D.C. Board of Elections Trains Illegals and ‘Non-Citizens’ How to Vote in U.S. Elections

by Olivia Murray
American Thinker

For anyone who thought 2024 was going to be free and fair, please disabuse yourself of that idea immediately.

The progressive Democrats constantly tell us that illegal aliens are not voting in our elections, because of course it’s illegal. Well, so is crossing the border illegally, but we’ve seen how that has gone—how many tens of millions of illegals are actually living here? (I suspect Ann Coulter is right when she puts that number around 50 million.)

Yet, those very same progressive Democrats have been teaching “non-citizens” how to participate in what should be, American elections. The District of Columbia Board of Elections (DCBOE) recently held two events in which government officials taught illegals how to vote; the first was the “Non-Citizen Voting Education Virtual Training” event in early April, and according to Wendi Staunch Mahoney at UncoverDC, the second was a “town hall” type training on April 30th. From Mahoney:

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