Blow-Out Jobs Report is Bad News with John Rubino

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

John Rubino returns… Blow-out jobs report means interest rates have to rise. 10-year Treasury broke 4% this morning. In the past two bubbles interest rates rose along with stocks until the markets broke. We’re repeating that pattern. The Big Toy indicator is flashing: RV and Rolex sales down. Commodities getting whacked. Are we in a bear market? France is burning. A sign of the future? Quality of life in our major cities is rapidly declining. The Supreme Court is issuing some big rulings. What does that mean?

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  1. Speak for yourselves, not baby boomers. You claim to be Libertarians but your words are those of liberals. Lose the group speak and think. “We” did nothing but work our rear ends off, pay confiscatory taxes, follow insane laws, die in illegal wars, to have our money stolen by inflation and Wall Street cons. We endured sacrificial charity work and have are had our minds assaulted by endless B.S. propaganda, for a promise of minimal benefit payments in the future, interest free of course. We were told to “work for our money and then our money will work for us” only to have that promise stolen by zero interest rate policy. Financial repression. Rules changed in the middle of the game. College Endowments need to be confiscated to fund pensions and Medicare since they ripped off the taxpayers cash with their “bait and switch” student loan hustle that promised children jobs that they knew would not exist and put parent and taxpayers on the hook for the bill. Banksters got their cut cut also at zero risk. Follow the money trail. The Government schools got billions in cash tax free!
    Close the excessive military bases, stop the wars, and pay up. Otherwise I want all my contributions returned to me with interest tax free. You bet I’m pissed.

  2. Also I would like my contributions returned to me inflation adjusted, interest paid returns commensurate with real life returns for my entire working career. Payment due in gold coins of course.

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