has been on fire. Much of it is liquidity driven, leading to mal-investment on a grand scale. The MLP (Master Limited Partnership) sector has large dividend distributions and and good cash flow, so yield driven investors have flocked to it. More companies will be converting to this type of ownership, so you need to be very quality conscious. In comparison, the mining sector isn’t looking so well, with precious metals prices falling below the costs of production. Other factors are at work and caution is the by-word.

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Kent Runyon – Winners Under Obamacare?

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When government sticks its nose into the economic tent there are always winners and losers. Unfortunately, by the time you figure out which one you are, the law of unintended consequences may have already had its way with you. Kent Runyon runs a Detox facility in Florida. As of this date, he’s uncertain what affect the law will have on his business. The rules are unclear, what will be paid for and what won’t be is a mystery. If even the health care players in the market don’t know where they stand at this point in time, then there’s certainly no way for you to know either.

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Blaine Stimac – Preview Of The Unaffordable No Access To Care Act (Obamacare)

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Blaine Stimac runs a network of physical therapy clinics in Montana. He’s concerned about the impending Obamacare implementation. He sees majr problems ahead. Increased demand for service, lack of clear direction, increased red tape and major cost overruns to name just a few. All things considered, there’s plenty of trouble ahead and no doubt the act will be repealed or dramatically altered.

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Jamie Wolf – Start Over As An Entrepreneur

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Jamie Wolf had a problem. Her corporate career ended and she had a daughter with chronic health problems. This led her to start a business helping similarly situated parents deal with their children’s special needs. Now Jamie helps people start their lives over as entrepreneurs. She believes that starting your own business doesn’t need to be risky, but you’ve got to get the necessary skills to make it all work. First and foremost, you need to make sure that there’s a market for your product or service. This especially applies to returning GI’s that the administration would like to turn into small businessmen.

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Jim Willie – The US: Land Of The Fascists And The Debt Serfs

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According to Jim Willie we’re suffering from treachery, which means deep criminality is lodged and laced within the US Government’s financial ministry. It means that the embodiment of the fascist business model is tied into the entire system. It means big bank crimes continue with impunity, including bond fraud, rigged markets, naked gold shorts, flash crashes, and narco money laundering. There is a criminal element behind the entire housing & mortgage bubble & bust. The East is organizing, developing platforms, building new support systems, and designing protocol, and is ready to displace and isolate the US Dollar system, the ticket to devaluation and 3rd-world living standards. So you need to have a plan.

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Bix Weir – You Can’t Trust The Paper Price Of Silver and Time is Running Out To Get Physical

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Bix Weir was back talking about the machinations behind the world’s rigged markets. Every day the paper price of gold and silver becomes less and less relevant. Soon the only thing that will matter is how much physical you’ve got in your pocket or in safekeeping. The market prices that you see plastered all over your tv screen and your computer monitor exist simply to make people believe that objective economic law and reality don’t exist. Which means that you cannot afford to be fooled by the algorithms. Physical metal equals truth!

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Jeff Kass – Preventing Another Columbine

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Jeff Kass was one of the first reporters on the scene of the Columbine mass shooting. What he saw there set him on a journey in an effort to understand how something like this could occur. While he doesn’t claim to totally understand the incident, he did discover that there were definite warning signs that were largely ignored by the school administrators and law enforcement. Perhaps today those signs would be taken seriously and an effort would be made to prevent another tragedy. We can only hope.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – The Illusion Is Slowly Shattering

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Ranting Andy Hoffman is back for another installment. The economy is horrible and getting more horrible by the day. The Fed said they’ll keep buying $85 billion in bonds per month unless they need to buy more or if they need to buy less. The odds are that they’ll be buying more not less, you can be sure. Bernanke keeps spewing Fed gobbledygook and no one seems to notice. However, the break between the paper and physical precious metals markets continues to widen, so someone, somewhere gets it. But certainly no one in a policy making position in the Western World could care less. So keep stacking!

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Triple Lutz Report #263 – History Of United States Debt

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The United States has been in debt since its founding. The only time the country’s debt went to zero was during Andrew Jackson’s tenure. Coincidentally, his highest accomplishment was killing The Second Bank of the United States-the country’s central bank at the time. However, since that time the debt has been ceaselessly increasing till today where it threatens to consume the global economic system. Understanding the nation’s debt history is crucial to understanding where we’re at now.

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Captain Capitalism – Time You Started Enjoying The Decline

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Aaron Clarey a/k/a Captain Capitalism believes that things are bad and they’re getting worse. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to learn how to separate your own personal happiness from the economic state of your country. In other words, you need to learn how to be happy whether your country is prospering or going down the economic drain. Aaron has a number of strategies to help you achieve this goal. First is the art of minimalism, which means learning to expend as little of your resources as possible. Don’t buy a home, don’t incur debt and live as freely as you can. Keep your possessions to an absolute minimum as well. His book is well worth the read!

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Joseph Higgins – Helping Suffering Soldiers Get Help From The Other Side

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Joseph Higgins is a spiritual medium who’s been communicating with the departed for many years. He believes that people suffering in the here and now can receive valuable advice and healing from those who have already departed. Now he’s working with the spirits of departed soldiers to help former soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. While many are skeptical, he’s found that the words and techniques of soldiers who’ve already passed on can work wonders in helping those who remain.

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Triple Lutz Report #262 – No Pizza For Nanny Bloomberg, But Lots Of Share Bike Stations

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We got taken on the Nanny Bloomberg Pizza scandal. Forgive us, but we can’t be faulted for believing a story where the Nanny behaved exactly as we’ve come to expect. Nonetheless, even with little more than 6 months to go, Bloomberg hasn’t missed an opportunity to force his twisted view of middle class life upon New Yorkers. The City is joining the ranks of other bike-share municipalities, businesses and the citizenry be damned. You can always count upon him to do the wrong thing.

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Richard Bernstein – Inside Info On Obamacare

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The mother of all government screw-ups is coming your way. Medical coverage will be reduced and the costs you pay are going to rapidly escalate. The “Death Panels” are coming and who knows what treatment they’re going to allow you to receive. What happens to restaurant chains who can’t afford to cover their employees, will their prices double? The affect on part time employees is even worse. More and more people will be involuntarily converted into part-timers to reduce employer insurance costs. Doctors will no longer be able to afford to be in business for themselves and they will become hospital employees. Just be prepared and understand what’s about to occur.

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Mickey Fulp’s Monthly Major Market Recap

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Mickey Fulp stopped by for our regular monthly market review. The major US stock exchanges did well in April. Gold, silver and the metals, well you know the story there. Energy was also down, with the notable exception of natural gas, which captured the award for best performer of the month, again. Brent Oil continued to narrow the gap with WTI and uranium appears to have hit bottom. Currencies are still stuck within their recent range, but the Euro might be breaking out. Otherwise, nothing really happened in April.

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Kris Miller – Pretirement Is Taking Off: Number 1 On Amazon

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Kris Miller is well respected and has a 20-year track record. She encourages people to do what she calls PREtirement planning. Kris enjoys sharing the “secrets” that lawyers and traditional financial advisers will not tell you. For example, did you know your financial legacy could end up in probate, and your estate’s assets would go toward paying expensive court fees?! The good news is that Kris can help you create a living trust that would ensure your estate’s assets pass directly to your heirs, without the delay and prohibitive expense of probate. And she’ll show you how to protect your assets from the awful costs of extended care and nursing homes. These are important issues that you can’t address too early.

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David Nance – Keeping You Safe Is His Reason For Being

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David Nance is a nationally acclaimed safety expert dedicated to educating law enforcement officers and the public about personal safety. In order to disseminate his message of safety, he developed the SABRE Law Enforcement Training Division and the SABRE Personal Safety Academy featuring the Civilian Safety Awareness Program and the newly launched College Safety Program. He’s here to help you and your family stay safe in the new economy. With government cutbacks to law enforcement, decreased emergency services response time, this information is more important tan ever. Remember, you always need an exit plan and an exit route. Also, have a meeting place set up with your family too, that way if you can’t use your cellphone, you’ll still be able to reunite.

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Charles Hugh Smith – Debt Serfdom Is Alive And Well In The USA

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We caught up with Charles Hugh Smith today, which is always fun. Here’s his latest take on things. To survive, the Status Quo must maintain the same output: the stock market must be held aloft at current levels, entitlements must be paid, the National Security State must either expand or maintain its current global reach, and so on. Same with debt levels. if you really want to get the scoop check out this link: http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/history/history.htm. What’s hidden from view is the rising input costs to maintain this illusion of stability. Consider the Federal Reserve’s campaign to elevate the housing and stock markets. First the Fed need only threaten to buy mortgages and Treasury bonds to trigger a market rally. But soon this is not enough to keep the market aloft, so the Fed unleashes a campaign of quantitative easing (QE1) with an eventual end date. This pushes the market higher, but once the artificial stimulus ends, the market feels gravity once again and rolls over. To maintain the necessary output–a rising stock market–the Fed must increase each dose and never stop. There is no exit plan.

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Don Harrold – There Is No Silver Shortage

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Don Harrold of DayTradeShow.com joined us. He discards the hype that there’s a shortage of silver. It’s a story he’s heard over and over since the precious metals bull market started. Don thinks that inflation is inevitable due to the increasing money supply and expanded welfare benefits. The collapse has already happened and people just haven’t woken up to it yet. People who were “homeowners” are now living in tent cities. More and more people are now wards of the state with no end in site. It’s time to live like George Carlin, so sit back and enjoy.

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Gerry Shaltz – Survival Equals Selling

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Whether at work, at school or in relationships, millions of people are dissatisfied because they lack the know-how to get their own way. “People expert” Gerry Shaltz is a sought-after speaker and consultant who has changed the lives of people nationwide by giving them the tools they need to succeed. It’s really a simple matter, learn the skills as Gerry teaches them and you’re success is virtually assured. So listen on and find your way.

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Danielle Park – One Of The Best Cures For Depression

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Danielle Park and I caught up for our bi-weekly chat. Did you know that France is the most depressed country on earth? The United States is right on their heels, so don’t despair. But Danielle and I agree that you can turn things around any time you so desire. Live beneath your means, avoid leverage and don’t engage in economic self-destruction. Just because you succeeded in your business doesn’t make you an expert in every business. You always need to be re-evaluating, which is often a humbling experience. Stay optimistic because all economic depressions eventually end, even this one.

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Triple Lutz Report #261 – Obamacare Epic Fail Continues On Unabated

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The ObamaCare “epic fail” beat goes on an on, and there does not appear to be anyone who wants to stop it. The result is going to be unabated chaos in the healthcare market. The application process and health insurance exchanges are not going to work properly. People will be unable to get the coverage that they have been promised, and doctors and hospitals will be unable to get paid all while the politicians start pointing fingers at each other. The end result is per-ordained: a complete and unmitigated failure… something the government is uniquely situated to provide.

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Michael Croix – Get Rid Of Your Debt Anyway You Can

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Michael Croix is an expert on personal debt. When it comes to getting your creditors to write off your debt, time truly is money. If you can afford to sit back and wait for your creditors to start making settlement offers, then time is on your side. If you need to clean-up your credit to buy a car, a home or to get new credit cards, then time is on your creditors’ side. Eventually all consumer debts go off your credit report and become unenforceable. It’s just a matter of whether you can wait that long or not.

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John Jamieson – A New Slant On The Age Old Retirement Savings Dilemma

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John Jamieson is on a nationwide mission to break families and businesses out of financial bondage and allow you to comfortably retire. He started his Perpetual Financing Systems to help educate people on how they can create their own financing system that will grow wealth automatically and systematically. For example, John shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s better to pay cash for your car than to finance it, in effect borrowing to fund your 401k. He believes that sticking with the current system will impoverish most of the country and prevent you from retiring. That’s why a different mindset is required to insure that you don’t outlive your money.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Buy Silver on May 1 And Break The Cartel

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Andy Hoffman is back for another Monday installment. There’s a movement a foot. While gold and silver shortages continue to crop up, May 1st is officially The National Campaign To Buy Silver Day. It is hoped that with massive physical purchases of silver, the paper silver will become irrelevant, once and for all. If this helps raise the price of silver, then so be it. The end of the massive manipulation of precious metals prices will soon become a thing of the past. There will only be two kinds of people in the world, those that have precious metals and those that don’t, which group do you want to belong to?

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Lyudmila Bloch – How’s Your Etiquette?

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Lyudmila Bloch is an international etiquette expert, protocol consultant, seminar leader, etiquette author (The Golden Rules of Etiquette at The Plaza, World-Class Business Etiquette), and multilingual business-etiquette coach in New York City since 2000. Etiquette is extremely important when it comes to interacting in a positive manner with society and others. It also helps you to be a good role model for your children. Sitting at the table with your family while texting away isn’t being a positive role model. Good manners and good etiquette are extremely important. It makes people feel better about each other, and themselves. When it comes to your children, good etiquette starts with you.

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Triple Lutz Report #260 – Progressives Hate The Free Market

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Last week was a busy one, but one interview that stood out was my talk with Ellen Shaffer. She is associated with a San Francisco Bay Area think tank. Of course, when you hear those words, you know that collectivist thought is never too far behind. She is outraged by potential cuts to Social Security, and she does not believe that Social Security contributes to the deficit. She will not admit that deficits are potentially fatal to an economy, as well as to a society. Her comrade in arms, Paul B. Farrell, goes even further to claim that it is actually the free market causing our moral decline. Somehow, he believes that crony-capitalism is a function of free markets. Perhaps he needs to crack open his Econ-101 text book, and find out what capitalism actually is.

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Bill Holter – Acute Precious Metals Shortage Shaping Up

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On Wall Street, appearances are all that matters. Matt Taibbi recently proclaimed that Everything Is Rigged. Welcome to the club, Matt. We’ve been saying this for years, and very few people took us seriously. We hope that you’re wearing your tin foil hat, because you’ll be similarly ostracized, if you haven’t been already. How many other journalists can get away with calling Goldman Sachs a giant vampire squid? Bill Holter just got back from Europe, and he sees precious metals demand raging around the planet. Pre-1965 90% silver coins are virtually unobtainable, and premiums on other popular products have doubled or tripled overnight. Eventually, the COMEX will fail, and you can take that to the bank.

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Ellen Shaffer – Forget The Debt, & Don’t Cut Social Security Either

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We connected with Ellen Shaffer of the Center for Policy Analysis. She’s quite knowledgeable about budgetary matters and believes that we cannot afford to balance the budget on the backs of our seniors. The effort to implement the chained CPI adjustment for veterans and seniors will cost them dearly by understating the true rate of inflation. She believes that it’s far better to tax the rich and large corporations at higher rate than under current law. In addition, she believes that Social Security is solvent and everyone will receive their benefits.

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