Scouting Report: Anticipating Election Violence

It’s time to take another look at the completely unacceptable state of voting int he US. Once you know, you know. There’s no going back. Millions are already ‘there’ on the topic and they almost certainly will not accept the next election theft quietly. You’d best be ready for both election shenanigans and the possibility of violence.

by Dr. Chris Martenson
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

One of the verboten topics of the past 2 decades was questioning our Safe & Effective elections and especially the e-voting machines and tabulators.

Polite conversation excluded such discussions even when completely obvious malfunctions and impossibly improbable ‘results’ happened over and over again.

It was not different than observing that building 7 came down symmetrically and then being told that NIST’s model explained it perfectly when that model showed something entirely different than what you could see with your own lying eyes.

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