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Sharon Lipinski – There Are Over 1 Million Charities In America Today

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Sharon Lipinski grew up in a family of givers. She understands the importance of knowing that the cause you contribute to is worthy of your hard earned cash. There’s so many scams out there. Sharon has developed a number techniques to help you avoid getting taken. Using the internet will enable you to research a charity you’re interested in and to make sure that they will use your contribution wisely. It definitely pays to know all you can about who is asking you for your money.

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Stephen Pimpare – Poverty Is Obvious, The Solutions Are Not

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Stephen Pimpare has written the definitive book on poverty in America. He believes that Statist solutions are the key to solving these problems. We had a healthy debate on the role of food stamps in America today. He believes that they stimulate the economy and should be more widely distributed, while your host believes otherwise. Mr. Pimpare feels that the decline in the standard of living of the average American worker has come about due to international competitive factors while your host believes that it was due largely from debasement of the currency, the Great Society, the Vietnam War and expanding government. The debate was heated and passionate at times but always respectful, which is the way it should be on the Financial Survival Network.

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Mark Stansberry – Need For A National Energy Policy Growing

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Mark A. Stansberry is an international businessman, energy leader and humanitarian from Edmond, Oklahoma. He is author of three books including “The Braking Point: America’s Energy Dreams and Global Economic Realities.” He’s extremely concerned that America is mismanaging its vast energy resources. Fortunately, the market has been driving development on private lands at a fast pace, which has made up for much of the government’s failure to lead. But imagine if government had been proactive and led the way in converting vehicle fuels to natural gas, America would be more than on its way to energy self-sufficiency.

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Tom Payne – Are You Stopping Yourself From Getting A Job?

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Tom Payne has helped thousands of people get jobs and advance their careers. He sees that most people don’t have a clue on using proper interview techniques to wrap up the job and often wind up doing their career prospects more harm than good. He believes the key to helping you create a lasting impression at your interview is storytelling. When you do it right, you create a lasting impression that the interviewer holds on to. It sets you apart from the pack and helps you get the position.

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Nathan Schneider – Occupy Wall Street At Two Years: Success Or Failure?

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Nathan Schneider was there when Occupy Wall Street was making headlines. He thinks it made a lasting contribution and a positive one. While many of the goals it set for itself have not been accomplished, perhaps people are more likely to get involved and less likely to accept policies that they disagree with. We won’t know for sure for several years, but many believe that the Occupy movements marked an important turning point for a generation of disaffected Americans who saw the American Dream vaporize before their eyes.

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Dan Baron – In American Anyone Can Run For President

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Dan Baron is running for president on the Compassionate Party line, if he can get on the ballot. It’s a little bit libertarian and a little authoritarian and perhaps the country is ready for it now. It’s anyone’s guess. But there’s little chance that any third party candidate has a serious shot at grabbing the brass ring of power in America. The way the system has been constructed and designed over the years, all interlopers have effectively been barred. But it’s nice to encounter a dreamer every now and then.

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Triple Lutz Report #306 – The 50th Law and Ted Cruz

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We discuss Robert Green’s book The 50th Law and his friendship with the rapper 50 Cent. He possesses many qualities that are worth learning about, but morality isn’t one of them. Ted Cruz, senator from Texas is making big waves in the defund Obamacare movement. Right now he’s busy fillibustering the Senate. “One man with courage is a majority,” or so said Thomas Jefferson. Clearly Cruz and 50 Cent fall into this category. We need more like them both.

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Danielle Park – Reality Day Is Coming To The Financial System

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Danielle Park believes that the illusion that the financial markets have been under for the past five years can’t go on for much longer. When the bubble bursts there’s going to be a whole lot of unhappy people left swinging in the breeze. It’s better to face the music now on your terms than to wait until later. That’s why a healthy dose of reality is much better now. Unfortunately, as a famous man once said, “You can’t handle the truth.” And that statement is truer today than ever before.

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Carol Margolis – Stop TSA Groping: Sign-Up For Global Entry

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Carol Margolis is a travel expert. She’s written a book about how to make travel easier and less stressful. She’s got a number of strategies to help get you where you’re going faster and with less aggravation. Always leave more time when getting to the airport. If you sign up for the new Global Entry program, you can skip taking your shoes off and getting groped. There’s a lot more you can do as well. A lot of it is common sense, but much of it is knowing the ins and outs of airline travel.

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Dr. Gilo Kwesi Logan – It’s Been 50 Years Since Dr. Martin Luther King’s I Had A Dream Speech

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Dr. Gilo Kwesi Logan is a diversity consultant and believes that while we have made much progress since Dr. King’s famous speech, there is much to be done. While racism is no longer institutionalized, it is still a force in society and must be addressed. He is also concerned about the sorry state of education in the inner city and the affect it’s having on the minority community. The community must take responsibility for this sorry state of affairs as they keep re-electing the same leaders over and over again. It is truly a crime against the youth of their community.

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Arch Crawford – Major Solar Flare Coming Soon?

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Arch Crawford is back. According to recognized remote viewers, there could be a very destructive solar flare coming later this month or in November. One thing that is certain, the Sun’s solar cycle has slowed down dramatically and this will mean bad news for food crops and it will mean colder temperatures. Add to the mix increased financial volatility and difficult international relations and the times could get tough quickly. No one knows for sure what the future will bring, but the signs are every where.

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Seth Peretzmen – Wearing Your Gold Can Be The Best Way Out

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We bumped into our friend Seth Peretzmen from Owings Metals, sponsor of the Liberty Mastermind Symposium. He’s still bullish on precious metals and they’re still big on investment jewelry. This is not the kind of jewelry that you wear to a party. Rather, it’s 24 karat gold jewelry that will help you avoid gold confiscation and can easily be transported from country to country, without taxation. Make sure you get proper legal opinion before making such moves, but we’ve seen it done in the past.

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Andy Hoffman – Talk Of Tapering Is Tapering Off

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Andy Hoffman dropped by for our regular Monday chat. Seems like all talk of tapering is now officially tapering off. As it should, because we both knew that the Fed never intended to taper and never could even if they wanted to. It’s just not in the cards. If they cut their bond purchases in half, interest rates would skyrocket and the stock market would come crashing down. So the Fed has chosen its poison, which they did long ago. They’re always going to opt for more money printing, regardless of what the meme of the day may be.

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Cathy A. Reilly – Being A Temp Worker Can Lead To Full Time Employment

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Cathy A. Reilly has helped many temp workers use the system to find full time permanent employment. It’s not difficult, but you need to know what the employer is looking for and how to best present yourself. Once you’re armed with these tools the rest is easy. The best part is that the temp worker service acts as your sales staff, actively promoting you for placement with your future employer. It’s really that easy. Listen and find out how.

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Emeka Iwenofu – Public Education: Deliberately Designed To Fail

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Emeka Iwenofu joined us again. He believes that the failure of public education has been deliberately engineered by the powers that be. The government wants drones that will follow orders without question. They want loyal employees who are obedient and do what they are told. There’s no room for free thinkers in this equation. But you have the option of becoming a thinking human being. In fact it is your only option for leading a productive and satisfying life. But you’ve got to be brave and take the first step.

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Elizabeth Imus-Zero – On Etiquette And Libertarianism

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Elizabeth Imus-Zero is the daughter of radio legend Don Imus, but she hasn’t gone to her head. She’s written a funny book about etiquette and other stories about growing up as Don Imus’s daughter. She’s also a libertarian and believes very much in the work ethic. Even though she grew up in a privileged home, she worked for everything she has now. One can’t help but be very impressed with her accomplishments.

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John Leboutillier – The People Spoke: No War With Syria

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Former congressman John LeBoutillier was amazed at the outpouring of public opposition to war with Syria. It appears that the people have had enough of their government. John feels that the time is right for a third party or independent presidential candidate. The people are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more. The government has become totally corrupt and it doesn’t matter which party you prefer. The question now is who can come forward to make the case that it’s time to trash the two party system.

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Triple Lutz Report #305 – They’re Going After Movie Theaters and 15 Bucks To Flip Burgers

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The DOJ is going after the movie theater industry now. They’re about to issue regulations that will require thousands of theaters across the country to provide technological devices that will allow deaf people to have closed caption devices and provide blind people with devices describing the action taking place on the screen. It sounds great but it has the potential to put many marginal and rural movie theaters out of business and also cost thousands of jobs. Way to go government! And then there’s a burger joint call Moo Cluck Moo, probably on the high end and not really fast food that’s going to pay their entry level workers 15 bucks an hour. Ain’t America a wonderful place?

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Ryan Mauro – Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of US Runs Deep

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Ryan Mauro is concerned about the pro-Sharia law forces that have gained an audience with the administration and with the US government. While on the surface they appear moderate and reasonable, down deep they are closely allied with the Muslim Brotherhood and deeply espouse Sharia Law. One good thing that came out of the Egyptian experiment with Brotherhood rule was the mass realization that Sharia rule was not for them. Perhaps this experience will be repeated throughout the Middle East.

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Yukong Zhao – Why The Chinese Excel In Business And Education

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YuKong Zhao is an expert in China business and strategic development at Siemens Corporation. He was the Director of China Business Development from October 2007 to March 2013, and the Director of Strategic Planning and Business Development of Siemens Power Generation Group in China from May 2005 to September 2007. Currently, he is the Director of Global Planning at Siemens Energy Inc.

The Chinese Secrets for Success: Five Inspiring Confucian Values offers fresh ideas and practical guidance based on five Confucianism values as they relate to career aspiration, education, money management, family, and friendship. These are the untold secrets behind the rise of China and the success of Asian Americans—“the highest-income, best-educated, and fastest-growing racial group in the US,” according to the Pew Research Center.

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Kyle Olson – Reforming Schools Is a Near Impossible Task

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Kyle Olson is Publisher of EAGnews.org, a news service dedicated to education reform and school spending research, reporting, analysis and commentary. He appears on a weekly “Fox & Friends” segment called “The Trouble with Schools.” His second documentary film “A Tale of Two Missions,” featured Juan Williams and highlighted the glaring weaknesses in American education today. His book, “Indoctrination: How ‘Useful Idiots’ Are Using Our Schools to Subvert American Exceptionalism,” delves into the dumbing down of America and the effect that the downfall of public education is having upon the country. Hopefully, more people like Kyle will begin speaking out on this important topic.

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Joe Messina – Living Wage For Fast Food Workers: Ain’t Gonna Happen

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Joe Messina is a fellow radio guy who also sees the futility of this union induced fast food wage hysteria. The protesters have been paid off by the unions to make it look like they’re fast food workers, but they’re not. Rather they’re just shilling for the union thugs. Unfortunately, many are easily taken in by this scam. Capitalism is under attack, but Joe and I have all the answers.

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Vel Nitrist – If You Lose In Court Sue The Judge

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Vel Nitrist thought he had an open and shut case, but he lost. Then he sued in a different court and lost again. Then he appealed and his appeal was shot down. Then he sued the judges and guess what, that didn’t work either. So now he’s out there telling his story. He believes that the judicial system has been totally corrupted and that the Founding Fathers’ worst fears have been realized.

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Triple Lutz Report #304 – Pam Martens: Investigative Journalist Extraordinaire

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Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade is one of the last of a vanishing breed, a true investigative journalist. And while she won’t come on the show, we’re happy to share her excellent work with you. She details the way that thousands of unsuspecting college students and borrowers have been scammed by some of the nation’s largest lenders. Also she details how New York University gives out millions in forgiveable mortgage loans to its elitist faculty and administration. But payback is coming soon. Just wait.

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Todd Borandi – Stop Being A Slave To Your Smart Phone

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We live in a technologically dominated world. So much of our day is spent engaged with our technological devices, to the exclusion of ourselves and everyone else. This is not a healthy state of affairs. Todd Borandi believes that we need to seek balance in our lives. While going cold turkey may not be an option, perhaps gradual withdrawal or at least limiting our tech intake to certain times of the day is possible. Technology has made it too easy to hide from ourselves and our problems. It’s time to face up to life and start living fully again.

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Warren Meyer – Obamacare Has Made America A Nation Of Part Timers

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Warren Meyer runs a business and when he examined the potential impact of Obamacare he realized that drastic action was required to insure his company’s would survival. That meant switching his staff from full time status to part time status. He completed this task long before the President decided to delay the employer mandate by one year. No doubt other businesses have acted in a similar manner. Now even Warren Buffet has urged the administration to scrap Obamacare. When the Wizard of Omaha speaks, hopefully there’s an adult listening in the White House, but don’t be too sure.

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Aaron Clarey – Captain Capitalism Convinces FSN To Enjoy The Decline

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Aaron Clarey joined us today to discuss the now famous surfer dude leech Jason Greenslate’s desire to never work and live off the labor of others. He was featured using his EBT to purchase lobster and sushi. Aaron believes that Jason’s behavior is perfectly rational and he hopes that more people will start acting this way. This will hasten the collapse and force people to face the reality that government produces nothing and that every dollar government has it takes from others. Hopefully people will wake up before the ultimate collapse finally happens, but we’re none too optimistic at FSN.

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Triple Lutz Report #303 – My Recent Trip Up North And Defunding Obamacare

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So I made the big trip up North and got divorced and divested myself of my New York home. What a relief. Now the only ties that bind me to that Stalinist theme park of the Northeast are my two daughters who insist on staying, despite all my warnings to the contrary. You can’t imagine how good it feels to finally be living in a state that truly respects the Second Amendment. Then we had yet another discussion of Obamacare and how corrupt the Republican Party really is. Will they have the stones to defund it once and for all, I doubt it.

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Michelle Riklan – LinkedIn Is Your Key To Your Next Job

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When it comes to finding you a job Michelle Riklan is tops. She knows all the tricks of the trade. For her LinkedIn is tops. There’s a lot of different strategies for figuring out who to connect with and how to do it. Michelle shows you the right way to network and get it done. It’s not easy, but if you correctly plan out your strategy you’ll greatly increase your chances of success. Anyway, you have nothing to lose but your unemployment.

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Andy Hoffman – Who Is Larry Summers And Why Should You Care Anyway?

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Andy Hoffman joined us after a two week hiatus. I was stuck up North getting divorced and selling my house. Hope everyone survived without me okay. I’m quite certain you did. Andy raised the issued that as usual the MSM got it wrong that Summers was not the shoe-in to be the next Fed Chairman, surprise. We also discussed the fact that virtually all of the Comex’s gold is gone and that gold continues to be in backwardation, which can’t be the sign of a healthy market, can it? And then of course there’s Syria, imagine if they started a war and nobody came.

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