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Gov. Cuomo Says it is ‘Bad News’ That Virus Vaccine Could Come While Trump is in Office

by Penka Arsova
LaCorte News

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Monday that it’s “bad news” that a potential coronavirus vaccine might be approved and distributed under the Trump administration.

How we got here: Earlier in the day, Pfizer unveiled that an interim analysis showed their vaccine was 90% effective at preventing a coronavirus infection. The company’s product, which they developed alongside the German company BioNTech, is in phase 3 trials and will likely have enough data at the end of November to submit a request for emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration.

Health experts praised the results, though pointing out that many questions remain unanswered about the vaccine. It’s worth noting the FDA says a manufacturer must show the vaccine has at least 50% effectiveness and that Pfizer’s vaccine is the first, out of several other companies in phase 3 trial, to surpass the threshold.

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Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: President Trump 100% Within Rights to Question Vote Fraud

Kentucky senator not buying media gaslighting of Joe Biden ‘win.’

by Adan Salazar
Info Wars

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has not yet accepted the election outcome announced by the mainstream media and says President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud must be investigated.

Refusing to acknowledge the media’s declaration of a Joe Biden win, McConnell, who won re-election in his home state of Kentucky last week, made the comments Monday in remarks on the Senate floor discussing the 2020 elections.

BREAKING – U.S. Senate Majority Leader McConnell does not acknowledge Biden as President-elect or Harris as Vice President-elect.

McConnell says President Trump is 100% within his rights to look into possible irregularities in last week’s U.S. election.

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Maybe the Election Results Were Kinda Good for Libertarians?

Also, maybe not! Previewing divided government and incoming vaccines on the Reason Roundtable podcast.

by Matt Welch, Katherine Mangu-ward, Peter Suderman, and Nick Gillespie

Which weekend op-ed headline team are you on? “Libertarians Spoil the Election: Jo Jorgensen exceeds Biden’s margin in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia,” by Walter Block? Or “One Group Is Unreservedly Happy About the Election Results: Libertarians are pleased to have likely dodged the bullet of one-party government control,” by Liz Mair? (As you know, there can only be two choices in American politics…)

The Reason Roundtable podcast, featuring as it does four small-l libertarians (Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, Matt Welch, and Katherine Mangu-Ward), has a range of views on the subject. On today’s episode we discuss the promise and pitfalls of divided government, the worrying and soon-to-be-goosed trend toward pen-and-phone governance, the glass-half-full vs. glass-should-be-thrown-against-the wall interpretation of the Libertarian Party’s Tuesday, and also the marvelous late-breaking news that a COVID-19 vaccine appears to be incoming.

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Investors Ignore Evidence at Their Financial Peril

by Lance Roberts
Real Investment Advice

Some of my favorite movies are when a group of investigators tracks down “wrong-doers.” At first, they have only a few clues that are disparate and have little context. However, as the movie progresses, the clues coalesce into a meaningful outcome of catching the villain. In the financial markets, our job as investors is much the same. However, at the peak of bull market cycles, investors begin to ignore evidence at their financial peril.

Note: This report is a primer for next week’s article on “The Importance Of Market Cap To GDP.”

Let’s take a look at the clues which may be more meaningful than individuals are currently assuming.

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It’s Perfectly Clear

by Robert Gore
Straight Line Logic

Making the vote irrelevant makes secession relevant.

If he gets anything approaching an honest vote count Trump will win in a landslide. – “The Corruptocracy,” Robert Gore, October 25, 2020

I stand by my statement. It’s obvious that Trump didn’t get “anything approaching an honest vote count.” One of the better crime scene investigations I’ve seen is “The 2020 Election: Fuckery Is Afoot,” by blogger Correia45, and I’ve posted others as well. As the litigation-filled days go by, we’re sure to find out more about the Democrats’ electoral fraud.

I won’t venture a guess as to whether such disclosure and litigation will ultimately lead to awarding Trump the election, but I have my doubts. The corruption runs too deep. If Biden wins, his camarilla will try to explain away the obvious with talk of glitches and anomalies, all of which mysteriously broke their way. They shouldn’t bother; they’ll be fooling no one and it just adds to the rage.

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All Heck Broke Loose in the Markets on Vaccine Monday. Stocks Split in Two: Some Soared, Others Plunged

by Wolf Richter
Wolf Street

Indexes backed off sharply into the close. Dow gave up 800 points of its 1,600-point spike. Nasdaq -1.5%. Oil soared. Gold & silver dropped. 10-Year Treasury went rogue.

Upon the announcement this morning of some tidbits on a preliminary study of an experimental Covid-19 vaccine, all heck broke loose in the financial markets, with investors piling into in various things and fleeing other things, and wholesale-abandoning certain things, amid reports of outages at online brokers Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, Vanguard, and others, where traders couldn’t log into their apps, and couldn’t make the trade of their lifetime.

And that might have saved them some money, because after the surge in the morning, stocks gave up much of it, and the Nasdaq ended up 1.5% in the red.

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CNN’s Cooper Compares Trump to Dictator Whose Son Shot Opponents. Trump Jr. Trolls Him with Photo.

by Daily Wire News
Daily Wire

On Monday night, CNN host Anderson Cooper compared President Donald Trump to a dictator whose son reportedly drove around and shot people who were not supportive enough as the dictator’s regime came to an end.

“In the mid-90s, I think it was like ’96, I was in Kinshasa in the waning days of Mobutu, and Mobutu was a pretty awful dictator and when he finally fled the country and the rebels were moving to take the capital, his son drove around in a pick-up truck with a machine gun and settling scores with people he felt with people had not been supportive enough with Mobutu,” Cooper said. “Thankfully, it hasn’t come to that here, but I can’t believe we’re in a situation where a transfer of power is not—I can’t believe we are in this situation here—it just seems so petty and I know it’s about Georgia and I know it’s about setting up grievance politics that will perhaps allow him to run in four years.”

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‘I Can’t … Continue Showing You This’: Fox News Cuts Away From McEnany Speech After ‘Explosive’ Charges Against Democrats

by Shelby Talcott

Fox News cut away from White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s speech Monday evening after “explosive” charges alleging Democrats are “welcoming fraud” and “welcoming illegal voting.”

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto interrupted McEnany during her press conference as she slammed Democrats over the election process. McEnany accused the Democratic Party of knowingly allowing the 2020 election process to be rigged in favor of President-elect Joe Biden, at which point Cavuto cut in.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Cavuto said as McEnany continued to speak. “I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging the other side as welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this.”

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Poll: 70% of Republicans Say 2020 Election Was Neither Free, Nor Fair

by Joel B. Pollak

A new poll suggests that 70% of Republicans believe the 2020 election was neither free, nor fair.

The poll of 1,987 registered voters, conducted by Morning Consult and Politico, began before Election Day, though most interviews were done afterward.

A majority of both Democrats and Republicans appear to have believed the election would be free and fair before the votes were counted, but the result have changed their impressions radically.

Politico reported:

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It Was a Mistake to Close Schools, U.K. Study Concedes

by Jeffrey A. Tucker
The American Institute for Economic Research

On March 12, 2020, the memo went out from the pen of Carter Mecher, bioterrorism expert at advising the Veterans Administration. It went out to public health officials and others from around the nation. Close the schools. Pull the trigger now. And it happened, and with it, civic freedoms we have long taken for granted – freedom to travel, operate businesses, go to the movies, even leave our homes – were taken away.

They shut the schools. Then it was like dominos falling, one by one. The businesses had to close so that people could watch the kids at home. The shopping centers had to close because otherwise the kids would just gather there. The churches too. Entertainment venues were shut. Even parks closed. The stay-at-home orders followed from the school closures. In many ways, the whole legitimacy of lockdown hinged on the merit of the school closure.

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Biden Team Held Talks with Trump’s Operation Warp Speed Drug-Makers Before the Election

by Mac Slavo

Joe Biden’s team of political parasites supposedly held COVID-19 talks with drugmaker executives on the United States government’s Operation Warp Speed program to accelerate development of a possible COVID-19 treatment. Biden’s spokesman Andrew Bates said in an emailed statement that Biden is committed to a vaccine just like Donald Trump has been.

The vaccine policy won’t change under Biden. The U.S. government using the force of the military will attempt to vaccinate every living person in this country. “As we previously said in September, because President-Elect Joe Biden is absolutely committed to helping develop a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible, campaign medical advisers have received briefings from companies working to produce vaccines in order to be informed about the process,” Bates said.

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The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

If courts uphold election laws, the vote fraud in the swing states will be overturned, and Trump will be declared the winner. There is no doubt about the vote fraud. The question is whether Trump in the face of media hostility, Antifa/BLM violence, and weak-kneed Republicans will have the support to see the fight to the end.

Whoever ends up in the White House, the country is now irredeemably split. Red state Americans understand that the theft of the election is a coup against them. They understand that white people have been demonized as racists and are becoming second class citizens in the land of the free. It has taken them a long time to catch on, but the brazenness of the election theft and the media’s 100% coverup of the theft has brought their vulnerability as “white racists” home to them.

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Stocks and Precious Metals Charts – The Troubled Seas of Thought

from Jesse’s Café Américain

[…] Stocks had a grand pop and flop today, as the initial exuberance over a possible vaccine for coronavirus and the apparent win by Biden took a large exogenous weight off equities.

And so it was risk on to near euphoric levels.

And then it was not.

Gold and silver got hammered today.

Looks like the traditional Non-Farm Payrolls report shenanigans were a trading day late.

I was pretty much in cash coming into today. I did add back a trading position in gold and a couple of miners, which were just brutalized.

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Not Selling Any Precious Metals Today, Energy Leads the Way, Plus Another Golden Opportunity

from King World News

On the heels of gold and silver seeing a huge down day, one of the greats in the business said he was not selling any precious metals today. Plus energy leads the way and another golden opportunity.

Energy Leads The Way

November 9 (King World News) – Liz Ann Sonders, Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab: Stocks closed off highs but still massive surge, led by Energy’s stunning +14.2%; Tech lagged with NASDAQ -1.5%…traditional cyclicals fared well but not enough to shift leadership YTD or since 2/19 (same goes for value relative to growth)…SC’s gain today nearly all from value side…

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‘A Good Kid’: Family Mourns Son, 32, Who Died of Covid-19

Jevin Potvin may be Ottawa’s youngest pandemic victim so far

[Ed. Note: We’re past the point of ‘total farce’ here… Quote: “They did a brain scan and they discovered he had a bleed on his brain from the medication, because I guess he was on heavy blood thinners” … So, the only diagnosis that makes sense here is clearly to say that he, “died of covid-19.” It’s not like he might of died from a brain bleed due to the medication he was put on. No, it’s covid-19, clearly.]

by Trevor Pritchard

Jevin Potvin died just as his father thought he might finally be turning a corner.

For more than half his life, the 32-year-old had battled addictions to opioids and other drugs. He’d been using a wheelchair for roughly the past five years after a blood infection from a needle damaged his spine.

Even so, right up until the end, his father, Dan Potvin, remained guardedly optimistic. His son had been clean for months, and while he was in hospital for his myriad health problems, he was set to be discharged in late April to the family’s farm in rural south Ottawa.

Before that could happen, Jevin came down with a fever. The doctors said it was COVID-19. Given his already compromised immune system, he was placed in isolation.

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From Freedom Watch to Revolution Watch with Larry Klayman

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Larry Klayman has just written, It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry! Larry founded and was chairman of the successful non-profit foundation Judicial Watch, and current chairman of Freedom Watch. In the book, Larry details how our executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government have become thoroughly corrupt and failed the citizenry.

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FloridaFunders Turning the Sunshine State Into the Start-Up State with Tom Wallace

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Tom Wallace is a 40 year veteran of technology startups, both as a founder and an investor. After multiple successful exits, most recently selling VectorLearning for $268M, he is now the Managing Partner at Florida Funders, a hybrid of a venture capital fund and an angel investor network focused on finding, funding, and building the next generation of breakout technology companies in Florida and beyond. As an angel investor for the last 25 years, Tom has learned how rewarding investing in early stage technology companies can be…and how challenging. The mission at Florida Funders is to provide better and broader access to tech investments for new and existing angel investors and to turn Florida from the sunshine state into the startup state.

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