Half of Americans Want Mass Deportations

by Martin Armstrong
Armstrong Economics

Inflation and migration are two major issues trending before the elections. A new Axios Vibes survey by The Harris Poll found that half (51%) of Americans want illegal immigrants out of the country. Despite the calls for Sanctuary Citizens and open borders, people on the left and right now believe that illegal migrants must leave this nation.

Around 68% of Republicans said that they would support mass deportations of undocumented migrants, and surprisingly, 42% of Democrats agreed, along with 46% of the Independent vote. The left has attempted to frame this as a racist ideology, but 45% of Latino voters also agree that mass deportations must happen to keep the country safe. People in almost every generation share this sentiment, with 60% of Boomers, 52% of Gen X, and 48% of Millennials in favor of this measure. Gen Z is the only generation that does not understand the need for mass deportations, with only 35% supporting the measure.

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