The World Needs a Russian/Chinese Pax Romana

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

As I reported, the fact that Washington did not sign and publicly agree to the Russian mutual security proposal means nothing. The issue has been settled. Putin won.

We know this for a large number of reasons. Here are some of them:

Warmonger superhawk Victoria Nuland, US Undersecretary of State, signaled Washington’s surrender when she called on China to use China’s influence with Russia to save Ukraine from a Russian invasion. Thus, Nuland declared America’s impotence to the entire world.

A hysterical Biden told the Ukrainian president, Zelensky, that Russia was about to attack and Kiev would be sacked. This was denied by Zelensky, who said: “I’m the president of Ukraine and I’m based here and I think I know the details better here.” Biden’s assertion that Kiev (the capital of Ukraine) is about to be sacked is proof that Washington and NATO do not believe Ukraine, Washington, and NATO combined have any possibility of deterring or repelling a Russian attack. Indeed, the military impotence of Ukraine is itself evidence that no Russian attack is necessary. The Kremlin has made it completely clear that they do not want Ukraine, but that they will not permit Ukraine to be made a NATO member and permeated with US military bases.

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