Wall Street Mega Banks Have Drawn a Law-Free Zone Around Themselves – The Media is Complicit

by Pam Martens
Wall Street on Parade

From revoking the American people’s right to a jury trial in matters involving Wall Street; to brazenly thumbing their nose at anti-trust law; to trading the stock of their own bank in the darkness of their own dark pools; to forming their own stock exchange; to committing serial felonies without being criminally prosecuted or having their bank charters revoked – Wall Street mega banks have drawn a law-free zone around themselves and are more dangerous today than they have ever been in U.S. history.

The most dangerous eras for the American people versus Wall Street mega banks have been the late 1920s and 1930s; 2007 to 2010; and today. We know that today is the most dangerous era because we read 12,000 pages produced by the Senate Banking Committee of the early 1930s on the Wall Street corruption in the late 20s and 30s; we read every government report produced on the causes of the crash of 2008 and its aftermath, as well as every important book on the subject; and we have personally chronicled at Wall Street On Parade the unprecedented corruption of the Wall Street mega banks since 2008.

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