Breitbart Business Digest: What Goes Up – Might Just Keep Going Up

by John Carney

The Fed Admits the Next Move Might Be a Hike

There’s a palpable tension in the air as Wall Street is confronted with the once unthinkable: interest rates may not be at their peak.

The minutes from the Federal Reserve meeting that concluded on May Day show that we’re not alone in our view that the Fed’s next move might be an interest rate hike. Indeed, an unspecified number of Fed officials raised the possibility at the meeting.

“Various participants mentioned a willingness to tighten policy further should risks to inflation materialize in a way that such an action became appropriate,” the minutes read.

In the restrained and measured language of central bankers, this is nothing short of a clarion call. They’re telling us that the dragon of inflation, which many thought had been slayed, is stirring once more.

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