Damning Data Hands Up an Indictment

by Karl Denninger

Caution: This is a fairly long and graph-heavy article. It also should be read while sitting down and without coffee or other beverages in your mouth where they can destroy things if sprayed all over the room, such as a keyboard or monitor.

Boy, we got problems here folks.

Remember the claim that Covid-19 killed 500,000+ Americans to excess!

Well….. did it?

I have a gift which has served me very well over the decades; it is part of what allows me to be an excellent programmer and data analyst. I can look at a data set and intuitively know whether it has discontinuities in it and this leads me to be able to partition it up and work with it more-efficiently than most since I then know where to put my attention when it comes to analysis. Of course I’m not always right when I see something that looks “off” at first, nobody is, but most of the time it proves up. That same capacity means I can look at an assembly-language dump of a program and rather-quickly among a multi-hundred page green-bar listing hone in on, for example, where a tax rate that needs to be changed is likely stored and then develop and iterate on a very good set of guesses on how an unknown machine’s instruction set is likely organized without a processor instruction manual — and thus determine how to successfully change the reference and/or data.

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