Murder Rates Are Plummeting. What Should We Make of It?

In data from over 200 cities, homicides are down a little over 19 percent when compared to a similar time frame in 2023.

by Billy Binion

A few weeks ago, I watched as several people, myself included, stepped on a bit of a digital landmine. The landmine: celebrating declining murder rates.

Homicides spiked in 2020. The trend was real and worrisome. It understandably put many people on edge, particularly in the context of a 24-hour news cycle that favors content that bleeds. But those murderous numbers dropped substantially in 2023 and are, quite thankfully, continuing to retreat significantly. So what should we make of the new data? What are the appropriate caveats? And where are we now in comparison to the Before Times (in this case, before COVID-19)?

First, the big picture: In data from over 200 cities, murder rates are down a little over 19 percent when compared to a similar time frame in 2023. Specifically, New York’s homicide rate is down about 18 percent, Washington, D.C.’s has declined 21 percent, Baltimore’s has dropped 39 percent, Philadelphia’s is down 40 percent, Chicago’s has decreased by about 9 percent, Detroit’s has fallen about 28 percent, and Cleveland’s is down by approximately 33 percent. The list goes on. There are a few outliers—Los Angeles’ rate, for instance, has increased by about 6 percent—but overwhelmingly the trend is highly encouraging.

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