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Jason Hartman – Real Estate Investing Success Stories

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Our sponsor, Jason Hartman, joined us today to discuss a number of real estate investor success stories. Understand that while he may be “talking his book,” he’s been at this game for a long time and has helped a number of people capture over-sized returns. Of course there are risks and pitfalls, as there is in any type of investing. However, Jason has the proof, which is thousands of satisfied clients. While there are no guarantees in life or investing, there are ways to reduce risk to tolerable levels. And if the economic collapse continues at its near glacial pace of late, then real estate investing could be a good bet.

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Wayne Allyn Root – The NSA Has Us All Targeted

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Wayne Allyn Root returned for an in-depth discussion of the NSA Surveillance State and the way that your freedoms are being diminished at a rapidly escalating rate. The Ponzi Scheme is being run and maintained by the Federal Reserve. It cannot be stopped without a complete economic collapse. Wayne and I discussed using gold and silver to protect your future and your family. If it’s really bad, gold and silver prices may decline as well, however their purchasing power will go up as it always has throughout history.

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Turd Ferguson – Get Prepared Now: The Convertible Yuan Is Coming

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We connected with Turd Ferguson today. Turd can see the day when the Chinese get fed up with the Fed and allow the Yuan to be fully convertible and perhaps backed by gold. This is going to be a cataclysmic event for those aren’t ready for it. Unfortunately, that will be most of the Western World. It’s extremely hard for the average person to accept much less make plans for this inevitable event. We all grew up in a world where the Dollar ruled and that’s going to change soon. So please get ready now, it’s for your own benefit.

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Chris Duane – Freedom Only Exists In Your Mind

[Ed. Note: Video.]

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Chris Duane is gearing up for the Liberty Mastermind Symposium. We discussed why we created the event and what you need to know to get through the awful times ahead. There’s so much more to living the life you were meant to than worrying about the power elite and who controls what. They only exist because we’ve given them our power. Once you start to take it back, they will quickly crumble into irrelevancy. Perhaps taking control of your mind and your thoughts is the most powerful act you are capable of. It’s time to start.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – All That Glitters Is Not Gold… Especially The Miners

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The miners are tanking, big time! Andy Hoffman doesn’t believe that a higher gold and silver price will help them turn around anytime soon. The news is uniformly bad for the sector. A great contraction is under way. Which is ironic, considering that gold and silver appear at their near and long term bottoms, but there’s a lot more to running a successful mine than high grade ore deposits. The political risks have never been greater. At the same time it appears that the JP Morgue has virtually eliminated its short silver position and is now net long. If this is true, then this could mark a major turning point for silver. You can expect new highs and major shortages. But the operative word is IF.

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Triple Lutz Report #271 – Detroit Defaults

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Detroit’s emergency manager announced last Friday that the city would stop paying approximately $2.5 billion in debts. He got several hundred creditors together and explained the dire situation to them. It looks like pensioners and bondholders are going to take it on the chin. The city is offering them around 10 cents on the dollar, which could be a very good deal, especially if Detroit must file for bankruptcy protection. Then all bets are off! However, Mr. Orr needs to do more than simply rearrange the deck chairs on this fiscal Titanic. He should take this opportunity to privatize virtually all of Detroit’s services, eliminate the public school system and develop new economic opportunities to help restore this once great city. Whether it’s urban marijuana farming, expanding the airport or cutting taxes to an essential minimum, now is the time for bold initiatives. Otherwise, Detroit will further devolve into a dystopian image of America’s post-industrial future.

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David Morgan – Precious Metals Are Bottoming

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We caught up with David Morgan today, not always the easiest thing to do. He’s always busy, after all he’s one of the most experienced voices in the precious metals arena. He’s pretty confident that the metals markets are finding their bottom, if they haven’t done so already. He believes that this is a great time to be buying, but not all at once. Trying to get in at the bottom and out at the top is a fool’s errand. David’s our featured speaker at the Liberty MasterMind Symposium and we’re looking forward to seeing him and you in Dallas on June 28-29. www.LibertyMasterMind.us

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Tyler Gallagher – Paper World Is Quickly Unraveling… Only Gold Will Be Left Standing

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We caught up with Tyler Gallagher, CEO of Regal Assets today. When desperate times hit, desperate things happen. You need to prepare for the worst. Paper isn’t safe. Hard assets are more difficult to confiscate or otherwise grab. Is there really a difference between the US’s financial system and Cyprus’s? Hardly. The US has already taxed the wealthy and now it’s running out of options. As things proceed toward their inevitable conclusion, gold and silver will no doubt assume their traditional roles underpinning the monetary system. Tyler believes that there needs to be a collapse before things can get better.

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George Matheis – Your Personal Security Is His Reason For Being

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George Matheis is just finishing up his personal self-defense manual. He’s been laid up for a while but has put the time to good use, posting many entries on his blog and finishing up the manual. He talks about awareness a lot. Wherever you go, you need to be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. As George says, we live in a heads down society. More and more people walk around focused on their smart phone, rather than what’s going on around. This is a problem on several levels. You should be in a safe place not moving around with your back to the wall if possible. Following George’s simple rules will help keep you and your family safe.

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Gordon T. Long – Continuing And Increasing Global Instability

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We caught up with Gordon T. Long today. From an old engineer’s standpoint, Japan’s QE actions have set the world’s economies reeling. Currency wars are going off the charts and developing economies are taking it on the chin. The sanctity of brands have been eroding as well. Try counting your bathroom tissue or check out the bottom of the jar being hollowed out. There’s no hope of righting the system. The rule of law continues to erode and the elites are running rough-shod over all of us. The security surveillance complex is out to get us all. Be on the look out for even more scandals and a further undermining of the global power structure.

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Rami Lazarescu – Take A Vacation Now

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Last year, $34 billion worth of vacation time was forfeited, but vacations reduce stress, increase happiness, help reconnect with loved ones and balance life. This time of year, you’re either going on vacation or feeling bad because you can’t afford to take one. Rami Lazarescu says everyone should use their vacation – whether they can afford a trip or not – to invest in happiness. In fact, memorable experiences contribute more to our happiness than our money or ‘stuff.’ We here at the Financial Survival Network couldn’t agree more. Do what you have to do, but make sure you take a meaningful break regularly.

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Ivan Eland – NSA Snooping Far Greater Threat Than Terrorism

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Ivan Eland is a defense analyst and author. He is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute. He also has served as Evaluator-in-Charge (national security and intelligence) for the U.S. General Accounting Office. He testified on the creation of the dreaded Department of Homeland Security before the Senate Judiciary Committee. His writings generally propose libertarian and non-interventionist policies. He’s a welcome addition to the Financial Survival Network and will provide you with some insight into what’s going on around the world today.

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Jon C. Frank – Are GMO’s Making You Sick?

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Jon C. Frank returns to the Financial Survival Network to discuss the pros and mostly cons of GMO foods. Monsanto, the leading proponent of these so-call Frankenfoods has won some major court victories lately, but they’ve been getting killed in the court of public opinion. More and more countries are banning them outright and there’s a huge growing backlash in the United States as well. It seems like public acceptance of genetically engineered food is sinking like a stone. Hopefully the debate will be resolved shortly and we can go back to a nutritionally healthy food supply.

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Alasdair Macleod – The World’s Bills Are Coming Due Now

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We caught up with Alasdair Macleod today. The Japanese government’s recent actions have helped further destabilize the world economy. Japan’s rapidly aging population now needs their savings to live on. Therefore, they have no choice but to print the difference. This is spreading across the world to newly developing countries. Stocks markets around the world, with the exception of the US, are in trouble. The limitations of money printing will shortly become apparent. Therefore, prices are going to go way higher and so will interest rates. Therefore, a new phase of the crisis is sure to emerge shortly. Governments need to admit once and for all that Keynesianism has outlived its usefulness.

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Dr. Betsy Kruger – Entrepreneurial Success Is No Fairy Tale

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Dr. Betsy Kruger shows entrepreneurs how to spark profits by working less! She explains how to launch and grow a successful business by creating strategic action plans to market your company, no matter what it is. Her stories reveal timeless marketing wisdom. She a popular writer for professional and trade publications and blogs and is known for “Aesop’s Rules: Twelve Strategies to Spark Your Profits” with entrepreneurs. She’s coached thousands of people and offers 30 minutes of free coaching over the phone.

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Lex Levinrad – Stop Renting Your Home: Buy It Now!

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Lex Levinrad has purchased millions of dollars’ worth of single family homes. Many of these houses were fixer uppers in need of major rehab. Most of them cost him less than $50,000 to buy. Some required very little work and others need a lot of rehab to make them rentable. Using this plan Lex has been very successful. While we’re not sure that real estate investing is a panacea, we do believe that it can sense to have some exposure to it. Listen to his story.

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Carl Jarvis – Is The Fourth Amendment Obsolete?

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Constitutional Scholar Carl Jarvis is extremely alarmed about the latest disclosures of massive electronic surveillance covering virtually every person in the United States and perhaps the world. At the same time that it was being disclosed that Verizon and the other cellular carriers are transmitting all of your billing information and call logs to Uncle Sam, another disclosure showed that numerous internet companies, such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook were feeding your information directly to the NSA. Edward Snowden, the person who made these disclosures and finally confirmed our suspicions should be applauded, not persecuted.

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Tara Kennedy-Kline – Coaching You To Be A Better Parent

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It is well accepted that being a parent is the hardest job in the world. It’s extremely difficult to know whether you’re doing the right thing or not. Tara Kennedy-Kline believes in accountability, first and foremost. If you accept responsibility for the things that you can change and for how you react to those you can’t, then the odds are you will be a more successful parent. The blame game doesn’t work and is often quite destructive to parent and child alike. Tara also gives a number of tips on how to get you kids to react better to emergencies and disasters.

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Triple Lutz Report #270 – Federal Employees Are More Likely To Die Than Get Fired. Is the NSA Listening To FSN?

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In the strange Kafkaesque ways of federal employment, it turns out that many federal employees are more likely to die than to be terminated. While some agencies are proud of their ability to retain competent employees, it makes hard working taxpayers wonder if the inmates are running the asylum. Less than 1/2 of one percent of all federal employees are fired each year. Around 11k in a 2.1 million person work force. Unlike the private sector where 3 percent at minimum get the ax yearly. And don’t worry, those NSA workers who are busy breaching your privacy have the ultimate in job security, they know where all the bodies are buried.

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Dr. Jeffrey Lewis – Getting Ready For a Bottom In The Precious Metals Markets

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Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, is a medical doctor and is the editor of Silver-Coin-Investor.com and Hard-Money-Newsletter-Review.com. The latter is a free Gold and Silver Newsletter Review Blog written for the silver coin investor. His goal is to help those new to precious metals become better acquainted with the fundamentals and the vast body of commentary. You’ve seen him on Kitco regularly and his columns help to de-mistify precious metals investing. He believes in buying silver in one ounce rounds at the best possible prices. So now might very well be a great buying opportunity.

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Bob Hoye – The Authoritarian Economic State Is Ending

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Bob Hoye has been doing economic research for nearly 40 years. During this time he’s uncovered a number of interesting patterns. The after-math of the credit expansion bust that we’re experiencing now is following the same pattern as it always does, gold and silver purchasing power increases. Finally, intervention by the central banks cannot change the economic cycle, although it may cover-up and obscure what’s happening in the present. Central banker intervention is evil and it goes hand-in-hand with authoritarian government. Eventually, the subjugated masses rise up and refuse to allow this group to govern. Perhaps we’re getting to this point now.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Everything Is Fine Now… Just Wait!

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We caught up with Ranting Andy Hoffman today. Greece is failing and needs another bailout. Interest rates are going up and no one knows why; they could be increasing pressure on the global economic system and may result in JP Morgan sized losses for many banks. S&P thinks the US credit outlook is peachy. What could go wrong? Besides the fact that all your data is being kept on a shelf by the NSA, ready to be used against you in a court of “law,” everything is fine and you have nothing to worry about. The government has it all under control, you hope!

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Martin Simmons – How Not To Get Ripped Off By Contractors

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Anyone who’s ever done a home improvement project understands the perils of dealing with contractors. You enter into an agreement in good faith and pretty soon you find out that your contractor isn’t living up to your expectations. Sometimes it’s because they’re unethical and others it’s because they’re incompetent. But once you’ve hired them, it’s too late. Therefore, the key is to avoid problems in the first place. You can’t simply rely upon referrals and recommendations. You’ve got to do more due diligence and research. Martin Simmons explains how’s all done.

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Peter Grandich – The Comex Is A Crime Scene

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Peter Grandich joined us today for the latest analysis of what’s going on on Wall Street and the Precious Metals Markets. The manipulation continues on unabated. The job numbers, as contrived as they were, weren’t really that positive. The economy needs 250,000 additional jobs per month, just to stay even. So the economy remains quite bleak and Quantitative Easy remains unabated. The world is waking up to these facts and will react shortly. When it does, the Comex will be treated as the crime scene it is.

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James Goodale – The Press is Under Governmental Attack

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James Goodale, attorney, was involved in the Pentagon Papers lawsuit and the press freedom battles that took place 40 years ago. He thinks that we’re going through it all again. He believes that the current WhiteHouse is as bad as the Nixon WhiteHouse of yesteryear. While it’s easy to debate their relative evils, there’s no question that freedom of the press is under assault. If this trend isn’t turned around soon, freedom is truly at risk in the United States and the rest of the world. But, if you’ve been listening to FSN, you know that already.

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Nick Santiago – Currency Markets Are Where It’s At

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Nick Santiago has been enjoying the increased volatility and profiting from it. If the Yen starts to strengthen, it’s going to be a disaster for the stock market. It will result in a reversal of the Yen “carry trade.” Stocks will go down and a sell-off will result. Gold probably made its bottom recently and Nick is bullish on the yellow metal. Nick isn’t selling any physical metal and he’s certainly not alone in that regard. He is however selling off some of his paper bullion. The history of fiat currency insures that physical bullion is needed to protect everyone’s wealth.

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Mickey Fulp – Mickey’s Monthly Major Market Review

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Mickey Fulp has been on the road, cruising in his 1993 Lincoln Continental. And while he’s been floating down the highways and bi-ways of California, the markets have been doing their thing too. In May, stocks were up, metals were down (except palladium), energy was down (including natural gas) and the dollar was up. There was also an orchestrated flash crash in silver and a whole lot more. Listen in as Mickey provides his unique market perspective.

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Laurence Kotlikoff – The Housing Recovery: Real Like The Economic Recovery

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Famed Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff joined us for a discussion of the Housing and Economic Recoveries. It’s amazing what the government can do when it sets its mind and its printing press to it. The housing recovery is as real as the artificially low interest rates that are supporting it and enabling increased sales. But if you look beyond the propaganda, you’ll see an entirely different story. A nation that is adrift, that has lost its way in the world. Decreased savings, unsustainable economic policies and its leaders and populace in total denial. It won’t end pretty, that’s for certain.

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James “The Survival Doctor” Hubbard – Prepare Now Before It’s Too Late

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Dr. James Hubbard has built a niche and a reputation in survival medicine. He explains how to prepare and protect yourself and your family in the event of a disaster. If you’re fortunate enough to make it through the disaster in good condition, you’ll need to exercise extreme caution when you go back home. You could face a host of threats that could be deadly if you’re not ready for them. There’s only so much you can do to prepare for the inevitable. But understanding what you’re up against can make all the difference.

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Ned W. Schmidt – Follow The Money (The Chinese)

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Ned Schmidt says the economy is neither fine nor dandy. Follow the big money in the world (Chinese) and you see it’s going into real assets. Things like precious metals, pork producers and mining/resource companies is where it’s going. The Chinese aren’t buying Google, Apple or LinkedIn, they’re not buying what Wall Street’s peddling. Not that you should blindly follow the smart money. Ned’s got a new book out to help you understand agricultural issues in investing. While you may not be able to retire to the Bahamas or have a better sex life, it will help you make money.

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