GOP Candidates: Pay Attention DC

by Karl Denninger

There is a very interesting set of responses that Tucker Carlson obtained from most of the 2024 GOP candidates for President who have made clear they’re in the game. The specific topic was Ukraine and US foreign policy related to same.

Pay attention Washington, because the front-runners — which means the most-likely set (collectively) of those on the ballot in another 18 months are all saying “Nope, nope and NOPE!” on the US “backing” the Ukraine position — and instead marking China as the place to focus.

They’re right by the way.

The vehemence with which they damn our current policy varies; of note Pence is still a warhawk and actually believes we have the right to dictate terms when it comes to Russia’s government — not just in THEIR foreign policy but as to who leads their nation. Oh sure, he tries to couch this as “ask the thousands of Russians jailed in Russia” but perhaps Mr. Pence would like me to ask all the January 6th defendants how they feel about regime change in both the White House and whether the same sanction should be enforced against the preceding government, including him personally and his family.

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