Dementia Joe Circles Back to Racism

by Sloan Oliver
American Thinker

Anyone who’s ever dealt with an Alzheimer’s (or dementia) parent or grandparent knows the routine — they only talk about five or six topics before they return to the first. By the time they’ve reached topic #5, they’ve completely forgotten that, only 30 minutes prior, they spent 10 minutes telling you about story #1. Those in such condition, those losing their mental faculties, spend the most time on events that most impacted their life; then it’s on to story #2 for several minutes; followed by topic/story #3, 4 and 5 before they revert to topic #1.

In the last years of my WWII, Korean War veteran father’s life, he told us (topic #1) that he singlehandedly defeated the Japanese (He was a Marine Corps fighter pilot in the Pacific.) and singlehandedly kept the Chinese hordes from overrunning the Marines at the Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War. Topic #2, he talked about scoring the winning touchdown (in 1938) against the cross-town rivals. Topic #3, he reminded me that I came from his penis. I tell this only to let you know that people with dementia are completely unfiltered.

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