Women Across America in Danger Thanks to Open Borders

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

Laken Riley’s death by an illegal alien was entirely preventable. Absolutely nothing was done to prevent another similar situation from happening again, and now young women are being murdered by migrants all across America. The left has been suppressing these stories, but these women deserve justice.

In Chicago, where only criminals are safe, another young college student was raped by someone who should have never been in America in the first place. Elvis Hernandez-Pernalet of Venezuela followed a young woman home from the UIC campus. This coward attacked her from behind, raped her, robbed her of her jewelry, and fled the scene of the crime. This is the SECOND woman that Hernandez-Pernalet followed home from a train and sexually assaulted. He also has previous charges for robbing a department store. “[He] actually admits to the police that he believed he had killed her and [is] seen attempting to move the victim’s body,” said Hinton. Hernandez-Pernalet ran when he realized a witness saw what was happening.

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