“Woke Psychodrama” Causing Harmful Division in Western Societies

by Paul Joseph Watson
Summit News

The new obsession with cancel culture and “woke psychodrama” is causing harmful division in western societies and represents a “dangerous form of decadence,” according to UK Conservative Party co-chairman Oliver Dowden.

Dowden made the comments on Monday during a speech at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank.

“When our attention should be focused on external foes, we seem to have entered this period of extreme introspection and self-criticism,” said Dowden, adding that the west has become “obsessed by what divides us rather than what unites us.”

“The US and the UK may certainly be very different societies. But we are joined by the same fundamental values. Neither of us can afford the luxury of indulging in this painful woke psychodrama,” the senior politician told the audience.

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