A.I. is Going to Kill Us

[Ed. Note: I’ll believe the robots are capable of taking over the world on the day I own a cell phone with speech-to-text that types in what I actually f*****g said.]

by Dr. Chris Martenson
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

Elon Musk and virtually every science fiction writer in history claim that A.I. (artificial intelligence) will destroy the human race in the future. And they are probably right.

But, forget Skynet and the Terminator. There is a different A.I. and it’s already doing its best to kill us off now. It’s Arrogance and Ignorance, and the world is in deep trouble if we don’t fix that problem immediately.

It’s almost unbelievable what’s happening these days. Policy errors stagger the mind, like the Fed printing trillions for the federal government to spend, but then having a stumble-footed and far too slow of a response when the inevitable inflation came roaring out of the gate.

Or, rushing through “vaccines” that are now heavily implicated in too many excess deaths and low birth rates.

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