The Donald’s Disastrous Fourth Year – But Don’t Blame the Covid

by David Stockman

This is an excerpt from David Stockmans book: Trump’s War on Capitalism.

The Donald’s fourth year in the Oval Office was a disaster. The US economy literally collapsed after February 2020, but there is no way that Donald Trump gets a free hall pass for the Washington-instigated economic mayhem that transpired.

Trump’s original sin was his whole-hearted embrace from the bully pulpit on March 16 of the “two weeks to flatten the curve” scheme, which was actually never about two weeks. It is now evi- dent that Fauci’s deputy came back from China in February 2020 singing the praises of its brutal lockdowns in Wuhan.

Consequently, Washington’s incipient Virus Patrol was quickly assembled by Fauci et al. out of the bowels of the Deep State and set about imposing Chicom-style “non-pharmaceutical” policy interventions; that is, statist control schemes—across the length and breadth of America.

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