Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill to Go to a 32-Hour Workweek for Same Pay

by Olivia Murray
American Thinker

A socialist who doesn’t want to work is grossly redundant, but apparently Bernie Sanders thinks it must be iterated; according to Chris Pandolfo at Fox Business:

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has unveiled a plan that would create a 32-hour workweek with no loss of pay.

Sanders’ bill, titled the Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act, would reduce the standard workweek from 40 hours to 32 hours over four years by lowering the threshold for overtime pay for non-exempt employees.

Yes, the man who has never had a real job (being a taxpayer leech doesn’t count as legitimate employment) thinks he’s qualified to make policy on what should be a free market. Let’s just go into how unqualified Sanders is, shall we?

First of all, he willingly calls himself a socialist—immediately this admission discredits anything a person has to say, like this meme:

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