
by Clarice Feldman
American Thinker

This week, a lot of people and institutions got “punked,” that is, humiliated, by their own actions. Of course, the eternal punkees, as Hussein Aboubakar so brilliantly notes, are those who bought the Nakba myth by which Arab rulers instrumentalized the Palestinians for their own ends, a myth which ended with the Abraham Accords.

There are so many hoist by their own petard this week, I’m faced with an embarrassment of riches. Let’s start with the attack on Justice Samuel Alito. The Left simply cannot abide the fact that it doesn’t control all branches of the government, and threatens to pack the court and, barring that, disparages and tries to force the recusal of justices Clarence Thomas and Alito from the presidential immunity case, if not their removal from the court altogether.

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