Now the Globalists Want to Send NATO Troops Into Ukraine and Use Western Missiles to Hit Targets Deep Inside Russia

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

The globalists are apparently trying to see how close they can get to the precipice without causing a cataclysmic nuclear war to erupt. They are telling us that “momentum” is building to send NATO troops into Ukraine, and they want to allow Ukraine to use western missiles to hit targets deep inside Russia. Have they gone completely and utterly insane? They are literally dragging us to the brink of nuclear war. And once the Russians conclude that nuclear war has become inevitable, they are not just going to sit back and see what happens. The Russians have been preparing for a nuclear war for many years, and they understand that whoever strikes first will have the best chance of surviving.

Right now, the Russians are steadily gaining ground in Ukraine and the globalists are becoming increasingly desperate.

If NATO commits to sending troops into Ukraine, there will be no turning back and NATO troops will remain in Ukraine until the war is concluded.

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