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Dennis Miller – The Government Is Going To Break Its Promises… And That’s a Promise They Will Actually Keep

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Dennis Miller is in the process of putting together a webinar called America’s Broken Promise: Strategies for a retirement worth living. The panel includes John Stossel of FOX business news and author of No They Can’t: Why government fails but individuals succeed; as well as David Walker, former US Comptroller. They both are warning about how the government has over-promised and the real threat of decreased social security and medicare benefits for retirees going forward. Dennis will be talking about how traditional retirement strategies no longer work and how people need to act now to put their retirement plan into place. You can check it out at AmericasBrokenPromise.org.

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Triple Lutz Report #298 – More ObamaCare Bad News…

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More Obamacare bad news on the way… UPS is dumping 15,000 employee spouses off their coverage to save $60 million per year, and lots more interesting news going on around the world.

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Andy Hoffman – Never Fear… QE5 Is On The Way

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Andy Hoffman joined us for another of his famous Monday rants. Things are going exactly as planned. Interest rates are on the rise. New housing sales are declining and so are durable goods orders, which is strange because July is right in the middle of what should be peak housing numbers. Could it bee that things aren’t as rosy as the politicians would have you believe? But how could that be, they promised that prosperity was just around the corner. And they would never lie to you, would they?

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Richard Ruhling, MD – Obamacare Isn’t About Healthcare

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Richard Ruhling, MD, is a retired physician who taught Health Science at Loma Linda. He believes that the government is pushing medical care as healthcare, but that the more prescriptions one takes, the worse one’s health becomes. He became board-certified in internal medicine, but says drugs create illness due to Adverse Drug Reactions that make medical care a leading cause of death. Adverse Drug Reactions are defined as from a drug “properly prescribed and administered.” It’s not an overdose or a bad prescription. And of course Obamacare does nothing to address this situation and instead perpetuates the bad behaviors that led to the need to take the drugs in the first place. It was written by big pharma to encourage more people to take drugs.

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Rob Goldstein – Credit And Debt Continue To Pile Up: Escape Now

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Rob Goldstein advises people and businesses on how to break the chains of debt and credit. Sometimes it pays to go bankrupt and sometimes it doesn’t. You need to understand the consequences of your actions. Often the alternatives to bankruptcy are much more attractive. There are always choices that you need to consider, which is why you should read his book and put together and action plan. Then consult an attorney and you could be very surprised.

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Laurence Kotlikoff – Interest Rates Going Up – The Inform Act – New Fed Head

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Professor Laurence Kotlifoff of Boston University joined us to discuss the impact that rising interest rates will have on the US economy. He’s not overly alarmed. We talked about the real rate of inflation and the Thanksgiving Dinner Index. Then we went on to discuss The Inform Act which will require Congress to actually disclose the debts being shifted to future generations by the underfunded entitlement programs, which total in the hundreds of trillions. Also, Professor Kolikoff believes that Janet Yellen is the better choice to head the Fed as opposed to Larry Sommers.

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Dr. Elaina George – Obamacare Will Mean Less Healthcare For More Money

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Dr. Elaina George is an outspoken critic of Obamacare. As a practicing physician she sees first hand the damage that it is causing. Unless patients and doctors resist this draconian incursion of the state into the doctor patient relationship, the results will be devastating. Avoidable deaths will increase and the health of the American public will decline. There is no alternative. The congress will not save us and the republicans are all but useless in the debate.

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Triple Lutz Report #297 – Detroit Saga Continues: Fast Food Worker Strike Set

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Opponents of the Detroit Bankruptcy get ready for their last ditch effort to try to stop the inevitable. Of course it’s going to fail, but you can’t blame them for trying. This has been a long time in the making. The unions and other interests that have been feasting off of Detroit’s carcass, but continue in denial. Next, get ready for a national fast food worker strike. The unions are trying to unionize fast food workers. Good luck on that one. And finally, the foreclosure fraud lawsuit is coming back. Let’s see what happens next. Will the truth out?

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Jason Hartmann – Higher Interest Rates Not Making That Much Difference Yet

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Jason Hartman‘s last offering of his free $300 course was scooped right up by our audience. Hopefully it’s been put to good use. While we can’t be sure when the system will collapse, those holding title to hard assets will probably be among the winners. We also talked about rising rates and real estate owners could still make out well there as also. Jason’s got an interesting perspective on where the economy is heading and I think you’ll find it useful.

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Rick Rule – Precious Metals Are The Place To Be

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Rick Rule and I sat down today to discuss the current state of the precious metals markets and more. Rick knows that he’s ideally situated for the next move up and is content to wait for that move. He’s also is extremely bullish on platinum and palladium. As long as the West wants clean air and abhors smog, they will pay whatever it takes to keep their catalytic converters going. The average car has $200 worth of platinum and palladium contained in its converter. If it goes up to $400 or ever $800, auto purchasers will continue to pay the price. And the supplies of the precious metals are not increasing, so future prices are near certain to go up.

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Paul LeJoy – It’s Still Impossible To Be Poor In America

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Paul LeJoy grew up in Africa and spent time traveling around the world. He came to the United States in 2001 and found himself attracted to the real estate business. It wasn’t long before he found himself buying properties and earning larger profits selling them. After the 2008-2009 crash he found banks seeking out his expertise to help dispose of the glut of properties they now found themselves owning. Paul realized there was an opportunity here. The banks were involuntary owners and he could help them get rid of their properties at a substantial profit. That’s where Paul is now and he’s loving every minute.

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Gordon T. Long – USA Is Headed For Recession

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Gordon T. Long is a master of economic analysis and research. He’s been carefully studying the numbers and he’s come to the inescapable conclusion that the US is entering into a recession and is actually in a stealth depression. The evidence will become so clear in the next two to three months that not even the Ben Bernank will be able to deny it. However, Gordon expects the stock market to continue to rise as flight capital continues to pour into the US from all over the world, much as what Martin Armstrong has called for.

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Triple Lutz Report #296 – Time To Privatize Detroit

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The best way to save Detroit is to sell it. Detroit has many assets that can be used by the private sector to save it. It’s got a vast art collection worth several billion, a tunnel that connects it to Windsor, Ontario, Canada, a beautiful island park and much more. Perhaps the key is to follow the Honduran model and make it a semi-autonomous region and sell it off to the highest bidder. Perhaps Apple is in the market for a city. Perhaps there’s a billionaire out

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Anthony V. Curto – The American Judicial System: Denies Justice By Delaying It

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Anthony V. Curto, a fellow New York Attorney, is fed up with the judicial system as it stands today. It’s a complete train wreck. It’s easy to manipulate, and simple cases take years to decide–often incorrectly. It needs a top to bottom overhaul. Technology has run circles around a system that has seen few changes in the way it does things sinces the 1920’s. Imagine if the famous Scopes Trial was held today, instead of three days, it would take six months. This is unacceptable. The systems must be simplified and made to again perform its basic function, which is to mete out justice.

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Triple Lutz Report #295 – A Quick Look At Why Jesse Jackson Junior Is Getting $8700 A Month… In Jail

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That’s right Jesse Jackson, Jr. is getting a disability pension of $8700 per month while he spends 24 months in jail at taxpayer expense. Seems that after 17 years as a congressman from Illinois he’s developed a mood disorder. Think how his constituents feel. Oh did we mention, he’ also soaking the taxpayers for his pension as well for another 40 plus thousand per annum? There’s alot more going on as well and we touch upon a lot of it so keep listening.

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John Leboutillier – Time For A Third Party Candidate?

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Former Congressman John Leboutillier discussed the betrayal of the people by the parties. Congress no longer represents the public. Quite clearly we no longer have a government of the people. John seems to think that a lucid and sane Ross Perot could take the office. Perhaps, but would the power elite ever allow such a person into office. And if a third party candidate could ascend to the office would they be allowed to lead? Obviously something needs to change, but the system as it stands today makes that all but impossible.

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Harvey Organ – Paper Gold Is Just About Gone

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When it comes to tracking the flows of physical precious metals nobody is second to Harvey Organ. He’s been tracking the flow of gold from West to East for nearly a decade, and he knows when there’s going to be a raid almost before the bullion banks. Now he sees trouble on the horizon. Interest rates are rising way too fast and gold is in six month backwardation. None of this is good news for the dollar or the big banks. It’s just a matter of time before the Comex and the LBMA cry out,”Yes we have no more Gold!”

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Gary Stokes – Being A Poised Person Will Help You Get Through It All

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According to Gary Stokes things may seem to be getting worse, but they’ve been much worse in the past. Remember the Civil War. Certainly there are challenges ahead. Democracy is always at risk. But being scared and fearful is not going to solve our problems. Rather, remaining poised and controlled under fire is the key. Every generation must confront its demons and ours is no different.

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David Gurwitz – Nenner’s Latest Market Update: Gold Up Into August

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David Gurwitz came on to give Charles Nenner’s latest market update. Gold and silver are still heading upward, at least into August. Same with crude oil. Stock and bond markets are looking pretty toppy. Lots more ahead. Interesting interview. Well worth the listen.

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Andy Hoffman – Are They Getting Ready To Crush Gold Again?

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There’s panic in DC. Interest rates are getting close to 3 percent on the 10 year. There’s an emergency meeting taking place at the White House tomorrow and just about every financial related agency head is going to be there. The last time something like this took place, they drove gold down to below $1200. Is this going to be a repeat performance? Meanwhile, India is seeing a near virtual collapse of the Rupee. For a country that loves gold, their politicians sure hate it. The upshot is, invest in Tandoori Chicken futures.

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Pastor Britt Minshell – Corruption Is Taking Over The World

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Pastor Britt Minshall joined us to discuss the corruption epidemic that has gripped the world. It seems that everywhere you go, ever larger portions of wealth are being consumed by this plague. Pastor Britt estimates that it’s in the trillions. And no one is being caught and thrown into jail. The governments are in on it and they’re sharing the loot. Until the citizenry of the world rise up and put a stop to it, it will continue on unabated.

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Rick Ackerman – Gold’s Rally Going Over $1400

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When we last spoke with Rick Ackerman, he had an extremely low risk short stock market trade that looks like it’s about to pay off big time. Gold wasn’t doing much back then, but now Rick thinks it’s getting reading to make a major move, even after the pretty good run it’s already had. He also sees some pretty good upside in the juniors. And the seasonal factors are all pointing upwards as well. Combine James Turk’s recent comments about gold’s likely year end finish at $1675 or higher and we’re probably looking at a major precious metals take off.

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James Turk – Gold Will Finish 2013 At $1675 Or Better

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James Turk came back on the show after a long haitus. He’s extremely bullish on the yellow metal and for good reason. It’s been going back up as of late and we’re not seeing very much resistance on the upside. James is thinking that it will finish positive for the year and that this will be the 13th winner in a row. Perhaps he’s a bit overly optimistic, but he’s been right twelve years running and that’s good enough for us. He’s still seeing extremely powerful Asian buying, with China picking up Indian slack and we are heading into the strong gold buying season. Indian brides are happier when showered with gold.

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Triple Lutz Report #294 – Obamacare Roll Backs Continue

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The Admin keeps putting key provisions of the Affordable Care Act, a/k/a Obamacare, off for another day. Pretty soon, all that will be left are the onerous taxes and the ridiculous regulations and the IRS agents to enforce them. All the uninsured will still be uninsured and not much else will have changed. But why let a little thing like reality get in the way. This is politics after all and who really cares about the people anyway?

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Kiki Somerville – Personal Branding Means Success In The New Economy

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Kiki Somerville is a personal branding guru who’s helped countless artists establish their internet identity and successfully build community awareness of their work. She has the unique ability to build massive Facebook audiences in very short time periods. All you need is a passion for what you do and the ability to connect with you target audience; she does all the rest. It’s really that simple. Kiki’s keeps doing it over and over again.

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Enrique (Rick) Ruiz – Wisher, Washer, or Wishy-Washy: Character Building Action Guide

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Enrique (Rick) Ruiz is an inventor, program manager, entrepreneur, family man (dad to six children), speaker and author of five books. His global expertise spans commercial, defense and IT industries on two continents. He has a successful track record of building diverse, dynamic and multicultural teams with workforces up to 15,000 strong. Rick is a Hispanic-American and has lived in three countries and worked in four. He is fluent in Spanish and provides consulting, training and speaking services on leadership, program management and diversity management. We we fortunate to get him on the show and discuss easy success techniques available to everyone, even you and me.

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Triple Lutz Report #293 – Check Your Cable And Cell Phone Bills Regularly

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Finally got around to looking at our utility bills thanks to my son Brandon’s excessive cellphone data usage. Shock of all shocks, the company was over-billing us $25 per month for an international data plan that we weren’t using. We called them up right away and of course they rectified the error and issued us a $175 credit. So then we looked at our cable bill. They were charging us for equpment we didn’t have. Called them up and bang, they issued us a $50 credit and took $10 off our monthly bill. So make sure you review those bills regularly. Maybe not monthly, but at least quarterly. And call them up and demand a discount while you’re at it. The worst they can do is say no.

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Darryl Schoon – Human Consciousness Expanding

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Calling the initial crash of 2008-2009 was only half the battle. Very few people have been accurate about what’s coming next and when, especially yours truly. Most people believed that more of the same was coming, ending with the ultimate collapse of the US and world economies and with gold and silver zooming off to the moon. Darryl R. Schoon sees things much differently. He sees human consciousness expanding. Perhaps the ultimate crash will prove unnecessary. Lets hope he’s right.

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Chad Hovind – Godonomics: The Ultimate Economic Power

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According to Chad Hovind, pure capitalism is the most moral and just economic system ever conceived, because it was created by God. We won’t go quite that far, but we do agree that no system works better. While Chad can back his claims up with Bible chapter and verse, we simply look to the results, and they are quite powerful and persuasive as is Chad. He’s also upbeat and optimistic, which we also appreciate.

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Lisa Gibson – Releasing The Chains: Timeless Wisdom on How to Forgive Anyone for Anything

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Lisa Gibson lost her brother in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland and made headlines when she met – and forgave – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, one of the world’s most notorious terrorist and man responsible for her brother’s death. She outlines the five stages people need to go through in order to forgive anyone and share the life changing stories of others who have applied these principles to their lives. She’s a terrorism expert who does conflict resolution training in war torn countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Sudan.

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