The Fed Has to Pivot, Sooner or Later with Craig Hemke

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and Craig Hemke discussed various economic issues, including the impact of Fed rate cuts on the dollar index and metals, the rise of part-time jobs in the gig economy, and the failing banking system. They also talked about China’s currency collapse, the disparity in the price of silver between Shanghai and New York/London, and the struggles of emerging markets due to their collapsing currencies. The speakers emphasized the importance of considering the eventuality of the trillions of debt and debt service costs, and how this will impact the current economic structure. They also discussed the end of the debt-based monetary system and the potential implications for the global markets, including the devaluation of currencies and the need for physical gold and silver.

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  1. The FED’s only true mission is to protect their own interest. As long as the banks survive, they care not about the economy. Let it crash is the new “Let them eat cake”.

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