I Have Trust Issues (For Good Reasons)

Spiking Cancer rates that are finally being questioned, and excess deaths finally being looked into…and actual hard evidence that the 2020 elections were fraudulent and *not* looked into by the US federal government’s own “law enforcement” and “justice” agencies. Why not, do you suppose?

by Dr. Chris Martenson
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

Welcome to this scouting report for Wednesday, March 27th, 2024.

Today we investigate spiking cancer and excess death rates, as well as the fact that the so-called public health agencies spend more time blanking out FOIA requests than they do protecting public health.

Also, a recent FOIA request reveals that the DOJ and the FBI failed (refused?) to look into election integrity issues in Michigan in 2020 that they described in internal emails as ‘alarming.’

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