Parents Sue Indian Government for Covid Vaccine Deaths

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

“Doctors knew Covid vaccine’s side-effects killed my daughter. But they didn’t tell us,” one parent from India told a reporter from the Times of India. We know that AstraZeneca recently revealed their vaccine could cause fatal side effects, which the company failed to reveal until a class-action lawsuit brought it to light. That vaccine was responsible for nearly 90% of vaccinations across India. More news is coming to light about Covishield as a group of grieving parents are speaking out about what the government, pharmaceutical companies, and health agencies did to end the lives of their children abruptly.

Now a class-action lawsuit was filed in the UK against the same manufacturer with people reporting the same lethal ailments. That specific case led to AstraZeneca revealing that their “safe and effective” vaccine could cause Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome (TTS). “Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome (TTS) is one of the rare but very serious adverse effects that has happened as part of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (VITTP). The incidence has been as low as one in 50,000 (0.002 per cent), but in a huge population, the number becomes sizeable,” infectious disease expert Dr. Ishwar Gilada, told IANS.

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