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Hillary Plans Steps Toward North American Union If Elected

by Daily Bell Staff
The Daily Bell

Hillary Promises a New Government Agency to Open Up Our Borders … Hillary’s open borders policy will reach fruition if she becomes president. In fact, she said … she is going to open up a new government agency to help illegal aliens and get them on a path to citizenship. She has already said that in her first 100 days, she will go much further than Barack Obama. – Independent Sentinel

Months ago, we predicted that the North American Union would return as a political issue in this presidential race. Hillary intends to move in this direction if elected.

Once president, she will reportedly take emphatic steps to do to the US what has been done in Europe: Combine countries in a larger, streamlined “partnership.” In this case the countries are Canada, Mexico and the US.

We explained long ago, that a signal to bring back this disastrous idea was Trump’s popular and determined intention to oppose easy migration from Mexico to the US. George Soros responded with funding for an amorphous Latin-American movement aimed at greater integration.

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Are the Fed’s Interest Rate Policies Self-Defeating?

by Mike ‘Mish’ Shedlock
Mish Talk

It’s rare that I agree with economic theories written up in mainstream media. But this is one of those times, at least partially.

In an opinion article on the Financial Times, writer Eric Lonergan says Interest Rates are a Spent Economic Force.

I picked up that link in a Tweet, but failed to capture to the Tweeter.

Here are the two key paragraphs.

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45th Anniversary: The Day Nixon Killed Keynes’ Phony Gold Standard

by Gary North

My generation says: “Each of us can remember where he was when he heard about Kennedy’s assassination.

I can remember where I was when I heard about Nixon’s killing of the phony gold standard that John Maynard Keynes and the Soviet spy Harry Dexter White designed in 1944.

It was a Sunday afternoon: August 15, 1971. I was preparing to leave Riverside, California to move to Irvington-on-Hudson, New York, to get my first full-time job. I would soon be a senior staff member of the Foundation for Economic Education. I would never again attend a graduate seminar. Free at last! Free at last!

The phone rang. My friend Bob Warford told me the news.

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Treatise on Money Storage

by Andrew Hoffman
Miles Franklin

It’s very early Monday, and I’m “up and at em’” because I feel so passionate about today’s topic. The day’s just started, but despite the 153rd “Sunday Night Sentiment” raid (actually, a mere “capping” this time), and 681st “2:15 AM” EST attack of the past 784 trading days, gold is back over $1,340/oz, and silver again challenging the Cartel’s maniacal “line in the sand” at $20/oz. As it should, as per yesterday’s “gold panic-selling” article, last week – particularly, Friday afternoon – was one of the most egregious Cartel manipulations I have seen. Let alone, as the weekend’s only “news” was that Japan’s 2Q GDP was a much lower than expected 0.0% – just like in Animal House, LOL. And FYI, care of history’s most insanely stupid monetary policy, the Bank of Japan, which is already a top 10 holder of more than three-quarters of the Nikkei’s 225 stocks, is projected to be the top holder of a quarter of the Nikkei’s stocks by the end of next year – at one fell swoop, exposing the “myth of QE to Infinity” and launching Japan’s “end game of communism.”

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The Dollar Index and Helicopter Money

by Clive Maund
Gold Seek

We have already figured out that, faced with the choice between doing “helicopter money” and allowing a deflationary implosion to occur, those in power will elect the former, because it buys them more time by keeping the system limping along for longer, and we have now arrived at the stage where it will be one or other. The market has already figured it out too, which is why gold and silver have started a new bullmarket.

If you were to decide to alleviate your own personal liquidity problems by setting up a printing press in your backyard and doing copious print runs of $100 bills, you would be branded a counterfeiter and sent to jail, probably for quite a long time. Yet the government does this shamelessly, and uses the euphemism “Quantitative Easing”.

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Will Ireland Be First Country In World To See Bail-In Regime?

by Mark O’Byrne

Deposit bail-in risks are slowly being realised in Ireland, after it emerged overnight that FBD, one of Ireland’s largest insurance companies, have been moving cash out of Irish bank deposits and into bonds.

Revelations regarding deposit bail-in risks came in the wake of warnings of a new property crash centred on the housing market in Ireland. The former deputy governor of the Central Bank warned in an op-ed in a leading international financial publication, Project Syndicate, that Ireland is at risk of another housing market crash.

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Three Political Risks to Watch Out for Post-US Election

by Global Risk Insights
Financial Sense

We are less than 100 days away from the US election. How are regional tensions around the world likely to play out past the November 8th elections?

It is probably fair to say that the world has stalled regarding decisive political moves in the international arena this past year. More bark than bite has been the general status quo regarding power plays and strategy execution.

However, far from suffering from a sense of chronic apathy, it is more likely that the world is waiting to see what emerges from the US presidential race between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and business person Donald J. Trump.

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Infographic: The Chinese Gold Market

from Bullion Star

This Chinese Gold Market infographic guides you through the largest physical gold trading market in the world, China.

An impressive 16,000 tonnes of gold are held within China’s borders.

Did you know that the Chinese wholesale demand for physical gold was an astounding 2,596 metric tonnes in 2015? This was supplied by China mining more gold than any other country in the world as well as importing more gold than any other country.

The chief architect of the Chinese gold market, the Chinese State, is continuously moving forward China’s position as the dominant market player for physical gold globally.

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The Fallacy of the ‘Third Way’

by David Gordon

The authors of American Amnesia, well-known political scientists from Yale and Berkeley, argue that supporters of the free market have forgotten a fundamental truth. Defenders of the market often point to the “Great Fact,” as the distinguished economic historian Deirdre McCloskey terms it, i.e., the amazing increase in human well-being and wealth that began about two hundred years ago, when trade and production in parts of Europe and America became freer than ever before. Does this not make manifest the virtues of the free market? Our authors do not think so. It is the “mixed economy” of government and business that has accomplished the real economic miracle.

They explain in this way what they have in mind: “The political economist Charles Lindblom once described markets as being like fingers: nimble and dexterous. Governments, with their capacity to exercise authority, are like thumbs: powerful but lacking subtlety and flexibility.

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Here’s the Truth Behind New All-Time Highs…

by Greg Guenthner
Daily Reckoning

Late last week, the Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq all hit new all-time highs. That marks the first time all the major averages set new closing highs on the same day since 1999.

But I have a secret to tell you about these new all-time highs…

It’s not about an impending market crash. It’s not about panic or a disconnected economy, or any of the other themes the media has bombarded you with over the past decade.

The secret I want to share with you is simple. Yet it has been almost completely overlooked since the Dow Jones Industrial Average began posting fresh highs last month.

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Looking For Hints, Winks, or Nods…

by Chuck Butler
Daily Pfennig

Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! It’s a deluge of rain here in St. Louis this morning. The main road in and out of the area of the river city I live in, was closed due to flooding, so I had to find another way out! Cardinals do enough to keep everyone interested this past weekend, and the Olympics finished their first week and head into the last week of competition. The U.S. Data was bad again on Friday, and Pink Floyd greets me this morning with their song: Money… But if you’re asking for raises, no surprises That they’re giving none away… Story of my life right there folks… Story of my life…

The dollar is slightly softer again this morning… But overall, the dollar has rebounded from the selloff that came on Friday after the latest round of bad economic data, deep sixed the dollar.

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Free Energy Technology Set-Back: The E-Cat Cold Fusion Machine Fiasco

by Steve St. Angelo
SRSRocco Report

There is no better way to describe the history behind the supposed world-changing cold fusion E-Cat invention anything other than a complete fiasco. The E-Cat’s inventor, Andrea Rossi, promised that his is breakthrough cold fusion technology would solve the world’s energy problem.

Unfortunately, not only has the E-Cat failed to live up to its lofty promise in providing cheap energy to the world, its inventor is now tied up in nasty “tit-for-tat” legal battle. According to Ugo Bardi’s article, Saving The World, One Lawsuit At A Time: a new disaster for Rossi’s E-Cat:

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With $128 Billion in Equity Outflows, Barclays Asks “Who’s Buying Stocks” and Gives an Answer

from Zero Hedge

It has been one of the greater paradoxes of the record S&P rally from the February lows: how has the market continued to rise even with unprecedented outflows? In other words, “Whos buying equities?

Overnight, Barclay’s chief equity strategist Keith Parker asks that very question, pointing out that global equities have continued to rally despite $128bn of outflows from equity funds since mid-March. His answer: futures buying (which has traditionally been associated with central bank intervention), whiuh since March ($60bn notional) has surpassed the amount of buying between October 2011 and May 2013,and which together with short-covering has more than offset the outflows.

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Increasing Speculation in “Paper Gold”

by Steve Saville, The Speculative Investor
Gold Seek

An increase in the amount of gold bullion held by GLD (the SPDR Gold Shares) and other bullion ETFs does not cause the gold price to rise. The cause-effect works the other way around and in any case the amount of gold that moves in/out of the ETFs is always trivial compared to the metal’s total trading volume. However, it is reasonable to view the change in GLD’s gold inventory as a sentiment indicator.

Ironically, an increase in the amount of physical gold held by GLD and the other gold ETFs is indicative of increasing speculative demand for “paper gold”, not physical gold. As I’ve explained in the past (for example, HERE), physical gold only ever gets added to GLD’s inventory when the price of a GLD share (a form of “paper gold”) outperforms the price of gold bullion.

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Silver is Kryptonite to Gold Cartel Bankers – Bill Murphy with Greg Hunter

Bill Murphy – Silver Going to Move Up Faster Than Anybody Can Imagine

by Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

Chairman of GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee) Bill Murphy thinks financial markets are way more vulnerable than they appear. Murphy explains, “There are negative interest rates and low interest rates that just keep staying down there, and supposedly things are really good. Look at our Dow at all-time highs, and yet something is really wrong. Of course, this fits into the GATA premise on this whole thing. There’s a lot of quantitative easing (money printing) and propping up of the markets, and it’s on very shaky ground. The plug could be pulled at any time. . . . With interest rates where they are and debt growing all over the place, the reasons to be in gold are off the charts.”

Murphy says “silver is Kryptonite to central bankers” because there is little supply to use in the cartel’s suppression game. Murphy says, “You mention the word Kryptonite and the key is what silver is doing. It is an extraordinary situation right now. . . . It seems to me that, this year, silver is in play . . . . That is this big money talking on the JPMorgan crowd and their game. They are gradually moving in for what I think is going to be one of the biggest market moves in history, and that is silver going to $50 (per ounce) and then a $100 (per ounce). Basically, it’s because supply is drying up. . . . Where is all this supply coming from that this JPMorgan crowd has been feeding the market with, and I think they are hitting the wall with it.

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Gold Against Foreign Currencies Update

by Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT
The Daily Gold

It is the dog days of summer. The metals are trading below their recent highs while the miners continue to be on the cusp of their next leg higher. In any event we remain bullish as we expect the next big move to be higher not lower. One reason, among many is Gold remains strong against foreign currencies and that often is a leading indicator for the sector at large. This is something we track often and we wanted to provide an update during the slowest period of the year.

In the chart below we plot Gold against foreign currencies and Gold in normal, US$ terms. To be clear Gold against foreign currencies (Gold/FC) is Gold against the currency basket that comprises the US$ index. Since the new millennium Gold/FC has been an excellent leading indicator for the sector.

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Right Angle: Police Cutality

from BillWhittleChannel

SAIS and Your Inside Connection to the IMF

by James Rickards
Daily Reckoning

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is one of the most powerful institutions in the world. It acts as the de facto central bank of the world. The IMF makes loans to countries in distress, raises funds from its member nations and issues its own world money called the special drawing right (SDR).

It also acts as the regulatory and policy arm of the Group of Twenty, or G-20. The G-20 is a multilateral club that includes both the richest nations in the world (the U.S., Japan, the U.K., Germany, etc.) and the most populous emerging economies (China, India, Brazil) among others.

The G-20 has no permanent staff or bureaucracy, so it outsources policy tasks to the IMF. These combined roles as the world’s central bank and the G-20’s eyes and ears make the IMF the center of gravity for policy in the international monetary system.

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Food for the Investors: Retail and Restaurant Stocks Are in Trouble

from WallStForMainSt

Here’s Why Wages Have Stagnated – And Will Continue to Stagnate

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

The only way to reverse declines in labor participation and stagnation in wages and demand is to make it easier to start enterprises and hire people.

Mainstream economists are mystified why wages/salaries are still stagnant after 7+ years of growth / “recovery.” The conventional view is that wages should be rising as the labor market tightens (i.e. the unemployment rate is low) and demand for workers increases in an expanding economy.

But wages are only rising significantly for the top 5%, while workers between the bottom 81% who have seen their household incomes decline and the top 5% are experiencing stagnant earnings.

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Still Report #1118 – “The Most Corrupt Enterprise in the History of the U.S.

from Bill Still

Why Interest Rates Can’t Go Much Lower, In Five Charts

by John Rubino
Dollar Collapse

Japan and Europe have been operating with negative interest rates for going on a year now, and this is what they have to show for it:

[…] For readers who aren’t completely clear about the GDP charts, they’re measuring the annual rate of change, so 0.4% means an economy is growing at a rate of less than ½ of 1%. This is about as close to zero as it’s possible to get without enduring actual shrinkage. Clearly the new-age policy mix of negative interest rates and massive central bank bond buying isn’t working.

Mainstream economists want to up the ante by lowering rates even further. But there are reasons to believe that not only won’t such a policy work but that it won’t be tried. For one thing, negative rates are already killing the banks. In Japan, for instance:

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The Morgan Report’s Weekly Perspective August 13, 2016

from The Morgan Report

NY Magazine Article Doesn’t Explain Media Hatred But Offers an Example Instead

by Daily Bell Staff
The Daily Bell

New York Magazine Makes “The Case Against the Media” Editor Genevieve Smith tells Folio: why now’s the time to dig deep into public distrust … On July 25, New York magazine featured a cover story that immediately sparked interest among those in media, called “The Case Against the Media. By the Media.” – Folio

At the end of July, New York magazine tried to investigate reasons Americans hate mainstream media without much success.

The article was very long and featured numerous interviews with journalists. So much obvious effort let us know this was an “important” story. But it droned on and on for 75,000 words without ever coming to a conclusion.

It was more like notes for a story than an actual article.

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We Are Change Book Announcement

from WeAreChange

Why Volatility Gets Crushed

by Rick Ackerman

Ever wonder why the dogs days of summer have seemed doggier than usual lately? Indeed, even with the broad averages in record territory, this has been the most boring summer that I can recall. Blame it on ETFs that were created to help, among others, Joe Sixpack spread off risk. It used to require deep pockets to do this with futures contracts, but with ETFs, every Tom, Dick & Harry with a $2000 trading account can do it. The result is that market volatility has been crushed by spread traders who typically short one-month volatility against VIX options expiring in two or three months.

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Negative Retail Interest Rates Have Arrived in Germany

by Michael Krieger
Liberty Blitzkrieg

I only have three words in response to the following article.

Gold. Silver. Bitcoin.

Bloomberg reports:

When the European Central Bank introduced a negative interest rate on lenders’ deposits two years ago, few thought things would ever go this far.

This week, a German cooperative savings bank in the Bavarian village of Gmund am Tegernsee — population 5,767 — said it’ll start charging retail customers to hold their cash. From September, for savings in excess of 100,000 euros ($111,710), the community’s Raiffeisen bank will take back 0.4 percent. That’s a direct pass through of the current level of the ECB’s negative deposit rate.

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